On The Farm with Anna

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A woman's sexual awakening.
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This is a tale of a woman's sexual awakening.

This first tale is about Anna Schofield and how she and the farm she runs becomes involved with a brothel known as 'The Institute'.

The first four chapters detail the justification for what Anna does.

The naughty bits start with Chapter Five and they cover about half of the story.

The series of tales that follow this will often include a crossover of characters and ideas from 'The Institute' series.



Anna Schofield was in serious financial hot water. She was two months behind in her mortgage and she had no resources she could call upon.

No family with money, no friends with credit, no assets she could sell or re-mortgage and no job skills meant no farm.

Unless she could come up with three months worth of mortgage payments in seven days, the bank would foreclose and she would be homeless and in debt.

This had been explained in great detail by that vicious bitch loans officer at the bank.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Schofield but since your husband has, uh, moved on, shall we say; this institution will not be able to continue to extend your payments." Rebbecca Caldwell, a junior loans officer for the bank had said.

Rebbecca had been pompous and arrogant and full of self assured university learned knowledge. No one at the bank took her word for anything but she saw an opportunity to make herself look big at the expense of Anna Schofield.

After all, Anna's husband had left her and his obligations behind. Anna was overwhelmed by it all and had made the mistake of asking for help from Rebbecca.

Now it was two months and three weeks later and Rebbecca was seriously close to acquiring Anna's property. What she was doing was quite immoral and even illegal but that didn't matter to Rebbecca. Only the acquisition of things mattered to her.

It's funny how greed can be that way.

Chapter One -- Strangers in the Night

It was a cold snowy winter night. The wind howled and the driving snow pelted the windows at an angle before falling to rest on the ground.

It was not a night to be out and Anna was glad she had her farm. Just like the farm she had grown up on, this one came with a two story house with a full basement, a large shed and a full barn. The farm was an hour's drive from the nearest city or village.

The many acres had, at one time, supported a herd of cattle. It had been a long time ago and the cattle were long gone. If Anna's husband had been more successful in his work, he could have continued to spend exorbitantly on her farm.

Unfortunately, his company had found out about his proposed embezzlement scheme. He had run then, leaving all his worldly processions behind. This included his very sheltered wife and her prized but very expensive farm.

"Darling!" Anna had said when she first saw it, "This is perfect! It looks just like the home I grew up on!"

Even though they could not afford it, her husband went ahead and put a small down payment on it.

The fact that it was a huge financial burden meant nothing if he was successful in his thefts. He had not been successful and now his wife was a week from having to pay the price for his greed and his foolishness.

Anna was most surprised when she heard the loud knock at her door. Jumping up she answered it to find two women and one man standing on her front doorway. They were snow covered and looked very cold.

She ushered them in and was aghast to see they were ill fitted to be out in the cold. The man and one woman were wearing business suits with raincoats on and the smaller woman was wearing an evening gown. All three wore street shoes.

It was very bizarre and it must have showed on her face because the smaller woman spoke to it, "We were making a presentation at your neighbour down the road. On our way back to the city, our car got stuck in the snow. It was right at the road to your house. We could see your light on from the road. So we made our way here."

The smaller woman smiled awkwardly and Anna realized that she was expecting a response.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Anna said, with a little embarrassment, "Where are my manners? Please take off your shoes and coats and come in."

Only then did she notice the large suitcase carried effortlessly by the man. She looked at it in surprise.

"A suitcase, what would they need that for?" She thought to herself.

Again the smaller woman spoke, "As I said; we were conducting a presentation and have samples in our car. I hope you wouldn't mind if we brought it in with us...Just until after the storm has passed. We called for a tow truck but he said he wouldn't be able to make it for several hours!"

Anna smiled awkwardly and said, "Well, you cannot sit in your car and freeze to death. Please make yourself at home."

All three murmured their thanks before the small woman introduced them.

"The big man to my right is Bruno and the lady to my left is Grendel." She smiled but both Bruno and Grendel looked mildly surprised before the smaller woman continued, "I am Ursula."

Anna smiled and introduced herself.

"Is there someplace that we might change into dry garments, Anna?" Ursula asked with an innocent smile.

Anna nodded and pointed to the top of the stairs.

"I'm sorry; I don't have anything big enough for your friends..." She began awkwardly.

Ursula cut her off with, "That's okay. We'll get by. Just give us a moment, Anna."

So saying, the three people went to the top of the stairs and into a bedroom to change.

All three were nearly nude when they came down the stairs. They were all wearing black sauna wraps and nothing else.

"It's all we had." Ursula said, by way of explanation.

Anna was a little stunned. The big man...Bruno... was a magnificent specimen of manhood. Standing over six feet tall, he was well muscled and looked to be carved from stone.

Anna couldn't help but peek at his sauna wrap. It seemed to have a hard time containing him.

She did not see him smile at the two women when he noticed her peeking.

The big woman...Grendel... was nearly as strong looking.

"Solid and dependable, I'll bet." Anna thought to herself, "They look like the kind of person I thought I'd married."

Quickly she buried that thought and reminded herself, "Now was not the time."

Usual looked dainty and rather lovely. In comparison to her two companions, she seemed even smaller.

"So, Anna...What do you do for fun on a cold snowy night out here?" Asked Ursula mildly; her eyes full of mischief.

Chapter Two -- Truth or Dare

Momentarily at a loss for words, Anna didn't know quite how to respond.

Grendel, sighed and spoke calmly, "Ursula was just fooling, Anna. We really don't need anyone to entertain us."

"Spoilsport!" Ursula said with a mock pout and pretend slap on Grendel's arm, "On a night like this, we usually play 'Truth or Dare' and I thought you might like to play."

Both Grendel and Bruno looked surprised and Bruno spoke firmly, "Ursula, need I remind you that we are in a stranger's home? It isn't fitting to suggest such a thing."

Anna, who had never played 'Truth or Dare', spoke up suddenly and in a light voice, "I, uh, I wouldn't be interested in playing but if you three want to, then be my guest. I'll merely watch."

The three guests turned their eyes speculatively toward their host.

Then Bruno said calmly, "I believe I'd rather play cards."

"I concur; do you have a deck of cards, Anna?" Grendel asked.

"Yes, I believe I do." Anna had answered.

So they sat around Anna's kitchen table and played cards. Ursula had not complained or been the least bit impatient.

It was Anna who suggested that they enjoy some wine. Her three guests had looked at each other before agreeing to 'just a glass'.

They played cards and drank wine and Anna gradually relaxed. She even began to feel more at ease.

The wine had gone straight to her head. That coupled with Bruno's presence so close to her made her feel very comfortable; secure even if only for a night.

After an hour of card play and without thinking, Anna asked, "What is this 'Truth or Dare' that Ursula talked about earlier?"

"Well, it works this way. One player asks another 'Truth or Dare'?" Ursula began, "If the asked player responds with 'Truth', then they have to answer a personal question but if they respond with 'Dare', then they have to perform a task. When they are done, it's their turn to be the questioner."

Anna shrugged and said, "Sounds simple enough to me. Let's have a go at it."

"Uh, we play a pretty unusual version of this game, Anna." Grendel finally said seriously, "So if it bothers you or you want to stop, let us know."

Anna, feeling a little light headed responded, "Okay, uh, I'll do that."

Things were moving very fast for Anna all of a sudden. First there had been the financial stress. Then these three people had turned her quiet evening upside down. Arriving by surprise, they had stripped down. Wine and the big man's presence made her feel more relaxed than she had in several months. Now they were preparing to play risqué games.

If she had been able to step back and look at what was happening, she would have seen that she was being played. Sheltered as she had been and overwhelmed by what was happening; she just couldn't see what was coming.

"First we play 'high card / low card' to see who asks first and who goes first." That was from Ursula.

It turned out that Bruno was the first to ask and Anna was the first to be asked.

Anna responded with, "Dare."

Grendel laughed and said, "I'll be right back."

She returned a moment later with the huge suitcase. She set it down on the living room floor.

Anna and her two other guests came into the living room and sat down.

Anna gasped as Grendel threw open the suitcase. It was full of ropes, belts, handcuffs and a variety of things that Anna did not know what to make of.

"We don't force anyone, at anytime, to do anything they don't want to." Ursula said quietly, "If you don't want to play or if you want to stop; say the word and we will stop."

Anna nodded but could not tear her eyes away from the suitcase.

"Are you okay, Anna?" Ursula asked her seriously, "You look a little pale. Do you need to lie down?"

"No, I'll be alright." She said, "But I want to know what is going on and I want it all...right now."

"Fair enough." The small woman said efficiently.

Chapter Three -- Proposal

"We will pay you the equivalent of four months worth of mortgage payments, Anna, just to hear our proposal." Ursula stated calmly, "If you don't agree, we leave quietly and you still get to keep the four payments."

She continued, "If you do agree, well, that opens up avenues of interest that we can explore at that time."

Anna asked timidly, "How do you know about that?"

Anna continued with, "I mean, My God! That is private information!"

Grendel picked up where Ursula left off, "We work for a firm called 'The Institute'. We are in the employ of Ms. Wanda Corbinetti. Ms. Corbinetti has a friend in Walter Dodson. He is the manager of the bank that has your mortgage."

Grendel continued, "Walter has known that one of his employees, one Rebbecca Caldwell, has been engaging in some rather shady practises that call the bank's reputation into question."

At this point, Bruno took up the story, "Walter has fired Ms. Caldwell. He has also decided to give you two months recompense for your trouble. Coupled with our offer, even if you don't agree to the proposal, you'll have three more months on top of the three months ending next week to get it together."

He waited while Anna took a couple of deep breaths. It was as though a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

Bruno continued, "Walter told Wanda about this. Wanda, being a bank investor of some power, had an idea. She told us to approach you in this manner and we have."

Anna filled to overflowing, held up her hand for the big man to stop. Her eyes filled with tears and try as she might, she suddenly found herself bawling like a baby.

Ursula stepped forward and comforted her. Cooing to her and telling her she was going to be alright. And for the first time in over eleven weeks, Anna could believe it.

When she was done, Anna sat on her couch and listened as her three guests explained further.

This time Ursula spoke, "'The Institute' is a type of spa that deals with movers and shakers who are all under tremendous stress. They often arrive because of doctors orders. We have been looking for an out-of-the-way place to expand to. Something in the country would be appropriate."

Anna's eyes got wide as she suddenly realized what they were implying.

"You mean that you want to buy my farm?" She asked incredulously and with some fear in her voice.

Bruno smiled, as he answered her, "No Anna. We want to rent it from you and have you become a member of our team!"

Anna sat back, in shock and blew out a large breath, "How long do I have to decide?"

Ursula answered her evenly, "As long as you want. You have three months and a week before your mortgage will be due again. But when you decide is entirely up to you...If you decide, at all."

"What sort of things do you do at this spa?" Anna asked carefully.

"We call it 'The Institute' and we would bring you into this slowly and carefully. If you like, we can give you a taste...tonight?" Grendel suggested mildly, her eyes going to the suitcase.

"But if I say no, you'll just give me my money and go?" Anna asserted.

Bruno smiled and said, "Yes, we'll just give you your money and we go."

Anna sat looking at the floor. It seemed an eternity to her. So far, the only offer to come her way was from these people. It looked shady and off but it was still a serious offer and a great deal more than she had before they came along. Finally, she looked up.

"I have no marketable skills or training.' She said tentatively, "I don't know but I'm willing to be taught."

She stood up and looked each of her guests / not guests right in the eye.

Anna continued, "I'd like to start tonight. Just one more thing, no more lies, by any name. If you want something, just name it. I'll go along or I won't but if I catch a lie; we're done. Fair enough?"

Ursula stepped forward and held out her hand as she said, "Fair enough!"

They gave Anna a certified cheque in the amount she needed to make four mortgage payments. Then the games began...

Bruno spoke to her as she gave him a sidelong glance, "As I recall, you said you'd perform a dare for me."

Chapter Four -- Hesitation

Anna smiled nervously at the big man. It was hard for her to meet his frank stare without feeling giddy and funny inside. He seemed to bring up unwanted feelings in her and worse, he seemed to know this.

Recovering her voice, Anna responded to his statement, "Yes, yes I said I'd perform a dare."

Bruno noted that her breath was coming in short gasps and her eyes were slightly glassy with wine and desire as she answered him.

Bruno leaned forward and smiled as he spoke softly, "I want you to strip down and be tied up naked and available for us to touch you."

Anna blushed furiously and looked at the floor.

Bruno, having seen many men and women make this decision, waited patiently. So did the other two women.

When Anna looked up, she wasn't surprised to see all three of her guests looking at her expectantly.

"Well, this is it, is it?" She said more than asked, "If I agree, then I will be opening myself up for a night like I've never experienced before."

It was Ursula, who answered, "Our records and research only state that you are very sheltered and inexperienced. My gut tells me that you want to do this...But I've been wrong before."

Anna smiled directly at the small woman and said, "Oh...You aren't wrong. I have been very sheltered and there have been both advantages and disadvantages to that. I am ready...No, willing...No...I'm eager to try this out tonight!"

Grendel asked her gently, "Do you have any fantasies that you use to bring yourself off?"

Anna looked at the big woman with a puzzled expression and said, "I don't know what you mean."

Grendel looked mildly surprised and restated her question, "Is there something you would like us to try, that would allow you to achieve orgasm?"

Anna smiled timidly and looked at the floor in embarrassment before she said, "I don't know what that is...I mean, I know what an orgasm is but...I have never had one..."

She continued in a rush, "My husband tried and when I failed to live up to his expectations...Well, he said I was just a cold fish..."

Her voice trailed off now that she had blurted out her terrible secret.

"This will ruin everything!" Anna thought ruefully, to herself, "How could anyone want a frigid bitch like me?"

"Anna...Anna, look at us." It was Bruno who spoke, "We don't believe that you are frigid. Your choices in partners could use some work but that is another thing entirely."

Ursula continued, "Even if it were true, that is something we can deal with. We still want you on our 'team', Anna."

Anna looked expectantly at Ursula, "You mean being a cold fish is okay?"

Grendel answered her, "Yes, we already have some staffers who are classified as 'frigid'. We want you on our team and for more than your rental property."

Bruno spoke next, "But we are getting ahead of ourselves here. Let's see what you really like, Anna. Once we have established that, we can all decide how best to maximize your potential."

Ursula smiled at the big man before mocking him slightly, "Ooh, 'maximize your potential'! That's a big phrase from you, big man."

Ursula laughed and Bruno smiled back.

Grendel smiled at her two co-workers and said to Anna, "Usually Bruno doesn't use such language. As you may have gathered, Ursula is a bit of a tease."

Anna slapped her thighs with both hands and said firmly, "Okay, I'm in! What do you want me to do?"

All three looked at her and said in unison, "Strip!"

Chapter Five -- A Taste

"By the way..." Ursula said as Anna stood to get undressed, "I respond to 'Ursula but my name is Evita. 'Grendel' is actually Margret. Only Bruno's real name is Bruno."

Anna paused at looked at her quizzically, "Do I get a new name too?"

Ursula shrugged and smiled before saying, "If you want. It's a long story but the names started off as a bit of a joke."

Anna shrugged out of her clothing and stood nervously in front of the three. Her breathing displayed her excitement and all three of her guests could see her evident arousal warring with her fear.

"Come here and lay face down on the floor." Bruno said calmly.

It took the work of five minutes to have Anna hogtied. Her wrists were tied together behind her back. Her ankles were also tied together and then tied to her wrists.

As an added feature, Bruno had wrapped a rope around her head and open mouth like an old fashioned cleave gag. He had then used another rope and tied it between her head and the place where her wrists and ankles were tied. She wasn't uncomfortable but she certainly wasn't going anywhere, either.

She looked like she had been practising yoga in the buff and been tied in one of the positions.

"If you get uncomfortable, tell us." Ursula said.

Anna gurgled but her muffled response through the gag was clear enough to be understood.

Bruno sat back in the chair and all three looked at a hogtied and nude Anna.

It was Grendel who knelt down next to the woman.

Anna could see someone out of the corner of her eye but she could not see who. She could and did feel their hands running over her body. As Grendel moved slightly to get a better grip, as it were, Anna could see who it was.

She was mildly surprised to see the big woman touching her.

Grendel was not surprised when Anna did not respond to her touch. She called Ursula over but the result was the same. Anna was not aroused by intimate contact with another woman.