One Hell of a Haunting


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"Okay, okay," she said as she selected the horror channel on cable. She began to scroll through the movies and when Drew saw The Blair Witch Project

"We are watching this! I've never seen it all the way through and right now I can't think of a better movie to watch."

Drew settled into the sofa as the movie began. "This isn't so bad I guess," Molly said as the opening scene played. "It's just a bunch of kids in the woods," she added as she too settled into the sofa to watch the movie.

"Okay, this is our big moment," Sadie said to Fred as he watched Molly's expressions change from content to scarred stiff as she watched the movie on the edge of her seat.

"What do you have in mind dear?"

"You just sit back and enjoy the show. I have control over this one," Sadie suggested as she swirrled above Molly's head creating a breeze.

Fred snickered when he noticed Molly continue to straighten her hair after each swift pass by Sadie. Sadie continued this movement for about three minutes and just as one of the kids in the movie screamed as they walked into the old house, Sadie knocked over the lamp at the end of the sofa; causing Molly to jump out of her skin. When she leaned to see what had fallen everything was in its place. Drew didn't even flinch. Of course, no one realized he had fallen asleep.

Sadie continued her assault on Molly after she settled down again from the scare of the lamp falling. Sadie drifted toward the window and made the curtains move slightly, which allowed the moon to shine through the window.

When Molly looked around the room the furniture was in a different position. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, "Am I dreaming all this?" She questioned herself. Sitting back down on the sofa she reached for the light on the end table beside the sofa and flicked the switch. As soon as she settled back in her seat the light flickered and went out. She glanced around the room quickly, noticing that the fire had also gone out.

Now the room was in total darkness; a cloud shadowed the glow of the moon. Molly tried to turn the channel, thinking that if she put something else on she would feel better. Every time she would hit a new station the screen would flicker and The Blair Witch Project would reappear. "Oh great, now this is broken too?" she said, becoming increasingly scared as the moments passed.

"Drew? God damn it, Drew. Would you wake up please?" she shouted, shaking Drew's shoulder to wake him.

"What the hell are you doing all that for?" he shouted back, annoyed because she'd awakened him for a wonderful dream watching Sadie and Fred get it on in his bed again.

"How could you have slept through all that commotion? I just don't get it," Molly said as she slumped back into the sofa again.

"What commotion? I didn't hear a thing."

"Well here let me get a flashlight and show you exactly what commotion," she said as she felt her way to the mantle above the fireplace.

Pushing the button to light the bright beam she moved it around the room to show Drew what had happened while he was asleep. "What, I don't see anything wrong. What the hell is going on with you? I think you are really loosing it woman."

When Molly's eyes followed the beam of light everything was back in its place. The fireplace was burning bright and the curtains were closed again. She walked to the end table to turn on the light and to her astonishment it lit.

"I can't believe you woke me up to show me the arrangement of our living room hadn't changed while I was asleep. Thanks a lot dear. Now if you don't mind I am going to call it a night. You can watch whatever it was you wanted to watch earlier, I'm going to bed." Drew huffed as he stood from the sofa and walked to the stairs.

"Like hell you are. You aren't leaving me down here all alone. I'm going with you," she said as she too stood from the sofa and ran behind Drew, following him close all the way to their room. "Turn the light off will ya, but leave the door cracked a bit," she said as she headed for the bed. Molly didn't even bother to change from her clothes as she jumped beneath the covers before Drew got to his side of the bed.

"Aaaah!" she screamed a blood curdling scream, kicking her feet wildly. "Oh God! What is happening here? Drew, help me!" she screamed and yelled. Drew left the door cracked and then headed back to the bed to see what Molly was getting hysterical about now.

"What? Help you, why? What do you think is going to hurt you? There's nothing here," he said, pulling the covers off her legs and staring at the bed.

"Oh God, Drew! Why can't you see them? They are all over me!" she screamed, horrified.

"What do you want me to do? I can't see anything?" he said as he walked to her side of the bed.

"Please get me out of this bed! I can't sleep I here anymore. The sna – snak - - sna-kes! They're all over me. Please, Drew. Get me out of here," Molly cried hysterically as Drew cradled her in his arms and carried her to the chair. She clung to him as he set her down.

"If you want me to help you, you must let go of my neck. You're choking me Molly. Damn it! Molly! Let go now!" he shouted angrily as he pulled her arms from around his neck and stepped away from her.

"I'll change the sheets. Will that make you feel better? Honestly I think you should definitely go see someone about this," he told her; knowing full well she wouldn't because of her fear of being labeled 'crazy'.

"Where are you going? Don't' leave me here!" she cried.

"I'm just going down to the kitchen to get a glass of milk. I'll be right back, don't worry." Drew said as he walked quickly out of the room and down the stairs.

Drew never told her that he had spoken to the doctor in town about her situation. Acting concerned about her, he told the doctor he thought she was going crazy, but refused to seek professional help. He thought this would keep the blame away from him when she finally did crack. The doctor told him because she was an adult, he couldn't force her to see him, but to keep him informed if things were to change. Drew once again phoned the doctor telling him of her episode just a few minutes ago. "She seems fine now, but I'm concerned," Drew said and then listened to the doctor's instructions.

"If she gets any worse call me immediately! I will come over and take her to the hospital myself," Doctor Frank said and then the line went silent.

Molly spent a restless night on the lounge chair and Drew returned to the bed only to fall asleep as soon as his face hit the pillow. He was exhausted and all he could think about was sleep.

Morning came too soon once again as Drew, still exhausted, tried to get more sleep. "Get up you bastard!" she shouted angrily at him. "You're the one who's crazy if you think you are gonna go back to sleep while I have to get up and clean up the mess from last night," remembering what had happened to the lamp and the furniture, not to mention the bed.

"You are gonna get dressed and get to the hardware store or where ever you have to go to get something to exterminate this house with. I don't want anymore sudden outbreaks of spiders or snakes again!" she shouted at him as if he was her personal slave.

"That's it, Fred. I've had it with her bickering and the way she treats poor Andrew. If it's the last thing I do, she will be out of here soon, very soon," Sadie said as she watched Drew struggle to get out of bed.

"You know what, Molly? If you are so scared to be here, maybe you should just leave."

"Drew, something's not right about this house. I don't feel safe here anymore. I want you to put it up for sale and we can move back to the city. Nothing has ever happened like this in the city."

"Save your breath, Molly. We aren't moving. We can't."

"Mind if I ask why?"

"Well, I wanted to spare you this information until I could get everything straightened out, but if you insist on knowing everything, I'll tell you why we can't move. The business isn't doing well at all right now. I am forced to file bankruptcy. I have to talk to a lawyer first thing Monday morning. We are broke. Well actually, beyond broke. All we have is this house and the only reason e got it was because the bank wanted it off their hands!" Drew yelled then took a deep breath and continued, "if you are so set on accepting there's something wrong with this house, why don't you call the kids to see if you can come visit for a while?" he finished, knowing full well they wouldn't allow her access into their homes because of the way she treated them when they were younger; he didn't blame them either.

"Well, I tried to call Sandra, but she is out of town on business, at least that's what her secretary said. Then I called Anthony and he said now isn't a good time for him either, something about the children being sick."

"I'm tellin' ya, you should go see a doctor. Maybe they can give you something that will calm you down. I bet you are just overwhelmed from the move out of the city to this small town."

"Oh you think you know everything, don't you?" Molly said as she stormed out of the house. "I'll show you I'm not crazy and there is something wrong with this house, just you wait and see."


"Well Sadie, I can't believe it's October already. Well actually I can and you promise that her time is coming soon? In three weeks it will be our first anniversary of living here. I truly hope I don't have to go through another year of her crap," Drew said to Sadie as he hung the last of the Halloween decorations on the front porch.

"Oh I can guarantee it Andrew. She is fading quickly. She will break any day now," Sadie replied, floating above the house to view the decorations. "Looks superb Andrew, just like Fred would have done if he were still alive. As she returned to the porch she looked Drew directly in his eyes and swore, "By the end of Halloween night she will be out of your life forever."

"Thank you Sadie," Drew said the reached out to hug her.

"I know you mean well, but there's no time for that right now. We will celebrate properly when the time comes. Right now I must get busy," Sadie said as she disappeared through the side of the house.

Once again, Sadie and Fred set their sights higher and called out to their friends for reinforcement for Molly's demise. Joseph, a dear friend of Fred and Sadie when they were building this house, popped in for a visit and offered his help. "I have the perfect trick. It will have to be done on All Hallows Eve, exactly at six o'clock. You continue with the things you have planned for her and I will get busy with my plan, although it won't take much planning, but it's guaranteed to drive the most sane person crazy."

"Whoa, wait a minute there big guy. What about poor Andrew? We don't want him to be effected by any of this. Can you guarantee that he will be spared?" Fred asked.

"If that's your wish, then yes I can manage that," Joseph said as he scratched his head then flew off into the kitchen.

Sadie and Fred introduced Drew to Joseph. "Don't be alarmed if you see him floating around for a while. He is here to help as well," Sadie said, pointing to Joseph and explaining what he told her and Fred abut the plan and the time limit.


"Oh God! I can hardly wait for tonight! It's Halloween again Molly. I just love watching all the little children in their costumes and I always get a good laugh from the parents who try to be scary. This is my favorite of all holidays," Drew said as he jumped out of bed Halloween morning, dressing quickly.

"Where are you going?"

"I said it's Halloween! Didn't you hear me? I asked you to get some candy to pass out but you didn't so now I have to go into town and get whatever they have left. In case you've forgotten, Halloween here in Hell is a big event. Stores sell out quick of anything remotely relating to Halloween, which includes candy."

Drew stormed out of the house then remembered what Sadie and Fred told him about Joseph. Immediately he turned and ran back into the house. Finally taking control of her, he ordered her to have dinner on the table promptly at six o'clock and not a minute later.

Molly knew he meant business by the look in his eyes, so she planned a quick dinner. The day went by uneventful, with no strange occurrences. Molly thought she was finally rid of the pests, but didn't let her guard down for a moment. Drew returned from the store with a few bags of candy and some decorations. He placed the candy in the big bowl he only used on Halloween night and set it by the door.

"I'm gonna go take a quick nap, call me when dinner is almost finished," he asked with a smile. The smile turned to an evil grin when he reminded her not to be late.


"Drew? Hey, Drew. It's five thirty, time to get up and get ready for dinner," Molly said as she gently shook Drew's shoulder.

"Okay, I'll be down in a bit," He said rolling over to his back, his arm over his face.

Molly left the bedroom and returned to the kitchen to put the finishing touches on dinner and set the table so it would be ready promptly at six p.m. Drew waited in the bedroom for Sadie, Fred and Joseph.

"Hey guys, is everything set to go?" he asked excitedly, rolling one hand around the other almost drooling.

"Yes Andrew, everything is set. Joseph will be here shortly with everything we need to set her over the edge."

"Good, Molly is downstairs as we speak finishing dinner. I'm headed down there now. I'll be waiting for you!"

Drew left the room and headed to the kitchen. The clock on the wall read 5:59 p.m. and he took his usual seat at the table waiting for his meal and his guests. Molly brought a big pot of chili to the table and set it on the wooden board to protect the table from the heat of the pot.

"Dig in!" she said, knowing chili was one of his favorite dishes on Halloween.

Drew took a big serving and as he raised the first spoonful to his mouth the clock struck six o'clock sharp. Drew heard a noise coming from the living room and knew it was Sadie and Joseph. He waited patiently for something, anything to happen. To ease the tension this was causing he tried to start a conversation with Molly as they ate.

"So how as your day? Anymore strange sights or sounds?" he asked.

As Molly glanced up to speak, Drew noticed Joseph in the room and his heart beat rapidly.

"Well, I wasn't about to let my guard down while you were out, but now that you are back home again I guess I can," she said as she spooned her chili again, bringing a spoonful to her mouth.

Suddenly she began to scream again. Drew saw chili fly all over the place as Molly scooped it from her bowl. When her bowl was empty she settled down a bit.

"What the hell was that for?" Drew asked.

"What the hell! Something is in my chili Drew!"

"What do you mean, something is in your chili? I'm eating from the same pot as you and mine is absolutely fine."

"Here taste it, Drew. See, did you feel it in your mouth?"

"All I feel are beans and hamburger Molly. There's nothing unusual in this chili! Now calm yourself and finish eating."

"Don't you tell me to fucking calm down, you son of a bitch! There is something in my bowl of chili. Oh my God! There are worms in my chili!" she screamed.

"Here, let me taste it," Drew said as he reached his spoon into her bowl, bringing it to his mouth. "There's nothing in there that shouldn't be there," he added after he swallowed the spoonful of chili. Molly, however, saw differently. When she glanced from her bowl to Drew, she saw worms crawling from his mouth and nose.

"Oh my God! You are gross! I can't believe you are eating it like that," she said as she grabbed the pot and threw it out the door.

"Now what am I supposed to eat for dinner?" Drew questioned as he turned and reached for the refrigerator door handle, pulling it open.

Drew pulled out some cheese and opened it, but Molly didn't see cheese she saw something more disgusting than worms. Gross images were flying into her mind with an accelerated rate at every turn.

"Calm down Molly," Drew shouted at her as she screamed in horror, terrified at everything.

Molly soon began ripping things off the walls and from the refrigerator; even her clothing. "Get out of here! Get off me! Oh God, help me!" she screamed in horror at whatever it was she was seeing that Drew couldn't.

"My dear Andrew, I believe it's time to call the doctor now," Sadie said calmly as the phone floated through the air towards Drew.

Doctor Frank could hear Molly's cries for help, he only hoped he wasn't too late to help her. "I'm on my way Andrew," the doctor said and then the line was silent.

Doctor Frank arrived within thirty minutes of Drew's urgent call and Molly, still terrified of anything that neared her, would lash out. "Stand back Drew," he said as he tackled Molly and when he stood again she was bound in a straight jacket. "This will calm her down so she can be transported to the mental facility in Mason. I recommend that you keep your distance until we get her under control," the doctor said as Drew helped him get Molly to his van.

As they walked down the path from the house to his van Molly screamed and struggled to get away thinking that the trees were even out to get her. One tree in particular, which happened to be Drew's favorite, looked as if the limbs were arms and they were reaching for her as she neared. The wind howled, as did Fred and Joseph, making Molly a basket case.

"Well, she's gone, she's actually gone. I can hardly believe it Sadie. Thanks Joseph! You were great!" Drew said as he started to clean up the spilled chili. "Now what the hell did she see that made her go over the edge that quickly, Joseph?" he asked as Joseph settled to the floor.

"I mustn't give my secrets away Andrew. I hope you understand. What difference does it make, as long as it worked?"

"Now my dear boy, you can live your life in peace. I don't think she will be bothering you anymore," Sadie said as she bid Drew farewell.


A very special thank you goes out to michchick98 for her editing as well as plot ideas. This is my first attempt at a sci/fi story. As always, comments are welcome, but please be gentle. This is also a submission for the Halloween contest so don't forget to vote. Thanks for reading me!

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sweeteuphoriasweeteuphoriaover 16 years agoAuthor

If you are going to dog me, that's fine, I can handle it and it won't stop me from writiing more.

If you are going to praise me, that would be even better, but Please don't do both in the same comment and then give a low rating.

Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
A sense of justice

Let me see... The idiot could have gotten a divorce, but no, he preferred to drive his wife insane because, good heavens, the thought of his wife getting his money through a divorce was out of the question. Any woman that chooses to stay at home, raising her children instead of getting a job deserves that! Forget that she was the mother of his children and that she had been married to him for 25 years. She was worthless. She liked to shop. She liked to nag and whine. Why any court in the land would understand. Off with her head, go to the nut house while I get to live my life in luxury with a young bimbo while his ex rots in a nut house. Now that's what I call justice! Great story!

michchick98michchick98over 16 years ago
Creepy spiders!

I didn't tell you when I was editing that I hate spiders, but you probably already knew that. Great story! Good luck in the contest.

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