Path of the Necromancer Ch. 03


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"Seriously?" Grim spouted incredulously. "You couldn't have been more direct if you'd physically taken his dick and shoved it into her snatch." Dani blushed at the image he conjured.

Ember gave an airy wave and huffed, "That boy is so blind to what's in front of him, he'd of waited for her to make the first move. That sure as hell wasn't going to happen." She sighed insufferably. "I just couldn't let that young love go unrequited."

Grim let out a disgusted snort. "Yeah, right," he scoffed. "You're a real humanitarian. I'm sure the idea of getting those sweet, fuckable lips between your own legs had nothing to do with it."

Ember blushed and remarked, "I 'do' have needs. Why, a thousand years ago it was unheard of for a lonely, innocent succubus to travel around without her own harem." Her eyes sparkled at the thought and she rubbed her legs together. Dani also found herself imagining it -particularly what the effects of the pheromones she knew Ember released would have on a group of people in close quarters. 'Epic' wouldn't even begin to describe the intense orgies that would occur on a regular basis. A sigh of longing escaped her traitorous lips and she turned away blushing as the others looked at her.

Grim turned back to Ember and accused, "'Innocent' and 'succubus' are two words that should never be used in the same sentence. You-" he paused as he saw a spirit float in front of him. 'How in the hell?' he thought to himself. Ian's wards kept out the press of the dead. There was always a chance if he was asleep and unwarded that they would try and possess him. Energy for them to use literally bled off the necromancer so it was dangerous to allow them close when he was so vulnerable.

The only way for this spirit to have entered the apartment was for Ian to have allowed it through the wards. He concentrated on the ghostly presence and sensed curiosity from her as she vanished through the wall to observe what was going on in the shower. Grim hummed to himself as he felt how clear the emotions came through. Usually a spirit's thoughts and feelings were a jumbled mess that only gained a semblance of clarity when compelled to do something. This was one to watch.

* * * * *

They all sat down at the table like some dysfunctional family. The demon slayer passed the bowl of Caesar salad to the demoness. Scraps mixed the bolognaise sauce with the spaghetti even though he wasn't eating. Val sat next to Ian looking supremely satisfied as she ate her garlic bread. Hesitantly, Dani broke the silence by taking a deep breath and looking at Ember. "Sorry," she said. "For trying to kill you and all... And for getting your gang into trouble with that shot at the clearing."

Ember inclined her head. "You'll have to apologize to the shifter you shot when you see her as well," she told Dani. "I wouldn't be honest if I didn't tell you about the smidgen of hope I'm holding out that she'll rip your head off afterwards."

Dani paled and gulped, but nodded in acceptance. Then she froze. "It survived?!" she exclaimed in disbelief. 'That's impossible,' she thought to herself. 'The round was enchanted and I know it was a kill shot.' She glanced around the table in astonishment before her eyes came to rest on Ian. She released an involuntary shudder at the thought of his control over life and death.

"She -not it," Ember corrected, glowering at her.

Dani bowed her head shamefully. "Sorry," she repeated. "I've been trying to look at the order that took me in when I was eight -and everything they taught me- in a different light," she continued, gritting out her words as if they caused her pain. "It's just taking some... adjustment. I would appreciate anything you might be able to tell me about them that'll give me a clearer understanding of how they operate and allow me to atone for some of my sins."

Val's respect for the shifty-looking sniper she'd chased down the night before rose at each statement that came out of her mouth. Then she heard her intentions and she felt pity. No one could take on the Church -even a depraved, warped subdivision of it. And to try to pull it off herself? Noble, but altogether foolish.

Ember gave a derisive snort. "Bold words," she declared. "If you want my advice though, you should forget about your silly ideas of penance, take the freedom my lover has given you, and live your life. Nothing you can do will bring back the souls you've taken." Her gaze unfocused. "Believe me, I know."

After a pause, the succubus admitted, "Still, there's something splendidly befitting that one of the Order's own embarks on a quest to topple the empire they've built." She released a heavy sigh and turned her crimson gaze on Dani. "The first thing you need to know about the esteemed 9th Order, holiest of holies, is that it's led by a warlock..."

* * * * *

Dani was sitting on the couch, shell-shocked in light of all she'd been told. The other five were just leaving the apartment to travel to the meeting that would be taking place in Central. "We should be back in a few hours," Ian told her. "Make yourself at home."

Ember stopped in front of her on the way to the door and leaned down, a deadly serious look on her face. Dani stared up at her nervously and waited with bated breath. She heard, "If you steal the gaming console, I 'will' find you." The succubus straightened and left the room, leaving her to stare after her incredulously.

The group took the elevator to the basement level and entered the garage. Ian missed the Lamborghini on his first sweep. It looked nothing like what he'd expected. When his eyes finally rested on it, he froze. Val giggled, "Nice, huh."

Ember whistled and commented, "I didn't even know they made them with four doors."

"They don't," Grim stated in awe. Ian continued to stare at the work of art as he circled it reverently. The crimson tail lights stood out starkly against the gunmetal gray as he reached the back and saw the word 'Estoque' above the license plate.

"Damn," he muttered. "These guys know me entirely too well..." As Ember cleared her throat primly, he tossed her the keys, not even bothering to argue. He got in with the rest of them and told the giddy succubus, "Make her purr."

* * * * *

Ian and Ember sat next to Forrester in an enclosed room in downtown Seattle's undercity. The underground streets and caverns, found in every major metropolis, proved to be a mecca for the city's supernatural community. Everything one might conceivably imagine could be found in the bustling passageways forgotten from the public eye, from street stalls selling the meat of three-headed hellhounds to kiosks hawking talismans that could make the wearer levitate a few feet off the ground.

The gang leaders and their champions all sat around a long table with Agents Morgan and Hunter at one end and a bishop and hooded inquisitor at the other. At the center of the table sat a man in a suit that represented the investors. He had come to learn his name was Solomon and that he would be presiding over the meeting. Ian noticed a set of mirrors situated around the room so the man could look into the face of everyone sitting around him. He wasn't a mage, but Ian had a feeling that he held the most power of anyone in the room.

Behind the table, in a raised seating area, were the crafting guilds that represented Seattle's means of production where magical commodities were concerned. They were mostly human and came in a variety of shapes and sizes, but the only ones Ian recognized were the small hooded figures of the goblins or their attendants -he'd never figured out which. Looking around the room, he shot a goofy smile at the pink-haired banshee when he saw her seated next to a tall, imperious-looking oriental man and watched her roll her eyes and turn her head away.

Solomon started the meeting off. "Before we begin," he told the gathering, "I believe Konstantin has something to say that affects us all."

Kiara's father stood and announced, "The Council of Elders will hold a meeting in Seattle three days from now. Due to the disturbance this causes in Were politics and the preparations that need to be made, we'll be postponing the shipment of new goods out of this port until Thursday."

A low rumble of surprise and anger went up from the assembled group as they received this bit of news. The leader and also acting champion of the Georgetown Syndicate -a cocky little punk with jet black hair and a nose-ring- complained in a whiny voice, "A week?! We might as well start FedExing shit." He smirked. "I'm sure they'd be happy to do business while you have your little get-together."

Ashley glared at mage who ran Georgetown and Solomon delivered a sharp rebuke at the idea of revealing themselves to the general public, even in jest. The man then turned to Konstantin and said, "While young Lance here was out of line, the fact remains that while you shifters have a stranglehold on the transportation market, if you cannot meet our export demands, the products 'will' find other means out of the country."

Solomon leaned back in his chair. "I understand there happens to be extraneous circumstances however. Please explain the reason this meeting is taking place, and specifically, here in our great city."

The shifter did not look happy having to explain why the Were did anything, but he grimaced and reluctantly explained, "In light of... an event that occurred last night, the elders will meet to analyze the present situation here and pass judgment on what, if anything, is to be done about it."

"Yes," the Inquisitor hissed. "I think we're all eager to know just what went down at the- last night," he corrected smoothly.

Ember's mocking laughter filled the room and she told him, "Oh, we just caught one of your little pets trying to stir things up." The hooded man started at that. "Rest assured," she continued in a scathing tone, "we realize that your order is much too virtuous to have been involved in anything as gutless and cowardly as what went down last night." Even the bishop had a small smile tugging at his lips at that.

"'Obviously' your little club was infiltrated by someone without your upstanding moral fiber. No worries, though," she continued, shooting him a chilling smile that seemed to lower the temperature in the room. "I made sure to teach her the error of her ways. She was quite tasty." Ember licked her lips in sadistic pleasure.

The red-faced man exploded to his feet, his hand reaching inside his robes. Solomon's voice cut through the tension like a knife and warned, "You may not issue a challenge while in an advisory position." Ember's eyes twinkled in mirth as she blew the incensed Inquisitor a kiss. The representative of the 9th Order glared at Solomon and for a moment Ian thought he was going to attack anyway. Then he snarled and strode towards the exit, his black robes fluttering along behind him.

The bishop wore a pleased little smile at the Inquisitor's flight. His attitude seemed to match what Dani had said about them being separate entities. Ian bumped Ember's shoulder slightly, shooting her an approving grin. She rolled her eyes and huffed indignantly, showing him that she couldn't care less if he supported her decision to help Dani out. She gritted her teeth in annoyance when she realized a small part of her relished the fact that she had made him proud of her.

Konstantin watched the young necromancer with hooded eyes, the events of the last night replaying in his mind. The reason the elders would be meeting was that someone of influence in the pack had been killed by an outsider and there had been nothing done about it. It would have been perfectly acceptable for him to have killed the little snake, but for a rogue mage? The rest of the pack that hadn't been there was up in arms and were demanding blood. It would be up to him to convince them that such a course of action would be sheer folly.

He was at this meeting alone. Normally he had his daughter with him, not as a champion (as any Were challenged so directly would feel a need to rip the throat out of their opponent themselves), but to learn the business she'd be inheriting. She was still recovering though, and while she could walk easily, he chose to wait for her to fully recuperate. It was not in their nature to show any sign of weakness. Having her stumble or wince even once in front of their enemies was not something that would help their image.

Konstantin sighed. She didn't seem to be excited about what he was grooming her to be. She preferred to live near the university campus where she took business management courses than with the pack. She loved the sea, as they all did, but found the day-to-day running of a cargo vessel boring. At least she'd inherited her mother's intelligence. She was incredibly savvy when it came to negotiations. He just hoped she would grow out of this phase soon.

The meeting resumed and Ian soon found himself bored as talks of trade agreements and political maneuvering commenced. Everything seemed to be about status. Every opportunity that could be taken to put someone else down and gain a superior position was taken. He released a yawn at precisely the same time as the pink-haired banshee and she blushed slightly. He smiled roguishly at her and she shot him a disgusted look before turning her head away.

He chuckled to himself and went back to observing the other players. One pair that caught his eye was the champions of the group that ran Pioneer Square. Ian didn't know why their northern rivals were allowed two champions and two leaders, but their resemblance led him to believe they were a family and shared equal standing.

The two girls that held enforcer status were older than him by a few years. They wore black leather, had matching neck and arm tattoos, and glared out at anybody and everybody. They looked as if they could break him in half without even trying. His smile turned slightly feral as they met his eyes. They seemed surprised and a tad uneasy when this nobody they clearly considered to be the demon's lapboy didn't break eye contact.

Ian had to chuckle at the idea of a family-run gang, though he supposed it wasn't so different than the mafia. Their parents -the leaders of the blandly-named group: Kin- currently weren't doing so hot as they tried to defend themselves against the onslaught of accusations coming from the leader of the Heaven and Earth Society. Apparently they had previously agreed upon a set of arrangements and now the group out of Pioneer Square was having trouble meeting their end of the deal due to increased pressure from a new brood of vampires that had moved in.

"Just a little more time," the father pleaded. He was a tall dark-skinned man with a Creole accent and showed none of the intimidation or menace that his daughters were giving off. "They sacked the waterfront storehouses, but we've got trucks en route from up the coast. You'll get what you ordered by the end of the week, I promise."

A malicious smile stretched across the master of the Tiandihui Seattle branch and he asked with relish, already knowing the answer, "And what about the bottled Dragonfire? Surely you can deliver 'something' on time..."

The Kin leader flinched and admitted, "The leeches have taken over our northeastern production facilities to make drugs for their nightclubs and feeding dens. It will just t- take some time to regain control." His wife winced at his words and he instantly knew it was the wrong thing to say.

The atmosphere in the room changed and Ian thought of Val saying the gangs could scent blood in the water. At the group leader's admittance that they were being taken apart piecemeal, it wouldn't be long before the probing attacks along their border turned into full-on assaults. The leader of the Heaven and Earth Society had no intention of sharing the territory though, and he pressed, "You realize that if you aren't able to live up to your contract, I can choose my compensation 'and' I'll be able to challenge you?"

The two daughters exploded. "Bring it the fuck on then!" one shouted as the other yelled, "We'll take that screaming bitch apart!"

The boss of the International District continued to smile at their defeated-looking father and pointed out, his voice dripping with venom, "Ah, but if I ask for your ill-mannered daughters or your pretty little wife as payment, then who would there be to defend your district?"

Agent Morgan spoke up, "There has to be a committee that decides if the compensation is fair."

The accuser's face was the picture of innocence as he remarked, "Really? Millions of dollars in lost product or a couple of worthless whores... I think perhaps I should be asking for more." Ashley grimaced, but kept silent as the two 'whores' in question cussed out a storm.

With all the muttering, shouting, and contemplation going on, Ian's words almost went unnoticed. "How much?" he asked, looking at the mother and addressing the group for the first time. Silence followed his question as people turned their attention towards him. All those who didn't know who he was had dismissed him as a pitiful excuse of a warlock when Ember had first spoken up.

The story of his fight against the banshee had made the rounds and it was known that he simply shielded while the demoness was the real threat. Obviously, he must have somehow managed to summon a major entity and she only kept him around through some quirk in the contract they'd signed. Ian wasn't about to disabuse them of that notion.

In a musical Louisiana French lilt her daughters had yet to inherit, the co-leader of the Kin stared back at him and asked, "What do you mean?"

Ian waved a hand airily. "Well," he elaborated, "it seems to me as if you've got a slight vermin problem. You heard our furry little deliveryman, no shipments 'till next week." He ignored the growl that statement produced and rested a hand on Ember's shoulder. "Now see, I don't know about all of you, but I can't take seven whole days of attention from a bored, restless succubus. I need to take her out to for like, walks and stuff. And if she just so happens to walk into a den of vampires and rack up a bloodbath or two, well all the better."

The woman that seemed to be the brains of their operation slowly asked disbelievingly, "You want to 'help' us?" She appeared to be doing the same thing the rest of the people around room were: trying to figure out what angle Ian was playing at. On the other hand, Ashley and Lily were looking at him with wide smiles and the bishop looked as if he'd just seen a cardinal walk out of a brothel. People in this line of work weren't decent or honest and they sure as hell didn't step in to grab a bucket when there was something to gain by watching a rival's house burn.

"For a price," Ian clarified, trying to glare seriously. "I, uh, don't actually know what currency you all use so I'll let Forrester think of that. You just expect me tomorrow morning at that place that sells those awesome cookies and we'll go bust open some coffins."

Ember groaned and turned towards her naïve lover. "You don't know a single thing about vampires, do you?" Still, she was smiling. The thought of going out and slaying a few bloodsuckers was her kind of a date.

Even Solomon was looking at Ian confused. "Don't get me wrong here. The sponsors would love to have this problem resolved quickly as the disturbance is eating into our profit margins, but why risk your life to help them?"

Ian shrugged. "What's life without a few risks?" he wondered aloud, thoroughly convincing the others that he was insane. "You've also got to look at the bigger picture. I'd rather give a little now and keep two small rivals than ignore the problem and end up with one big one." Those at the table shifted in realization. "Besides," Ian continued, "better the enemy you know than the one you don't." He paused. "Not that I know much about these folks, but I'm assuming that having vampires in control would be worse..."
