Pledges Ch. 04

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The hottest black sorority recruits new members.
13.3k words

Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/24/2022
Created 10/11/2007
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Chapter 4 – Membership Meeting:

Evaluating the Potential Members


Soft rays of sunlight streamed through Sierra's bedroom window and gently shined on her reclining frame. Lying in bed, a light comforter covered her nude body as she opened her eyes, yawned and stretched.

Saturday morning was Sierra's favorite time of the week. Not having to rush off to work or to class allowed her the luxury of lying in bed for a few extra minutes. Though she often used that time to read, listen to music or to just daydream, today was different. Today, the images of nearly thirty women, all beautiful, intelligent, sexy and savvy, danced across her mind.

Sierra lounged in bed, still a bit tired from the night before when the Sorority held its annual Interest Tea. Some of the hottest women on campus attended, all brown and beautiful, from the richest, deepest ebony to the softest, lightest buttermilk.

She tossed the comforter aside and looked at her nude body. She admired her chocolate brown skin and the smooth triangle between her legs. She gently trailed her fingertips over her dark, hardening nipples, her temperature rising as she thought about all of the beautiful girls she'd just spent her evening with.

The purpose of the Interest Tea was to meet the new girls interested in joining Rho Sigma Tau Sorority. However, only a handful of spots were available. The Sorority now had to hold its annual Membership Meeting in order to discuss which ladies should move on to the next round of interviews.

As such, Sierra wanted to pick the perfect girls. She had to select prospects that would ultimately be an asset to her beloved organization.

Because she wanted to make the right decisions, last night after the Tea, she spent a late night on her computer, creating a master pledge file containing all the info for the girls that attended. She'd taken meticulous notes during the event so that she'd have as much information about each girl as possible.

Before she went to bed, she first created a master list of all the girls that attended and listed them in a particular order, according to her notes. She then carefully typed up each girl's profile, as well as her personal notes. Then she printed out two copies of everything and placed each set in one of two pink manila folders now sitting on her desk. Once she was done, she pulled out the USB drive from her computer and set it on top. Finally, she went to bed, exhausted.

Sierra now relaxed in bed, grinning at the thought of all the lovely women that were in the room. Between the smart, sexy potential pledges and the savvy, seductive members, Sierra felt like a kid in a candy store. Plus, once the Sisters met the potentials, everyone received each other warmly and the event proved to be an overwhelming success.

However, Sierra's stomach tightened at the thought of eliminating so many of the prospects. As a member, her only responsibility was to sit in on the meetings and simply cast her votes for the girls she liked. Now, as Sorority President, she not only had to prepare profiles of all the girls and lead the discussions, she had the final vote as to who was in and who was out.

After lying in bed for a few more minutes, her temples began to throb at the awesome responsibility. Suddenly, she remembered the one thing that could calm her nerves.

Jumping out of bed, she went over to her desk. Her sorority manuals sat neatly on top of the immaculate desk. Her sorority and academic files were painstakingly labeled and alphabetically arranged in her desktop file folders. All of her textbooks were organized in order of her class schedule and sat in the bookcase to the left of the desk. Even her matching desk accessories, right down to the stapler and the pen & pencil holder, were carefully lined up.

Sierra picked up her address book, which lay neatly at the corner of her desk. As she flipped through the pages, she glanced at the obscenely neat desk. "I'm such a nerd," she chuckled.

Checking a number, she grabbed her cell phone and dialed quickly.

A cheery voice answered. "Hello, this is Jana."

"Hi Jana. This is Sierra."

"Hey Sierra! How are you this morning?" Jana's enthusiasm always made Sierra smile. Jana Wright, President of Rho Sigma Tau's local Alumni Chapter, could always be counted on to lend a helping hand and a compassionate ear. Besides, Sierra thought, when it came to selecting prospective members, who better to talk to than the Alumni Chapter President?

"I'm good, Jana. Real good. You know we had our Interest Tea last night."

"So I heard," Jana said. "How did it go?"

"That's why I'm calling. I need to talk to you about it. I've got to chair our Membership Meeting tonight and I'm kinda nervous about which girls we should accept."

Jana thought for a moment. "Well, how 'bout this: I don't have to go to the studio until later. We don't start taping until 3pm, so I'm free 'til then. Why don't we go out for breakfast and we can talk then?"

Breakfast with Jana? Always. "Sure," Sierra said. "Thanks."

"Great! I'll pick you up shortly. See you then."

Sierra hurried to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Afterward, she oiled her soft brown skin with a fragrant almond body oil until her entire body gleamed.

Then she started on her hair. She quickly straightened her thick, black tresses with a flat-iron, then used a curling iron to add a few soft, full curls. She ran her fingers through the curls, then shook out her hair and watched it cascade down around her shoulders.

Then Sierra walked out of the bathroom nude and stood at her spacious walk-in closet trying to find the perfect outfit. Knowing Jana pretty well, Sierra decided to show some leg. She settled on a tiny, white pleated tennis skirt coupled with a tight, pink sorority tank top. Without a bra, her thick nipples poked through the thin fabric. She added a few pieces of gold jewelry and gold, four-inch strappy sandals as a finishing touch.

Almost finished, Sierra quickly applied her makeup. She used lush bronze and gold tones to accent her eyes and a rich, berry lipstick on her full, luscious lips.

Sierra admired herself in her full-length mirror and winked saucily. Looking good, honeybunch, she thought. Grabbing the two pink folders and the USB drive from her desk and slipping them into her large shoulder bag, she left her suite.

Taking the elevator downstairs, she stopped on the fourth floor and headed for Candace's room. As Secretary, Candace Peterson handled all of the administrative duties for Sierra and the rest of the Chapter.

Sierra knocked on Candace's door. No answer.

Sierra knocked again. Maybe she's not there, Sierra thought. As she turned to leave, the door cracked open.

Candace peeked through and yawned. "Hey Sierra."

"Hey girl. Sorry it's so early. Can I come in?"

Candace looked back over her shoulder. "Ummm...well..."

Sierra took a closer look at Candace. Her long, chestnut brown hair was disheveled and she clutched her robe tightly shut.

"Candace, were you busy?"


Sierra cracked a sly grin. "How is it?"

"Tasty," Candace smiled.

"Well, slurp it for me," Sierra said.

"Ewww!" Candace laughed as the two girls dissolved into giggles.

Before Sierra turned to leave, she told the hazel-eyed beauty to schedule the Membership Meeting for 8pm that night and to let all of the Sisters know.

"Oh and here," Sierra said as she reached into her bag and handed Candace one of the manila folders along with the tiny USB drive. "All of the info for tonight's meeting is on this drive. First, I need you to check the master list I made of all the potential pledges we met last night and make sure everyone's name is spelled correctly. And please keep the girls in the order I have them listed on the sheet. Then I need you to take a look at each profile I made for them. Please go through each one, check my typing, make sure everything looks nice, and then go ahead and print a master copy of each one for my review. And use the Sorority letterhead."

Candace yawned and nodded.

"Now, I'm about to meet with Jana about the potentials. When I get back, I'll probably have some more changes, so I'll definitely meet with you later. Then we can finalize everything and you can print enough copies for everyone here. And make sure you have enough of our Sorority pledge folders for everyone. The pretty soft-pink ones. Got it?"

"Got it, Sierra."

"Great. Thanks, hon! Now I'll leave you be," Sierra said as she headed down the hall. "Oh yeah, don't forget," Sierra tossed over her shoulder, "get some for me!"

Candace grinned as she waved a sleepy goodbye to Sierra; then she turned and closed the door.

When Sierra reached the first floor and walked into the living room, she greeted the fifteen or so scantily clad girls who were gathered around the TV. Early morning Pilates, by way of a set of workout DVDs, was a popular event at the House. Sierra, loving the outdoors, however, preferred her morning workout with the gym equipment on the rooftop terrace. Nevertheless, at least two mornings each week, she joined the girls downstairs for a spirited workout session.

Sierra stood in the doorway, eyeing all of the lovely ladies. Watching the lithe and toned bodies sent a delicious tingle deep between her legs.

"Hey Sierra!" Monica called out from the front row. Keisha, standing right next to Monica, gave Sierra a small wave.

Sierra smiled back. She was especially taken with both Monica Knight and Keisha Lewis. Monica and Keisha, both juniors, were easily Sierra's picks to be next year's Sorority President and Vice President, respectively. Both ladies were intelligent, beautiful and quite accomplished.

Monica Knight was a chemistry major. Her silky, pecan-brown skin was simply gorgeous and perfectly matched her shoulder-length dark brown hair, which she'd gathered into a low ponytail. Monica wore a tiny, dark blue half-shirt and tight black biker shorts. Sierra watched Monica's round, plump ass jiggle with her smooth exercise movements.

Keisha Lewis was enrolled in the veterinary science program. Her sweet, caring nature and deep love for animals always made Sierra smile. Keisha's toffee-colored skin glistened with sweat as she stretched her slender body. She wore a thin, gold tank top, her thick nipples poking through, with a pair of white boyshorts. Keisha's lengthy black hair was pulled into two cute pigtails that bounced with her every movement.

Sierra's mouth watered at the seductive and exotic beauties. I could use some time alone with each of these beautiful girls, Sierra thought as the sweet spot between her legs began to throb.

Just then, the doorbell rang. Sierra reluctantly pulled herself away from the heavenly sight and went to answer it. She smiled brightly as she welcomed her friend and mentor. "Hey Jana!"

"Hey Sierra!" Jana beamed. She stepped in and gave Sierra a warm embrace.

Jana was stylishly dressed for Virginia's mild September weather in a thin, light blue blouse with tight denim shorts. Jana's reddish-brown hair, complete with her signature copper highlights, lay in thick, full waves down past her shoulders. Light makeup in warm, brown tones that complemented Jana's light brown skin, coupled with her tasteful silver jewelry, made Jana sparkle.

As Sierra took a long look at Jana's toned legs, it wasn't lost on her that Jana kept her figure picture-perfect. As an entertainment reporter for WABJ-TV, Jana took great care in her personal appearance. Luckily, she considered having a generous heart just as important as having a beautiful face and a trim figure.

"Come on in." Sierra led Jana into the living room. "Hey ladies! Guess who's here?" Sierra announced.

Jana warmly greeted all of the girls and chatted with them for a few minutes. After only a short time, the discussion became so spirited with sorority pride that they all began to sing the Sorority Hymn. As the girls upstairs heard the singing, more and more of them came down to join the group. Even Miss Mona, who was in the kitchen preparing the Saturday breakfast, joined the celebration. Soon, the entire House was on fire with Rho Sigma Tau pride.

Jana loved it so much that she decided to hold an impromptu meeting with the entire House. She discussed the Alumni Chapter's plans for the year and a number of projects that they were working on. Jana also addressed some of the questions, comments and concerns of the undergrads. She ended the quick meeting by announcing a series of follow-up meetings to be held right there in the House, where more of the Alumni members could come and interact with the undergrads.

Hugging the girls goodbye, Jana closed the meeting and she and Sierra left the House. Once they were nestled comfortably in Jana's new hybrid SUV, she took Sierra on a short drive to a popular African-American bed & breakfast to enjoy a hearty meal.

The Broadmoor Inn was a quaint B & B that was located within a stone's throw of Virginia Beach. Famous for its upscale, luxurious atmosphere, the Broadmoor Inn also featured a wonderful restaurant on its first floor, Kelley's.

Kelley's was known for employing the most talented African-American chefs in the country and was famous for its flavorful, yet healthy Southern favorites.

Once inside, as Jana spoke with the maitre d', Sierra looked around the spacious eatery. Dark, subdued colors decorated the main dining area, along with low, seductive lighting. Swank, plush booths circled the room, while rows of tables draped with crisp, white tablecloths sat in the center.

Once seated at their table in a small private dining room, Sierra found that she was excited to be in the presence of the beautiful and stylish Jana Wright. As Sierra looked at the stunning woman in front of her, their last romp together flashed through her mind and made her blush. Jana and Grace Hollis, the Alumni Chapter Treasurer, were fabulous lovers and Sierra enjoyed their time together immensely. However, today was for business, so Sierra tried her best to keep focused.

After a delicious meal of whole grain waffles, fresh fruit and pomegranate mimosas, Sierra wanted to get down to business.

"Thanks again for talking with the girls," Sierra said. "It's not that we need direction–" she paused, "but we need direction."

"I know," Jana laughed. "I understand. I was an undergrad too, Sierra. And not that long ago."

Sierra sighed. "I mean, I'm just nervous about picking new girls. How do I pick the right ones?"

"Sierra, we all trust your judgment. We know what you're made of." Jana leaned in close. "Just look for girls like yourself. Smart. Compassionate. Accomplished. And most of all, they have to have heart. And, definitely, an attitude of tolerance."

"Tolerance," Sierra echoed. "Right."

"And sexy, if at all possible," Jana winked. "And a little cunning. Like yourself."

Sierra smiled wryly as she shook her head. "Cunning? Like myself? Whatever do you mean?" she joked as reached for her glass and sipped the cool liquor.

"I mean," Jana said, "the ideal candidate should be savvy enough to get a free upgrade to her President's Suite by seducing certain key members of the Alumni Chapter."

Sierra choked on her drink. Coughing, she reached for her napkin as Jana chuckled.

"Sweetheart, you think you're the only one with skills?" Jana leaned in close, resting her elbows on the table, and spoke softly. "Tell me...just how do you think the undergrads got the new house in the first place?"

Sierra's eyes widened as Jana sat back in her chair and folded her arms. Suddenly they laughed and Sierra gave her a high-five.

"Ok. Now I'm looking for a couple of cute sneaks," Sierra laughed. "But for real? I don't know what you did, but thank you for the House. It's sharp as hell!"

Jana smiled as she motioned for the waiter. "Two more mimosas, please." He nodded and went to bring the next round of drinks. She turned back to Sierra. "Speaking of cute sneaks, which young ladies have you singled out for President and Vice President for next year?"

"Damn," Sierra said, feigning indignation. "She's trying to get rid of me already! I'm so hurt!"

Jana held up her hands and laughed. "No, no, no. It's just that if you have some girls in mind, you need to start training them for leadership because the year's gonna fly by. Before you know it, it'll be time for you to graduate. Single out a few girls but don't let them know your intentions just yet. Just test them to see what they're made of. Just keep your eye on a few girls."

Jana then gave Sierra a wicked smile. "Just like I kept my eye on you," Jana winked.

Sierra smiled. "Good. I like that idea," she said as she took another sip of her drink. "Ok. Now about this year's pledge schedule and last night's Tea. I have some real questions and concerns..."

The two women spent the next twenty minutes discussing the upcoming pledge schedule, ultimately making several adjustments to the pledge calendar. Then Sierra pulled out the pink folder from her bag and she and Jana discussed each of the potential pledges. Jana weighed in with her input and also gave Sierra a few more tips and suggestions on selecting the best pledges.

Once they were finished, over an hour later, Jana leaned back in her chair, satisfied with both the meal and the company. Looking at Sierra's thick nipples protruding through her thin tank top, Jana openly and lustfully eyed Sierra up and down.

"So," Jana said, tracing the rim of her champagne glass with a perfectly manicured fingernail. "Now that we're done with business, would you like to have a drink in private? I reserved a room just in case..."

Sierra laughed. As always, Jana thought of everything.


"Here we go," Jana said as she opened the door to their room. Sierra walked into the large suite with Jana close behind. The spacious set of rooms had been decorated with a slightly modern spin on a traditional rustic theme that matched the lush Virginia landscape. The warmth of the rooms spoke to Sierra and put her at ease.

Before Sierra could turn around, Jana eased behind her, slipped her hands around Sierra's waist and drew her in close. She kissed the back of Sierra's neck and licked at the soft skin.

"Ohhh," Sierra moaned. She shivered with delight and Jana wrapped her arms tighter.

"I've missed you," Jana whispered. "You're so good to me."

"No, you're good to me," Sierra said. "I love how you..."

"How I what?" Jana asked.

"You know..." A scarlet blush rose up in Sierra's cheeks.

"No. Tell me."

"I can't..."

"Say it," Jana ordered as she slid her hands underneath Sierra's tank top and cupped Sierra's firm breasts. Jana fondled the girl's stiff nipples, loving the feel of Sierra's taut skin. "Say it!"

"Oooh," Sierra moaned as heated waves of passion began to rush over her. " me, please!"

Jana grabbed the bottom of Sierra's tank top and lifted it up. Sierra's soft brown skin beckoned to her and Jana became aroused beyond belief. Still standing behind Sierra, Jana leaned in again and pressed her hot lips back against Sierra's neck. With Sierra's moans urging her on, Jana trailed hot, sizzling kisses all the way down Sierra's back.

Then Jana slipped her hands around and grasped Sierra's breasts again. As she took Sierra's stiff nipples in her fingers and caressed them softly, Jana continued kissing the back of Sierra's neck.

Sierra threw her head back. "Ohhhh," she moaned. "Oh Jana..." Sierra's entire body tingled as Jana's lips teased her soft skin. "That feels so good, Jana."

"I want to try something new," Jana whispered from behind her. "Close your eyes."