Power Plays Ch. 03


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"What?!" I exclaimed. Not possible. Right?

"I've never reached a climax with a partner before. I think something is wrong with me, or I'm broken. I just can't do it," she said, still looking away.

"Never?" I asked incredulously. "You've never had an orgasm?"

"Oh, I've had orgasms," Madison said, finally raising her eyes to look at me. "I've just always given them to myself. I have never been able to orgasm during sex with anybody else. That's my problem: letting go. I can't do it."

"Oh my god Madison," I said. "I'm so sorry. I don't really know what to say."

Madison just shrugged, as if my response was just what she had expected. I sat back, my brain whirling with this new knowledge. Madison was the most skilled lover I had ever had, hands down. The idea that she had never experienced the total release that she was so gifted in giving seemed like a crime to me. I said as much to her.

"Madison, that's so awful. You should get to enjoy the same kind of pleasure that you give," I said.

"I would like to," she said. "But I gave up on that long ago. It was too...hurtful, disappointing and unfulfilling. For me and for my partner."

"How long has it been since you've tried?" I asked.

Madison thought for a moment, and then answered "Years. More than I can count off the top of my head."

I gaped at her, not able to believe or accept that this immensely sexual woman had not actually had sex in years. "Well, I say it's high time you try again. With me," I said firmly.

"I don't think so, Claire," Madison said with a sad smile.

"Why not?"I asked.

"I meant it when I said I gave up on it. It's just a waste of time of effort," Madison said briskly. "I apologize if this hurts you Claire. But I cannot give myself to you in that way." As she spoke she stood up from the couch and began walking towards the door of the room.

I stood and followed her, not willing to let her walk away from this conversation. "So that's it? You won't try? You won't let me do anything to you? What if I'm the best lover in the world? What if I'm the one who could get you off?" I was saying all this to her slim straight back as she led me back to the front door. "Madison, I'm NOT leaving!" I exclaimed as we reached the main foyer.

Madison opened the front door. "Yes, Claire; you are leaving. I am sorry."

I planted my feet, crossing my arms in the classic pose of total stubbornness. "No! We are going to work this out!"

Madison shook her head as she sighed sadly. "No, we are not. There is nothing to work out. I will not subject myself to that awful disappointment, nor will I subject you to the futility. I assume our association will be over from this point onward, as you are no longer satisfied with what I CAN give you."

I stood there silent, shaking my head in confusion. This was not how this was supposed to go.

"I have had a wonderful time, Claire," Madison said gently. "I wish you the best."

Time slowed to a stop as I realized that it was over. All the feelings, all the wonderful release, the submission, oh my god the orgasms...in the end I had pushed too hard and too fast. Madison was not going to bend. I'd lost her. I felt the prickling of tears in my eyes, and my throat ached with the sobs I would not let myself cry. Just like the old adage, you never know what you have until you lose it. The thought of leaving and never seeing her again was incomprehensible. She meant too much to me. She was the cornerstone of my existence – I lived and breathed for her pleasure. With an internal start, I finally realized the depth of my feelings, just in time to lose it. I slowly walked towards the open door Madison still held for me. I paused as I came abreast of the smaller woman, turning my head to look in her eyes. Her expression was sad, yet determined.

I couldn't leave like this. I wouldn't let her win this last battle. I had one more weapon in my arsenal.

"Fine Madison," I whispered, leaning in close to her. "I'll leave – but think about this when I'm gone." I slid my hand around the back of her head, pulling her slowly to me. She acquiesced, leaning into me with a sigh as I kissed her as softly as I could. The kiss was as gentle as a spring rain, and held a promise of passion behind it. As I broke the kiss and lifted my head, I waited until her eyes fluttered open, and then said clearly, "I love you Madison."

The shock showed clearly in her face. She blinked, but didn't reply. I took her silent shock for the chance to say it once more.

"I love you. And I may be leaving here, but I am not leaving you. When you stop fighting yourself and your fears and realize you love me too, let me know. I'll be ready."

With that parting shot, I turned and walked out of Madison's house, not turning back around to see her reaction or to see if she watched me leave. It was the longest walk of my life.


Time passes, however slowly. I went to work, I went home. I did my job, and I did it well, but my heart wasn't in it. I avoided Madison. Or maybe she avoided me. Whichever it was, we never ran into each other at the office. I also avoided my friends. I lost count of how many times I rode the elevator to Madison's floor, only to grab a firm hold of my senses and ride the elevator back down. I existed in a state of in-between, waiting for Madison to beckon to me. At time I hated myself for waiting for me, but most times I just ached for her. For her touch, for her power over me, for the release of self I felt when I was with her. I longed to give myself to her, let her take control of my body and my emotions.

My level of desire was just as high as before, but I was unable to find release for it. I had no other sexual partners during this time; everybody would have been a disappointment after Madison. I tried unsuccessfully to bring myself to orgasm several times, but was unable to relax and let go enough – I was too used to Madison doing it for me.

It was an awful existence. But I existed. I existed only on the hope that Madison would crook her finger, decide she was in love with me too, and call me back to her side.


The phone rang just as I got home from yet another long boring day at the office. I snatched it up in annoyance, snapping out a curt "Hello."

"Claire, its Julie," I heard the tinkling voice say.

"Hiya Jules, what's up?" I answered.

"Long time no see...how's it going?" she asked.

"It's not," I replied with aggravation. "I feel like I'm just wasting my life everyday." I heaved a sigh.

"Something will happen, I'm sure," Julie said with her ever-present enthusiasm. "I'm actually calling for that reason, though I sure do miss you and shouldn't need a reason to talk to my best friend."

I winced. "I know Julie, I'm sorry. It's just been crazy, and my money is running low and..."

"And you're still licking the wounds Madison gave you. I get it sweetie, no need to apologize," Julie interrupted me.

"Yeah. Um, I don't wanna talk about Madison," I mumbled.

"Well, she's the reason I'm calling," Julie said in a sing-song voice.

My heart stuttered. In excitement, and in fear. "Why? What?" I said quickly.

"It's gonna cost you," Julie chimed.

"Jules!!" I yelled. "Don't fuck with me, what happened?" My heart had re-started, and was now threatening to jump out of my chest.

Julie laughed. "Okay, okay. She just asked that you contact her. She didn't have a number for you."

"That's it?" I asked with skepticism. "What was the EXACT conversation?"

Julie sighed. "She called me at work, asked if I knew how to get in touch with you. I said yes. She asked me to relay that message. Contact her. That's it."

I plopped down in a kitchen chair, contemplating. "Why didn't she just ask you for my number?"

"Probably because I wouldn't have given it to her," Julie responded.

"Why not?" I screeched.

"BE-Cause! I don't know what the hell is going on between you two!" Julie replied.

"Nothing is going on, "I sighed. "That's the problem. I walked away from her, out of her life. Rather, I told her I loved her, that I would wait for her to come to her senses, AND THEN I walked away. This is the first overture she's made."

"Oh!" Julie squealed. "That's good, right?"

"I dunno," I said. "She could have looked my number up in the HR records...why this round-about method? She's making me come to her first in a way."

"Claire, don't be so damn hard-headed," Julie chided. "Call the woman. You've been miserable for months. She's been a complete bitch, more so than usual. She's fired people for looking at her cross-eyed. The two of you need to work this shit out so we can all get back to normal."

"Yeah, yeah," I said absentmindedly, already wondering what she wanted and what I would say to her. "Talk to you later Jules."

"Call me back and tell me what happens, you hear?" Julie was saying as I hung up the phone.

I slept poorly that night, unable to relax and let my mind go. It was full of Madison, full of the unknown. I worried over Madison's motives like a dog worries a bone. I made up my mind to call her a thousand times, and changed it a thousand times more. Once I fell into an uneasy dozing sleep, my hazy thoughts and dreams were nothing but Madison montages, constantly replaying scenes from our time together.

I awoke the next morning groggy and cranky, but of a resolved mind. I wouldn't call Madison. That was the easy way out. That was her avoiding the confrontation. I would face her.

I gave myself a few hours to wake up and become more human, and then did the obligatory functions of showering and making myself presentable. After putting on a pair of jeans and a low cut cotton top, I gathered up my things and headed out the door.

The weather was absolutely beautiful that day, and I passed several folks out and about enjoying their Saturday. I certainly hoped I was about to enjoy my Saturday too.

I arrived at Madison's house, seeing her car in the driveway again. Good, she wasn't out. I parked and walked up to her front door, experiencing déjà vu'. I fervently prayed this visit went much better than my last one.

Taking one final deep breath, I rang the bell. After a moment, Madison answered the door.

My eyes gobbled up the sight of her. She looked like a shimmering oasis in a desert beckoning the dying man forward. Apparently fresh out of a shower, her long hair was damp and slightly wavy. She was in a cotton t-shirt and a pair of gym shorts. Yet again, her feet were bare. Her face was shocked, surprised, pleased, wary, and scared; somehow all at the same time. Her eyes were the same gorgeous green, and her face was a beautiful as ever. I may have drooled.

"Hi Claire. What a surprise. I'm assuming your friend got in touch with you?" Madison asked after a breathless moment.

"Yes, Julie called me." I answered hesitantly.

"You could have just called me," Madison said with a hint of reprisal in her voice.

"Yeah, but I like to have my important conversations face to face," I said acidly. "Should I come in, or is what you have to say a quick thing?"

Madison smiled. "I forgot how forthright you are. Yes, please come in." She stepped back and let me through the door.

I began heading towards the same room I had been in before, but Madison stopped me. "Let's go into the kitchen. I was just starting lunch."

With a shrug I followed her into the bright and airy state-of-the-art kitchen, my eyes devouring her small tight ass in the flimsy shorts. She pointed to a barstool bordering the large butcher block island, and moved around the island to begin pulling the makings for sandwiches out of the fridge.

I sat, and kept quiet while she moved gracefully around the kitchen. I was still trying to get my fill of the sight of her, but also not trying to let her catch me at it. I was trying so hard to be normal, to be light and easy and nonchalant, when all I wanted to do was throw myself bodily on her counter and beg her to eat ME for lunch.

After Madison made simple turkey sandwiches, she poured two glasses of iced tea, and placing one plate in front of me, took the other stool at the bar.

I took a bite of my sandwich, nodding my head as I chewed. "This is good, thanks."

"You're welcome," Madison said.

We ate mostly in silence. My stomach was tied in knots, and I couldn't manage to choke down much more than a few bites. The suspense was killing me. I kept trying to think of a way to broach the subject, ask her what the fuck, but kept losing my nerve.

Madison's voice snapped my out of my reverie. "Finished?" she asked, pointing to my half-eaten sandwich. I nodded, and noticed her sandwich was only half eaten as well.

Madison stood and took the plates to the sink. Grabbing my nerve and my tea glass, I followed her. When she placed the plates on the counter and turned around, I was only 2 feet behind her.

"Why am I here, Madison?" I asked softly.

I could see the smart ass rebuttal on her lips, but she closed her mouth and looked at me intently.

"You were right," she said simply, shrugging one shoulder.

"About?" I asked, prompting her.

"I am scared. I am full of fear, and I hate it. I have been too much of a coward to face the truth about my feelings." Madison paused, waiting for a reaction from me.

My heart was doing cartwheels, and my body was already beginning to ache with the wanting of her. Was it possible? Was she really going to try a real relationship with me?

"And...." I prompted, wanting to hear the words before I turned somersaults in her kitchen.

"And," she said after a moment's hesitation, "I would like to attempt making love to you."

I knew at that moment that she was mine. There was absolutely no doubt in my mind that I would give this little beauty the best love of her life. I smiled wickedly.

"Say please," I said with that evil grin.

Madison laughed, and I saw the first real smile on her face for months. "Claire!" she laughed again. "'Fine...Please."

I gave a sinister chuckle. "Not nearly good enough, but you'll learn to beg better than that soon." I took that last step that put my body so close to hers I could feel her body heat. I locked eyes with her, reaching out both arms to pull her in tighter.

Madison pulled her head back to stop the kiss she knew was coming. "Claire, remember, I said I would TRY. I make no guarantees tha...."

I shut her up with a fierce kiss. Maybe she wouldn't make guarantees, but I would. Tightening my arms around her, I boldly pushed my tongue into her mouth, feeling her accept it, and tasting the mustard that had been on her sandwich. Below that was her taste, and I already craved to know how ALL of her tasted. My body was thrumming with desire for her, with need for her. For over 6 months I had been denied this, and getting what I wanted now was intoxicating.

My hands roamed quickly and roughly all over her body, feeling her shape through her thin clothes, trying to memorize the feel of her. Madison was also touching my body – but of course she was much more familiar with mine. Her hands unerringly found all those special little places that like to be touched, and very quickly I realized how well she knew me. And it had been so long since she had touched me, so long since I'd had any stimulation of that kind at all. I had to stop her.

I grabbed her hands, pulling them away from my body. "Madison, you have to stop that...I can't concentrate when you're touching me."

Madison gave me her extra-special wicked smile. "I know."

"Then stop!" I said with a laugh.

"No," she said. "We have to do this my way first. I can't just jump into this...I need to...get ready." She turned in a circle, turning me as well, so that my back was now pressed up against the kitchen counter. "Hop up and sit down," she said.

I heard that ring of authority, that undeniable order that I had no ability to resist. I quickly shimmied out of my jeans, and plopped my bare ass up on her granite counter top. "Oh! That's cold!" I exclaimed.

Madison chuckled. I caught my breath as her hands slid up under my shirt, sliding up my body and over my breasts to my shoulders. I lifted my arms, and she quickly whipped the shirt off over my head. Reaching around behind me, she made short work of my bra, tossing that to the side to join my shirt. Then she stepped back and looked at me. Her eyes lit with appreciation.

"This is the first time I've seen you naked," she said.

Astonishingly, I blushed. She was correct – as intimate as she was with my body, she had never seen me naked. "True – so is it worth the wait?" I asked.

"Yes, Claire, very much," she whispered. "You are very beautiful."

My blush deepened, but I grabbed Madison and pulled her to me. "Madison...please hurry. It's been too long, way too long," I said urgently.

"Look at me Claire," she said. I obediently lifted my eyes to look at her, reveling in the fierce beauty and power she radiated. I was lost in her eyes, and almost didn't feel the first brush of her hands up my thighs. I moaned as her hands slid right past my pussy, up over my abdomen to cup my breasts.

She tweaked and pinched my nipples, pulling them in circles, all the while gazing deeply into my eyes. My breath started coming faster as I felt the silver strings of tension and desire that connected my nipples to my clit. My eyes slid to half-mast, but remained open as I watched Madison transform into the powerful sex goddess I loved.

She tortured my breasts with her fingers for a long while, before leaning over and taking one erect nipple into her mouth. She kept her eyes lifted and on me, and I watched her as she suckled. Her tongue would swirl out every so often to make wet circles, before she would suck my nipple back into mouth again. I felt her hot breath on my skin, and the wet trail she left as she licked her way over my other breast to pay it the same attention.

I moaned helplessly, wanting the release I knew she could give me. A strangled "please Madison" escaped my lips before I was aware I was going to beg. I felt her smile against my breast.

Her hand slid from my waist around to my crotch, and I obligingly spread my legs further for her. I dropped my head back, arching my breast harder into her mouth when I felt her fingers slide into my wet slit.

Her hand paused just before she slid a finger into me. "Claire..." she said lifting her head with a warning. Moaning again, I lifted my head so she could see my face. "It's been too long since I've watched you come, darling. I must see you." As soon as she knew she had my undivided attention, she pushed two fingers fully into my already wet hole.

I allowed my vision to go fuzzy and blind, groaning as the feeling of her fingers inside me fulfilled that need I'd had for months. I grunted a hoarse "Yes!"

Madison fingered me expertly, as only she could after months of practice. She worked the lengths of her digits in and out of my tight pussy with alternating speed and thrust, twisting her wrist slightly now and then. She would crook her fingers up to push rhythmically against my Gspot, while her thumb circled my clit. Her other hand was kneading my breast, adding yet another dimension to the overwhelming sensations I was already feeling.

I was moaning incessantly, and I pulled my knees back to open myself more fully for her. I felt my clit begin to throb and swell, and my pussy walls tightened even more. Just before the orgasm crashed over me, Madison leaned in and kissed me, thrusting her tongue into my mouth in time with the thrusting her fingers were doing. My body was totally invaded, and I surrendered it complete to her, allowing her to plunder me mercilessly. I groaned my release into her mouth as the orgasm throbbed through me, my pussy clenching her fingers in rhythm, my chest heaving with the force of my breath.

Madison's kiss gentled as her fingers slowed, and I floated down from the beautiful heights. My vision cleared to see Madison's eyes still watching me, still studying.