Prince of Darkness vs Prom Queen 08

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Laci's Birthday Gift.
18.4k words

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 09/28/2022
Created 07/27/2013
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Chapter 1 A Peek into the Past

"You seem lost in thought, at least a million miles away."

Laci smiled at Marian's statement. "Yes to lost in thought and no to the million miles. Only a few yards actually. I'm thinking about Donovan."

"Where is my cousin? Working as usual? Victor took the boys to the park and asked Donny to go but he said he had work to do. I suppose I'm not the one to talk but there is more to life than working. Victor has taught me that. I think you and Matthew have also taught Donny that although he seems to forget sometimes."

They were sitting in Marian and Victor's comfortable living room. One of Laci's feet was propped on an ottoman in front of the chair, her ankle wrapped with an ace bandage.

"He's getting caught up on everything he didn't do while you and Victor were on Kalake. Neither of us expected that I was going to trip over Virgil and sprain my ankle. Donovan had his hands full between taking care of Matthew and Jeremy plus looking after me and not asking for help for any of it. I am incredibly proud of him. Not long ago he wouldn't have known where or how to start and he would have been on the phone demanding help. Instead he just did what had to be done without thinking twice. He was quite remarkable."

"How is your ankle?" Marian asked.

"Much better, almost 100%, although Donovan still isn't letting me do anything. I'm hoping he'll take some time to rest now that you and Victor are back. I don't think I've ever seen him so tired."

Marian settled in the chair across from Laci. "I'm not sure my cousin knows how to rest. He teases you about never learning the meaning of the word submissive but he's just as bad when it comes to taking time off, resting, relaxing. Those words don't have a very large place in his vocabulary. I think our family background is largely responsible for both of us turning into extreme workaholics."

"Donovan doesn't talk about the past. He's told me quite a lot about his time in college, when he started his business, wanting to become a Dominant, but the times before that he almost never talks about. I keep thinking there are things he doesn't want to recall."

Marian considered Laci's statement. "I can't say that either of us don't want to remember. It's more that there isn't much worth remembering. Neither of us had siblings but it wasn't as if we were neglected or unloved and it certainly wasn't anything like you experienced with your parents. It was all very commonplace, very mundane. If you can call having enough money to fund a small nation mundane."

"He also doesn't talk very much about money, not the family money or his own."

"Probably because he saw what happened over time. The Corbetts started making money during the mid-1800's. The ancestors were in the right place, at the right time, and were able to start several industries that were more than lucrative. For the next hundred or so years the Corbetts worked hard and earned a huge amount of money. Somewhere during the mid-1900's they decided to work less and start spending their hard earned money. The problem was, as time went on, it all became very excessive."

"Donovan has said he never wanted for anything when he was younger. He's torn between giving anything and everything to Matthew and making sure he's not spoiled."

"He saw what having anything and everything did to his parents and mine and the rest of the family. Excessive might not have been a strong enough way to describe it. The family businesses will always make money but at some point the spending became exorbitant. Eventually it all became almost unconscionable. It wasn't just living the good life. It was destructive. Drinking. Drugs. Promiscuity. Gambling. Taking risks, almost suicidal chances. From what I know, there were times when the lifestyle of the Corbetts skirted hedonism. Donny and I lived it too, mostly because it was all we knew, although we never took it quite to the extreme as other members of the family."

"Donovan never described it quite so strongly."

"Donny's father and my father were brothers. They both worked for a time in the family businesses but they both spent money the way other people drink water. Our city homes were big enough but the country estates were massive. No joke, I had a closet about as big as the average home. My parents gave me everything. Donny's were just as bad. He had three cars before he was old enough to drive."

"Three cars? No wonder Donovan doesn't want to spoil Matthew."

"Exactly, but we thought everyone lived the same way. We didn't know any differently until we got older and wiser and started looking beyond the money. I'm making it sound terrible but it really wasn't. Our parents were there for every Christmas but the trees were decorated by professional decorators and it took about three days to open all the gifts that were purchased by personal shoppers and wrapped by some minion in some store. By the time we finished opening the last few gifts, we couldn't remember what the first few gifts were. It was the same with birthdays. They were never, ever forgotten and there was always a huge cake and far too many gifts to really mean anything. Donny had a good relationship with his parents but he was almost closer to my father than to his own. I had a good relationship with my parents but I spent hours with Donny's mom. It's a shame none of them lived long enough to see their children grow up or meet their grandchildren. As for the other relatives, the aunts, uncles and cousins, they just keep repeating the same mistakes, never earning anything, spending as much money as they can, drinking more than is necessary, everything excessively."

"So, I guess there aren't any relatives Donovan would want to be reunited with, the way he reunited me with my father."

"Not one. It sounds a little cold, but he probably mourned my father more than his own. My dad loved gambling and horseracing and his stables. He owned some incredible horses and he and Donny would ride on the estate. The place was so massive they'd be gone all day. Donny used to ride a huge white stallion named Wycliff. Usually white horses aren't completely white, but Wycliff was pure, snow white. He seemed to lose interest after dad died which is probably why he doesn't like the ranch, although the estate was all wide open meadows, miles of emerald green grass and groomed riding paths. None of it was dirty or dusty. Dad and Donny would race across one of the meadows, their hair blowing in every direction. Donny was always a serious kid but that was about the only time he looked carefree. He looked carefree when he was riding or driving his little roadster. I have some pictures." Marian got up and went over to a cupboard and pulled out a photo album, flipping through the pages. "Here." She handed it to Laci. "His pride and joy. An antique Jaguar. He loved that car until just before he graduated college and decided he needed to be serious and responsible. Also about the same time he became a Dominant. In his own way, Donny emulated what he grew up with. He wanted and needed control but he took it to the extreme."

Laci flipped through the photographs. "I've never seen pictures. If Donovan has any, he's got them locked away somewhere. I'm surprised he liked riding. He never wants to ride when I invite him."

"He did like riding Wycliff. Dad died a few months after Donny went off to school and my mother had no interest so she sold all the horses and closed up the stables. He was sorry to lose Wycliff but Donny never seemed interested in riding after that. He sold the car to a collector just before he graduated and got a small fortune for it. Then he devoted all of his time to building his business. We both wanted companies that weren't part of the family heritage. If the parasite relatives were going to live off the company money, it wasn't going to be money we made for them. We made our own. I used some of my trust fund when I started the magazine but I don't think Donny's ever broken into his. One day Matthew is going to inherit a substantial sum."

"I can't believe Donovan never told me any of this. It's as if that part of his life didn't happen. He never mentioned riding with your father or the horse. Not that I'm surprised. Horses aren't the safest topic of discussion. Especially growling horses."

"Wycliff didn't growl. At least, I don't remember him growling. And as long as there's dirt or dust, he'll find every excuse not to ride. Donny always hated getting dirty. Even when he was Matthew's age. He's always been tidy and almost compulsive about his clothes and appearance. I nearly fainted the first time I saw him wearing jeans. Whenever I saw him riding, he was wearing very proper equestrian apparel and attire. Never jeans." Marian smiled at Laci. "You've made such a huge difference in his life."

Laci smiled back. "He's made an even bigger difference in mine. I often think back to the hours I used to spend mucking out stables and never believing I'd have my own son, a beautiful home and a very loving husband who has been responsible for all of it. I'm glad you told me all of this. Makes it easier to understand why Donovan implodes when he feels like he's losing control."

"Don't you ever resent it?" Marian asked. "Don't you resent the Dominant thing?"

Laci considered for a moment. "At first I was very intimidated by it and by Master Donovan. I wasn't sure what he was going to expect from me and I knew submission wasn't something I needed or wanted. Eventually I started to understand what he got from training and he's managed to keep his two worlds very separate which I find amazing. Now the only thing I resent is when he goes out of town and is gone for so long but that's because I miss him. He's very special."

"Cousin Donny, Dominant with a heart of gold. I guess he always had the tendency. He used to control Wycliff and that was more than one thousand pounds of horse and now he controls his business and the sex slaves. Can't control you though, or Victor."

"I think Donovan and I take turns controlling each other pretty well," Laci could feel herself blushing, "although from what Victor says, the two of you have worked out a few control issues."

It was Marian's turn to blush. "I would have to agree. Victor is quite good with both giving and receiving tying privileges but there is a definite Dominant gene in the Corbett lineage. My husband would agree and I think Matthew has it as well. I'm not sure Master Donovan realizes how often he submits to his three year old son."

"Donovan still reminds me about the afternoon I tricked him into getting acquainted with Matthew but he just needed to take control for himself. Now Donovan is Matthew's hero but Matthew does demand submission every time he wants to hear a story or get down on the floor and play with his little cars or his blocks or wants to crash his cars into a tower of blocks. Donovan drops whatever he's doing. It's wonderful."

"It is wonderful. Victor always describes Donny's former life as a black and white existence that exploded into color the day you wandered into it. There was order and routine and each day was a replica of the day before until you came along and my cousin started catching rainbows. It's no wonder he's in a perpetual state of befuddlement, which for all his complaining, I think he actually enjoys."

"I think so, too," Laci responded. "He's been especially happy since Virgil and his brood started keeping watch over Matthew," she stated with a slight accusatory frown."

"I did confess and apologize to Donny for that but I couldn't resist and I never expected everyone to react that much. I can understand the growling horse but a stuffed unicorn? He has to have seen quite a bit during his Dominant discovery sessions but he's bothered by a stuffed unicorn that stares? My cousin is one of a kind."

"If it makes Donovan happy to have Virgil watching over Matthew, then so be it. He might not believe it, but Donovan's happiness and tranquility is more important to me."

"It's also easier to deal with but that tranquility might be erupting soon. Victor said that your birthday is approaching rapidly and Donny is starting to panic about a gift. Maybe you can keep the peace and give him some idea about what you want."

"Actually our conversation has given me an excellent idea. It's going to take a little planning on my end but I think I know exactly what to ask for."

Chapter 2 Isn't That Special?

Donovan was sitting at his desk, making some final notes on a report, when Victor toddled into the room.

"Hey, Daddy-bug. It's nap-time. Want some company?" A stapler flew through the air and slammed into Victor's shoulder. "Ouch! Hey! What was that for?"

Donovan shrugged. "You started calling me that when Matt was born. It wasn't long ago he celebrated his third birthday and for all this time I've been telling you I hate the name yet you continue to use it. If you can do what you want to do than I should be able to do the same and when you use that name, I want to throw something, so I did. I'm thinking about ordering some small granite pieces. Something tasteful that will coordinate with the room. I can stack them right next to the desk and when you annoy me, I can throw one. I'll make sure the corners aren't sharp. At least not too sharp."

"Now what's wrong? Why are you in such a bad mood?"

"Actually, I'm in an extraordinarily good mood," Donovan told him with satisfaction. "I've gotten caught up on almost everything I wasn't able to do while you and Marian were on your Kalake holiday."

"You know, you coulda called. We would've come back," Victor responded.

"I suppose I could have called but it didn't seem necessary. Matt and Jeremy are fine. The dog-moose was very helpful with them. Laci's ankle is doing better, so, with the exception of the first day of her injury, when the boys had ice cream and cereal for breakfast, everything was just fine." He noticed Victor's expression. "What? It's dairy."

"Maybe you and Laci can head to Kalake for a few days. You deserve some time off. Take a few days and do nothing but relax and run naked on the beach."

"What the hell is it with you and running naked on the beach? What possible satisfaction do you get from kicking sand all over yourself and risking sunburn? I can assure you, Laci and I do not run naked on the beach. She loved the new fire pit I had built and we spent quite a bit of time discussing it. It was very informative."

"What's so hot about a fire pit? No pun intended. Can't beat naked running."

"Victor, let me ask you something. When you are running naked on the beach, what are you doing?"

"Uh...running. Running with no clothes. Kinda sexy."

"Are you doing anything else?"

"No. That's pretty much it. Running. Running on the sand. Running into the water to get cool from running on the sand. Damn sand is almost hot as a fire pit. Just running."

"So while you are hotly running on the sand, kicking sand into every crevice of your body, risking sunburn and heat stroke, you are doing nothing but running. I, however, am sitting under the awning and having a discussion about the fire pit. I have no concerns about stray sand or sunburn and I'm not actually discussing the merits of the fire pit. And while you are expending your energy running and getting sand kicked up your ass, I am very happily not really discussing anything to do with the fire pit."


"Think about it."

"While I'm running, you're discussing but you're not really discussing. But you're discussing." Victor thought for a moment before the light bulb above his head flashed. "Ohhh...discussing. You might have a point, Donovan."

"Yes I might and, unlike yours, my point isn't at the top of my head and it's quite beneficial for very long, fire-related discussions. And speaking about discussions, as I recall we had a discussion about my wife's upcoming birthday. You were going to attempt to help me with an idea to do something for her. Is there any chance you interrupted your naked running fantasies to actually think about it?"

"Why do you always ask me?" Victor whined. "You never like my ideas and you always come up with your own ideas that are better than my ideas."

"Considering that your past ideas have included Club Transylvania and spicy wing odysseys, yes, I do usually have better ideas but I'm taking a shot anyway. I figure that the odds have to fall in my favor eventually and you'll come up with a brilliant notion that will astonish me. Is this your day or should I check with the dog-moose again? His ideas are usually not too bad."

"Laci never wants anything."

"I know. That's why I'm asking for help."

"Laci never asks for anything."

"I know. And I repeat: that's why I'm asking for help."

"Laci likes everything."

"I don't believe you seem to be getting the concept of 'help'. I'm aware that Laci never asks for anything and appreciates everything but I enjoy doing special things for her and several years ago you pointed out that Laci probably didn't have many good memories associated with her birthday and I should help her make new ones. That's what I have tried to do ever since. That's what I'm attempting to do now."

"You could have a party for her. How about a real old fashioned party with a big cake and balloons, party hats, streamers, pin the tail on the donkey?"

"Outstanding idea," Donovan stated with mock enthusiasm, "and when we're finished pinning the tail on you, we can go back to throwing things at you. Best idea you've ever had."

"She likes sunflowers."

Donovan shook his head. "Thank you for stating the obvious. I know she likes sunflowers. Is that the best you can come up with? The dog-moose would be more help. Sunflowers," he said with exasperation. "Perhaps you can take your sunny sunflower idea and stick it where the sun does not shine."

"I thought you were in a good mood."

"I was," Donovan muttered, "until I started talking to you. I want something special."

"Real sunflowers dry up eventually. Maybe you can have a gold sunflower necklace made for her then she can have sunflowers even when she doesn't have sunflowers."

Donovan looked at Victor with a quizzical expression. "That's actually not a bad idea, I just don't know if it's special enough."

"Laci thinks everything you do is special. You've had some real special moments. Like you always fighting with her horse. That's special. And you always flipping out when you think Trent is flirting with her. That's really special. And how about the time you blew up the kitchen. Can't get more special than that."

Donovan pretended to laugh. "Yeah, and remember when I fired you? That was very special, one of my fondest memories. That's about as special as it gets."

"You never fired me."

"No time like the present. Let's all have a special day."

"Are you sure you're in a good mood?" Victor questioned suspiciously.

"At the moment, I think I'm in a special mood." Donovan sighed. "Look, I know in the past, Laci and I have had some bumps in the road."

"She's had bumps. You've had those red spikes that cause severe tire damage."

"It's not too late to make this an exceptionally special day and fire you, Victor," Donovan snarled. "As I was saying, we've had some bumps but the last couple of months have been perfect. She's not always the easiest person to deal with and I know I'm not always the easiest person to deal with but when she evicted Virgil the Hateful and his unicorn gang from our bedroom, it really meant a lot to me."

"That wasn't a gang. That was his family."

"They still got relocated to Matt's room and he's happy to have them. And when he outgrows them, I'll have no problem building them a unicorn hutch or coop or corral or bunker or wherever it is that unicorns reside. He can sit proudly in the entry way and welcome every visitor with one of his beady eyed snarls. At the moment, however, I still need an idea for Laci's birthday."