Project - Prometheus Ch. 07


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"Tahreena," Inari repeated, in a half question. The girl grinned when she repeated it correctly, almost giggling when Inari said her name. Inari then made it a game, pointing at some things and having Tahreena say them back to her. Tahreena likewise did the same, but in her language, teaching little bits to Inari. Though this went on for some time, and she always kept looking up and scanning the area, looking for any threat.

Inari figured that the group was gone for only ten minutes when they came back with arms laden with whatever they could grab. Some things were piled on small makeshift sleds as the volume was too much for any one person to carry. Stopping their game, Inari ushered Tahreena inside as she went down the ramp to help them with bringing everything in.

"You guys grabbed everything that wasn't nailed down did you?" the middle eastern woman joked. She then went to one sled that one of the older people was having difficulty moving and pushed it up the ramp. There was a good amount of food in the sleds and a lot of other items of practical worth in this cold climate. Skins and furs consisted more than half the pilfered items while food and some smaller items and a few weapons occupied the rest of the space.

"Actually, there wasn't much left here in the manner of food. Looks like these guys were planning on robbing the Ahl'kanin blind. Their foodstuffs were depleted and everything we could find was loaded up and brought here," Taal'ani explained as she loaded up various skins and clothing.

"Still, you guys made it here pretty fast. You were gone all of what, ten, fifteen minutes?" Inari asked.

"Actually, it was the better part of an hour," Lumi replied. "What were you doing to pass the time?"

"I was talking to little Tahreena there," Inari pointed at the little girl who had stepped up to help the elders into the ship. She was having them all settle into the built-in seats. Though it all seemed very strange to them, they took comfort knowing that being prisoners was a thing of the past. That these people who had come in this machine, were here to help them.

"We got to talking a little and have been exchanging words, hoping to communicate," Inari supplied as she continued helping with loading. Much of what they had taken from inside the fortress was nearly packed up. Maybe ten minutes later, everything was loaded, and everyone was aboard.

"Is that everyone?" Inari asked as she walked up the ramp, the one to board the ship.

"Yup, unless you want to drag those assholes you locked up in here," Taal'ani stated as she helped everyone sit and settle.

"Absolutely not! Let those sadistic bastards rot in their cages!" Inari said vehemently. Hitting the button for the ramp, it closed with a whirring sound. Inari stayed put until it closed, the locks for the door snapping into place. She then made her way to the cockpit and fired up the engines.

The Ahl'kanin started, the loud noise foreign to them. Luminia assuaged them, by telling them that this level of noise was normal for a ship to be making. Once they were primed and ready, Inari brought the Hermes into liftoff, putting them up and into the air. Some children had plastered their faces to the windows, awed by the fact that they were now flying.

Soon, they were moving along through the air, headed back to Ahl'kanin lands. Inari had killed the lights as they flew, so as not to give away their position to the fleeing Yahk'shurt. No need to let them know that they've been robbed blind Inari thought with a dark chuckle. It was no more than those bastards deserved, with what they had planned for the Ahl'kanin clan. Especially with what they nearly did to Pree and would have done to them.

Inari chanced a look back to see how everyone was handling the ride when she saw Tahreena standing there. As before, the little girl was looking around at everything that was blinking and beeping. Most of all, she was staring at Inari with the most surprised look on her face. She babbled in her language until she caught herself and blushed. Luminia came up a few seconds later, speaking to Tahreena before shooing her away.

"There's no need for that Luminia. The girl was just curious about what I do," Inari said as she turned her focus back to flying.

"You understand the... tongue of my people?" Lumi asked, shocked at the prospect.

"Not yet, but the look on little Reena's face was all I needed to be able to tell what she was thinking," Inari chirped in reply. Luminia smirked at that, figuring that the little girl was fairly obvious about it. "How is everyone getting on back there? Any issues or trouble I should be aware of?"

"Nothing serious but some people are feeling a little... dizzy?"

"Ah. That's motion sickness and there's nothing I can do about that. It might help if they close their eyes and try focusing on breathing?" Inari offered. Nodding, Lumi disappeared back into the main hold to comfort those going through the sickness. She dialed back the speed a touch, so as to make the ride a bit smoother. They'd been airborne for maybe ten minutes before she glimpsed the torchlight in the distance. Inari clicked on the intercom to make her announcement.

"I see the settlement. We're maybe sixty seconds out so might as well let everyone know Luminia."


Alex was pacing along the ground in front of the prisoners that had been secured. Thus far they'd listened, with a few exceptions but it wasn't anything they weren't able to handle. Most of them had allowed themselves to be herded, though they weren't happy about it. Some had tried resisting, but it didn't get them very far.

One particularly large brute had tried to go toe to toe with Alex and fight his way past him but a quick pop to his jaw sent him sprawling. He had then driven home the point by burying Yggdrasil right in front of his face, blade first. The man shook like a leaf as the flaming axe had been millimeters from shearing his nose off. He got up and was directed to where the rest of his clan members were being kept without further complaint.

The crew of the Perseus heard the engines of the dropship before they saw it. Alex gestured to the remaining Ahl'kanin, having them take over guard duty, which they were more than happy to do. He ambled over to the clearing that had been allocated as the landing pad for the Hermes. He saw that Korsa, Nats and the other ladies were waiting as well.

The ship passed over them before it set itself in a hover, coming to a soft and easy landing. Floodlights came to life, flaring with the intensity of the sun of a moment before dimming slightly. The rear hatch unlocked and hissed as it opened, slowly dropping the ramp to touch down into the ground. Inside of the ship was packed with both people and what looked to be supplies and such.

"What did you guys do? Rob those bastards while they weren't home?" Alex asked into his suit mic.

"Actually, that's exactly what we did and serves those assholes right! Let them starve I say!" Taal'ani stated as she walked out. On her arms were a couple of elderly Ahl'kanin who were having trouble walking, so she did her best to steady them. Some younger clan members came out of the gathered crowd to meet the elders and welcome them back. It was clear that the young men and women who embraced them were family as a slightly tearful reunion ensued.

Some children came out, calling for their parents. Some high-pitched cries sounded from within the crowd as several adults rushed out to embrace the children. The kids cried out joyously as they ran to meet them. Tears flowed freely as both parents and children laughed and cried at the same time. They were all thankful and disbelieving that they were now holding their loved ones again.

Mama K and Nats couldn't help but cry a little themselves as this scene was having an effect on them. He also noted that Kas had shed a few tears at the sight of the familial reunions. Alex felt his cheek was a little wet as well. Though it shouldn't have affected him, it did as he had endured much in his life. Taking a breath, he turned back to the prisoners that he was supposed to be watching.

Alex noticed that small group of prisoners were staring at some of the children and craning their heads. Almost like they were searching out someone in particular. Moving back to the transport he saw that a small grouping of children, maybe fifteen or so, were looking forlorn. Some of them seemed to be on the verge of tears as they watched other children reunite with their parents.

Alex walked up to them and they all turned as one to look at him. They shrank back in fear at his approach, trembling as he drew nearer. The young captain then disengaged his helmet and took it off, revealing his face to the children. The fear melted away almost instantly as he stopped in front of them and knelt. Curiosity now replaced the fear as one girl reached out to touch his face.

He smiled as he felt her fingers touch his cheek. She jabbered at him briefly before clamming up and flushing a slightly darker shade of blue. He looked at her, puzzlement written all across his face until Luminia walked over and translated for him.

"She says you have a kind face, like her father's," the Ahl'kanin woman told Alex.

"Where is her father now?"

Lumi posed the question, and the girl turned away, like she was ashamed or sad. She mumbled something that was too low for anyone to catch. Luminia repeated the question, and the answer was loud enough to hear this time. Though what she heard had caught her off guard and she turned to Captain Tomisic with a pained look.

"Her father fought with the Yahk'shurt and she doesn't even know if he's alive," Lumi said sadly. The pain that was etched on her face was one of sympathy as though she knew what it was to lose a father.

"Tell her I think he is still alive and if she follows me and listens, I'll take her to see him. If that's allowed?" Alex queried. Lumi's eyes flashed for a moment, like she would cry. Then she nodded and walked over to a couple of the guards and talked to them hurriedly. She gestured in an agitated manner and argued with the guards until they finally hung their heads and ground out affirmative noises.

Lumi walked on back and told the girl what Alex had told her, causing her to take in a sharp breath, like she couldn't believe what she was hearing. She stood up straight and walked up to Alex hurriedly and expectantly. He held out his hand, and the girl took it as he stood. The other children gathered around him, all of them hoping for the same thing that the girl was.

"What is her name?" he asked of Luminia.

"Tahreena. Her name is Tahreena."

"Tahreena," Alex said, rolling the R on his tongue. She looked up at him as he led them away from the transport and around the group of prisoners. The guards looked at the children disinterestedly as did many of the prisoners. The same small grouping of them, maybe forty or more, looked at the children with a sense of hope on their faces.

As they drew near, the children spotted the prisoners looking at them and almost ran out to them. Alex raised his hand and Lumi, walking next to them called out for them to wait until they got closer. They obeyed, but it was clear that they were happy to see these people, whom Alex guessed were their parents.

"Ahva?!" Tahreena said in her tongue. She was looking at a male who was on his knees by one of the nearby guards. Reena looked up at Alex and he nodded, giving her the go ahead. She bolted to her father, only to be stopped by the guard who stood over him. He had the girl at arm's length, keeping her from her dad.

"Hey!" Alex growled as he gripped the guard by the shoulder. His head snapped up, and he looked straight in Alex's eyes, expecting to see weakness. Instead, he saw a man who would not allow the bullshit he was pulling. The large Croat shook his head and bore a look into the guard that would have punched through steel. Reluctantly, the guard let Tahreena pass, not wanting to piss off the bearer of Yggdrasil.

Other children slowly filtered through, each one finding their parent or parents that were there. They all took a few moments to speak to their kids, offering what wisdom and comfort they could. After a few minutes, Luminia called for the children to come back and they did so, but it was obvious that they wanted to stay with their parents.

As the children were gathered up by Lumi, Alex looked at the prisoners and saw only gratitude from them. Though they might be doomed to die, he comforted them in their last moments. Alex bowed his head towards his former adversaries and placed his right fist into his left palm, in a gesture of respect. He then walked away to rejoin his crew who were standing by Luminia and the children.

"What will happen to them?" Alex wondered as he approached the group, standing by them.

"That is for the chiefs to decide but since they fought for the Yahk'shurt, they are considered Yahk'shurt and may just be sentenced to death," Luminia intoned, her voice full of sorrow. Though the children had seen their parents, it was likely the last time they ever would. Alex didn't like it one bit, but this situation was out of his hands.

Valessa called out to the assembled throng of people and focused their attention on her and the remaining chiefs. She began by going into a long oration, gesturing with intent and purpose. All the Ahl'kanin's and Yahk'shurt's attention was on her as she went on in her people's tongue, stirring their hearts to listen. Luminia translated for the group.

"My mother is speaking to all the people, saying how the mother goddess has blessed us with aid from the heavens. How the war goddesses and the great war chief have turned aside evil and brought justice back to our lands. Although our foes were mighty, they could not stand against you and your people, true warriors of light. Against you, those who do evil will quail at your coming and flee."

"There will be a reckoning for all who have tried to enslave us all and how they will be judged. That those who are truly taken by the darkness will be sent to the Darklands, to be tormented for all eternity. That the judgement will be carried out by those of us who still stand with our mother goddess in the moon's light."

"My mother asks that you stand with her as the sentence on the Yahk'shurt is passed," she indicated to Alex. "You are the war chief and though you are not of the people, your word will carry weight here."

It flummoxed Alex that such an offer was being tabled but he nodded and walked forward to stand next to Valessa. Several of the other chiefs shifted uncomfortably, not happy about this sudden shift in power but they refused to say anything on the matter. Some of them eyed his axe and shuddered, seeing that massive weapon go to work was enough to cow anyone. Lumi directed the others to stand with the honor guard as Valessa made a motion with her hand and uttered a simple phrase which Lumi translated.

"Bring the prisoners forth."

The guards made motions with their weapons as they moved the prisoners along in single file. They were soon lined up at the base of the hill in a rank like formation, four ranks deep. There were fewer than two hundred of them assembled, standing there and waiting for their sentence to be passed. Valessa spoke again and Luminia did her best to keep up with her mother's speech.

"Warriors of the Yahk'shurt, you battled with us this night when there should have been talks of peace among us. You sought to bring us low while we were not prepared for any conflict. Your actions have been nothing but dishonorable and as such you are accused of murder, rape, torture and a whole host of other crimes that are too numerous to list. The only mitigating quality of this night is that you all fought valiantly when these warriors of the stars came to our aid, despite being greatly outmatched."

"Of all the crimes you stand accused of, how do you plead?"

One of the warriors, a man of some importance by the way he was dressed, spoke out loudly, calling the chieftaness out as a traitor and that she should be the one who should be judged.

That everything they had done was right and that the chieftaness was too soft. That her people deserved a strong warrior to lead them, not a woman's soft heart.

Before any rebuke could be uttered, he charged past the guards, catching them by surprise. He had run past them, stripping one of them of her weapon before taking off at a dead run towards the assembled chiefs. The honor guard raised their weapons and advanced to stop him but stood down as Alex stepped forward. He then placed his battle axe back into its sheath on his back before stepping into a ready stance.

The Yahk'shurt warrior didn't slow and thought Alex was showing his weakness as Valessa had and brandished his weapon maniacally. He picked up the pace, thinking to drive the stolen knife through the man's eye. He would show his warriors what it was to be Yahk'shurt. The distance was quickly closed as he raised his weapon to strike, jumping in the air to reach him.

Alex raised his left arm, as though in self-defense while he drew back his right arm, which was clenched in a fist at his waist. As the warrior descended, Alex lashed out, striking with all the speed of a viper. His right fist connected below the boy's jaw in a solid uppercut, driven by the pistons and hydraulics of his battle suit. A terrible and sickening, cracking sound echoed in the immediate area as the warrior's jaw was pulverized into oatmeal.

His momentum halted, and it quickly reversed as the powerful blow from Alex sent the whelp flying through the air. His body flew back down the way it came and if the blow from Alex didn't kill him, then landing the way he did, most assuredly finished him. His head smashed into the icy ground, the impact crushing his neck bones and cracking his skull. The rest of him tumbled in a heap, barley twitching in his death throes.

The remaining prisoners stole a look at their fallen compatriot before staring back at the man who had ended him. Alex stood there with purple blood dripping off of his gauntlet, his face a grim mask. None of the defeated warriors dared look at him for too long as they feared meeting the same fate.

"Anyone else?" Alex asked quietly. Lumi quickly translated his question which was met with vigorous shakes of their heads. Seeing as no one else was ballsy enough to want to challenge him, he stepped back to Valessa's side and gestured for her to continue.

"Because of your leaders' actions for the attempt on our lives, the sentence is passed. For your part in the willful deception of our clan and for the bloodshed that you have sought, I condemn every member of the Yahk'shurt clan to death! Strip them down and send them out into the snows!"

A child wailed, in a long and weeping cry. Several others joined her as they now saw what was going to become of their parents. Some of them tried going back to them only to be met with guards blocking the way.

"We are not Yahk'shurt!"

Valessa's head snapped immediately to the voice who had shouted out those words. A single man was walking forward, along with a small grouping of other people who followed him. The man in question was none other than Tahreena's dad and he was walking forward to stand toe to toe with the Ahl'kanin. The Yahk'shurt gave them a wide berth, almost in a manner of respect. He was a big man, with skin a darker shade of blue than the rest, almost a bright cobalt in color, as were the rest of those who stood with him.

"If you are not Yahk'shurt, then who are you?" Valessa asked contemptuously.

"I am Sohlkris, last son of the last chief of the Sareetahl clan," Luminia translated to them all with eyes wide as saucers. Valessa and the chiefs standing with her were likewise shocked at this admission.
