Queen of the Sea Ch. 01


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"Well just because you can sail, doesn't mean you will be useful on this ship, you are aware of what signing on to this crew would entail?"

"I am good with a sword, sturdy in battle"

Will looks him up and down not entirely convinced he should give the job to this man. He opens his mouth to speak again, but the voice that sounds through the air is not his own, but one behind him, "Will we need all the hands we can hire stop giving him such a hard time, save it for when we are out on the open water"

Carlix looks past the large man in front of him, and for the first time sees a figure sitting atop a pier post. Looking this fellow over, he was wearing large brown boots, trousers that tucked inside them, large coat with a shirt underneath, several weapons attached to a belt. His elbows on his knees holding a sharp knife in his hand whittling some wood. Carlix wasn't sure if he was actually whittling anything in particular or just shaving wood to demonstrate prowess with a dagger and how sharp it was. Either way this fellow held the knife as if he was born with it in his hand, just an extension of his limb. Looking down at his hands, his hat blocking the view of his face. He seemed a little small, but he was probably really quick on his feet. Sometimes it is the small ones that are better fighters than the large strong ones, and need to be watched doubly careful. Carlix wasn't sure why he hadn't seen this man sitting there, perhaps Will was blocking his view, or he was so focussed on speaking with the large quartermaster he wasn't paying attention, but he noticed now.

He jumped down from the pier, landing with more grace than he had ever seen out of any of his soldiers. Knife still in hand walking towards him. Carlix didn't back down, not from this man, he didn't seem much of a threat.

"You are hired." says the small fellow

"I thought it was Will who was doing the hiring" Carlix says, surprised Will was allowing a much weaker man go over his head. Will just laughs and replies "This be the captain."

For the first time since laying eyes on the little man, he raises his face to greet him. Bright green eyes meets with his dark brown ones. He gasps softly but audible "You are a woman."

"Names Kit, but if you have ever heard a story about The Queen of the Seas, that is me as well. I do enjoy being called that, but Captain will be fine" She looks him over for a moment, raising the knife up, placing the point to the bottom of his chin, and suddenly her eyes turned menacing, sending a chill over his entire body. "You don't have a problem taking orders from a woman do you?" Her tone itself was threatening, didn't even need the knife he thought, but the feeling of the cold blade tip pressing firmly against his skin was more than enough to make him whisper, fearing to open his mouth to wide "No, no problem at all.... Captain"

"Good" comes her reply as she takes the knife quickly away again, the threatening and menacing captain changing back to a calm and friendly sailor. Carlix sighs in relief and swallows his fear hard. Perhaps he was getting in over his head.

.................... Carlix got used to the routine of the ship quickly, he was surprised at how quick and efficient these men were at their duties. They were not quite up to military standard, but they were damn good. He had always thought of pirates as lazy, drunk and stupid, but he had to admit Kit ran a tight ship. She didn't let anyone get away with not pulling their weight, she was a tough captain. He knew she was probably one of the toughest on the open water, and with good reason, being the only woman on a ship, would be very hard as they are generally considered bad luck. The first thing she would have to do is prove that her skills could out weigh any bad luck brought along by her gender, she would then need to learn how to fight, and become good, not just good enough to hold her own, she has to be better than the men, otherwise they would over power her, and take advantage of her. She would need to learn how to defend herself and quickly if she were to make it on a ship, or perhaps she joined up posing as a boy, if she did that she wouldn't have to worry about the other men, at least as long as she could keep her sex a secret. Eventually, she would not be able to hide her womanhood any longer, it would become obvious to anyone standing close to her. Even once she completed all that, to work her way up to captain would be another mountain to climb, she would not only have to be very good in a fight, win every time, but she would also have to be smart enough to make up a strategic plan as well as earn the respect of her fellow sailors, which can be the hardest task of all for a man let alone a woman. Without respect you would never be able to get a crew to sail for you, these men did fear Kit as well but fear is not a very good motivator, at least not by itself, rule by causing terror alone will cause the men to rise up and mutiny and from what he gathered, Kit had been captain for a very long time.

He glanced up from his swabbing of the deck, he saw her standing at the helm, her hands resting on the giant round wooden wheel, not gripping it tightly as some do as they are nervous when controlling such a large ship, but just resting them there gently, every so often turning the wheel slightly to keep the ship on course. Her hands slide over the polished woods softly, lovingly, face full of pride as she does; he hadn't felt like that about his ship in more years than he would care to recall. He wonders to himself how he lost that feeling of pride and accomplishment. Before he reaches the conclusion to his thoughts his mop that he was leaning on is kicked out from under him and he falls to the deck.

"Mind your work!" says the quartermaster roughly.

"Aye, aye" he replies quickly, rushing to his feet. Picking up his mop and rubbing it across the planks of the decks, eyes on his work, not wanting to even look around because he can feel everyone's eyes on him, including hers. He feels like a complete fool, and wonders if everyone knows he was staring at Kit, hoping that they all just think he was lost in thoughts, or at the very least a day dream.

By nightfall it seemed everyone had forgotten the episode between him and the quartermaster, and nobody was more relieved than Carlix. He was playing cards with a few of the other men below deck, happy to be a part of the activity, he would never able to do this on the navy ships. Even though he had always wanted to join in with the men, whether it be cards, music, betting or something else, but his high rank wouldn't allow him that freedom. On the other hand he enjoyed all the privileges his rank allowed him; balls, feasts, meeting the most eligible young ladies.

Oh the ladies, each one different yet all the same, dressed up in her finery, hair curled, dresses soft to the touch, modest but still revealing their form enough to make a man know what he wanted. He was a man who always knew what he wanted, and he had even gotten it from a few different ladies. He remembered how they would act shy, laughing softly, blushing at his compliments but smiling too, he knew what they liked to hear. When he set his mind to it he could woo any woman he wished too, he was told he had quite the silver tongue. He would flatter her with his sugary words, sometimes meaning every word, sometimes just saying what he knows she wants to hear, each time they would eventually let him lead them out on the dance floor, placing there soft, small delicate hands in his larger rough ones. Pulling her close, she would feel so soft against his firm body, her feminine scent would fill his nostrils, which would only fuel his desire. With his hand around her waist, pulling her a little closer than necessary, but not a single one would protest, they were nothing but eager to be in his arms.

Once the dance was over he would offer to take her for a walk in the moonlight, they always enjoyed that, thought it was romantic, for him it was an ends to a means. While on the stroll, he would take her hand pull her close and press his lips to hers, finding no resistance from her lips he knew he would get what he wished to have. He would pull away and apologize for his forward behaviour, she would blush again and tell him that it was alright, some even came right out and told him they liked it. He would pull her close again, and with her body against his he would kiss her with more passion, more urgency. She would put her arm around his neck and submit to his need. More than willing to submit to him and his desires. A smile on his lips as he remembers these encounters, knowing that he probably left many women broken hearted when they woke up to find him no longer in the bed, having gotten what he wanted from them there was no real need to stay. Besides he would be shipping out shortly, he couldn't afford to become involved with a woman, at least not while he spent almost all his time at sea.

It was only when he heard the men start talking about Kit did he bring his thoughts back to the present. "Tell me about this captain of ours boys, I want to know everything."

................. "I don't trust him Captain, you shouldn't either, there is something about him..."

"Will, remember who you are talking to. I don't trust anyone, so why would you think I would trust him?"

"Of course, I forgot. You would be wise to keep an extra close eye on him though. I would be more than willing to throw him over board for you. Or perhaps something else first" he rubs his hands together in thought "You know help attract some sharks, end his suffering quickly so he won't drown."

"You would dare take the pleasure of punishing and killing a traitor away from captain?" she says looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

He shifts under her icy cold gaze "No, I would never dare to do such a thing, I would only do it if you wished."

"When have I ever wished anyone to do a task I could easily do myself, let alone a task I enjoy?"

"Never, Captain"

"And I never will" she says with a confirming nod. "Anyone who crosses me will meet certain doom."

This time Will nods, he knows this to be true, having seen it for himself. It was true what he had heard said about women, hell hath no fury. He was a very large strong man with excellent fighting skills, but he knew that he was no match for the captain. He wouldn't even dare to think he was, perhaps before he saw her in the arms of battle he would have entertained the thought, but not since. He had seen the enemy gang up on her, three to one and she was the one who was victorious. She may be small compared to him but she was fast, and smart. She could find the advantage to any situation. She was fearless as well, this made her twice as deadly, because where another would balk because the situation appears to be certain death, she would rush in without so much as blinking. She did not seem to fear death, but embrace it. Perhaps it was her embrace of death that made her so deadly, not caring whether she lived or died, or maybe she was searching for death, as it has forgotten her. He wasn't certain nor would he ever ask.

Standing there, hands on the railing looking out at the open water she lost herself in her thoughts, reflecting on what Will had just said to her. Perhaps they should not have let him aboard in the first place, but they had needed the extra hands at the time. However, they could get to port without him now. The question remained, what end would be suitable for such a traitor? How long should she draw it out? Of course she would have the crew watch, not only would they find it entertaining, it would also show them what would happen to them if they even thought about betraying her. That was a lesson worth repeating as well, any thoughts of betrayal or mutiny, and even abandonment would quickly be quashed. She drew her dagger. Looking down at the blade, pressing the point to the tip of her forefinger, spinning it slowly letting the sunlight glint off in a beautiful and deadly way.

"Captain?" said Will in anticipation of orders.

She slams the point of the dagger into the railing of the ship, it stands by itself. "All hands on deck." Her voice cool, calculating, and it gave Will a shiver down his spine.

............... "She is unlike any captain before, and I have sailed under a few, known others. She is different from them all. And not just because she is a woman, although that does make her one of a kind." says the man called Shorty.

"Aye, I never thought I would see the day a woman sailed along side us men, let alone dreamed I would be taking orders from one. She has done more to prove herself worthy of her position though. No other captain has lined my pockets with more gold than Kit." says Bull shuffling his cards back and forth in his hand.

"She pays well then?" asks Carlix, thinking that would be a sure fire way to get a greedy man to follow you. She is buying their loyalty, as soon as someone comes and offers them a touch more coin, they would turn their back on her. Just like a pirate, no loyalty, no honour.

"We all get an equal share. It is our plunder, we earn our pay. She be the only captain I know of that doesn't take more than an equal share. They usually take more for themselves, because you know, they be the captain. Not she, no, she takes the same amount as the rest of us. She doesn't seem to be to interested in the booty though. Me thinks she's in it for the fight."

"Aye, she is always disappointed when the target ship surrenders without a fight. She hides her disappointment well, but we can tell. We are not stupid" there are a few agreeing cheers.

"She enjoys a fight then, she would have to be good, to not only be captain but to still be alive." says Carlix, keeping his eyes on his cards, not wanting to look at the men and reveal the extent of his curiosity.

"Good? Boy she be the best any of us have ever seen. As if she be the devil himself, or would it be herself, no no himself. I have heard that she was shot square in the chest, but there is no mark."

"I heard that she keeps a souvenir from each of her kills, and stores them in a large hidden cave. When she is not sailing the seas she goes back there and uses the items to torture the men's soul in the afterlife."

"She let herself be captured once, as a trick, then when she was brought to the enemy's ship, she attacked and killed all who resisted her. Those who surrendered to her, she made them her new crew because she couldn't sail the ship by herself. Once she was close enough to shore to use a longboat, she killed them."

"Those are just old wives tales" said Carlix with confidence. Then looking around at all the solemn faces around him, these men believed these stories to be face, her own crew. "Aren't they?" his voice shaking more than he wished. He decides to ask another question, against his better judgement but he had to know as much about her as possible. "Kit can't be her Christian name, why is she called that?"

There is a long pause as the men looking at each other, obviously not wanting to speak about it. Then a voice from the shadows cuts through the silence, "It be because when some crosses her, and she is able to capture them she wants to make their death as painful as possible. She has a kit full of all her favourite torture devices. She will use each one on the man until she is satisfied with her work. She has practised her skill over many years so that the victim will not die until she chooses, no fun unless they are alive she says. If she has mercy on them she will kill them before throwing them into the ocean. If not they will be thrown in alive, sometimes tied to a rope and dragged behind the ship to catch a shark. Whenever we have a shark feast, we know someone has payed a high price for that feast, and they don't even get to enjoy it...." The men are so quiet, Carlix can hear himself and others swallow hard.

"By the way, the captain wants all hands on deck. There is a traitor among us." He turns and walks back up the stairs.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Great plot line, but it is sometimes in script form

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Got potential

As mentioned, you could use a proof reader, but technical writing issues aside (which I'm willing to disregard), I rather liked it. Can't wait for the rest.

sacrificedangelsacrificedangelover 16 years ago

I agree with what has been said so far. The main problem being the skipping between the past/present. But other than that,(and everything else can be done with spell check) I really enjoyed it! Its got a good plot, it is very interesting, and you have me definately wanting to hear more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Close, but....

You need to re-edit and write in past tense, not present tense -- trust me, it reads a lot better.

It looks like a very good story and a good plot. Just fix the grammer and you're off and running.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
I couldn't finish...

I liked the direction of the story, but you need to find yourself an editor. The grammar mistakes along with bouncing back and forth between past and present tense and bouncing from first person to third person left a lot to be desired. Perhaps a re-write is in order before chapter two is submitted?

Look through the index page at Literotica to find a volunteer editor to help you. You'd be surprised at the difference in responses you can get.

Over and above that, what I did read was a fairly decent story.

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