Reading the Defense

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She slipped right into the arms of a gridiron.
3.8k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 05/31/2011
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Samantha Morrison was running late. Which explained the loose strands that had fallen out of the clip at the base of her neck. All morning she had been trying to organize her classroom and get through training the teacher aid that would be helping her out through the upcoming school year.

Unfortunately the assistant seemed much more interested on text messaging and snapping her gum than educating third graders, causing Samantha to dart around the classroom stapling and taping posters to the walls, forgetting about taking a break for lunch let alone paying any attention to the state of her unruly wavy tresses. An angry ring blared from her purse as she started crossing the street to a trendy sports bar on the north side of the river.

Without needing to look at who the caller was, Samantha answered the phone without a greeting. "Where the hell are you, and why the hell is it taking you so damn long?"

She laughed at the mock anger on the other end of the phone. "Hello to you too Liz, I'm just outside."

"Thank Christ, Jenna is already buzzed and thinking about calling Kevin. Who does that after two drinks? It's busy in here so what do you want? We'll order up for you."

"Hmm, I don't really know. Maybe just some wine?" She really didn't feel like drinking much since she had an early morning meeting with the principal and the dean of students to go over the first quarter of assignments. Somehow showing up with a hangover didn't seem like the best thing.

"Okay, see you in a few."

Tossing the phone back in her bag, Samantha walked up to the entrance of the bar and tugged on the heavy door. The immediate smell of cologne was almost intoxicating, if not overbearing at first. She forgot that the bar Liz had gotten everyone to meet up at was a stomping ground for many to watch sports games. It was still earlier on a Tuesday evening, but the crowd was thick. The highlights from the city's beloved football team streaming on the many flat screens scattered throughout the masculine interior. It never ceased to amaze her how the fans could be so fanatical over a sports team. Making her way through the sea of business suits and a full assortment of people wearing jerseys voicing their opinions of the latest draft pick to how the team had better make it to the Super Bowl, someone bumped into her from the side causing her to lose balance.

In the blink of an eye, her ankle turned and her body started to fall. Two quick hands from next to her reached around and grabbed her before she completely made an ass of herself by falling to the floor. One strong arm wrapped itself around and rested comfortably if not tightly onto the small of her back while the other hand gripped her side.

"Oh!" All Samantha could do was laugh before looking up to say thanks to the owner of the hands that seemed to be man shackling her body. As the focus started to return to her eyes, she raised them high enough to look into the darkest pair of brown eyes she'd ever seen.

"Thanks, I have no idea how that happened." Her eyes blue eyes twinkled as she realized how that must have sounded like a joke.

The man looked down at her then smiled, a small dimple popped out high on his cheekbone. Samantha's eyes riveted on it for a quick second before focusing on what he was saying.

"It's crowded in here and someone wasn't paying attention to where they were going." He straightened them both, releasing his arm from her back but keeping his grip on her side.

She glanced around as if to confirm what he'd said. "I guess, who knew for a weeknight."

Nodding toward the television screens that were flooded with commercials, "It's a perfect night for a game."

She rolled her eyes, "Every night is perfect for a game in a sports bar." The man chuckled, a deep rumble that hit her belly to the quick.

The temperature of the bar seemed to have gone up at least twenty degrees since she'd walked in, nervously she shook her head giving off a breathless laugh. Glancing back up, her eyes got locked into his curious gaze. After what felt like several minutes of going mute, her tongue decided it could work.

Just above a whisper she leaned forward and said, "You can let go of my jigs now." Her fingers lightly grazing his hand as each word fell from her lips.

His brow furrowed, as if he'd heard her wrong. "Your what?"

Smiling she confessed. "My jigs, the handles that you're hanging onto above my hips."

The man barked out a laugh, "Are you serious? Why do you call it that?"

"Please, as if men don't have names for their body pa-"Heat flooded her cheeks, Samantha stopped herself but it was all too late. This man who seemed almost larger than life lifted an eyebrow and grinned looking sexy as hell doing it and putting all GQ models to shame.

Leaning forward, he spoke close to her ear, his breath brushing across her skin lightly. "Well now, that's not something I'd expect a sweet lady like yourself to know anything about." He released his hand from her and cocked his head to the side.

This time it was she who laughed outright, after calming herself and taking a deep breath she knew she had to make her way to the group waiting for her. Or get to the nearest washroom and splash cold water on her face and all over her body.

"I really should get to my group before they call a search party." She started to step around the man.

Nodding, he paused before speaking. "They must be waiting." Samantha started to step around him, his brooding eyes following her every move. Only a few steps ahead she turned back and gave him a wicked grin.

"Thanks for the save short stop," with that she turned and weaved her way towards the back of the bar.


Gabe watched Samantha disappear into the crowd and turned back to sit with Ernie Devlin, the Offensive Line Coach. The two had come toBandios to kick back a few and go over their game plan for the next day's practice.

After spending most of the day reviewing game film and talking with the other coaches, Ernie had suggested that they get out of the Cougars' compound and talk strategy over a few beers. A couple of the younger players Gabe had been working with during the off-season were showing improvement but were still arrogant on the field and forgetting their train of focus. He needed to figure a way of getting into those guys' heads to get the plays to stick. It was when he'd chewed through an entire package of gum and snapped at the two front office secretaries did Ernie tell him they were heading out.

As he seated himself back down on the stool, all thoughts were directed to the brunette beauty that just swept passed him. A smile crossed over his lips as he recalled her nicknaming her body.

"So what was that all about?" the bulky man from spending a few too many hours at the gym said as he turned toward Gabe. Ernie Devlin, a once great running back for the Jets back in the prime of his playing career, retired ten years earlier and had decided coaching was better than playing. With coaching there were no injuries.

Gabe shrugged at the question, "Nothing, some lady almost fell. I just helped her out" He helped her out but got caught up in the bright glitter in her eyes forgetting to ask what her name was let alone see if she wanted to get a drink. Gesturing to the television screens Gabe's attention turned from Samantha back to the team as the coverage onscreen was showcasing that morning's practice from the Cougars' practice field outside of the city.

"He's quick but he doesn't listen, look at his feet. Even from here you can see he's dragging. Why doesn't he tap?"

"Maybe you should take him dancing?" Gabe scoffed. "Jesus Russ, it's still the pre-season, keep working on him. He'll get it sooner or later."

Gabe picked at the label on his beer bottle and spoke under his breath. "Let's just hope it's not later."

For as long as he could remember, teammates and coaches had always called him Russ. Gabe could never figure it out because his name wasn't long, but he figured he'd rather have everyone call him his name rather than a nickname. A nickname. Gabe ran a hand through his thick brown hair as he thought about the woman who he just met. He had never been someone to forget his words but the minute he'd looked into her light blue eyes speech eluded him.

He noticed her while walking back to his seat after talking to a few of the fans in the bar, answering their questions and casually taking their ribbing about Dillon Velesques not knowing how to spell the word team. She struggled with the door as it closed behind her, but once she got passed the entrance and made her way through the crowd he saw how her pale yellow summer dress swayed above her knees with every step. Strands of her dark hair framed her face and itched to have fingers run through them. She seemed to be looking for someone and looked around the bar with wide eyes.

When she fell into him he grabbed onto her and was able to get a better look into her face. Whatever make up she must have applied earlier in the day had seemed to have worn off which probably was an alright thing considering the fairness of her skin and the brightness of her eyes which had given her an look that was no doubt sexy and very appealing.

"You coming out for Camille's dinner thing on Sunday? She'll be real hurt if you don't?' Camille Devlin loved a good cookout, especially before the season started and she became a football widow for a good seven months.

"Yeah I think so. I was going to head up to the cabin and lock it up for the summer but I should be back in time." Gabe glanced around Ernie toward the back of the bar in search of the pretty woman in the yellow dress. Her jasmine soft perfume stuck to his nose, a thought ran passed him and he soon found himself calling out to the bartender.


"Welcome to detention Ms Morrison!" All of the ladies shouted out to her, led by her closest friend since university Liz who hugged her as she sauntered to the group. They all scooted together in the booth giving space for Samantha to sit down, lifting their half filled glasses in the air in a loud toast.

"To work and all that other bullshit!" A few other people around their booth raised their glasses to join in the toast.

The table was littered with empty glasses, tossing her bag under the table she beamed to her friends. "Oh you ladies have been so bad. I guess aspirin is going to be my best friend tomorrow if I have to catch up to you."

Samantha still felt flushed after having an encounter with the man at the front of the bar, his thick dark hair seemed to fall in the middle of short to a little over grown. Perfect for giving her a second to see the slight curl that hit the ends. His cream knit polo didn't hide his muscular chest nor did the jeans that seemed permanently worn out lose the definition of his legs.

One of the ladies spoke loudly over the scattered cheering throughout the bar. "So what took you so long anyways? Erica was getting tired of waiting and took a few sips of your wine." Erica giggled from the corner of the booth and shrugged her shoulders slightly. Samantha took a few minutes to explain how she walked in and almost fell, finding herself being manhandled by some random man at the front, not glossing over the fact that she put her foot in her mouth. Something that happened all of the time with her. All of the ladies gasped and encouraged her to go back up to the front and take up residence at the bar. Getting to know that mysterious man a little better.

"Yeah right, he was just being nice. It's not like he suggested anything anyways."

A very unconvinced Liz was the first to respond. "Sam, give us a break. You are gorgeous, maybe he was flirting with you." Samantha's eyes dropped down. "I'm serious, you're always telling me I need to look up every once in awhile. You tell me to step up whenever I think Dave is seeing something and he never is. Maybe you need to look up too."

Samantha's eyes flicked back up and for a minute she was at loss of word. Liz's words distracted her and her eyes nonchalantly darted out towards the front in search of the man. "I don't know, it was probably nothing."

"Sam, you're twenty eight and in need of sex." She gasped at Liz's choice of words. "Come on, how long since you and Brian broke up? Five months?"

"A year." Erica piped up as she placed her empty glass on the table, her eyes looking out for the server.

"That's right. A year. A vibrator and romance novels are poor substitutes for an entire year. You need a man." The table dissolved into giggles, Samantha knew Liz was right. When the man had caught her she immediately wanted to blow off her friends and stay close to him. His hands felt so incredibly warm against her body, causing her to almost whimper aloud as he tightened his grip on her side. Something inside of her exploded and she wanted to explore it.

Forgetting about the man at the front, the women fell into easy conversations about their lives. Erica feeling the stress of all the wedding planning for her dream winter nuptials. Jenna's failed attempts at calling her latest conquest, a college senior she met at the local coffee house. And of course Liz's escaped night out where she can pretend she's single for a few hours before returning home to her husband and nine month old son. Two drinks into the night, Samantha glanced down at her cell for the time. Knowing she was going to have to drive back home only added that much more time, she reluctantly grabbed her bag and gave hugs to all of the women before she left.

The server had taken her credit card to open a tab earlier and so she made her way back up to the bar to cash out.

"What the name luv?" A gorilla with no neck shouted out to her from behind the well.

Leaning her palms on the deeply varnished wood, she called back out to him. "Morrison."

The man came back and gave her the credit card. "Tab's been paid out, it's no charge."

Samantha stared at him. "What do you mean it's been paid, I haven't signed anything?"

"It's no biggie, really."

Getting annoyed she decided the gorilla needed to cough up some answers. "I'm the kind of woman who likes to know who's floating the bill." Instead, he looked behind her and nodded his head. Samantha didn't have to turn around. She felt the heat of his hand as it settled into the small of her back. Twisting, she turned her head to give him a sideways glance only to be greeted by that sexy dimple.

"Looks like I'm bumping into you this time." His voice was deep but somewhat quiet. Without thinking, she tossed the credit card into her bag, subconsciously knowing that in the morning while getting coffee she would be ripping through the purse on a desperate search for that card.

She turned to face him head on, drawing in a ragged breath mentally telling herself not to undress him with her eyes. "I can pay for my own drinks you know."

"I'm sure you can, this just gave me an excuse to talk to you before you left. Are you really leaving for the night?"

" Yes, I have a meeting first thing in the morning."

"Oh yeah, what do you do?" Gabe hoped she would keep talking to him for at least a couple of minutes. He had spotted her when a few of the players had stumbled into the bar.Bandios was one of the few bars where players and coaches could go without being hassled too bad from the fans. She had been sitting with her friends, at some point during the evening she'd taken the clip out of her hair and let the long locks fall around her shoulders. He had wanted to approach her then but knew he could get her by holding her tab hostage.

"I teach third grade out near Hinsdale." When she announced her profession, Gabe picked up on her pride instantly. "You must love your job."

"I do, it's funny. When I was younger if anyone ever asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would always say a teacher. Now I'm grown up and I can't picture being anything else. It's very rewarding, and being around kids all day keeps me on my toes."

He chuckled softly, Samantha found herself warming to the sound. "I'm sorry I'm being so rude. I'm Samantha, but I'm sure you already knew that since you somehow figured out which tab was mine in this crazy place."

"It wasn't that hard to find out. I know a few of the people who work here. I'm Gabe. Gabe Russell."

Samantha leaned toward him and he could have sworn he heard her sigh. "Can I tell you something?"

He regarded her closely. "I was trying to figure out your name while I was with my friends. So now it's my turn. What do you do?" Samantha leaned her hip against the bar and noticed a man sitting next to Gabe who seemed to be half listening to their conversation and adding bits to an ongoing conversation with a younger man on the other side of him.

Despite the genuine question he always tensed up when people asked about his career. He'd lived in the public eye professionally for so long, it had made him cautious when he met new people. "I'm a football coach."

Her eyes widened in shock. "Really? I wasn't expecting that."

"What were you expecting?"

"I'm not sure, something active for sure but. Wow, really? Do you like what you do?"

"I do." His voiced dropped a little lower. "I've been with the Cougars since I retired as a player a couple of years ago and coach the wide receivers. "

It was no secret he was trying to keep his voice down to avoid other people in the bar from listening to their conversation. For a moment she was glad that she decided to stick around for a few extra minutes. The man sitting next to Gabe twisted in his stool and turned toward Gabe.

"My lady's calling, I'd better go. Don't forget its back to back tomorrow."

"Samantha this is Ernie Devlin. Ernie this is Samantha Morrison." He rose from the seat and nodded at Samantha. "Nice to meet you Miz Morrison."

He shook her hand before leaving. Gabe saw the wonder in her eyes and answered her question before the words escaped her mouth.

"He's another coach for the team. The players have two practices tomorrow to get ready for the game against New Orleans on Saturday."

"Oh, right. That makes sense." Samantha stifled a yawn as it tried to force its way out but failed to hide the moisture that fell into her eyes from the act. "It's getting late, I really should be going."

"I guess it is getting kind of late, I should be heading out too. You don't mind if I walk out with you do you?" Samantha's gaze dropped to his mouth before she smiled sweetly to him.

"That would be nice." Gabe followed her outside and asked where she was parked. For some reason he couldn't explain, he felt uneasy at the thought of her walking several blocks so late in the evening alone. After telling her his overly exaggerated concerns of her being mauled by bears and racing cars she burst out into laughter only to give in and let him walk her to her car. They walked along the sidewalk toward amidst the constant clatter of oncoming traffic. The August night breeze keeping the air comfortably humid. While waiting for a few cars to pass through the second street, Gabe reached down and entwined his fingers with Samantha's. The breath caught in her throat, he squeezed her hand and they both fell quiet until reaching her car. He was impressed with the newer model that seemed a little out of range for a teacher.

"Thank you for walking me to my car Gabe, I had fun talking with you." Nervousness crept up her neck because this was exactly what Liz was talking about earlier. She needed to be more aware and go with the flow.

He released her hand and reached up to push a sole strand of hair away from her face. "Me too. Can I call you tomorrow?"

For a moment she said nothing but stood there looking deeply into his eyes trying to read into them. Where had he come from? Why was he walking her back to her car? After living in the city for years very few things including walking a few blocks scared her. And yet when he asked to walk her, she never would have considered saying no to him. Something about the way he was standing next to her, about the way he had been looking at her so intensely was beginning to have an effect on her insides. It took all of her strength in holding back and not throwing herself against his strong body, rubbing up and down like a cat in heat. Giving into the pressure in her belly she gave him her telephone number and then moved to get into her car.