Red Orchids Ch. 05


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Ellen and Henry nodded their heads.

Marlene finished securing Mark's hands and feet and then tossed the tape away. She said, "All done."

"Good work," Shannon smiled and stood up.

"Ellen, if you have anything to say to Mark, I suggest you say it now," Marlene said casually as she took her gun back from her mother and stepped into the dining room.

"Don't let them do this, Ellen!" Mark pleaded, his dark eyes wide and filled with tears.

Ellen looked down at her hands as an unwelcome swell of compassion for him formed in her heart. She was so angry with him right now that she didn't want to feel anything for him. She looked to him and said, "Mark, how could you this?"

"Please Ellen," he cried, "We're married. We have a life together. Don't deny Maddie her father. I need you both so much."

Ellen turned her head as tears flooded down her cheeks.

"Ellen?" he pleaded.

She could say nothing.

"Ellen please!"

She looked at Henry, who met her gaze and tried to offer her some condolence. But he could think of nothing that he could say that would ease her pain. So her simply looked down at his boots, knowing just as well as she did that whatever Shannon and Marlene had in store for him was going to be a just punishment. Then, Ellen turned back and faced him.

"I only have one question," she wiped her eyes, "And I need the truth, Mark."

"Anything," he nodded, "Anything."

"Why did you take Henry's gun?"

Mark closed his open mouth and fell silent.

"Don't lie, Mark."

Shannon watched silently as Marlene kept her small pistol trained on Mark. Shannon ran her finger over the safety catch of Henry's gun and crossed her arms as she waited for Mark's reply to Ellen's question. The whole room seemed to be hinging on his impending words as everyone zeroed in on him. Mark shifted uncomfortably and then said, "I was only thinking of protecting you."

A shot ran out and Mark took another hit, this time in the meat of his right bicep. He screamed and fell over on the floor. Blood sprayed the wall and couch as he writhed on the carpet, his teeth gritted and his face turning pale. He stared at Shannon in disbelief as he cried out, "You fucking bitch! You cock-sucking cunt!"

"The truth," Shannon said quietly.

"Fuck you!"

She walked over to Mark and knelt down beside him. Shannon pressed the barrel of the gun against his right temple and said, "Think hard Mark."

Mark yelled, "I swear it!"

Shannon cocked the hammer.

"All right!" he screamed, "All right! I was thinking about killing Ellen and getting her out of the way! But I only thought about it, okay? I never hired anyone!"

"And Henry's gun?" Shannon pressed the gun harder against his skull.

"I stole it," Mark spat and winced as he rolled on his wounded left shoulder, "I was going to... to..."

"Five seconds Mark," Shannon began squeezing the trigger.

"I was going to make it look like Ellen killed them both," Mark admitted, "You were right, okay?! I'm sorry Ellen! I'm so sorry!"

Ellen felt like she might vomit. Her head was spinning around in dizzy circles as she considered the words just spoken by her husband. She had known he meant to leave her, and she had known he was cheating. She had even come to accept it. But now, to find out he had also been planning to kill her and frame her for murder was too much for her. Ellen felt her mouth go as dry as cotton as she grasped the arm of the couch for support.

"And Henry?" she whispered, "You were going to make it look like I killed Henry?"

Mark closed his eyes and nodded.

Henry only looked at Marlene and then at Shannon and then at Mark. His mouth was wide open in a stunned gape of shock.

Shannon shook her head, "You sorry sack of shit."

Mark went limp on the carpet as his blood soaked the material.

"Marlene, take Ellen and Henry upstairs," Shannon instructed, "Comeback down when you're done."

Marlene waved her gun at them, "Let's go."

"You said you wouldn't kill us," Ellen stood up and grasped Henry's hand. Mark saw this small gesture and was filled with jealousy. He thought it was funny to be jealous over a woman he hated, but he was jealous nonetheless.

"Do what you're told, and you'll live," Marlene motioned to Henry, "Get up."

Henry stood up and then walked with Ellen up the staircase. Marlene followed close behind, her gun trained on them they went. Mark watched them disappear and then was alone with Shannon. The nanny rolled him over and looked over his pathetic position. Both sides of his shirt were soaked with blood. His eyes were red and irritated from his tears of frustration. Shannon figured them for crocodile tears.

"Well Mark," Shannon sighed, "This is where the journey ends."

"Please," Mark begged, "Don't kill me."

Shannon asked, "Why not?"

"Because I want to live."

Shannon nodded and considered his words for a minute. She then looked down and said, "Not good enough."

Mark tried to scream for help but only found the end of Shannon's gun in his face. She slammed the butt of the gun down into his nose and knocked him out, breaking the bridge of the nose in the process.

"Rest for a minute," she said, "The night is young."


"Here's the deal," Marlene said as her two hostages sat down on the bed, "We're going to be busy with Mark for awhile downstairs. You two stay here on this bed and don't move. If you try anything, we'll kill you."

"Where is Maddie?" Ellen asked.

"Don't worry," Marlene said, "She's safe."


"Ellen," Marlene said, "Don't push it."

Henry put a hand on Ellen's shoulder and said, "Please, can't you see your way clear to let Maddie be with Ellen? I'll take her place."

"How noble," Marlene smiled warmly, her eyes lustfully looking Henry over, "You're a rare man, Henry. But I'm afraid this is the way it has to be."

Ellen looked to Henry and felt overwhelmed with love for him. Here he was offering to take Maddie's place and be their prime hostage. Ellen put her hand on his and then said, "Promise me nothing will happen to Maddie."

"I promise," Marlene said, "I swear nothing will happen to your daughter."

"Where is she then?" Henry asked, "You can at least tell us that."

"No I can't," Marlene corrected him, "Now, you two have some business to attend to."

"We do?" Henry asked.

"Yes," the girl said.

"What?" Ellen frowned.

"You two are in love," Marlene said as she leaned against the doorframe, her arms crossed over her enormous breasts, "Fuck each other."

"What?" Henry did a double take.

"Fuck... each... other..." Marlene slowly said, punctuating each word with a definitive time-keeping beat of her gun.

"I don't think," Ellen began and then stopped as Marlene pointed the gun at Henry and cocked it.

"Do it," Marlene said impatiently, "I better hear noises coming from this room."

Henry gulped as Marlene turned and left.

They looked at each other.


"How did it go?" Shannon asked as Marlene joined her in the living room.

"Well," Marlene shrugged, "Either they will or they won't."

Shannon sighed, "Let's hope they do. It'll make things so much easier."

Marlene looked down at Mark's unconscious body and asked, "You think they will?"

Shannon said, "I know you're fond of Henry. But he's not yours to have."

Marlene nodded, "I know, Mom."

Shannon put her hand on her daughter's shoulder and squeezed, "Are you ready for this?"

Marlene smiled and said, "All my life, Mom."

Shannon had never felt more pride in her daughter than she did right now. They had spent years waiting for the right moment to come along, the right opportunity to take the next step and complete their destiny. Shannon had talked to her daughter for so long about it. She had prepared her and trained her for this moment. They had a higher calling in life, and tonight would be the fulfillment of that of that dream.

Even after her husband had left her with nothing but a baby and the clothes on her back, Shannon had been determined that this dream would be realized. He hadn't understood then as Mark couldn't understand now. Shannon doubted very much that Henry would understand it, but she had high hopes for Ellen. Her hopes for Maddie were even higher. They were women, and she had learned very often in life only another woman could truly grasp the ideals Shannon and her daughter held dear.

"I am so proud of you," Shannon kissed Marlene deeply. It was a hot, passionate kiss that went far beyond the maternal love she harbored for her daughter and into the passionate incestuous need of her wounded heart. After a long exchange, she broke the kiss and added, "So very proud."

Marlene kissed her again and then they turned to the man on the floor.

"Let us begin," Shannon said.


Ellen sat on the bed with Henry.

Her mind was filled with a thousand different questions and her heart was being pulled in just as many directions. She hugged her arms across the thin flimsy material of her nightgown as her nipples hardened. She looked at Henry, feeling both guilty and filled with respect for him, maybe even love for him. Ellen had hesitated to even think that specific word when it came to him. But every time Henry treated her better than her own husband did, every time he showed her the kindness and respect Mark never could she felt herself coming that much closer to acknowledging what her heart already knew.



"I have a confession to make," Ellen said quietly.

Henry laughed half-heartedly. "Well, this is the night for confessions."

"You remember how you told me that Mark was blackmailing you over what happened?" she asked, "When you were spying on me and, well, you know..."

Henry relieved the experience again in a flash. He closed his eyes, feeling an embarrassed blush over his voyeuristic masturbation. He nodded, "Yes."

"I knew you were there," Ellen admitted.

Henry looked up at her, his eyes wide, "What?"

"I did that on purpose," she blushed, "I hardly ever swim naked, Henry. I guess I just wanted attention. I'm sorry."

"Oh Ellen," Henry smiled broadly, "I uh... I don't know what to say."

Ellen couldn't look at him.

"You're such a good man," she whispered, "And I'm sorry this has happened to you."

"I'm sorry Mark wanted to kill us," Henry shook his head.

Ellen paused and then looked at him, her eyes filled with uncertainty. She asked him, "Do we try to save him?"

Henry sat there for a long while. On one hand he knew that murder was wrong, but on the other hand he also knew that Mark would kill them both if he could. Mark was indirectly responsible for two innocent women being killed. He was an adulterer and a liar, an extortionist. But worse, he had been planning to frame Ellen for all of this madness and then walk away with all her money. Henry honestly didn't know how to reply. He looked out the bedroom window and wished he could change all of it. He wished he could just be anywhere else.

"Do we?"

"I don't know, Ellen," he replied and then said, "Let Shannon and Marlene figure it out."

Ellen nodded.

She leaned her head against his shoulder and Henry surprised himself by wrapping his arms around her. Ellen returned the embrace and they held each other there for what seemed like an eternity.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," Henry said.

"When you were... when you were masturbating and watching me," Ellen asked awkwardly, "Did you enjoy it?"

Henry nodded his head, "Truthfully? Yes."

Ellen smiled despite herself. She was actually flirting as two serial killers prepared to murder her husband downstairs. Ellen buried her face in Henry's chest as she blushed.

Henry then asked, "Did you enjoy it? Me watching you?"

The smile on her lips grew bigger, "Yes."

Henry took a deep breath, feeling butterflies going crazy in his stomach as he considered the possibilities here. As he held Ellen closer to him, he began to realize that he didn't care if Mark got killed. He was both relieved and troubled by that revelation. Did that make him a murderer as well? Did that make him just as bad as Mark or Shannon and Marlene? Henry's heart began to thunder in his chest as he considered what his line of thought. A man was about to die, and all Henry could think of was Ellen.


"Yes?" he breathed as his cock hardened into a concrete pillar in the tight confines of his jeans.

There was a moment of anticipation that was both excruciatingly wonderful and horrific.

Finally she asked, "Would you like to kiss me?"


Ellen tilted her face up at Henry and they locked their eyes together. They shared a moment of deep emotional connection. The fears and worries over what they both wanted to do and how they both felt about Mark were powerful and very concise. Ellen felt bad about Mark, but deep down she knew he was going to get what he deserved. She wondered if that made her a bad person? Henry read this in her eyes as she parted her lips and smiled at him. Tears glimmered in her eyes as Henry touched her left cheek.

"Is this wrong, Henry?" she asked breathlessly.

"No," Henry shook his head, "No, I don't think so."

Her lips met his and conducted a current of electric sexual energy that sparked deep inside their bodies. The kiss was a well-imagined event both of them had fantasized about over the years and longed for each time they saw each other. It was a moment of pure exposure and a confession of their feelings for one another. As they shared the tender kiss, any hurt that Mark had inflicted on her seemed to melt away and die.

"I love you, Henry," Ellen said against his lips.

"And I love you," he replied, "I always have."

"Would like to touch me, Henry?" Ellen asked, her voice offset by a small quiver.

Henry swallowed hard as his heart began jack hammering in his chest. He raised his hand and cupped her left breast, gently massaging it through her nightgown. She took a deep breath, her eyes locked with his.

"We can never go back after this," he rubbed her hardened nipple.

"I don't want to go back," she said.

"Me neither."

"Would you mind if I said I wanted to do more than just kiss you?"

"No," Henry said softly as he delicately massaged her breast.

Ellen ran a finger down his cheek and to his lips, "Would you mind if we took our clothes off and made love?"

"No," he managed.

"It's been so long, Henry," she said, "It's always been you. You've always been so good to me. I don't think I really understood that until now."

"Don't," Henry silenced her and smiled, "You were worth the wait."

Ellen licked her lips.

"I want you," she whispered in his ear, "No one else."

She leaned into Henry, staring into his eyes hypnotically as her lips parted. Their mouths connected and they shared a kiss that was so slow and deep it made Henry feel light headed. The world and all the insanity birthing around them seemed to fall away for a few seconds as time slowed down. They kissed like that for a while, his hand massaging her tit as she slid her palm over his crotch and began rubbing back and forth. Heat radiated off their bodies in powerful waves as they moved to consummate their feelings.

"You're sure about this?" she whispered as she kissed his neck.

"Absolutely," Henry said.

He French kissed her and pulled the straps of her nightgown down around her shoulders. Her skin was so smooth and silky as he rolled the material of her dress down and exposed her massive tits. Her nipples were erected and begging for attention as he caressed her pink areolas and smiled at her.

"You're perfect, Ellen," Henry told her.

"Touch me," she said and kissed him again, thrusting her tongue into his mouth. Henry felt her milky breasts and explored with a quiet reverence. Her skin was smooth against his fingers. He massaged her breasts lovingly and worshipped them with his fingertips as they kissed.

"Ellen" he whispered, awed by her big, pear-shaped tits. "You're perfect."

Ellen blushed again at his passionate approval of her breasts. She smiled at him and cupped them in her hands, lifting them so they formed a perfect line of cleavage.

"Kiss them," she said.

Henry leaned forward and tongued one of her nipples before sucking it into his mouth. Ellen arched her back, her silky smooth breasts pressing against Henry's face. He sucked on one nipple and then the other, all the while kneading and massaging her breasts. She leaned back on the bed and relaxed. He followed her down, kissing and suckling on her. Henry sucked and played with her tits for as long as she would let him. Ellen uttered small moans of approval and desire as her hips squirmed underneath him.

Henry slid his hands down her thighs and then up under her skirt of her gown. He relished the feeling of his palm sliding across her smooth, perfect thighs and up to her crotch. Ellen opened her legs slightly as he leaned to one side, still kissing her nipples as his hand found the moist delicacy hidden behind the small patch of fabric that was her panties.

"I've waited for so long," she whispered and raised her hips a little.

Henry kissed her again, sucking on her tongue. She moaned into his mouth as he pushed his palm flat against her swollen pussy through her panties. Ellen was getting extremely excited and he could feel her juices seeping through the fabric, invitingly warm and wet to the touch. Ellen took her hand and placed it on Henry's erection and began giving him long sensual rubs. She worked her hand up and down on his bulge as she breathlessly kissed him.

"Let me make you cum," she breathed.

"Jesus, Ellen," he replied, rubbing her outer lips more needfully and vigorously.

"Let me jack you off," she said huskily.

Henry nodded and let her push him back on the bed. Ellen unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned and unzipped his pants all-the-while never once letting her eyes fall from his. Henry shifted slightly as she pulled his jeans down over his hips. She smiled wickedly and then pulled his underwear aside, allowing his eight-inch cock to spring to attention in front of her. She made a soft sound in her throat and licked her lips as she eyed it. She gripped his hot dick in her hand and began to jack him off, pulling down tight and firm as his head turned purple.

"Just as big as I imagined," she said and glanced appreciatively to his throbbing member.

"You've wondered about my size?" Henry asked, honestly surprised.

"How many times have you wondered about the size of my tits?"

He watched her work her hand up and down along the shaft of his cock, tenderly yet forcefully commanding him. Her tits were jiggling and swaying with her jerking motions as she licked her lips again. Ellen leaned forward and began rubbing his cock around on her breasts, teasing her nipples with it, leaving a small snail-trail of pre-cum across her flesh. She pressed his hard dick between her cleavage and began jacking him off with her tits. Ellen tucked her chin in to look down at the big, swollen purple head of Henry's cock protruding from between her milky breasts. The world was shaking for Henry as she tit-fucked him, fulfilling his most secret fantasies.

"Would you like me to suck on it?" she asked, releasing his cock from between the heavenly confines of her cleavage.

"Please," Henry groaned and reached up to the back of her neck, pulling her down towards his cock. Ellen gripped his cock tightly as he guided her.

"So perfect," she licked his tip and looked up at him, "I've been wondering what you taste like..."

"Have you?" Henry asked as she pressed her lips to his cock.

"I'm so glad I can show you this now," she teased him as she licked and rubbed his head around on her face, sliding it across her sultry lips.

"You're just humoring me now," Henry said, her arousal of his cock so intense that he felt like he might explode right there.
