Redwood Nine Ch. 13


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"What binoculars?"

"Last week. Thought I was getting electronics. I saw the ics at the end, in the dark and thought that was one of the boxes. Turns out it was optics and there was a case of the things inside."

"I could do with a pair of those."

"Sure, Piney. Anyone else?"

Every hand went up and Tom knew to just bring the case and let everyone help themselves. No one wanted them and he couldn't unload them any where, so he was happy to be rid of them and ultimately, come to good use and help the club as well.

The guys were standing around smoking cigarettes, when the door opened and Lorraine came out. She came to Lenny and walked him away from the others and began discussing something in hushed tones. Lenny's loud exclamation of 'WHAT', made everyone look at them closely. They walked further away and Lenny was obviously blown away with whatever Lorraine told him, but he was also smiling about it, as well. He was shaking his head, as he walked back to the others, smiling bigger and bigger.

Lorraine didn't stop, but kept walking back into the unit and closed the door. The click of the latch, once again brought attentions turning from a woman, back to the guy responsible, for the answers. Lenny looked at the faces, waiting to see what he had been told and saw faces in the window looking out at him, waiting to see what happened when he told them the news.

"Okay, the girls say they can raise most of the money in a week. Now, here's how they figure on raising it. The girls, while they're at the club they dance at, make extra on the side, doing, ahem, favours for guys. They know what kind of money they can make between now and a week's time, doing that. Now, what they're going to do, I have no fucking idea, man, but they said they want some protection, just in case, because none of them have done this kinda shit before, so they'd like us to watch their backs, while they do their thing and get paid. What do you think of that?"

Every guy looked at his brothers, then all heads turned towards the window, faces vanishing behind closed curtains.

No one knew how to start that off, still coming to terms with their women doing things with other guys. Lenny looked at them, stuck in indecision and gave his thoughts.

"Guys, it's like this. The girls love us, that's obvious, right? I mean, they wouldn't be doing this kind of shit, if it wasn't for us, right? Whatever they decide to do for money, is their business, not yours, as long as they come back to you every night whole and not getting fucked up out there. I got a lot of feelings for Lorraine, you know that. Shit, we been through all kinds of shit and we're still together. I figure it's because she knows I care about her and even though she fucks up some times, she knows I can forgive her, just like she does for me. Otto and Piney will tell you straight, I've let more guys than you can imagine feel her tits and it's nothing. She wants to fuck some guy, it's her business, not mine. I can tell her not to, beat the fucking shit out of her and tell her not to, but you know what? She's going to fuck that guy, whether I know, or not. Women are like that. We're like we are. Tell me a sweet piece of ass doesn't lay her tush in your lap and says she wants you to fuck her silly and you're going to say no? I don't care how much you say you love Cindy, or Gloria, or Mary, or whoever, you know, you're going to go for it and hit it hard. Fuck the consequences. Right then, it's all about your cock and her pussy and you wanting to fill that gash up with every drop of your cum. Call me a fucking liar, I dare ya to."

No one could, because they all knew they would and have in the past. They had a rethink of things, after coming at it from a different perspective.

"Guys, isn't anyone looking at the big picture here?"

They looked at Lenny and waited to see what they were missing.

"It was only a half hour ago, we figured out how to make a shit load of money to cover the costs for JT. It'll cost fifteen bucks for the helpers and ten minutes to put them on. It's another twenty, if Wally wants to get heavy duty shocks for it. We could load close to a half ton in the back and it wouldn't show. We know that's going to give us a huge amount to bank for the club and shit and then we can try to do it that way more often. The girls, doing that shit for us, come on. Steady cash. They can make tons of daily for us and they can stop anytime, right? But hey, they stop, doesn't mean we can't hire new talent to replace them, riiiiight?"

That instantly made all the sense in the world, after Lenny's explanation. Heads started wrapping around the idea of sexually active women and a steady cash flow, no one finding anything objectionable to the idea. As they stood pondering ideas about it, they saw Jake and JT coming back down the road to them. JT seemed more in control of himself and Jake was telling him things, JT nodding, giving them hope the worst was over for their president. Piney went to them, while they were out of earshot and joined them the last few hundred feet, asking his friend how he was doing.

JT threw an arm over Piney's shoulder and found the gift of a smile in himself, as he neared his brothers, who stood in worry of him.

"I'm okay, man, thanks. I just needed to get it out of me. It just hurts the most, not knowing, or having the chance to see her one last time. I gotta have some time, Piney, sort all this shit out and what's happening. Jake knows what I mean. I can't be leading the club and dealing with all this. I need you to run things for a while."

"Me run things? Shit JT, I don't know how to run all this."

"Lenny will help you, trust him, okay. I just can't do it right now. Jake's going to help me out with my mom whatever way he can, so I feel better, knowing I can lay her to rest properly."

Piney looked at his best friend, coming to terms with what was and the past fading into memories of who he was. It was a time of transition for him, the strings of family severed from his reality, leaving him adrift in the world and he needed to get back on course.

"I'll do it JT. Lenny knows the deal. Are you up to some good news?"

JT looked at Piney, his normal gruffness smoothed out to a gentleness on his face, that said there was something to smile about, amidst all the gloom.

"Sure, Piney. Let's hear some good news, buddy."

Piney slung his arm over JT's shoulders and walked him over to the guys and stood with them. The curtains were moving slightly, female eyes looking at the scene twenty feet away. Piney began explaining the need for Jake to go and be with Marlene and he knew things were being planned, that weren't in accordance with the law and hoped they weren't planning anything that would end in the situation being far worse, than it was.

Once the door closed to the office, Piney began explaining the new run down and the amount they were coming back with. That shocked JT out of his grief and made him focus on what they were planning. Lenny and Chico said they would take care of everything and explained to JT, how they had thought out the new route, the path getting cleared and making sure the air patrol was figured out. The risks were big, but the rewards were greater, if they pulled it off. JT asked about guns and Piney said they wouldn't need them, the run looking like what it was, nothing else.

When Piney thought JT was up to speed on the run, he looked at the others and told him what the girls were thinking of doing. JT shook his head and looked stunned by the announcement. Piney calmed him down again and Lenny jumped in at that point and explained it the way he had before. JT listened to his reasoning and it made sense that way, but he wasn't sure if he was good with Suzy, or the others giving themselves up like that, for the sake of money.

When the guys faces turned to the unit, with the girl's faces looking back at them, it was time for them all to talk about it. Despite some faces peering out of other units, wondering why the congregation was happening outside, they came together, as couples, assuring them that they still were and not to worry.

Talking about what they were willing to do, or at least try, had the guys thinking again, as they looked at them and imagined them doing things with strange men, the same things they had enjoyed doing with them. Thoughts changed expressions, as they looked at their women, coming to a harder realization of what they were thinking of letting them do. Eyes searched in their partners eyes, searching for an answer that might be there, somewhere after it all went down. Would they still feel the same about each other? Would they be able to get past what their woman had done with others? Would it be worth the cost in love, to make a financial gain from it?

Suzy spoke out for the girls, letting their side of things be heard, before a decision was made. She knew JT was hurt by the thought of it, despite the well meaning intentions for his benefit.

"Guys, listen. I know this is freaking you out, but think about it? All of you guys have seen us naked and let's face it, seen us having sex. Most of the girls are getting naked for guys every day and no one says a thing. All of us have made a little extra, letting guys have a little feel, or stroked some of their cocks. It's part of the business, always has been. All we're saying, is that, we're willing to step it up a notch and just do it for the money, that's it, that's all. It's a half hour, in and out and he's gone. All we want is for you guys to protect us, so no one hurts us, or tries to skip out on paying."

She could see that the guys were thinking about it, the girls not doing anything one way or the other, to persuade them.

"If you guys say no, that's okay, it's cool. We don't have to do it. We just thought it was a good way to make some fast money for JT's mom. Baby, you're the one that needs to say yes or no, not me. I'm okay with whatever you decide, I want you to know that."

JT looked at Suzy, her eyes showing her trust and belief in him, then looked at the other girls and saw a similar look in their eyes. The weight of decision immediately felt crushing, having so many lives to be responsible for. He wasn't sure he could bear that burden, trying to add it to the one he was already dealt with.

He looked at his brothers and knew what they were ready to put themselves through, for him. Everything kept coming back to him and his choice of leading them, grew heavier and heavier with responsibility, with each thought he had about them. At that moment, he became lost in his world and fell out of touch with it.

He looked at the eyes looking at him and he knew they could see him failing. Whatever strength was in him, was fading rapidly and leaving him weak and vulnerable to his emotions, ones now spinning out of control. He lost his reasoning, his logic, his focus on everything. Nothing was right at that moment, nothing he really wanted was happening, it was all skewed around by things out of his control. The more he looked at their faces, the more his illusion of being their leader faded.

He saw it on their faces, as he crumbled to the ground, unable to face anything else coming at him. Nothing Piney said, seemed like good news and even the club going all out for him, left him feeling guilty. The entire world caved in on him at that moment, consuming his entire being. Suzy knelt beside him, stroking his hair, her own tears flowing abundantly. She looked about at them, a need for help being given.

The group stood and looked at him, on his knees before them, unsure what to do, as he sobbed once more into an oblivious state. Piney didn't care what was going on in his mind at that moment, all he was concerned about was his best friend lying on the ground helplessly. He scooped him up in his arms and carried him to his unit. Lenny opened the door and Piney laid JT down as gently as he could on the bed and Suzy laid beside him and cuddled in behind him, holding him close. Piney and Lenny didn't need to be told and left Suzy to tend to JT. They closed the door as quietly as they could and went to join the others.

The faces spoke all that was needed to be said. Lenny and Piney looked at them all and showed their disappointment in them, their faces saying the man inside grieving, had lost face with them.

"That man in there is my best friend and I know what kind of man he is. I look at you all standing here and I can see you thinking he's weak and not a good leader. How much is one man supposed to bear on his shoulders, before he crumbles, like he just did. I know some of that is my own doing, by being stupid enough to tell him about you women. I should never have said anything. The run we have to go on, is more than he can bear doing at this point. More than anything, he needs our support, not more problems to worry about. We fucked up, plain and simple. We put him over the edge and that's why he's in there like that now, not because he's weak."

Piney stood there like an angry bear, ready to battle anyone who disagreed with him. No one wanted to, no one felt they had anything they could say against it, for they all felt the guilt. It was a guilt born of selfish feelings, of monetary gain, as the end result. As much as intentions were good, the moment to bring them about, was completely wrong.

Suzy was doing her best to calm her lover beside her. His sobs had subsided to softer whines and whimpers, as thought after thought invaded his mind and tortured him. Beaten into emotional submission, JT wanted nothing more than to vanish and become invisible. Through course sobs, he tried to relay his feelings to Suzy, his only need, to be at peace in the world he was in. Suzy knew her man had lost all sense and reason about himself and nothing she could do, could help him. Her own tears fell hard and heavy, knowing she had to accept part of the blame, for speaking out so casually about doing sex for money.

JT lay there a broken man, having been pushed beyond his limit to bear so much weight and crumbled under the burden of it. She got up and went outside and waved Piney over to her.

"I don't know what to do, Piney? Nothing I say or do, seems to help him. All he said he wants, is some peace from all of it. He wants to disappear, or something, just make it all go away. Piney, what should we do?"

Piney stood looking down at the helpless woman, half his size, but equal, in caring for the man inside suffering. He tried to think of what his friend needed and suddenly walked away from Suzy and over to Wally.

"Wally, I need your car, man. I need to take JT somewhere, so he can get over this. He's hurting man, bad, real bad. Make me a map, so I can get there."

Wally understood Piney's need and tossed him the keys. He went and brought the car to the door of the unit and left it running, as he went in to get JT. Everyone waited, held in suspense and disbelief of everything happening, as they watched their president being carried in the arms of Piney, out to the car. Suzy opened the back door and Piney laid JT on the seat and helped him get in. Suzy closed the door and ran around to the other side and got in beside him.

"I'm taking him to see Moon. I don't know anyone else right now, who can help JT find the peace he needs."

The guys put the words peace and Moon together and knew Piney was making the right choice. He jumped in the car, looking at them with concern. Wally finished drawing a crude map and pointed out landmarks to watch for. Piney thanked him and looked at Lenny.

"You're in charge Lenny, keep this shit together, until I get back. We don't need anything else happening, to make things worse."

Lenny understood Piney's concerns and assured him he'd be on top of everything, then Piney pulled out of the lot and headed towards Calaveras. The guys and girls stood still, the sense of shock still holding them to their places. In a matter of hours, the day had gone from one of a positive outlook, to one of great pain and misery and nothing they said or did, made it change the direction it was going in.

As they stood talking about it, nothing they said, seemed to ease the guilt they felt, knowing they hadn't thought of the ramifications of their words to him. JT was feeling bad enough about his mother already, compounding his own guilt onto the loss, then hearing how the guys wanted to do a run that was far beyond what they had done and were prepared for, the burden of responsibility for them all, landing on his shoulders, to make sure they made it there and back whole. It was hearing how the girls would cheapen themselves for money, despite their intentions and reasons for wanting to do it.

He couldn't bear the thought of seeing them having sex with strange men, allowing themselves to be plundered for all of their worth, giving away all that was good about them. He knew in his heart, if he agreed to it, he would forever damn himself, for treating a woman he cared about, in such a low manner. Realizing how callous they were towards JT in his time of suffering, the good intended thoughts, became more like insults to them. They put themselves in JT's position and imagined what it must be like to be in his shoes and walking the mile of misery he was.

Piney had to make several course changes and go a different direction, but he started seeing the landmarks Wally described and knew he was on the right road. The gate at the end, was just as Wally had said and he knew, with a growing sense of relief, he hoped he had found the peace that his friend needed. He drove down the lane and stopped at the door. It burst open and Azure came running out to greet them, thinking it was Wally. She never even made a motion to cover herself, now following Golden's directions to be naked and be one with nature. Piney stared at her nudity, as she stood close to the car, unable to avoid enjoying something so pleasingly presented to him.

Piney got out and Azure looked perplexed why he was driving and Wally wasn't. Piney tried to keep his eyes above shoulder height as he spoke to her, but they dropped several times, to glance at Azure's bountiful display of her breasts.

"Go get Moon, Annie, JT needs him bad."

Azure looked in the back seat and saw Suzy comforting JT to her and ran in, holding her breasts, to stop them from bouncing around wildly. Moon came running out to them, after hearing Azure's cries for him to come. He opened the door and looked at JT, curled up in the seat, divorcing himself from the world around him. He looked at Suzy, his face a mix of worry and compassion, as he helped her out and went in beside him. Suzy went in with Azure, unconcerned about her nudity and into the living room. It took her a second to look around to shake her from her state of mind and toss her into one of equal concern.

Everyone was sitting around in the nude, waiting for her to come in and then came to her. They welcomed her, just as they had before, except now the people she hugged, were stark naked and pressing themselves to her. She looked at Star and saw him before her, waiting to greet her, then felt the arousing sensations inside, as her eyes saw his toned body and exposed manhood. Nervously, she held him and felt his body pressed to her. So many thoughts rushed about in her head at that moment, lust, desire, guilt, remorse and the longer she held him, the more she felt. She let him go and Phoenix was next. His body was even more defined and muscular, yet despite knowing it would cause her more unrest, her eyes had to look at what was between his legs. He was endowed with something much thicker and longer than Star, or JT, making her breathe in quickly, in surprise. He eyes shot up quickly to his face, but her guilt showed, as she hugged him and accepted his welcoming to her.

Moon was helping JT in, holding his arm over his neck and assisting him with every step. They all rushed towards him, concerned about his state of well-being, but Moon waved them off. He helped JT up the stairs and into his bedroom, then laid him on the bed and sat on the side, letting JT find his own comfort in himself. He patted his shoulder and told him he'd be right back and left him in the room.