Reina the Warlock Pt. 02

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The story of how Reina and her futa Daemon Beleeza bonded.
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Part 2 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/24/2022
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* Re-uploading my Reina the Warlock stories previously uploaded under the user name Liethra as I'm resuming work on the series!*


"How did you end up bonded to a Flesh Daemon anyway?"

Telitha's sudden question broke the silence that had ruled the workshop for hours. Reina looked up from her tomes in confusion. Her assistant was looking at her, visibly exhausted from countless hours of work. Telitha's shoulder length black hair, usually well-kept, was now tousled and her eyes weary and bloodshot. She was a dutiful and patient assistant, but she was still only human.

"I'm sorry?" Reina asked, her mind still half-buried in ancient historical accounts.

"How did you end up being bonded to a Daemon from the House of Flesh? I mean, why did you make that choice?"

Reina pondered the question for a moment, unsure about how forthright she should be. Telitha was not of high enough rank to attempt a bonding herself yet, but surely the thought would have entered her mind. But to withhold the truth would perhaps be a disservice to the assistant's own search for knowledge.

"Well... It was not a choice I made lightly. I also considered the House of the Deep and the House of the Lost," Reina said, choosing her words carefully as she watched her assistant's reactions. "But in the end, the House of Flesh held enough obscure knowledge, while still not being as volatile or unruly as other Houses. A compromise, I suppose."

"Did you choose Beleeza specifically?" Telitha was perking up.

"I did," Reina mumbled, averting her eyes for a moment. Explaining Beleeza was always a bit complicated. "I spent countless nights pouring over lists of names from different traditions, trying to find the most useful. Then, I came across an obscure collection of long-forgotten names. Daemons that had little interest in bonds and thus had been shunned. There, I found Beleeza's name."

"And how did you manage to convince her?" Suddenly, Telitha's weariness had completely vanished and she was sitting in rapt attention. Ready to take in her overseer's every word.

But Reina suddenly grew quiet and hesitant.

"I... Well, that is perhaps better saved for when you are further along in your own process," Reina said, her eyes darting back and forth, trying to find some diversion. "After all, it is your Master who should-" she began, before she bit her tongue. She got up from the table and looked outside into the windy, sand-swept evening outside. "I do believe it is high time we ate something. We have been working for quite a long time, after all."

Telitha could only watch in stunned silence as her superior threw a sandcloak on and rushed out of the workshop, her cheeks burning red. As the door to the workshop slammed shut, a few seconds passed in silence. Telitha had no idea what to make of it all. Had she said something wrong? With a tinge of guilt in her heart, she resumed her work. All of a sudden a shadow rose with a dark whisper from the floor. Telitha suffocated a surprised yelp as Beleeza herself stepped out of that ethereal darkness. The Daemon stood almost a head and a half taller than the warlock's assistant, this time appearing more human than she usually chose to. She still had the thick, curved horns, and a veritable tapestry of savage tattoos etched into her deep copper tone skin. Around her waist hung loincloths covered in jagged coats of arms unfamiliar to all but the most learned. Her eyes fell upon the young assistant without hesitation and a wicked smile spread on the Daemon's lips.

"Not only did I sense my name being mentioned, but also the rising heat of passion. Yet I only find you here alone. What fun have I missed?"

Telitha could barely manage an answer. Even in Reina's company, she was unsure of how to approach the Daemon. Beleeza spread herself across the table in front of the young woman. Made sure the girl's attention was where it should be. Telitha could not quite manage to hide where her gaze strayed, first towards the Daemon's taut, exposed breasts, and then towards the less than subtle bulge under the loincloth.

"Come now, I am merely curious. I would not dream of harming one of my bondmate's allies," the Daemon purred, reaching out to stroke Telitha's cheek.

"I, uh, I merely asked her about how she became bonded to you," Telitha managed to reply, her face now flush with embarrassment.

"Oh! And did she tell you the story?"

"Not quite. I don't know that-"

"Did she tell you what she offered me for the bond?" Beleeza was now grinning widely, taking obvious pleasure in the whole situation.

"She did not," Telitha tried to resist, but curiosity overcame her. "What...did she offer?"

Beleeza leaned in close, and with her pointy tongue caressing Telitha's ear she whispered: "She gave me her virginity."


Reina stood alone in the middle of a dark chamber, dressed only in a light, black cloak that hung loosely over her body. Despite the countless candles that she had lit, the air was still chilly. The hair on her skin stood straight, and her nipples were stiff against the fabric. An intricate ritual circle had been inscribed onto the floor, and above it hung a pot of incense that was slowly spreading its fragrant smoke. A bed had been prepared in the corner, soft and inviting. It stuck out in the otherwise dour chamber, but if she was to go through with this, she needed something more than a just polished stone floor.

She checked every little element once more. Out of precaution, she told herself, rather than nervousness. But still her hands trembled like leaves and her cheeks burned all the hotter with each passing moment. This was not the first time she had been involved in a summoning, but it was the first time she was doing it on her own. Not only that, it would be her first time... Consummating. If the Daemon accepted, that was. But she would soon be finding out. Finally, there were no more preparations to complete. No more things to check. This was it.

For a few seconds she closed her eyes and breathed deeply. She could do this. Months had been spent on studying the incantations and traditions. The schematics, the mathematics, the diagrams and the ways of Daemons. She was ready. At least knowledge wise. Physically was another matter completely. Warlock or not, she was still a woman. But now the time had come to bite the bullet. She took the bells of summoning and started chanting the incantation to call upon the messengers of the Nethers.

It did not take long for them to respond, her ears ringing with their chattering and screeching. She commanded them to carry her call, to pass into the House of Flesh and draw out the Daemon Beleeza. And when their gibbering slowly faded, Reina started the incantation to open a rift. The words of divine ceremony made the walls tremble and ring with power, as flames shifting from warm orange to emerald green bathed the chamber in an otherworldly light. It was a tremendous strain on the young warlock, every second demanding her utmost attention and strength. For a brief moment she despaired, thinking that her call had gone unheard. But then a sphere of abysmal darkness swirled into existence before her. An unholy eye, gazing at her from far beyond mortal Realms.

And out of the darkness stepped something just as dark. Vaguely humanoid, with great spiral horns and four arms. Its face was featureless, save for a mouth filled with sharp teeth and a sleek, long tail that whipped behind the Daemon. A shadow given flesh.

"It has been a long, long time since any of your kind dragged me out of my halls" the Daemon murmured in a low, predatory voice that made Reina shiver.

But she cleared her throat and summoned every ounce of dominance she had in her body. "I am Reina, Adept of the Twilight Hour and Inheritor of the Sunken Tower," she declared, straightening her back. Her voice betrayed her nervousness just a little bit. "I have called upon you to parlay about a bonding, to-"

"Goodness, spare me the ceremony, would you? I know what you're after," the Demon sighed as it leaned against the invisible barrier that the ritual circle had created. "But what could you possibly offer me that I have not heard and rejected a hundred times before?"

Reina hesitated. The final step over the threshold. She drew open her cloak, baring herself to the Daemon. "I offer you my body," she said, now trembling quite a bit. "Untouched, prepared according to the old ways of the House of Flesh." She tried keeping her eyes steady on the Daemon, but exposing herself this way made her burn inside. The Daemon seemed to simply stare at her, despite its eyeless appearance.

"Oh reeeeaaaally?" it finally whispered with joyful surprise. "Now that is a proper old-school tradition... You actually surprise me, human. I thought that kind of fire had gone out of your kind long ago. Come closer," it whispered as it pressed its body up against the ritual barrier.

Reina approached, stopping not even an arm's length from the dark thing. She could feel its hot breath against her skin, making her body shudder with strange sensations.

"Mmm," The Daemon sighed appreciatively at what it saw. "Disrobe for me, Warlock..."

Reina swallowed, but did not hesitate. She unclasped the buckles and let the cloak fall to the floor, standing before her prospective bond mate completely nude. Something about the way it regarded her made her more and more aroused. Without even being asked to, she turned around. Showed it the body that she was offering so willingly.

"Oh yes... That is a very tempting offer," the Daemon murmured as it looked at her intently, drinking in every little part of her. "I suppose it has been quite a long time since I ventured into your realms. And to do so in the company of such a pretty thing who has fire enough to make such an offer... Yes, I do like the sound of that."

"So you accept my offer to bond, until the day of my mortal death?" Reina's nervousness was now mixing with an almost jubilant joy. But she kept her game face on. Had to appear in charge, after all.

"If you answer me this, warlock: Why Beleeza, of all the Daemons in all the Houses of the Nether?"

"I..." Reina hesitated. Dared she fudge the truth? No. Not in this vital moment. "I read an account by someone who had once been bonded to you. An old, forgotten text that had been hidden away due to its... Personal nature."

"And what did this account say of me?" The Daemon seemed almost entertained by this.

"It told about things that you did in the dark. The kind of things I had never read about in any other account. So..." Reina grew silent, infinitely embarrassed.

The Daemon let out a rapturous, echoing laugh. "Oh, so the young thing decided with her loins! Well, isn't that just lovely," the Daemon almost purred with satisfaction.

"And the sparse texts I found mentioned you as a learned-"

"Yes yes," the Daemon interrupted, "We can get to all the dry stuff some other day. I know more than enough to keep you happy, I'm sure." It knocked on the barrier with a vicious smile. "Now how about you remove this little wall, so we can make good on this bond...?"

For a second, Reina thought about the possibility of deception. But that was, partly, why she had chosen a Daemon from the House of Flesh. They were straightforward. Saw no use in lying or deceiving. So she removed a couple of the ceremonial gems from the pattern on the floor and within seconds the barrier fell. The Daemon stepped out of the now ruined circle, stretching with a theatrical bow.

"Beleeza, Lieutenant of the House of Flesh, at your service," it said with just a slight hint of ridicule in its voice. Then again, it did not seem to be a fan of ceremony. "So I suppose a learned young thing as yourself has studied the rite of bonding utterly and thoroughly?"

"Yes," Reina replied with a firm nod. At least in this, she was confident in her skills. "I know the incantation by heart. The rite may need some time-"

"Pschaw. Rites..." Beleeza waved its hand in disregard. "That's the beauty of this way of bonding... You don't need a complicated rite or a bunch of stuffy relics. You just need flesh and fire..."

"But," Reina tried, unsure of herself now. "How is-"

"You just remember those words, warlock. I will tell you when they are needed," the Daemon said as it gave Reina a wicked smile. "I just hope that you can recall them in the throes of pleasure..."

Suddenly Beleeza's body started warping in jagged, twitchy motions. Black skin became a deep reddish-brown, taut over tense muscles. Its frame became wider and stronger, towering over Reina who suddenly felt very small. The Horns twisted into curved and elegant shapes, shifting in deep, dark reds and wild red hair grew in between them. The dark thing before Reina was now decidedly less inhuman, but certainly far more than human as well. A shadow no more, Beleeza stood before Reina like some great warrior Queen of old, muscular and imposing yet elegant and womanly.

"Mm, that will do better," Beleeza said as she stretched, feeling out her new form. "Do you like it, warlock...?" Her smile was both inviting and threatening.

Reina could not help but stare a bit at the sight before her. Beleeza's eyes were transfixing, deep and full of fire. Her new body was certainly a sight fit for a Goddess. The strong arms, the ample and inviting breasts, the rippling stomach, her... She averted her eyes in slight embarrassment. Right then she was more woman than warlock.

"So, do we...?"

"I will guide you," The Daemon purred as she drew Reina close and her hands started to explore the young woman's trembling body. Soft, sensitive skin, burning with anticipation. Sparking at every touch. Reina whimpered slightly as Beleeza's strangely hot touch spread all over her body, from her neck down across her back and to her soft behind. Pressed against the Daemon's body, she could feel herself getting more and more aroused. The wetness and heat between her legs was growing.

"I...I had a bed prepared," she said, her voice little more than a whisper.

"Hah, how quaint," the Daemon laughed. Then she picked up Reina as if she had weighed nothing, carried her to the bed, and tossed her down on her back.

Now splayed naked before this supposed servant towering above her, Reina felt the full force of arousal wash over her. Without even thinking about it she gently started stroking herself. As Beleeza crawled on top of her and started kissing her body with searing hot lips she couldn't help letting out little moans of pleasure. The Daemon's viper-like tongue tickled and teased her skin in a way that sent electric shivers rippling across her body, making her twitch and gasp. Those mere specks of flame across her throat and neck were already immensely pleasurable already, so when Beleeza's lips and tongue traced their way downwards, Reina let out small cries of pleasure, her arousal growing with every second. The feeling of magic heat against her trembling breasts and her sensitive little nipples made her tremble and shake. Beleeza's sharp tongue only made it all the more delicious, teasing and playing with wild, teasing flickers. Reina grabbed onto Beleeza's hair, desperate to hold on to something as she succumbed to the crackling pleasure.

And Beleeza had no intentions of slowing down, lips now tracing kisses down across Reina's stomach. The young warlock gasped for breath as she felt the Beleeza's hot lips approach her own. Tender, wet kisses on the inside of her thighs made her cry out, almost pleading for Beleeza to have mercy. By now she was warmer and wetter than she had ever been before, and probably couldn't stop even if she wanted to. And when the Daemon's tongue finally hit her the centre of her wetness she thought she was going to die on the spot. The pleasure mixed with an almost unbearable heat made her feel like she was melting, thrashing and crying out beyond control. Beleeza was merciless, letting her slick and long tongue explore every fold and crevice, taking great pleasure in finding every little sensitive spot. She soon let her tongue slide inside Reina, who gasped for air as Beleeza's tongue suddenly felt impossibly big inside her. Within seconds she was completely lost in pleasure, completely lost to whatever Beleeza was doing to her. She could only hold on as every muscle in her body started to tense. And then, she exploded. Every nerve in her body was lit on fire, singing out as the Daemon put millenniums of skills to use. Barely had the first explosion subsided before another one took its place, rocking the young warlock's body to its very core. Her lower body felt like it was melting away, with her cramping pussy being the very core of the sun. Wave after wave crashed over her, until she could barely breathe anymore, tears streaming down her cheeks. Only then did Beleeza pause, her face and hands slick with juices.

"Mmmm," the Daemon purred. "That is a very nice start... But you have seen nothing yet, young warlock."

She straddled Reina, kneeling on top of her. One hand travelled downwards to her crotch, which was almost dripping with wetness. With her fingers she parted her lips, exposing her swollen clit for Reina to see. Suddenly, she let out a deep groan of pleasure, and before Reina's eyes her clit started swelling and growing. Pulsating and throbbing. Within seconds it had grown into a thick, twitching cock pointing straight at Reina. At first glance she trembled, unsure how it would ever fit inside her. But even then, it aroused her something crazy. She grabbed it gently, feeling its pulsating heat. At first she rubbed it slowly, still unsure of herself. But as she heard Beleeza's groans of pleasure she started rubbing it harder and harder. It was slick with fluids, and as she stroked it more and more, she felt how hot drops started landing on her stomach and breasts. The heat was intoxicating. Dizzying. She could think of nothing else than getting to have it inside her.

As if Beleeza had read her mind, the Daemon pulled her further up in the bed. Without hesitation, she spread the young warlock's legs, exposing her still tingling pussy. At first, she only teased, letting the swollen head of her cock rub against Reina's most sensitive place. Slow and deliberate. Making the girl want it all the more. Then, without warning, she leaned over Reina and let her cock push inside the warm wetness with a deep groan of pleasure. Reina could do nothing but hold on, clawing at Beleeza's back as she felt the hard cock push deep inside her. Filling her up, quenching a hunger she had never realised she had. When Beleeza was finally completely inside her, Reina could barely breathe, so overcome with sensations. But barely had she gotten used to the feeling before the Daemon grabbed onto her with frightening strength and started moving her hips. Slow, deep thrusts made her body quake as the hot cock, slid in and out of her. Every throb echoed through her body, as if she could feel its pulse in her entire being. She held on for dear life as the Daemon claimed her. This was her offering. A different kind of sacrificial lamb. A Daemon's plaything for pleasure.

Beleeza's trusts became rougher and deeper, her breaths and moans all the more strained. Her weight and iron grip held Reina down as the Daemon fucked the young warlock with all her might. It was long since she had enjoyed a human's naïve pleasure, and she took joy in every second of it. The young woman felt so deliciously tight around her cock, slick with juices and hot like a furnace. She couldn't resist taking it to the next level. As she kept fucking Reina, Beleeza placed a hand on the side of the warlock's face, calling upon dark magic in an unknown tongue.

Reina barely realised what was going on before a wave of heat tore through her body. Suddenly every thrust felt as if it resonated through every part of her, and the pleasure was quickly becoming too much to handle. Again she felt her body tense up, tight as a steel spring. She clawed desperately at Beleeza's back and her pussy cramped tightly around the Daemon's cock as she felt another climax approaching. And when she came, she erupted. A tidal wave of hot pleasure washed over her as she cried out in ecstasy, her body seizing up as she climaxed. All of a sudden, Beleeza let out a deep groan, and thrust as deep inside the wetness as she could. Reina, deep in her throes of pleasure, felt an intense heat fill her up deep inside. She realised that the Daemon had come, filling her pussy with its almost unbearably hot seed. Thick, molten spurts that made her shiver and shake as Beleeza made her final claim. At last, the two of them came to rest, Reina still filled to the brim with the Daemon's heavy body on top of her. Only then did she realise that she had completely forgotten the incantation. The bond was still not sealed.