Reluctant Mistress Pt. 02


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"Yes, I'm still not happy about it but I've got the plan down."

"I do this because I love you and he threatened to kill you."

"I know," she sighs. "I love you too. Be safe, promise me that."

"Promise," I bring her in tight for a long kiss. We break and look into each other's eyes. "And I'm a woman of my word."

She pulls a ball cap from her purse and pulls it down low over her face. I watch her as she walks down the stairs and I wait fifteen minuets, spending the time steeling myself and going over the plan. It's simple and should ensure that Eliza and I never have to deal with Cameron again. When the fifteen minuets pass I make my way slowly through the mall. I pretend to do some window shopping but really I'm just killing time. We said one but I know Cameron, he'll be there by noon. He'll want to scope the area and make sure there are no cops around. He's been an escaped convict for over a week now which means he's become much more careful than he used to be. Most escapees are caught within a few days and he's lasted a week. At twelve fifteen I step outside into the early autumn day. The sun is shining and there's a solid amount of people outside for a Thursday afternoon. Across the way I see Cameron sitting at a table, even with a ball cap on I can tell it's him. He looks up at me and glares, when I don't run up to him he points at the empty chair across from him. As I'm sitting down I see Eliza sitting down at another table behind us. Cameron makes no indication that he's seen her. Over his shoulder I can see Eliza bring her phone up to her ear.

"So," I venture when I'm fully seated.

"So. Here's how this is going to work. You owe me," he starts.

"Wait, I owe you?"

"Yes. You denied me in a time of need, kicked me out of your life. Put me onto the road when you knew I was drunk. Every terrible thing that happened to me after that is your fault."

"No. No, you did all of that, not me. I didn't make you go to the bar afterwards and get obliterated drunk. I didn't make you assault that poor girl and then kidnap her. I didn't make you run from the cops. You did all of that. You killed..." I'm shut up when his hand flashes across the table and his fingers dig into my wrist.

"Shut up. It's your fucking fault and you owe me. So here's what's going to happen. We're getting into your car and you're driving us to Miami, Florida. Once we get there you're going to help me get in touch with a guy I heard about who can smuggle me into Cuba. You will pay this man. If, and only if, you do all of this I won't murder that pretty girlfriend of yours."

"Let me go!" I say through clenched jaws and releases his grip.

"Everything ok over here?" It's a security guard, a large man in a white uniform.

"Just peachy, mall cop." Cameron grumbles, he refuses to look at the man.

"Ma'am?" He turns to me and asks. Behind him I can see a line of cop cars pulling into the parking lot. Someone shouts out: oh shit!

Cameron and the mall cop look over. I can see that Eliza has gotten up and slipped into the crowd, just like we planned. A good thirty police officers are moving their way slowly towards our table. Cameron jumps up and pulls a handgun from his waistband. His left hand slips around the neck of the security guard and his right hand with the gun goes to his head. Cameron now has a human shield. As he's doing this I scramble away to safety and hide behind a kiosk. Looking left, towards the mall, I see Eliza. She's just inside the mall, on the other side of the glass doors.

"You fucking bitch! You set me up!" Cameron screams out. I stay hidden behind the kiosk.

"Drop your weapon!" A male voice calls out. "Step away from the hostage!"

"I'm not going back to prison!" Cameron shouts.

"We can talk about that but not until you release the hostage!"

"Morgan! I'm going to haunt you for the rest of your days! You'll fucking regret this day for the rest of your life." He shouts and then he cries out in pain. I would learn later that the security guard elbowed him in the side after he turned his head to shout something else to me and was able to scramble to safety.

"Drop the weapon! Now!"

There is an eruption of gunfire causing me to cover up my ears with my hands. The last thing I see is Eliza dropping to the ground. I lose count on the number of gunshots at thirty. It seems like the shooting goes on for hours when in reality it only lasted for no more than twenty to thirty seconds. The entire courtyard fills with smoke and a terrible, acrid smell. Eliza sprints out of the mall and falls to the ground next to me. She's desperately checking for wounds, her hands lightly touching every inch of my body.

"I'm ok, I'm not hurt." I tell her and she pulls me into a hug.

We're sitting like that when two cops, weapons drawn, come around the corner of the kiosk. Terrified, we throw our hands up. They briefly point their guns at us before realizing we are unarmed and therefore no threat.

"Are you hurt?" One of them asks.

"No, we're not hurt. Just shaken up." Eliza answers for us. I'm too shaken to answer.

"Stay where you're at. She'll need to answer some questions." The other orders.

The both of us would spend the entire day speaking with both the cops and feds. I had to explain why I was there and why I had contact with a known escapee and didn't call the cops. I would eventually convince them that our plan was for me to meet him in a public place and once we confirmed he was there to call the police. They berated me for putting the life of the guard in danger, something I was well aware of. I didn't plan for him to show up. He was just doing his job and almost lost his life for it. The only person to die that day was Cameron. He fired a shot at the line of cops but missed every one of them and was immediately cut down in a hail of bullets. Afterwards I felt drained. Eliza's grilling was almost as intense but she was just glad that this monster was out of our lives, forever.

Both of us were given some paid time off from work to recover, both for as long as we needed. For the first week we did nothing, just sat around the apartment. After a few days we seemed to be recovered from our ordeal. It would be something that would stay with us forever but we were no longer puddles of emotion, crying at the drop of a hat. We both saw a counsellor, separately, and got tips on how to recover from this.

I was napping on the couch, my feet in Eliza's lap. one afternoon and woke up from a really great dream. In it we had gotten married in a mountaintop ceremony. I woke up before we could consummate the marriage but this was the first dream that didn't have either Cameron or end with an explosion of gunfire. Stretching my arms and legs I let out a satisfied sigh before looking up at Eliza. She closes her laptop and smiles at me.

"Have a good nap?"

"A great one. How are you doing over there?"

"I'm glad you asked, babe. Go pack your bags, including that outfit I bought you that we still haven't tried out."

"We going somewhere?" I ask as I sit up.

"Yup, it's a surprise. We need to leave tonight to get there by Monday morning, when we check in."

"Check in?"

"A full week, just you and me. Now go pack," she slaps my feet.

Within three hours we're on the road and headed east. California gives way to Nevada which becomes Utah. All the way Eliza is being cagey, having me drive and yet still not telling me where exactly where we're headed. When she gets behind the wheel at midnight I fall asleep in the passenger seat. Falling into an uneasy, dreamless sleep I leave Eliza to the night road and her thoughts. I stir when I feel the car stops. The sun is shinning through the windows and I'm temporarily blinded.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." Eliza is cheery for someone who has driven all night.

"Where the fuck are we?" My voice is groggy.

"Colorado, somewhere near a place called Platoro."

Getting out of the car I stand up onto my toes and stretch my arms well above my head, an involuntary groan escaping my throat. Looking around me I'm dumbstruck by the picturesque beauty that surrounds us. A dirt road leads out through the woods that surround us and runs parallel to a tricking, winding river. On three sides mountains rise high up into the air. The sight literally takes my breath away. While catching it I see the cabin, a small and simple building with a porch running the length of the front. We're in a small clearing full of grass and a smattering of mountain flowers. Eliza walks up behind me and slips both her hands around my stomach and gives a quick kiss to my neck.

"Holy fucking shit, Eliza," is all I can manage.

"You're welcome," she whispers in my ear. Turning to her our bodies press together, intertwining. One of my hands brushes up against her cheek, fingers pushing back into her hair. I pull her in to me and our lips connect, an explosion of love on our lips.

"I love you, Eliza. I can't believe you've done all of this for us, for me. After all of the shit we've been through this last couple of weeks you never flinched. Other people would have run for the hills but not you. You took my hand walked with me into the fire." I tell her, staring deep into her eyes.

"I love you, that's why I stayed. I would march to the gates of hell for you, kick them down and throw a beating to the devil for you. Some crazy ass ex is no match for us. Now that fucker is dead and we are in the clear. Of course there will be ups and downs, that happens between girlfriends but our bond has now been forged in fire. Ain't nothing gonna stop us now."

"Were you trying to fit as many cliches into one monologue as you could there, babe?" I ask with a playful grin.

"Fuck you, Morgan." She counters.

"Oh, you'll be doing plenty of that out here, don't you worry about that." My eyes flash briefly. "But in all seriousness, I do agree. We're paired now, you and me, and nobody can fuck with that."

"Actually, I was hoping you'd be fucking me while we're out here." She kisses me again before I can answer.

Despite being exhausted, long car rides always sap my energy, I don't want to move. I could stay here, kissing her, till the end of time. They're kisses of love but not passion. She pulls at my waist even though our bodies cannot get any closer. My body doesn't fight this, gives in to her tugging while wishing that our bodies could fuse, become one entity. To have our atoms merge in a yellow haze and blast off into the universe. Instead a bird calls, loudly, and then another returns the call. This pulls me from my head and back into the world. Eliza breaks from me and opens her eyes and looks around her for the source of the sound. When she finds none she looks at me and smiles again.

"Let's check out this cabin," she says as she turns us towards the front door.

Her arm slips around my waist with mine around her shoulder as we start walking up the packed dirt road from where we stood to the cabin. We take the step up onto the wood planked front porch, to either side of the thick wooden door are windows. The glass is older and has a cloudy quality. Eliza puts in a code to the tiny safe hanging from the handle and when it opens the key slides out. She inserts it into the lock and with some effort turns the key. The door swings open with a creak, it clearly needs some new hinges. Everything inside is wood and rustic. To our right is a table and chairs, behind it is the kitchen. The stove is wood fired, a thick pipe running up to the ceiling where the smoke billows out into the wild. A refrigerator and dishwasher stand out like sore thumbs is this place. It looks like two modern appliances were transported to the eighteen hundreds. Eliza see's the look of confusion on my face.

"There are solar panels on the roof, per the website, that power this place." Her eyes are glued to me, watching me take everything in.

"This place is amazing. How did you find it?"

"I've been thinking of this for awhile. We've had the money in our account for almost six months now but the time hasn't been right. I figured that you would like it and have been looking for the perfect place for months. I stumbled on the website one night and here we are."

"You were right!"

I look to my left and see a living room. It has a couch, old with what were once bright green cushions that have now faded into a pea green color, and a low wooden table. A giant ten point buck's head is mounted above it. I see it and my mouth curves downward. It's distasteful but I'll have to deal with it. We walk in further and Eliza sneezes from the amount of dust in the air. This place is really off the beaten path but also perfect. As a woman who was raised on 80's horror movies a tiny portion in the back of my mind is screaming that we need to get out, get out now! When I see the cozy, four post bed, the thought drains from my mind. I see potential with this bed. It's low, the mattress sagging slightly, but it does have four metal posts. I bet it squeaks constantly when you move in it. We still have places for straps, straps I know we brought. Eliza can see my mind working and gives me a sly grin.

"It's got potential, right?" She asks knowingly.

"You fucking bet," I turn to her and return the grin.

"Listen, I'm gonna run to the store here and get some food and stuff. Get settled in and I'll be back soon."

She leans in and kisses my forehead before she leaves. As soon as I hear the car start and take off the weariness returns with renewed vigor. I almost pass out standing up. Slipping out of my jacket and shoes I pull back the quilt covering the bed. It's incredibly soft and I find that I was right, the bed does squeak when you move on it. Almost as soon as my head hits the pillow I'm asleep. Ever since the public meet with Cameron I couldn't close my eyes without hearing the cacophony of gunshots, screams and smelling the acrid smoke from all of those weapons. I see his body, a man I hated, as the cops lead Eliza and me away. He's riddled with gaping bullet wounds. Tonight though I see only Eliza's face, her beautiful eyes and warm smile. I fall asleep with a grin. Some time later I hear the bed squeak and then feel as Eliza spoons up next to me. In a half sleep I take her hand and pull her in close. Her body gives out nourishing heat as I feel her stomach on my back and tighten my grip on her arm while I pull it tight to my chest. When I finally wake up the bed is empty but I know where she is. I can smell bacon being fried in a pan and hot, fresh coffee brewing. After shuffling into the bathroom I join Eliza in the kitchen.

"Mornin' sleepyhead." Her voice is cheery. She stands over the wood burning stove and gives me a broad smile. She's always so perky in the morning, unless the night before involved margaritas and tequila. It usually takes my brain some time to load up and so I have to work my way up to cheery.

"Morning, hun. That smells great." I grab a coffee cup from the counter and she pours some for me. I lean in and give her a peck to her cheek.

Taking my coffee to the table I sit down and realize how hungry I am. I feel asleep at like four yesterday afternoon and ate at around noon. My stomach growls, loudly. I can hear Eliza laughing softly in the kitchen.

"That's what you get for falling asleep before five in the afternoon, woman." She jokes.

"That didn't stop you from climbing in bed with me," I retort.

"Yeah, at ten."


"I came home and you were passed out and looked too peaceful to wake up. I made a sandwich for dinner and read for awhile. It gets so quiet here at night, it's amazing. No car horns, loud music, no dogs barking, just silence. A few owls and other birds but that was it. You'll see tonight. Then I climbed into bed with you and you immediately sucked my arm in and didn't let go until I slipped out at seven this morning."

"What time is it now?"

"Eight thirty."

"Jesus fuck, I slept for like sixteen hours?"

"Math is so not my subject babe, but that sounds about right." She throws the bacon on a plate with some toast and brings it over the table.

We both pick the food off of one plate, sip our coffee and enjoy the silence. After breakfast I dig into my bag and take a double dose of estrogen and my testosterone blockers since I missed my dose last night. With that done I walk out to find Eliza on the couch.

"So, tour guide, what is there to do around here?" I'm rested and fully awake now and ready to get out and about.

"I was hoping you'd say that. There's a trail behind the cabin that leads up into the foothills. We can go hiking. We can stick our feet in the river and relax."

"Let's hike, see what we can see."

So after getting dressed I follow Eliza around the back of the cabin. There's a clearing in the woods behind us with a dirt trail. We head into the forest and soon the incline leads us upwards. It wasn't until now that I realized how thin the air is up here and it seems to get thinner the higher up we go. We go slow, pausing frequently to look at the mountains that rise up around us. Just as we're starting to get winded we come to a clearing and I sprawl out on the grass. Eliza sets the backpack she's been rucking on the grass and sprawls out next to me. Our heads are inches from each other. I stare up into the sky and marvel at the clear blue, cloudless like home, that stretches out like an ocean. Luckily it's not nearly as hot as it is at home.

"I can't get over how clean the air is out here," Eliza marvels.

"I can't get over how stunningly beautiful it is out here," I chime in. "But nothing holds a candle to my girlfriend."

"Flattery will get you everywhere, Ms. Daniels," She says as she rolls over onto her stomach and looks into my eyes.

Instead of answering I raise up my head and plant a sloppy kiss on her lips. Unlike yesterday's kiss this one is overflowing with passion. As soon as her mouth is open my tongue moves in. A bloom of heat mushrooms from my core and I know what we're going to do, even if it's in public. Straight people can have public sex with little worry but not so much for queer people. Out here it's doubtful anyone comes upon us. Pulling back I suck on her bottom lip, slightly nibbling it with my teeth. This causes her to pull back, her face is flushed and there is lust in her eyes. I sit up and give her my most smoldering look.

"I do believe you're trying to seduce me," she quips.

"I don't try," I return with a smile.

Before she can answer I dive in for another kiss. Our angle is awkward though and soon she falls onto her back. I climb atop of her, straddling her hips, and our tongues get reacquainted. Grabbing her wrists I force them up above her head. This gets the reaction I wanted, that soft moan that rises up in her throat that I can almost catch with my mouth and swallow. My hips start rocking forward as my crotch starts grinding on her hips. Sitting up, letting go of her hands in the process, I lean back and peel my shirt off. The still warm, early autumn sun immediately heats up my now exposed back. Reaching behind my back I unclasp my bra and let it fall to the grass. Eliza's hands shoot up to my stomach and hips. She leaves her left hand there and her right pushes upwards. I want to tell her that I didn't give her permission to move her hands but her touch feels divine so I eat it. She takes a finger and circles it around my nipple.

It immediately goes hard and she gives it a pinch and a tug. I chew on my lower lip and my eyes briefly roll back. When she see's this she pulls at my back and I fall forward, breasts falling right about where her face is. She repeats the last maneuver with her tongue and teeth. The tip circling around it and then her lips wrap around it. My body jumps in pleasure when her teeth lightly pull at the hard and erect nipple.