Remember When?


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"Oh, they're somewhere around." I haven't looked at those photographs for years, but I know exactly where they are.

"Can you find them? I'd like to see again."

I stump off and take a lot longer than I need in order to give Tina the impression that I have to search the darned things out. When I return, Tina comes and sits close beside me on the sofa so that we can look through the folio together. Her thigh presses warmly against my leg and I catch another waft of her perfume.

The photographs are all head and shoulders shots of two beautiful young girls in the prime of innocence. Sometimes I pictured them together, others were solo. Even though I say it myself, they are pretty damned good.

Tina turns the pages over slowly, "Hmmmmm, you wouldn't recognise Ali now. She's a 'big girl'!"

"How do you mean 'big'?"

Tina spread her arms to give an indication of Ali's size, "And she's kind of 'motherly looking' if you like, with chubby, rosy cheeks…hardly surprising really…"

The way Tina is holding herself invites me to look at her breasts. Because she is so small and slim they look a lot larger than they would on a woman of 'normal' height. Not quite Dolly Parton, but…

"But you haven't changed much…"

"Yeah, still got these damned freckles…"

"I think your 'damned freckles' are cute…"

"Flatterer! Tell me, why did you only take pictures of us from here up?" Tina indicates with her arm across her upper chest. Inevitably my eyes are drawn back to her breasts. They are rather gorgeous!

"I didn't want to include any of the other bits in case someone found them and got the wrong idea."

"Surely not?"

"Bet your sweet ass…"

"Hmmmph! We would have posed for you, you know…like the girls in that book…if you had asked."

Her eyes are like lasers; just like they were that time she tempted me whilst sitting on my leg.

"I had no idea… Wow! Maybe if we'd had been digital cameras then, like there are now, I might have…I don't know. As it was, with ordinary film I'd never have been able to get the photos printed. I'd have been hauled off to jail for taking lewd pictures of minors! And I don't have the spare room here, or the money, to set up my own lab to develop and print them."

"Hmmmm, pity…" Tina sounds almost wistful.

I gently bump my shoulder against hers, "Tell me, would you two have let me do those two girls together 'lesbian' shots like those in that David Hamilton book?"

"We did sleep together in your bed once…"

"You did what!"

"I didn't want to tell you, but Ali said it was time you found out about some of the things we got up to. "

"Tell me more!"

"You were away and we had been here reading your books…some of those stories by Anais Nin were very nice…we used to read them sitting on your bed if you really want to know…sometimes just in our trainer bras and panties. Ali used to speculate on what you would do if you walked in and found us like that. Anyway, we were feeling like being very naughty, if you get my drift, and we cooked up a story for our parents. We told Ali's parents that she was staying the night with me, and we told my parents that I was staying with her. But we actually stayed here and slept in your bed."

"How did you get in? Surely Ali's folks would have noticed that my key was missing?"

"We'd had a copy cut down at the mall."

"You crafty little so-and-so's! So, you two got it on in my bed while I was away?"

"Yeah, well not quite. We started off in our nighties and undressed each other under the duvet. Wow! That was scary! I was shaking like a leaf!"

"What about Ali?"

"Oh, she was leading the way, as usual. You'd have thought she was as cool as…until you heard how hard she was breathing!"

"Go on…"

"And then we pressed up against each other and kissed and stuff. That was really dreamy. Ali felt so nice. But we didn't know how to go about it properly, not even after reading your books. You know, no matter the hints we kept dropping and ways we tried to trap you, you still wouldn't teach us…where and how to touch and things! So in the end Ali and I just went to sleep in each other's arms."

"I am sure you would have made a lovely picture! Was that the only time?"

"We weren't lezzies you know! Just two little girls experimenting…"

Tina gets up and goes back to her rocking chair. I wonder if I have offended her. I decide to change the subject. "Tell me Tina…this is one thing I've never been able to work out…why did you guys get me to tie you up in those chairs so often?"

Tina laughs. She is ok with me after all. "That was all part of the master plan. Ali figured that if you got us 'helpless' you'd be a bit more brave about putting your hands on us. You used to pretend you were going to, but you never did."

I 'wash my hands' in a Shylock imitation, "Heh! Heh! Heh! What shall I do with my little prisoners today? How can I really make them squirm?"

"That's exactly it!"

"And you two used to giggle and scream…"

"And nothing ever happened…not even…remember when we wore those short skirts?"

Remember that? I will never forget it! That day there was no way I could resist peeking up their legs to their panties while I was fastening their feet! That was also the day they made me blindfold them as well.

"I thought this was all a game; getting me to tie you up so as you could see how quickly you could escape…you never let me tie you properly."


"Oh, come on Tina! You especially were an artist! 'Ow! Ow! Ow! Nathan, that's too tight! Oooo! Ouch! Ow! You're hurting me!' Talk about whinge and moan! So good old softie would make the strings looser on your wrists and you would wriggle your way out quickly. And then you got me to tie you up again!"

"I've got a low pain threshold! Remember when we got you to put the blindfolds on us? You went very quiet that day. What colour were we wearing?"

"Red, both of you."

"Aaaah, So Ali was right. Look but not touch."

"You have no idea how hard it was not to…! Actually, I figured out a way I could tie you up so that you couldn't escape, but I never got to try it out."

"What was that?"

"I found a bunch of my old neckties that I thought I'd thrown out after my divorce…ties the ex had bought me. They were nice and soft, so you couldn't complain about me hurting you."

"Have you still got them?"

"Yes, I have as a matter of fact…"


"You're joking!"

"Sounds like a challenge to me…"

I get the neckties straight away. They are in the same place as I kept the photographs. Tina lets me lash her to the rocker. I was right; the neckties are soft enough that she doesn't complain. And while I am tying her down she keeps glancing at the box I brought the ties into the room in, most intrigued at the items I haven't told her about yet, but I think she guesses what they are. Finally, I have her pinioned to my satisfaction.

"What's that, Nathan?" She asks, inclining her head towards the box.

"Something else I had planned to surprise you two with." I show her one of the black silk hoods I had made while I was overseas. "I figured that blindfolds might hurt you so I made these. Want to try one on?"

Tina looks a bit scared, but she still nods her head.

"It doesn't fasten at the bottom, so you'll be able to breathe ok."

She lets me put the hood on her. I walk around her chair looking at her from all angles. Her chest is heaving with her ragged breathing and her nipples are hard beneath the thick cotton of her tank top. I leave her for a few moments. When I return, she hears the metallic clicks as I set up the camera.

"What are you doing?" she asks tremulously. The hood muffles her voice.

"I'll show you the results later," I tell her, "I have a digital camera now."

"Aaaah…" Then, Tina asks, "Nathan, am I in my chair?"

"You always used to sit in the one nearest the window."

"No, I meant my chair; I scratched my name underneath the seat one day. Ali did the same with hers."

"I never knew that! I'll look." I get down on my knees beside her rocker and go to see underneath.

"No, it'll be on my right hand side, right underneath on the inside of the top rail."

I move around to the other side. If I am going to look where Tina says her name is, I shall have to hold onto the edge of the seat. As I twist and bend to search for her mark, the back of my hand comes to rest on the side of her thigh. I make no attempt to move my hand away.

"It says 'Tina 1992' here."

"Oh good! I wouldn't have liked it if I was sitting in Ali's chair."

I kneel upright beside Tina and look her up and down. Her breasts are beautifully shaped, and it looks as though she's not wearing a bra. But, my eyes are irresistibly drawn down to the deep valley of her parted thighs. I cannot help but wonder what she looks like down there. She gave me the opportunity to find out nine or ten years ago but I didn't take her up on it. And today she has let me…no she challenged me to tie her to the chair. Surely she will not object?

My trembling fingers take hold of the glass button at the waistband of her jeans and undo it. Jeans, nowadays, are made of much finer cloth than they used to be. These seem to cling to Tina's body.

'Nathan!" Her voice is a high-pitched squeak, just like a young girl's. I wait for the words, 'No!' or 'Stop!' and the accompanying tone that will tell me that she means it, but they do not come.

Slowly, slowly, making every tooth click, I pull her zipper down. Tina's belly heaves spasmodically as millimetre by millimetre I reveal her smooth, pale flesh. Her panties are a bright blue colour. Surely they cannot be the same pair? No! She could never fit into those tiny things now! I part the material of her jeans wide so that I can see the full bikini triangle and the soft skin at the top of her thighs. Her briefs have worked their way down slightly and a few fiery red-gold strands of her pubic hair have escaped. I must see their sisters!

I hook two fingers under the taut waistband and pull Tina's panties down at the front. She gasps, "Oh! Oh! Oh!" and her belly jerks wildly. She has not said anything to discourage me still. Her pubic thatch is several shades lighter than the hair on her head, but it is a startling colour just the same. The hairs have been flattened under the constraint of her panties and jeans. I fluff them up gently with the fingers my free hand, making Tina gasp again. I lean down and take in the scent of her sharp, feminine musk. She senses my closeness to her; perhaps she can feel my warm breath on her belly? She moans, "Nathan!" again.

Thinking that I have gone too far, I kneel back upright. But no, I am wrong. Tina is raising her bottom off the seat. She wants me to pull her jeans and panties right off! My heart is thumping so hard in my chest and my hands are shaking so badly I am not sure if I can complete the task! But I do. She is magnificent! A beautiful female miracle! I find the camera and capture her in close-up. Then I bend and kiss her pubic bush and tell her how wonderful she is.

"N-Nathan!" she begs, "T-t-t-touch me!"

I tease her at first, stroking her silky inner thighs almost all the way up to her fiery crown and then retreating again. She pleads with me again and again to touch her and, finally, I relent.

The instant I caress the soft, puffy flesh of her outer labia, Tina lets out a deep, husky groan and murmurs my name. I part her lips to reveal the brighter, shining inner pink. I run my fingertip down between her slippery folds and find the wet warmth of her hole. I pause. Tina arches her back, pressing her entrance on my finger. Then, with a loud, "Aaaaargh!" she lifts and thrusts her pelvis as I slide my finger deep within her.

Her hot sheath clasps me. I do not have to move; I do not have to fuck her with my finger, Tina does it all, growling and moaning and rolling her head from side-to-side as she drives her sex hard against my hand.

"Nooooooo!" she wails as I pull my finger completely from her, only to shout, "Yes! Oh, yes!" when I replace it with two. Tina goes wild, lifting her bottom completely off of the seat and making the chair rock madly to and fro with her lunging, plunging, pelvic thrusts. She pants, "Touch my clit, Nathan! Oh, please! Touch my clit! Pleeeeeze!"

With my free fingers I pull back her hood and find the hot red little nubbin. I hold her hood back and allow her movements to rub her clit against the thumb of the hand that she is fucking. Tina goes berserk. Within thirty seconds her back arches like a taut bow. She lets out a long, keening scream of sheer tension then snaps into two, three, then four convulsive jerks of her lower body. She goes rigid again and I feel her vaginal muscles clamping rapidly around my fingers. Then, with a massive, choking, "Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Aaaaaaaaargh!" she thrashes uncontrollably in the chair, expelling my fingers from her with the overpowering force of her climax.

My hands are shaking like a leaf, but I get hold of the camera and take several shots of her in her orgasmic throes. The controls get all sticky with Tina's vaginal juices, but that's the least of my cares! Then I put the camera to one side and hold her in my arms until her trembling body subsides. The wooden rocking chair seat is slick with her sexual lubricants.

"Nathan, please take the hood off me, I can hardly breathe," she asks in a weak voice.

Tina's face is flushed and sweaty and her eyes are sparkling diamonds when I expose her face. "Jesus!" she exclaims, "Is that what we missed? Just wait 'til I tell Ali!"

I cuddle her with her head on my shoulder until her breathing and colour is back to normal. Finally, she raises her head and looks into my face with those searchlight eyes. "When we had those blindfolds on that day, you didn't just look up our skirts did you?"

I don't answer her for a few long seconds. Then, with a deep breath to keep my heart in my chest, I shake my head guiltily and admit, "No."

"Show me." This is just a polite request.

I stumble to my feet. God! My knees are sore after all that kneeling! I hesitate.

"Show me!" Now she is demanding!

I undo my zipper and get my penis out of my pants. It has been as hard as a rock now for almost an hour.

"Show me, Nathan!" This is an order!

I take hold of my shaft and stroke it slowly. A dribble of pre-cum drips from my tip and onto the carpet.

"I didn't…"

Tina shakes her head impatiently, "Come closer."

I move closer to her.

"Closer, Nathan!"

I move in really close. In fact I am towering over her where she is sitting, still lashed to the chair.

Tina searches for my penis with her mouth! I introduce the slippery head to her lips and Tina opens her jaws wide and takes me inside.

I stroke her flame red curls gently as she encloses me in her warmth. She suckles and licks on my purple-pink mushroom, bobbing her head so that I am alternately taken in deep and then released almost entirely. At one stage she stops and looks up at me. "Stay with me when you cum," she whispers and then resumes her delightful ministrations.

It doesn't take long for me to fill Tina's mouth with my spurting, salty cream. She swallows it noisily, sucking on me all the while until the last leaping spasm leaves my belly and my penis softens completely.

Tina looks up me and smiles, "You did this time…"

When I release her from her bonds she gets to her feet unsteadily and allows me to pull her jeans and panties up again. I kiss the salty, woman-fragrant fork of her thighs before I hide it away again. She places her hand on the back of my head and holds me there for a few moments.

I sense that she is looking at her watch, "Cripes!" she exclaims, "Look at the time, I'd better go!"

Just before I open the front door Tina throws her arms around me and hugs me tightly. A cold chill invades me when I hear her say, "Wow, my husband will kill us both if he ever finds out…"

"You're married?" I stammer.

"Oh yes, didn't I say?"

"Bloody hell, no! But you're not wearing a ring!"

"I don't. I spend so much time scrubbing up in the operating theatre, it's a pain taking it off and putting it back on again… C'mon, Nathan, don't panic. This was just between you and me. I won't even tell Ali."

She hugs me again, pressing her breasts hard into my lower chest. "You're a lovely man, Nathan Pascoe! You'll never know how much and how often Ali and I wished you were lots and lots younger."

"You weren't alone in that!"

I stand in my doorway and watch her leave until she turns the corner. Tina doesn't look back.

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