Rise of the Mausoleum Plunderer

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A raider of a tomb becomes one with a powerful Goddess!
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Kelly Rook TOTALLY isn't Lara Croft I don't even know what you're talking about.

Anyways! This story has a girl with a wiener, so just a heads up if that's not your thang. Hopefully, you enjoy that kinda stuff too!


The stone door, a sentinel against the elements and intruders for thousands of years, fell inward and shattered into a dozen pieces. A cloud of dust hung low to the ground in the moist air. Stepping in from the jungle's oppressive heat, Kelly Rook inhaled at the sight before her.

"My god," she whispered, "It's beautiful!"

She held her flashlight higher, which caught the dozens of crystals pillars in such a way to scatter the beam into a hundred different directions. The pillars themselves seemed to soak in the light, and before Kelly was down the stairs, the crystal itself glowed enough to give the entire room its own radiant illumination.

The limestone stairs ended in a walkway just wide enough for two people to walk shoulder to shoulder. On either side sat a pool of crystal clear water. She could see her reflection perfectly. Her khaki shirt and black shorts left very little to the imagination. The fabric was sopping wet from her sweat, and she smelled every mile of her long trek through the jungle. A part of her just wanted to dive into the water and refresh herself. But that would be a gross violation of archaeological etiquette. She knew there was no telling what kind of ancient mysteries lay underneath the waters, and she wouldn't dream of risking such a desecration for only a moment's relief.

A waterfall in the distance provided the only noise in the cave, but because of the acoustics it sounded almost deafening. As she walked down the stone path, the noise dissipated. By the time she reached the end of the path in the majestic grotto, she could barely hear its roar. Some trick with the sound waves, she reasoned. The same way Greek odeons could amplify the noise of the stage.

In front of her stood several large stone blocks. Chisled deep into their surface was the language of the Alkarini. Their ancient civilization had inhabited the island and lived in isolated prosperity until their mysterious disappearance. Many academics and adventurers had tried to crack their pictographs, but without a comparison like the Rosetta Stone, it was nearly impossible. Even their name was a word from another tribe, something that meant "the ones who kneel." But kneel to whom? Or what? That was but one mystery people like Kelly had endeavoured to solve ever since she had been a little girl Something that could make her a legend in the archaeological community.

Of all the strange objects on display in the secluded grotto, the most particular item of all was the statue.

Surrounded by the lettered blocks, an imposing figure peered down at the foot of the walkway. It was unlike any of the religious symbols they'd found on this island so far. Not including the protruding grey dais, it soared eight feet tall and was composed of a smooth, basaltic rock. It appeared to be the image of a naked woman, going by the enormous breasts and hips. Yet it also contained an unrealistically large phallus, the kind the archaeologist would have expected to find on fertility statues of male deities. Her arms were held above her head as if greeting the heavens above, which thrust out the enormous member in all its glory.

The statue looked as if it had been carved from a singular, contiguous chunk of rock. There were no tool makes she could easily see, nor was there a lack of detail. Every hair popped out with the same definition that one might find in real life. That it had perhaps been a real person, just frozen in stone slipped through her mind before disappearing again. That was patently ridiculous.

Still...the convincing nature of the dark stone woman made it almost more fascinating than the rest of the grotto. Kelly couldn't help herself. She extended her hand slowly, waiting for that singular moment where the pads of her fingers brushed against the rock surface. There was a buildup of tension as her hand closed the distance. What was she waiting for? Why was she holding her breath?

She touched the statue's hand. In that instant, a headache tore through the back of her eyes and made her clutch at her temples. It had felt like a flashbulb had gone off inside her optic nerve. Groaning in frustrated pain, she waited until the sudden sensation dissipated to a dull ache. Gingerly lifting her eyelid made her see a thousand shimmering spots that disappeared as she tried to focus on them. The fuzzy points of light faded with the pain. But there was something different about the room now.

There were pictograms on the stone slates that were glowing. She would have noticed this before. Had she activated some kind of mechanism? The symbols that glowed were all identical. A single three character sequence that repeated on the blocks at various intervals.

"T'thoni," she whispered. That's what the glowing pictograms meant. She knew it. It was as if she could hear it in her head before she spoke it.

The moment her lips closed on the final syllable, a pulse of heat emanated from the statue. Kelly said it again, and another burst made even the choking humidity of the jungle seem breezy. Sweat poured down her tank top and shorts, soaking them further. The fabric clung to her flesh, making her frustratingly aware of its presence. It wouldn't do. She had to be free.

Climbing out of her clammy top and shorts, she tossed both into the reflecting waters. She would retrieve them later. All she wore now was her bra, her panties, her boots, and her gunbelt. She could feel her nipples poking out at the cups of her bra. Imagine what her colleagues would say if they saw her doing something so flagrant. Contaminating this discovery by tossing her sweaty clothes. But the heat was unbearable! Now that her skin was free to breathe, she said the word again.

"T'thoni, T'thoni," she chanted. Each pulse made it clear there was something very strange about this statue. The black rock itself was hot to the touch. She trailed her fingers along the image of the being and discovered that the erect phallus was the warmest part...

She yanked her hand back. What was she doing? A wave of self-consciousness threatened to overwhelm her.

"Do not fear me."

Kelly jumped. She jerked her head around, looking for the source of those reassuring words. Her hand snapped to the .38 on her hip. She squeezed the reassuring leather handle and searched every angle, every shadow in the cave for a face to put to the deep voice.

"Who's there?" Kelly asked.

"You know my name," the voice replied. Where Kelly's words echoed off the walls, that wasn't the case for whoever spoke now. Almost like it was being beamed directly into her mind. "Say it louder."

Before Kelly could say she had no idea of the voice's name, it clicked. "T'thoni?"

The heat poured out of the statue in waves. The archaeologist felt like it was about to overwhelm her. She reached out to steady herself, only for her hands to fall once more onto the stone cock of the statue.

"Yes, child. I am T'thoni. I am your Goddess." The words had reverberated through the stone, as if the statue itself had been the one talking. She looked up to once again see the exulting, motionless face of the stone woman...and yet...

Kelly's rational mind tried to come up with an explanation for what was happening. Some kind of fungus or spore in the cave must have been affecting her senses. The heat could have made her hallucinate too. She was tired, sweaty, and in desperate need of companionship. That must have been why she heard a voice out of nowhere.

"This can't be real!" the archaeologist said out loud, as much to convince herself as the voice talking to her. "The people on this island have been dead for hundreds of years. There's no way you can be alive!"

"That is true. The people of this island, my children, have all passed from this world." The voiced sounded mournful of the race's passing, but only in the regret one might have in the destruction of a treasured musical instrument. Sad, yes, but ultimately the removal of a diversion. Nothing more. "That is why I need you, young Kelly of the House of Rook. Watch. Watch as I show you their story."

There was a pushing sensation against Kelly's forehead. Something was trying to get into her skull. She scrunched up her brow to resist it, but a wave of calm filled her body. This was not a threat, the alien sensation told her. This was fine. She relaxed and let the intrusion pass.

The cave disappeared. Replacing it in a flash was a vantage from atop the Great Zigurat at the centre of the ancient city. Looking down from the gargantuan structure, Kelly saw the city alive once more. The markets teemed with life and luxuries, priests exulted the virtues of a hundred Gods, Goddesses, and everyone in between. Soldiers in fur clothing wielding strange crystal weapons patrolled the streets. The images had an ethereal quality. It wasn't like film footage. More like a practical display of a half-remembered dream. The details would fade in and out. Clothing melted from one form to another.

The voice continued in its commanding if disembodied voice. "The island was once a paradise. Removed from the troubles of the world, safe from its corruption, it thrived. Many deities guarded its people. I was one of them."

Their view sped down the steps of the structure, detouring around carts pulled by domesticated elk and past vendors selling fruits that had long since returned to the wild. It was a remarkable display of a world long since past, and though disorientating, Kelly had become transfixed by the illusion of being amidst a civilization as it had stood thousands of years before.

"What happened to them?" Kelly asked, sliding her hand through the semi-solid projection of a young man, running down the street with a smile on his lips. "A great calamity? Some horrid disease?"

"Something far more prosaic, I'm afraid. A mere ailment or geological perturbation would force our hand to act, keeping them safe. No, the island fell to the same reason all empires must fall eventually: the people inside them. Poor management lead to famine, famine to strife, strife to violence. In their panic, the people cried to all the gods for their mercy. But their prayers were too divided, too unfocused. Even Gods have their limits. Especially when we were as myopic and factional as the humans beneath us."

"So the people just...died off?"

"In a sense. The island was abandoned by most. Those who remained tried to hold back the jungle and looters, but lost against both. The last descendants of the native population left two hundred years ago. They joined the peoples of other lands, eventually forgetting their heritage. And as they left, so did my kin."

The vista atop the ziggurat returned, much more familiar in nature. Greenery covered most of the buildings, save the gargantuan structure on which they 'stood'. Still illuminated like in the previous scene were the statues. Each glowed with their own individual hue. Unique powers, equal in some ways but vastly different in others.

"Jari, T'sinka, Kol," she recited. The recitation of their names darkened each light. After she made her way to the twelfth god, the city was dead once more. As the last flicker died, a hole opened in the Earth. Down past the roots of ancient trees and the bones of dead Emperors, the final statue remained aglow.

This statue.


The vision evaporated, floating to the ceiling high above as a glossy mist. "Why are you showing me this?" Kelly asked.

T'thoni laughed softly, a sound that made the archaeologist's steel heart flutter. "I am moored here, young one. The world above has forgotten my name and the name of my people. In this stone prison I cannot exert my will. But in a body such as yours..."

Kelly stumbled backward, her heart pounding in terror. "My body? Y-you want my body?"

The voice remained calm. "I want it to become our body. I yearn for an avatar through which I can exist in the mortal realm again."

Kelly felt her body lift, as if pulled up by a thousand strings. She frantically shrugged them off, and the sensations stopped. It would seem that she did have some power over the statue's whims after all.

"Never!" she shouted, clutching her shoulders protectively. "I'll never give in!"

"Do not fear, Kelly Rook. I could never take your flesh by force. In truth, I require you give of yourself to me."

"And why would I ever do that?"

"Why have you come here? For fame? For fortune? The motivations of man seldom change."

Kelly's mouth twitched. "I'm not some penny-ante adventurer looking to hock sacred relics for cash."

"Oh?" T'thoni's voice goaded her onward. "Tell me then. Or better yet: show me."

The pressure against her forehead returned. Unlike the energies that would lift her up, she sensed this was merely inquisitive. Kelly got the hint, mentally allowing the presence inside her mind.

The lost temple once again disappeared. Rather than a mysterious ancient world, the vision replicated was of a far more prosaic substance. A cascade of Kelly's memories played in fast-forward. She saw her childhood, of her Father's fading career in academia blowing up into fragments of self-aggrandising denial and a long string of menial temp jobs. The memory of his funeral, attended by less than a dozen people, still hit her just as hard as the first time it had happened. The progression of memories ended on the still image of his grave, as big as her meagre savings at the time would allow, being lost among the weeds.

"Ah. You seek a legacy?" the Goddess asked.

The invasive trip down memory lane had left Kelly feeling cold, despite the oppressive warmth. "My Dad died nameless. Forgotten. I won't let that happen to me. I will leave a mark on this world, and people will know the name Rook."

"Yes they will. There will be stories told of you. Temples built to venerate you. Your name will echo through the generations and leave an indelible mark on history. All will be possible if you accept my offer."

Kelly gestured to the surrounding cave. "No offence intended, but that might be hard to argue considering you've been forgotten down here yourself for at least three millennia."

"And so we share that desire, another link binding us. I merely manifested before my time. Your world...the memories you showed me tell of technological marvels. So interconnected. So...small. it will be much easier to spread our message than it was in the days of wood and stone. And without the others, you will have no rivals for followers. Kelly Rook will be the only Goddess on Earth."

"A Goddess?" Her dreams of being remembered arose unbidden, or at least, not called up by her own mind. The names of famous explorers, archaeologists, legends who would never be forgotten. She would leave an indelible mark on the world...and all she had to do was give herself to this entity.

Her attention returned to the real world. Unbeknownst to her, she'd been running her hands along the length of the statue's enormous shaft. It the intervening minutes, it had gone from unyielding, cold stone to a warm, malleable material. It almost felt like flesh. Almost. The energy emitting from the statue focused onto that single locus. It was all Kelly could think of. It was all she needed.

She could not hold back anymore. Her lips wrapped around its bulbous head. The statue's height allowed her to suck intently without even bending down. She leaned against its solid, muscled legs and slurped at its fantastical size. Kelly felt a twinge of self-consciousness. What was she doing, sucking off a statue? That fleeting idea disappeared the moment a gush of thin liquid hit the back of her throat. Not only did it taste incredible (an indescribable sensation, though the word 'manna' came to mind) but it tingled with a tangible power that dissolved once she gulped. That strange energy filled her body and began to transform her once frail human form into something much greater.

Her body's shape was the first to bend. A lifetime of athletic training dissolved into feminine curves. Her hips bowed outward, while her waist remained comparatively narrow. Thighs plumped up and out to give her the dimensions of a fertility idol. Her poor panties, stretched to their limit, snapped off as her ass expanded as well. The more fluid pumped into her belly, the faster and more extreme the changes took place.

Propelled by monomaniacal focus, she shoved more of the thick shaft down her throat. No effort was spared, making the noises of sloppy, wet fellatio echo back to her ears. Kelly used those as signals that she was performing her task adequately, and redoubled her efforts to please the Goddess in her mouth.

Another gush of holy seed caused her breasts to flower. They made quick work of her sports bra, popping off her body to allow for more distortion of her original form. Tits that would give back pain in a mortal were but statements to her divinity, and caused her no more discomfort than a growing nail or hair. They were simply a physical manifestation of her divinity, and could be as big as she desired.

More cock slid down her throat. The human need to breathe was far beyond her. She could focus all the efforts on pleasing the body of T'thoni. But...wasn't she T'thoni? Or was she Kelly? The confusion did not halt her efforts. On the contrary! She endeavoured to please the cock, confident that the answer would come once the statue did. Drool and precum poured from her puffing lips and glazed her expanded tits. The forms of the beings that had been Kelly Rook and the Goddess were becoming One. A single, contiguous whole, just like the rock from which the statue had been carved.

It was approaching. The final climax that would merge them. Kelly facefucked herself, desperate to reach that final state. As she did, her nethers changed accordingly. Blessed with the transformational powers of a deity, all things were possible. Her clit elongated, a sensation that caused her to immediately climax. Even as her pussy tightened rhythmically, it closed and integrated itself into a new organ. It took shape like a sculptor molding clay, and the contractions of muscles became the hard spurting shots of an ejaculating cock. She was one with the Goddess' form now...now she must become joined in mind as well.

The massive shaft throbbed. Kelly knew what was about to happen. She gave every last effort to make it so. To force that seed to shoot inside her and make her and T'thoni one. A single chant of 'Cum!' were the last thoughts that the human Kelly would ever think. Hot, thick release sprayed down her throat, coated her mouth, and spurted free around her lips. The energy contained within the Goddess' semen made the transformative precum seem like a trickle compared to the deluge of energy buffeting her now. Thoughts, memories, feelings from a hundred of generations of life suffused her consciousness. Powers beyond what she'd ever dreamt of became available, as did ambition far removed from that of a mere mortal mind.

Kelly didn't even feel the final shot of fluid into her mouth. The power transfer was too overwhelming. Just as the miraculous cum bloated her belly outward, so too did its energies rapidly complete her transformation. The power from before lifted her off the ground, but this time she did not fight it. No, it was her power that caused her to levitate. She WAS T'thoni now. And T'thoni was her. They were one Goddess. One mind. The memories and personality of both fused into a single, indelible song that would shake the Earth.

Dozens of feet above the altar chamber, the remains of an ancient temple exploded. Stone chunks the size of refrigerators rained down like hail onto the surrounding jungle. A cloud of ethereally dark smoke poured out from where the tomb had once stood, choking out the sky. Before the acrid haze could clear, a figure floated up and out from the gaping rend in the ground.
