Rob and Amy


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"What are you going to do?"

"Divorce her."

"No chance of fixing things?"

"Not after seeing it with my own eyes."

"Well I guess I'm going to have to do the same. This is not the first time his large penis has gotten him in trouble. The last time it happened I forgave him, but did tell him if it happened again he would be history."

"You may not get the chance to kick him out. I'm going to be looking for him and when I find him I'm going to beat him half to death. He could end up in a hospital. You could take all of his stuff and stack it up in his hospital room."

"If you do catch him kick him a couple of times in the balls for me."

I told her I would and then we got up and left.

My meeting with Mike only confirmed what I already knew. We lived in a no fault state so everything would be split fifty-fifty. Amy would get the kids and I would end up paying child support, but since our incomes were pretty much equal I wouldn't have to pay alimony, or 'separate maintenance as it was called in our state. I told him I was concerned that the kids were not mine and he told me to have a DNA test done. I gave him two sets of the photos and told him I wanted Bartram sued for alienation of affections and the company where they both worked sued for not enforcing their CP&P where it said that there could be no fraternization between supervisors and their subordinates.

"Are you sure you want to do that? It could cost Amy her job and then you would more than likely end up paying separate maintenance."

"I don't care Mike. Just do it."

We discussed a few other things and he cautioned me against moving out of the house and giving her possession. I couldn't throw her out because of the kids so I should just do my best to co-exist until the situation regarding the divorce firmed up and the court gave directions. Let the courts decide who stayed and who went.

"But be aware that the courts in this state almost always side with the wife if there are children in the equation. You are in for a rough ride bud. Are you sure that you and Amy can't work things out?"

"Just look at the pictures. They don't have the sounds that I heard when I watched the two of them, but the visual and the sound are burned into my brain so no, there is no chance that we will be getting back together and working things out. Just get the ball rolling and serve her as soon as you can. Have her and Hal served at work if you can arrange it."


Amy was not smiling when I got home.

"You just had to do it. We could have worked things out and gotten by it, but you just had to go and tell Janet. She kicked him out of the house and all because of you."

"Not because of me Amy; because of what you and he were doing. And I'm sorry that she kicked him out. It will just make it that much harder to find him and when I do I can promise you that that huge cock you are so in love with isn't going to be working at that well for a while."

"Just remember that I warned you Rob."

That night I got up at three while everyone else in the house was sleeping and using Q-Tips I swabbed the cheeks of my sleeping children. I dropped the swabs off at a local lab on my way to work and offered to pay extra if there was anyway that the tests could be expedited.

Something in the way that Amy had said, "Just remember that I warned you Rob" got to me and I was at the bank when the doors to the lobby opened at nine. I cleaned out all of the accounts and the safe deposit box and went down the street t another bank and opened an account in my name only. I'd have to account for it later on in the divorce, but at least I would have the funds to make the house payments and take care of the kids.

Back at the office I had another thought and I called up and cancelled all of our joint credit cards so Amy couldn't run up the balances getting cash advances.

It was a good thing that I'd done all of that because when I got home that night a man walked up to me, handed me an envelope and said:

"You are served and I would suggest you move at least five hundred feet from this house because there is a temporary restraining order in that envelope."

I opened the envelope and there was indeed a restraining order saying that I couldn't come within five hundred feet of the house, Amy or the kids. Her attorney obviously worked a hell of a lot faster than Mike, but I guess in his defense he didn't know that speed was required and for that matter neither had I. I looked up at the house and saw Amy standing there smirking at me.

I backed the car out of the drive and drove down to the corner and called Mike on his cell. I brought him up to date and asked how I could go about getting into the house to get my things and he told me he had some friends in the sheriff's department and he would see what he could do and call me back. While I had him on the phone I told him to change the divorce from irreconcilable differences to adultery and to go after Bartram and Amy's and Bartram's company with a vengeance.

"Burn them Mike; burn them bad."

He called me back in fifteen and told me that two deputies would be there within a half an hour and would see to it that I gained access to the house, but that until he could get to someone from the court to make further arrangements all I would be able to remove from the house would be my clothes and toilet articles.

Twenty minutes later two patrol cars pulled up in front of the house and I started up my car and drove and parked behind them The introduced themselves and told me to stay where I was until they called me and then they walked up to the house and rang the bell. Amy answered and after a moment of talking the deputies waved me forward. They cautioned me that I could only take clothes and my toiletries and then I followed them into the house.

As I was walking toward the stairs I glanced into the kitchen to see if the kids were there. They weren't, but Hal was. He was sitting at the kitchen table with a beer in front of him. A beer that I had bought and paid for. It was all I could do to keep myself from going after him, but it would have been stupid with two deputies' right there.

Amy followed us upstairs and stood in the doorway and watched me pack. It was childish of me, but I couldn't resist so I lied and said without looking her way:

"You blew it Amy. You really fucked up this time. I spent most of the day at the office thinking about us and I finally decided that we could sit down and work things out. After all you did swear that you loved me. Some love Amy. Mental cruelty? A restraining order? No chance for us now Amy. Think about that after I leave. We were hours away from staying together, but you fucked it up and Hal sitting in the kitchen drinking my beer put the nail in it."

I closed the suitcase, turned and walked out of the house.

The next day Amy called me at work. "In light of what you said at the house last night I'd like to sit down and talk with you."

"Not a chance in hell Amy. What you did to me yesterday plus Hal sitting in the house you locked me out of put an end to it and killed any chance for us. Besides I can't sit down and talk with you. You set it up so I can't come within five hundred feet of you, remember? Goodbye Amy.'

Two days later I was back at the house with two people from the court who would supervise the removal of my things from the house. The entire time I was there Amy kept after me to sit down and talk with her, but I ignored her right up until I was taking the last load out to the U-Haul. We were in the bedroom and she was babbling that we could work things out if I would just talk with her. I motioned her over and when she came I pointed into the master bedroom bath area. She saw what I was pointing at and her face fell. On the counter were a man's toiletries and they weren't mine. I didn't use Old Spice or Mennen Speed Stick.

"Goodbye Amy. Just remember that what is coming you brought on yourself and it could have been avoided."


Things moved quickly after that. Amy was served at work with papers counter-suing her on the grounds of adultery. Hal was served, also at work, with papers suing him for alienation of affections. Their employer was sued for not enforcing the portion of their policies and procedures manual pertaining to relationships between supervisors and subordinates the result being the dissolution of my marriage.

Three days later both Hal and Amy were fired. Hal, being Amy's supervisor, was screwed, but Amy fought her termination claiming that Hal threatened to cost her her job if she didn't give in to him. The company didn't buy it and upheld her termination so Amy got her lawyer to sue them for wrongful termination. She and Hal must have agreed that Amy's claiming what she did was the way to go because while all of it was going on they were still living in our house.

Three weeks after having me served we had the hearing on extending the temporary restraining order and the judge denied it and chastised Amy's lawyer for even filing it. A week later we had the preliminary hearing on the divorce. Mike warned me that things were not going to go in my favor.

"They will almost certainly give Amy temporary custody of the children and full use of the house until the terms of the divorce can be worked out and you will be required to keep up the house payments and pay the utilities. You will also likely be hit with temporary alimony and child support. Her attorney is also pressing to get the money you took out of the accounts and I'm sure that the judge will bring that up."

I handed him an envelope and said, "This might have an effect on the child support issue."

He opened it, read what was inside and said, "Shit Rob; I'm so sorry for you. Any idea who the real father is?"

"I'd bet Amy's life that they are Hal's."

"It may have no effect on this hearing because it is just a preliminary hearing and Child Protection Services is going to want to verify the authenticity of the documents, but it will definitely affect the final decree."

"Will I get a chance to talk?"

"Yes, but I'd be very careful about what I'd say if I were you."

It went pretty much as Mike had said it would. Amy was given the house, the kids and temporary alimony. I was ordered to pay Amy half of what I'd removed from checking and savings, but somehow the five certificates of deposit got overlooked and I sure didn't mention them. Amy's attorney tried to get the judge to order me to pay his fees, but Mike objected.

"This is not a case of my client suing for divorce and his wife having to respond. In this case she sued my client and he only responded. Since his wife initiated the action she should be responsible for her own legal costs."

The judge found for us on that one and it brought a bit of a smile to my face. When the judge, following the advice of Child Protective Services set the child support Mike objected and presented the DNA test document showing that I was not the biological father of the kids. I was ordered to pay temporary child support pending CPS's verifying the document.

"If in fact the documents prove to be true any support you will have paid will be deducted from your wife's share of the distribution."

I was watching Amy when Mike brought up the paternity of the kids and she didn't register any surprise. The bitch knew all along. When it came to the end the judge asked me if I fully understood the orders of the court.

"I understand what you said, but I don't understand why. Why is my adulteress wife being allowed the custody of the children? Surely it is not beneficial to them to be living with a women who moved her lover into the house the very day she sued me for divorce. What kind of an example does that set for them? We haven't even been separate for six weeks and she already has another man in her bed. Also, why should I have to maintain a house just so the man my whore of a wife cheated on me with has a roof over his head?"

All the judge did was order the CPS to investigate my claims and submit a report to him within ten days. As we were leaving the courtroom Amy moved close to me and said:

"How could you do that to your children?"

"They aren't mine Amy and I saw your face when Mike brought up the DNA issue. No surprise on your face Amy. No surprise at all. You've known it all the time. Just one more thing that I owe you for."

"Yeah right, whatever; just make sure that I have the money tomorrow" and she walked away.

She didn't know it, but she could suck eggs as far as getting a dime of that money was concerned. At least anytime soon. I figured that I could stretch it out for weeks before they hauled me into court and threatened me with contempt of court if I didn't pay. Even then I could probably hold off another week or two.


The day after the hearing Mike called me and told me that Amy's ex employer had offered a settlement.

"It is a little on the low side and I think we can do better."

"I'll leave it up to you since you are the expert in these things although to be honest the only reason I sued them to begin with was to fuck over Amy and Bartram. I was satisfied that they got canned."

"While we are on the subject you know we won't get anything out of Bartram especially since he is out of work and what little he can come up with will go to his wife for child support and alimony."

"No matter. Keep on it and force him to have to pay an attorney. If we win we can get a judgment against him and it will always be hanging over him like a big black cloud."

Mike's mention of Hal having to pay alimony reminded me that I hadn't talked to Janet in a while. I gave her a call and asked how things were going.

"Not well. Things are a little tight with Hal not working and not paying what the court ordered him to pay. Luckily I emptied out the bank accounts before kicking him out."

"I hate to tell you this, but things are likely to get worse. It turns out that both of my kids share Hal as a biological father and he is very likely going to have to pay Amy child support by the time my divorce is final. Or maybe not since they are living together."

"They are? I didn't know that."

"How are you coming with your suit against Hal's old company?"

"I don't have a suit against them. Why would I?"

I explained it to her and she thanked me for the information and said she would have her attorney look into it. Then I said:

"If I can be of any help just let me know."

"I hope you aren't suggesting what I think you are."

"What would that be?"

"Just because Hal screwed your wife doesn't mean that I'll do you to get even."

"That is a rotten thing to think or say. Sorry to have bothered you" and I hung up on her.

What she had said at the end of the call left a bad taste in my mouth and put me in a foul mood and I stayed in that mood all day. By the time I got off work I wanted to hurt someone and I decided that it was time to settle up with Hal. Working on the assumption that since he was out of work he would be looking for a job I arranged to take the next day off work and at six in the morning I was parked up the street from the house.

The kids left for school at seven-twenty and at eight I saw Hal's Chevy Blazer back out of my garage and head off down the street. I followed him to a downtown parking garage. I parked three spaces down from him, got out of my car and ducked down. I was between him and the elevator and when he got to where I was crouching I stood up and said:

"Good morning Hal. At least it is for me, but I'm not so sure that it will be for you."

He turned and tried to run, but I grabbed him, spun him around and slammed him into one of the concrete support pillars and then I proceeded to beat the living shit out of him. I ended things with six very hard kicks to his crotch and then I left him laying on the concrete floor whimpering. It came as no surprise when the next day at work two cops showed up and arrested me for assault and battery.

I sat in jail overnight and was taken in front of a judge the next day. The charges were read and I was asked how I pled and I said:

"Not guilty."

"Are you sure that you want to plead not guilty? Mr. Bartram is quite positive that you were his assailant."

"Oh I stomped his ass sure enough, but I'm not guilty of assault and battery."

"No? What would you call it then?"

"Seeing to it that justice was done."

"I don't understand your thinking."

"He screwed my wife behind my back for years. He fathered the two children that he and my whore of an about to be ex-wife led me to believe were mine and he had to pay for it."

"That may be, but in this state here is no law against adultery."

"And that is why I had to seek justice on my own."

"The law..."

"I don't care about the law. The legal systems sucks when it comes to cases like mine. My wife cheats on me for years and sticks me with her lover's kids and what do the courts do? They reward her. She gets the home and I'm ordered to pay for it and its upkeep and while I'm doing it she moves her lover in and I end up paying for him to have a roof over his head. I have to pay her cheating ass alimony and when the divorce becomes final she will get half of everything, She cheats and the courts reward her and the wronged party – me! – gets it broke off in him by the same legal system that you are touting. If the law won't do right by me then I have to do it myself."

"You still broke the law and by your own admission you acknowledge that."

"No I am not. I am admitting to seeking the justice that I am owed. I'm perfectly willing to let a jury hear my story and decide."

"You may be willing, but I have no intension of allowing the courts resources to be wasted on trying the case. You have admitted in open court that you, as you put it, "Stomped his ass" so I have no choice but to find you guilty and sentence you to six months in the county facility at Fairmont."

"Thank you."

"I beg your pardon?"

"You just helped me get some justice where my wife is concerned. For six months she will receive no alimony or child support. The house payment won't be made by me and since she was fired from her job she has no money and won't be able to make a house payment. The house will go into foreclosure and she and her lover will be kicked out onto the street. And that six months in jail means that I'll lose my job so she won't be able to get any money from me when I get out, so yes, thank you."

"You would throw away the equity in your house?"

"What equity? We took out a second to put in central air conditioning and a swimming pool, If we sold it we would get enough out of it to cover costs and commissions with may a couple of thousand to split between us. I'd rather see that she loses even that much. I wouldn't get anything out of it anyway. By the time I get out of jail I'll owe her six months of back alimony and I'm sure that this wonderful legal system of yours would see to it that my share of the proceeds would be seized and given to her to cover the arrearage."

The judge just shook his head.


I spent four months in the county jail. Mike came to visit me once a week and on his third visit he said he had an offer from Amy's old company that he thought we should take so I told him to take it.

"Cash the check as soon as you get it and put the money somewhere where Amy can't get to it."

At the end of my first month I had a surprise visitor. Amy came down to see me. When you are in jail they don't let just anyone visit you. You have to give them a list of people you are willing to see and if anyone not on that list comes to see you they come to you and ask you if you want to see that person. Amy was not on my list, but curiosity made me agree to see her.