Rose Ch. 16-20


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"We don't know," he said. "Ella and I were already mates, she knew that as a human that she was mine, and I was hers. Olivia was the same way, she and Mark were already mates. I figured it just carried over. Marge recognized Al as his mate, that may have been enough. You and Gunny are more interesting, because you were both humans originally. Maybe Panthers are such loners they never find their mates? I don't really know, since until Black Ker changed Ella we'd never had a werepanther around."

"And Ella changed everyone else."

"Yes, or someone changed by Ella. We will see when the young ones grow up, I guess. I'm just happy you are mates, he's a good man and you're a good addition to the Pack." He thought about it for a minute. "It's not just mates, he takes Alpha command. You know how cats are, they don't listen to anyone, yet all the panthers in our Pack do."

I laughed. "Dogs have masters, cats have support staff," I said.


We got a video call from FBI headquarters that interrupted our discussion. It was the Deputy Director. "Agent Conspiell, this case is blowing out of control. The press is all over the Director and the Attorney General. They need this case solved."

"I know, sir. We just don't have much to go on right now. My team is working on a suspect list."

"How many?"

"Right now, thousands. Nadine says they are working to narrow it down, and she's working on a algorithm to prioritize the most likely. We've grabbed a bunch of data already; military and civilian training records, vehicle registrations, social media, Echelon intercepts, it's hundreds of thousands. With the new information on the real target being Renee Hastings, we'll add additional names, see if anything starts lining up."

He paused for a moment, he wasn't happy and I could see the strain on his face. "Anything you need, you get. I've instructed all the Field Offices to support the investigation, anyone you want followed up on, hand it to the nearest office. Keep me posted, Rose." With that he broke the connection.

A car was waiting at the airfield to take us back to the office, and we stopped at a Los Pollos Hermanos for lunch on the way. The floor was packed with people, in fact a second floor was currently being set up to take the overflow. In addition, people at Headquarters were also being tasked to work directly for us. "Nadine, tell me some good news please," I said as we walked in.

"I saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico?"

I just froze, staring at her, until everyone including me started cracking up. "Thanks, I needed that. Now really, what's going on."

"Bad news first. We ran the list of plates from the Albuquerque perimeter against the list seen on the Kansas Turnpike and other traffic cameras we could find between here and Superior, Nebraska. No matches."

Shit. "So what does that mean?"

"It could be a couple things," one of the new FBI men said. "She could have changed vehicles, or she didn't take the turnpike and took back roads instead. The traffic cameras here in town don't give 100% coverage either, so she might have known where they were and adjusted her route accordingly. Whoever she is, she's smart and she plans her escape."

"Keep working the list from the Albuquerque cameras, though," I said. "That's more likely than the turnpike."

"It's still a huge number, we've got over 25,000 vehicles in the database right now. We have a team going over each camera and trying to narrow it down; first looking for female drivers or passengers, then looking for out of state vehicles. We're cross checking with driver's license records to eliminate the drivers over fifty."


"Because the shooter is of childbearing age," Craig said. "I got a sniff of her, remember?"

The rest of the afternoon was spent helping the database team with their algorithm; it was a point system, we were hoping that by awarding points to various characteristics we could cause the most likely suspects to bubble up. Right now, the team was working through the list of female snipers and assassins as our priority.

It was past nine at night before Craig knocked on my office as I was handling another politically-motivated phone call from a US Attorney who wanted an update. "Rose, it's time to go home. You need rest."

I looked at the clock and sighed, it had been a long day. "All right." I closed up my laptop and put my phone in my purse. "Everyone else home?"

"Yes, Linda is going to take you back to Gila, I'm going home to Ella." We took the elevator down, Linda was waiting in her car for me at the door. I got in as Craig walked to his SUV, and I was asleep before we exited the parking ramp.

I woke up when the car stopped outside the Pack House. Yawning, I got my bearings. Doc met me as I got out of the car, I looked at him in panic. "Nothing's wrong, Rose, Linda linked me you were coming and I needed to talk to you for a minute before he knows you are here," he said.

"What's going on?"

He shook his head. "He's being a typical male, that's all. His sutures aren't out yet and his lung is still healing, but he wants to be up and moving around. He won't follow my instructions, he tried to get into a car and drive to Albuquerque to go to work. Ella had to Alpha order him to bed, then I had to take stronger action."

Oh God, what now. "I gave him a sedative a few hours ago and restrained him to the bed frame."

I laughed. "So he's helpless in bed right now?"

"Charlotte couldn't calm him down, so yeah. Maybe you can. Just remember, no strenuous activity, he needs to stay calm and heal up."

"I'll see what I can do. Is Charlotte around?"

"They're in the pool."

I left my bag by the clinic door and walked through the Pack house towards the big pool in back. It took a minute to pick out Charlotte, she was pinned in the corner of the hot tub by Josh. Her long hair was fisted in his hand and he had his other arm around her waist. The bubbles hid their lower bodies, but I could see her knees wrapped around his waist. They were too busy making out to notice I was approaching, and Josh squealed like a girl when I grabbed his ear and pulled him away. Both were nude, and he was obviously excited. "What the hell do you think you're doing, young man?"

His eyes were dark with lust and his wolf was forward, but he quickly pushed him back. He put his hands up, not wanting to provoke his future mother-in-law after getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He looked back at Charlotte, who was sinking down in the pool, completely embarrassed. "Sorry, Mom. I let things get a little out of hand."

"Damn right you did, Josh. Go take a COLD shower, your mother and I will deal with you later." He wrapped a towel around his waist, hiding his arousal as he slunk off to the locker room. "Now, young lady, get out and get to your room. I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Yes Mom." She grabbed her stuff from a lounger nearby and pulled one of Josh's shirts over her naked body. I pulled out my phone and called Angela Spencer. "Hi Angela, it's Rose. We need to talk about Josh."

"Is he all right?"

"He's fine, he's just walking a VERY fine line. I just caught him and Charlotte naked in the hot tub, looking like they were filming a soft-core porn episode."

She groaned. "I was afraid of that. He's been having a hard time holding his wolf back, even with Alpha command on him."

"I'm a little shocked, Charlotte didn't show much interest in guys after her rape, but it's like he's a drug. I can't believe she's feeling the mating bond so strongly, she's just as much at fault. I think we need to do something else or he's going to mate her, Alpha command or not. One shift of her hips, and they would have been mated tonight." I thought about it for a minute. "I think we need to curb them somehow."

"I'll talk to Craig and Ella. I'm thinking those two should not be alone together, and certainly not naked." We chatted for a few more minutes as I walked into the Pack House before I let her go.

I knocked on Charlotte's door, she was still in the shower so I waited on the bed in her small guest room. She came out a few minutes later, dressed in cotton pajamas. I patted the bed and she sat next to me. "It's hard to hold back, isn't it."

She nodded, and I pulled her into my side. "This isn't like some guy from school, Charlotte, this is your mate. Your actions are putting him in a bad situation, both with his wolf and his Pack. Do you know what happens if he breaks Alpha command and mates with you before you are of age?" She shook her head no. "Talk to Linda about it. Her mate broke Alpha command and changed her while they were mating. He was taken before the Alphas and kicked out of his Pack. He still can't return to see his family, his friends, he was given an hour to be off the territory or he would be killed."

"Oh God..."

"Exactly. Imagine that happening to Josh. He'd leave behind his family, his friends, everything. If you went with him, you'd have to leave me because I have to be with Gunny. If you couldn't get accepted into another Pack, you'd be loners. Wolves have a tough time that way, they aren't meant to be alone and you would both have struggles the rest of your lives." She was crying on my shoulder by now. "I talked to Josh's parents, and they are talking to his Alphas. From now on, you two are not to be alone together. You can still see him, with others around."

"Isn't there another way?" Her eyes were filling with tears.

"I'm afraid not, not after what I just saw. It's more than just that, you need to be very careful at school and in public. If it gets out that you two are together, he could lose his job at the school, then his wolf will have even more problems."

"So I can't see him?"

"You are friends with Jane, so bring her along, maybe some others. That way you can be together without being seen TOGETHER, if you know what I mean. No public displays of affection, no talking about him as your boyfriend. If anyone asks, you have a boyfriend back in DC. Keep things cool, and you'll be fine. At least now he's protecting you, keeping an eye on you, and that keeps his wolf happy. Well, as much as you NEED protection, right?"

"Damn right, Mom. No one will mess with me now."

I hugged her to me. "What has happened with young Mr. Jennings?"

"Mitch is still suspended, and he's gotten a lawyer. Since I signed my complaint, Jane said four more girls have come forward and filed their own reports." I had told the school Charlotte needed some time to recover from the attack, but Jane had gone to school, at least until every Werewolf in the Pack had been brought home for safety reasons. "My phone has been blowing up, the video has gone viral and a news crew in town asked for an interview, but I declined."

"I've told you, guys like this don't just start grabbing strangers, they've done it many times before and got away with it. Turning down the interview is probably a good thing; we need to stay low key for a while. The killer is still out there, and she is pissed off at Renee for some reason."

"I saw the news, Mom. How could someone just kill like that?"

"I wish I knew. Now, I need to go check on Gunny. You have a good sleep, and think about what I said." I gave her a hug. "You're a lucky young woman, Charlotte. You have a man who loves you and will do anything to make you happy. Plus, with what I saw tonight, he's got enough to make you REALLY happy."


"I'm just saying, he's packing serious heat. Not like Gunny, but enough." She buried her face in her hands and I just laughed and walked out. She was already on her phone before I closed the door. I walked across to the clinic and peeked into his room. He was snoring softly, on his back with his hands cuffed with thick leather straps to the sides of the bed.

Oh yeah. Revenge is a dish best served cold, I thought.

I went to get some ice cubes and a blindfold.

Ch. 20

"Wendy, I'll stay here with him if you want to go home," I said.

"Oh, thank you. I checked in on him five minutes ago, he's still asleep. Doc gave you his orders for him, right?" I nodded.

"I've got your phone number, I'll just text or call you if anything comes up."

She handed me a paper cup with a few pills in it. "He will need these at two in the morning, wake him up to take them because if you wait too long the pain won't recede enough for him to go back to sleep. Remember, keep him quiet. He'll try and talk you into releasing him..."

I smiled at that. "Oh, I don't think his begging will work on me." She grabbed her stuff and walked out, leaving the lights down in the hallway and offices. I went to the ice machine and filled a cup with fresh cubes, then grabbed a tube of KY from the supply drawer. A thin towel would make a good blindfold, I thought as I rolled it up. Moving to his room, I slipped inside without a sound.

I set the supplies on the table, leaving the rolled up towel by his head. The room was lit only by the heart monitor and a nightlight in the bathroom; I could make out his strong form as my eyes adjusted. The head of the bed was slightly raised, and his hands were fixed to the bed rails on each side. Since this bed was wider than a normal hospital bed, his arms were at a forty-five degree angle instead of near his hips. He was covered by a thin blanket and a sheet, and he was sleeping soundly.

I leaned over and kissed his cheek, my eyes watching the monitor as his cat woke up enough to see I was here. His heart rate picked up and he turned towards me, his nose taking a deep whiff of my scent. I grabbed the blindfold, placing it over his eyes and tying it behind his head as he came out of his sleep. "Rose?" He tried to move his hands, then his head moved as he tried to shake off the blindfold. "Rose, what are you doing?"

"Payback's a bitch, Gunny." I grabbed the blanket and sheet, pulling it down his body as he struggled against the restraints. When it was off, I saw his ankles were also restrained, they were tied to each corner of the bed, leaving his ankles about two feet apart. "The way I see it, you're bound, helpless and at my mercy. There's no one to save you, and nobody around to hear you scream. If I were you, I'd relax, go with the sensations, and give me what I want."

"What do you want, Rose?"

"I want to be your equal, Gunny. I'm not a demure woman who's going to stay home baking cookies and popping out babies. I might submit to you in the bedroom, but sometimes I want to be on top and you need to submit to me too." I moved down, trailing my lips across his healing scar on his bad shoulder. "Now, Doc says you can't exert yourself. If your heart rate goes over a hundred," I paused for a second as I took his nipple in my mouth, "I'll have to stop. And I don't want to stop. I want to cum, cum and cum again all over you." I moved a leg up onto the bed, positioning my wet sex above his right hand. "Show me this hand still works, Gunny."

I moaned softly as his talented fingers went to work. He moved his middle finger between my folds, spreading the lubrication as his other fingers worked the outside. He didn't have much mobility in the restraint, so I helped him by moving my hips. I felt him press a finger into my core, and I started to move, slowly fucking myself on his hand. "Oh yeah, baby, put another finger in me." He did, and moved his thumb up to rub my clit. I let the sensation build, moaning as a third finger pushed its way inside. He curled them, reaching for my g-spot as I sat down, then I pulled up a little before sinking down again.

"Rose... Please..."

I looked down, he was so hard a lineman couldn't climb it. I rubbed my hot pussy with my fingers, then moved over to his straining cock. I ran a fingernail lightly from base to tip until the pulse alarm went off. "Calm down, baby, or I'll have to stop." I moved the hand to the bed, bracing myself as I moved faster and faster on his fingers. "Oh god, baby, I'm close." My leg was trembling as my body coiled.

"Come for me, Rose." He moved his fingers fast, his thumb pressing down on my clit. "Come NOW!" I exploded on his hand, soaking it with my juices as my body tried to get past the stimulation. When I could talk again, I lifted myself off him and sat down by his feet.

"That was intense," I said.

"Let me go, Rose, I'll give you that and so much more."

"I'm sure you will, baby. How are your legs?"

"A little stiff," he said, "just like my dick." I moved down and unclipped his right leg, moving his knee up and down to loosen it up before reattaching it higher up on the bed, leaving his knee bent. I did the same with the other side, he was still trying to figure out what I was doing.

"Lift up, baby." I pushed up on his butt as he raised his hips and I slid a pillow under him. "I like you a little higher up, it's easier to ride."

"Oh, baby, I'll give you the ride of your life."

"Really? You think you could handle a little anal tonight?"

I watched his cock twitch with the thought, Gunny Junior was down for it. "Oh yeah, Rose, I could really go for that."

"Good. I had Ella pack a few of my toys, thinking they might come in handy." He listened as I got up and went to the chair by the door. I unzipped my bag, pulling something out I could see him licking his lips in anticipation. "Here," I said as I put a bunch of KY in his fingers. "Get this good and lubricated, it makes it easier to go in," I said. "We don't want it to hurt too much." I put the butt plug in his fingers; he moved it around, lubicating it well.

Meanwhile, I grabbed an ice cube and put it in my mouth. Moving between his legs, I took the plug from him and moved onto the bed between his spread legs. I leaned forward, pulling his cock up straight with my left hand I sucked the tip into my mouth. He moaned as my tongue swirled around. The ice cube added a new dimension to the blowjob, the heat and the cold made everything more intense. I could see his head moving back and forth as I worked him.

When things got too cold, I'd spit the cube onto the sheet, then put it back in a minute later. He was really getting into it now, and I had to stop more often because his heart rate was going up. The blindfold really added to the experience, it heightened his touch and hearing. It wasn't long until his mind was so clouded by pleasure he lost track of time.

He didn't realize what was happening with the butt plug until my right hand started pushing it in his dark star.

"ROSE!" His pulse shot up, and I pulled off his cock but kept up the pressure on the plug. He was stuck, he could try and push up with his legs but his bound wrists wouldn't let him escape. "THAT ISN'T WHAT I FUUUUCK!" The last part was when the widest part made it in and it latched in place. "Jesus, Rose, that hurts!"

"Really, Gunny? A big, strong man like you can't take a little pain in his backside? That's the same size as the medium one in our set. You worked me up to the extra-large one in two days. Then you shoved that baseball bat of yours up my ass and fucked me until I was ready to pass out."

He smiled. "Yeah, and you loved it."

"Well, you're in for a treat, baby, because I brought my new strap-on with me." He started to struggle, but stopped when I touched his cock again. "Now, take a deep breath and relax, I can't touch you until your pulse drops down again." It took a minute to drop down, and when it did, I did. I started sucking him again, nice and slow. Lick up one side, down the other. I reached down and palmed his heavy balls. "You've been backing up, I can feel it."

"I need you, Rose. I need to come SO bad right now."

"Not yet," I teased as his pulse started going up again. "Doc said you have to rest, so here's the deal. You start trying to fuck me, I'll stop and you won't like what I will do. You lay back, relax and enjoy the show, and I'll rock your world."
