Sally and Peter Pt. 01

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Couple start a journey towards a cuckold lifestyle.
5.2k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/18/2018
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I had been married to Peter for nearly ten years, and I would say that we were pretty happy and still in love. We had hoped to have children, but fate decided against that idea, as it turned out that Peter can only fire blanks, but, rather than consider adoption, we both accepted the situation and got on with our lives.

I suppose that we are ordinary to the point of boring, but we have some friends, mostly in our village, who we've known since school, and we do occasionally have sex, but only in the missionary position, and I rarely orgasm. If I get too frustrated I use my fingers to get myself off, fantasising about being made love to by some film star, or someone I've seen who appeals to me, but I've never been unfaithful to Peter, and I'm totally sure that he's never been unfaithful to me, and never will be.

So, with that background out of the way, I can start my story, which I would say started on a Friday evening when I met some of my female friends at our local pub. It was a get together we had about once a month, and we just natter about girly type things for a couple of hours and then go home to our husbands. On this particular evening, one of my friends said something which got all our attention.

"Listen girls, I need some advice." Sharon announced during a rare quiet moment.

We all looked at her, intrigued.

"The other night, David and I were cuddling in bed, before going to sleep, when he asked me a strange question. He asked me whether I ever fantasise about other men when we're having sex? I didn't know how to answer, but I just said, sometimes, film stars, like most women."

We all agreed with her, but she went on.

"Then he said that he meant men that I know."

" I replied that I don't, ever, and then I asked him whether he did, hoping that would placate him so we could go to sleep." She told us.

"And did it placate him?" Jenny asked.

"No, not really, he asked if I meant did he fantasise about me having sex with other men, and I told him that he was being silly. Obviously I meant did he fantasise about having sex with other women, and he said that he didn't."

"OK," Sarah said, "then what?"

"Well, I thought there was something funny about the first assumption he made, I mean, why would he think that?" Sharon answered with a puzzled look on her face.

"So did you ask him?" Jenny asked.

"Ask him what?"

"Whether he fantasises about you with other men!" Jenny clarified, getting exasperated with Sharon's slow progress on the story.

"No, of course not, should I have?"

"Yes, of course, lots of men have that fantasy, but sadly, not my Tony." Jenny finished, leaving us all a bit puzzled.

Anyway, that was it for that evening, we went on to talking about some scandal of a married woman in the village who had left her husband for a man half her age, but over the following few weeks, I did occasionally think about what Jenny had said.

We all got together again, rather quicker than usual, perhaps because we were all itching to hear whether Sharon had pursued the topic with her husband.

"OK Sharon, spill the beans, did you ask David the question?" Jenny asked as soon as we all had drinks in our hands.

"Erm, yes, I did actually." She replied.

"Well go on, what did he say?" Sarah asked, sounding frustrated with Sharon.

"Well, he said that yes he did, sometimes."

"Wow! You are such a lucky girl!" Jenny responded, leaving us all perplexed.

"I don't understand what you mean Jenny. Why is she lucky?" I asked.

"Because...if he fantasises about her being with other men...she can probably have sex with any man she fancies...and her husband will be thrilled!" Jenny replied, looking at us all as though we were stupid.

"But I don't want anyone else!" Sharon protested.

"Oh, for goodness sake!!" Jenny spluttered.

After that, the conversation went in different directions, but at the end of the evening Jenny and I were together in the car park for a while, waiting for a taxi to take us home.

"Does Peter have that predilection?" She asked me.

"What?" I replied, having no idea what she was talking about.

"Does he fantasise about you having sex with other men?"

"Good grief! I'm sure he doesn't!" I answered without really thinking about it.

"You should ask him." She told me, just as our taxi arrived.

We couldn't really continue our conversation with the taxi driver listening, but as I got out when we got to my house, which was first, she said "Ask him."

I thought she was being ridiculous, but, I couldn't get the idea out of my head. What if Peter really had that fantasy? Would I want to do something about it?

I didn't say anything to Peter about the conversation we girls had, but there was nothing unusual about that, and I pretty much forgot about it for a few days, but then on Wednesday evening Sharon rang me.

"Sally, have you asked Peter the question yet? About his fantasies, you know." She asked.

"No, I haven't thought about it, why?"

"Sunday evening David suggested that we girls ought to do something more interesting than just sitting in the pub chatting, and I asked him what he had in mind, and he suggested clubbing or something. Do you think this is his fantasy? Is he hoping I'll get picked up by some guy?"

"Oh, crikey!" I replied, "so what did you say?"

"I said I would suggest it, which seemed to make him happy. Then, when we went to bed, he was really horny, and he made love to me much more passionately than usual. It made me wonder whether he was thinking about me getting picked up and seduced. What do you think, am I imagining it?"

"Well, it does sound as though the thought of you out clubbing turns him on. Are you going to suggest it to the others?" I asked.

"I could I suppose, but I'll do it in the pub, and see if the idea is popular, does that sound OK to you?" She asked me.

"Yes, it can't do any harm to ask, but in the meantime, I'll sound out Peter, in case he is really unhappy about it."

"Good idea, let me know how it goes. I think I'm going to explore David's fantasy a little more this weekend, so I'll tell you how that goes."

"If he confirms that he is turned on by you sleeping with other men, will you do it?" I asked, feeling quite excited by the whole concept.

"Aaah," she said, "actually I already do."

"What? Have sex with other men?" I queried, shocked.

"Yes, I just haven't told David, although I think he suspects and quite likes that I cuckold him."

"I see." I finished, at a complete loss for words.

Following that strange conversation I realised that I was feeling a little horny, but by the time we got to bed, all thoughts of sex were gone from my head, and we just went straight to sleep.

On Saturday evening Peter took me out to dinner at a local Indian restaurant, and I had a couple of glasses of Prosecco, and felt brave enough to ask him about the clubbing idea.

"Darling," I began, then paused to wait for his full attention, "Sharon's husband suggested that we girls do something more interesting when we have our get together."

"Oh, right, did he suggest something?"

"Yes, he said we should go clubbing." I answered, and waited for him to tell me that he hated the idea.

"Oh, right, that's an odd thing for a guy to suggest to his wife."

"So I assume you won't let me go then?" I asked, assuming that he would say I couldn't go.

"Of course I'm not saying that darling, I trust you totally, although I don't think all the husbands will take that view. "

I was stunned at my husband's response, I had assumed that he would hate the idea of me going clubbing with the girls, but instead he'd told me that he trusted me. I felt so much love for him at that moment.

The next evening I phoned Sharon to tell her the good news.

"So he said it's ok?" She asked, obviously as surprised as I was.

"Yes. He said that he trusted me." I told her.

"Are you sure it isn't that he hopes you'll get picked up by some young stud?" She asked me.

"Well...I don't think so...have you talked any more to David about his fantasy yet?"

"Yes, I have, last night."

"Go on, don't keep me in suspense!" I demanded, eager to hear what happened.

"When we were in bed, just before we went to sleep, I asked him whether he suggested we go clubbing because the idea of guys hitting on me turned him on, and he admitted that it did, so I told him to tell me what he imagined might happen."

"Gosh, this is exciting. What did he say?" I asked, aware of a warm feeling between my legs.

"He started by telling me that he imagined me dancing with the girls, and some guys cutting in and one of them dancing with me. At that point I reached across to touch his penis, and was shocked to find him getting hard. I told him to go on with his story."

Sharon paused to catch her breath, and I took the moment to slip my panties off and sit in a chair so I could play with myself.

"He told me that he imagined the guy taking me to the bar to get us both drinks and feeling my bum while we waited to be served, and then kissing me. I asked if he hoped something like that would actually happen, rather than just be a fantasy, and he said yes, and then squirted all over the bed clothes."

"Golly!" I said, a little annoyed that he'd climaxed so quickly, as my pussy was just getting nice and wet.

"So, will you come out clubbing with me anyway, even if the others don't want to, or maybe aren't allowed to go out clubbing?" Sharon asked.

"Yes, why not." I answered, still playing with my clit.

As soon as we ended the call, I closed my eyes and imagined being at the club and some gorgeous young man kissing me, and running his hands all over me, and in just a few more minutes I had a lovely orgasm.


I am a very lucky man. I'm married to a very beautiful woman, who totally adores me. She is also completely faithful, and also pretty good in bed, although she only allows us to have traditional missionary style sex, and she dresses quite conservatively.

Unfortunately I have a problem. I am obsessed with cuckold fantasies. The only way I can achieve orgasm is by imagining my prim and proper wife having sex with other men. I imagine all sorts of different scenarios, but the basic outcome is always the same, that is, she has sex with another guy and realises that his cock is much bigger than mine, and that sex with him is infinitely better with him than with me.

Of course, I have never told my wonderful wife about my fantasies, I'm sure she would be horrified by my perverted desires, and, in fact, I've only ever told one other person in the whole world, and that's Sharon's husband, David. It happened rather by accident, when I was helping him with a computer problem on his laptop I discovered that he had bookmarked the erotic story site, Literotica, more specifically, Loving Wives, so I confessed that I also read stories on that site, and, in fact, on the same subject. After that we started talking about our fantasies a lot, suggesting good authors, swapping ideas which turned us on. Eventually, we started discussing ways to turn our fantasies into reality, and he came up with the clubbing idea, and I loved it immediately, and we worked out in detail how we would introduce the idea.

When Sally mentioned that Sharon was going to suggest that the girls go clubbing instead of just going to the pub, I had to pretend to be surprised, but then told her it was fine for her to go because I trusted her. It worked a treat, which allowed David to be a bit more open with Sharon about his fantasies, and, of course, in turn Sharon told Sally all about David's kinky ideas, which I hoped would lead to a similar discussion between me and my wife.

One step at a time.

"Peter darling," my wife opened a conversation with me while we were loading the dishwasher together, " are you still OK with me going out clubbing with Sharon?"

"Yes, of course, is it just the two of you now?" I asked innocently.

"Well, this Saturday yes, because we haven't had a chance to discuss it with the others yet, but we'll suggest it to them next Friday. Is that OK?"

"Of course darling, do you want to get some new clothes Saturday?" I asked, wondering how sexy I could convince her was appropriate.

"Oh that's so nice of you darling, but Sharon's going to lend me something to wear. I'll get changed at her place before going to the train station." She answered, dashing my hopes, then sending them soaring, as Sharon wears really slutty clothes, which makes David very lucky in my book.

I grabbed my phone and sent a text to David, asking him to get a pic of the girls once they were all dressed up.

On Saturday evening, about an hour after Sally had left our house to go to Sharon's, I got a text from David with a picture. I was so incredibly excited, they both looked like complete sluts with tiny short dresses, stockings with the tops visible below the hems of their dresses, and very high heels. A couple of minutes later he rang me.

"Hiya mate, do you like the photo?" He asked.

"I love it Dave, they look like a pair of sluts!" I answered.

"Don't they just!"

"Were there any further developments at your end?" I asked.

"Yeah, I would say so, Sharon asked me to confirm that I would be happy if she gets herself well and truly fucked, and I said Hell Yes!!"

"OK, cool, do you fancy a drink in the pub?" I suggested, "it's going to be a long night waiting for them to come home."

"Good idea, I'll meet you there in about half an hour."


The whole plan of Sharon and I going out clubbing, and me going to her place to change into sexier clothes which I didn't want my husband to see, had seemed so much fun when Sharon explained it to me, but as soon as I saw the clothes she was intending for me to wear, it turned into a total nightmare.

"My God Sharon, you don't seriously expect me to wear that dress do you?!!" I screeched when I saw the tiny dress laid out on the bed.

"Well, there's nothing else, so you'll have to." She told me.

I got dressed in the outfit she'd laid out, because I didn't really have much choice, but I felt so incredibly self conscious. The dress was very short, the thong was miniscule, and the shoes were so high I was sure I would break my ankle.

To put the final seal on my misery, David insisted we pose for a photo before we left, and I knew for sure that if he sent it to my husband, my marriage would be over.

The one small mercy was that David volunteered to drive us to East Grinstead, so we didn't have to go on the train looking like a pair of cheap hookers. We started at a pub popular with local young people, and guys started hitting on us straight away.

"Don't be so negative Sally!" Sharon insisted.

"It's alright for you Sharon, your husband is turned on by the idea of you being unfaithful, but I could easily lose my marriage doing this!"

"Maybe Pete is also turned on by the idea of you cuckolding him." She suggested.

"Well, maybe, but I've no reason to think he is." I answered, hoping that she was right and I was wrong.

We managed to leave the pub without having full sex, but several guys had managed to touch my bum and graze their arms across my boobs.

At the club the music was loud, everywhere was very crowded, and everyone seemed much younger than us. We finally managed to get more drinks, but not before I'd been groped by several guys. My pussy was so wet, the tiny thong had given up trying to contain my arousal juices and I could feel the wetness creeping down my thighs.

We downed our drinks quickly, then hit the dance floor.

After less than five minutes of dancing, a couple of guys cut in and started dancing with us. They were both quite good looking but younger than us by a few years, which felt a bit weird.

"Can I get you a drink?" The boy dancing with me shouted into my ear.

I nodded my head and he took my hand and pulled me towards the bar, which after being married for years felt very odd, and also wrong, but he seemed to be in charge, so I went along with it. The bar was very crowded and as we moved slowly forwards, our bodies were pressed together, and the boy took the opportunity to start kissing me, and fondling my bum, which was nice, but even more wrong.

"Having fun?" Sharon said into my ear.

"Ha, bloody, ha!" I shouted back, once I'd got my mouth free of the boy's voracious lips and tongue.

I was using my hands to hold his face away, so I could talk to Sharon, which left me defenceless, and the boy took immediate advantage of the opportunity. He got both his hands on my bum and pulled me in tight so his growing erection was pressed into my stomach, and then his hands moved and I felt the hem of my already short dress being hoisted up, and then his right hand was between my legs and inside my thong.

He rubbed my clit a few times, then thrust a couple of fingers inside my vagina, then what felt like three fingers, and I was powerless to stop him.

Finally, I spotted a small break in the crowd and pushed him away and squeezed through the throng and headed for the loos. Sharon also got free and followed me in to the ladies.

"Christ Shar, he had his fingers inside my pussy!" I shrieked at her.

"Well then, you're a very lucky girl." She told me with a smirk on her face.

"I'm a married woman!" I hissed, "He was lining me up to be fucked!"

"Calm down Sally, nothing really happened." She countered.

"Yes, it did, I told you, he got his fingers inside me!"

"So, did he make you wet?"


"You heard...did he make you wet?" She asked, pressing her point.

"Yes."I replied a little sheepishly.

"So, what are you complaining about. Let's go back out there and you can apologise to him, and we can carry on our evening. My guy is hot, and I'm planning to let him fuck me."

"Are you crazy? What about your husband?" I asked.

"My husband has started begging me to sleep with other men. I promised him that with this new plan of going clubbing, he'll get his wish fulfilled. Finally I don't have to creep around behind his back, so I'm going to make the most of it and sleep with lots of different guys" Sharon explained.

"Oh my God! Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, feeling furious.

"Because you might not have come. I needed you to come with me, I couldn't come here on my own. Anyway, I imagine Pete also hopes you'll get yourself laid tonight. He didn't raise any objection to you coming out clubbing with me did he?" She asked, pressing her advantage.

" suppose not."

"He knows I dress like a slut, yet he didn't object when you told him I was going to provide you with clothes." She added, pressing her advantage.

"I suppose." I conceded.

"Come on then, let's go and have some fun." She concluded.


"So mate, do you think that Sally will finally cuckold you tonight?" David asked me as we settled down with pints of London Pride in front of us and a blazing log fire right next to us.

"I wouldn't think so Dave. I mean, she has no idea that I fantasise about her cuckolding me."I explained.

"So you still haven't plucked up the courage to tell her?" He asked.

"Nope." I answered.

"Well, Sharon has promised me that she'll let some guy fuck her tonight, so I would have thought that Sally will find it difficult to avoid spreading her legs for some guy." He told me.

"Well, I hope you're right, but I suspect she'll stop short of actually doing it."

"You need to tell her how you feel mate, then I'm sure both of them will make the clubbing nights a regular event, and they will get fucked every weekend. That would make you very happy, wouldn't it?" He asked me.

"Absolutely, of course Dave, I would love that." I confirmed, and felt relieved to get that off my chest.

We stayed in the pub until closing time but just talked about cars and other guy stuff. Only as we were splitting up to walk home did we go back to the subject at hand.