Serene, And Her Sister's Secret

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A secret sub "comes out".
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As the curtains opened, and the sunshine streamed in through the windows, Sir Richard Deveres started to stir, wakening slowly from his deep sleep. He lay quietly, smiling softly, thinking to himself

“Of course, it is Sunday, Serene is here for her weekly treatment.”

Serene was Reggie’s (as his friends knew him) submissive, who lived at the great hall with him. She was not normally permitted to enter the Master bedroom, but the Sunday morning thing had now become a ritual with her, a ritual that Reggie enjoyed immensely though.

She slept in her room, especially designed for Reggie’s needs and requirements. With a king size bed, restraints as standard fittings, black silk sheets and pillows, and a mirrored ceiling. All this offset with dark red and gold regency striped wallpaper, and various BDSM attachments on the walls, and of course, the bar, suspended from the ceiling, Reggie’s favourite toy.

He lay there, waiting for the touch he knew was coming, and, sure enough, the cool sheet slowly slid off him, and the cool morning air caressed his naked body. He felt her soft hands parting his thighs, the urging of her soft fingertips, and the bed moving as she climbed on. Her finger lifting his cock, and she caressed it, rubbing the lose skin slowly up and down, making Him hard, as she liked to say. His hands clenched, gripping the silk sheet he lay upon, his body tensing, in preparation for the coming eruption. He opened his eyes, looking at her; she was staring at his cock, desperate to engulf it.

He whispered to her.

“Permission is granted.”

She looked to him, smiled, then started to lick at the head of his cock, swirling her tongue around it, as it progressively grew, and became rigid.

Glancing at Him, His hard swollen cock, now trapped in her hand, she asked.


He nodded, and slowly moved to sit on the edge of the bed, as she slipped from it, and squatted, naked, before him. He reached down to her, taking hold of both of her nipples, pinching and tugging them. He twisted them hard, as she cried out, making them swell even more, and they were almost purple when he freed them. He nodded again, and placing his hands on the bed, leaned back slightly.

Serene moved a little closer, and grasped his manhood, her mouth open as she lowered her head to him. Her tongue flicked out, and she licked the length of him, right down to the base, and back up again, around the head, paying particular attention to his most sensitive spots, as he started to moan softly. His hips started moving, as she then opened her mouth, swallowing his shaft deep into her mouth, feeling the hot pulsing head at the back of her throat. She sucked him, hard, her tongue licking and playing on his meat, and started to hum, knowing how it drove him wild. Her free hand, caressing His balls, gently squeezing, and stretching her finger out, she caressed the tight button of His ass. Reggie tried looking out of the window, at the beautiful trees and lawns, anything to prolong the pleasure, but deep inside he knew, it was pointless; he just had to give in. Reggie’s body started jerking, his legs shook, and Serene knew He was getting close, and released his throbbing cock from her mouth, instead, taking one of his balls between her lips, and sucking it into her mouth, he moaned loudly, as she gently sucked on him, hearing Him growl roughly,

“Now slut.”

He was going to cum for her; she pulled her mouth free, and started to pump his cock hard, her hand moving faster and faster. She watched, as his eyes closed, and then thrust her tits forward, this was what she wanted, his cum, all over her tits, to rub it in, smooth the skin around her hard nipples.

She could not contain herself, crying out,

“Cum Sir, Please cum for you bitch, feed her, please Sir, please.”

Sir Richard growled in ecstasy, as long streams of hot sticky cum shot form his dick, coating her tits, her neck, some on her face also. She was smiling broadly, one hand milking his cock, forcing every drop out, as the other rubbed his cum into her body. H started to slacken, and Serene again leant forward, taking him into her mouth, licking and sucking him clean. Reggie fell back upon the bed, in total ecstasy, as his bitch, his submissive, pleasured him as only she could. He stared at the ceiling, looking at the carved cornice of cherubs around the room, and then raising his head, looked at the cherub sucking his dick. Smiling softly, tapped her on the head, whispering,

“Enough Serene, we have a big day ahead of us.”

She released his soft cock, smiling gently, for she knew it was time to shower now, and she would be able to CUM in private, without His permission, as she sucked his cock again in her mind, with her fingers pounding her pussy.

“Yes Sir “ she replied, “Shall I leave you now.”

“Meet me at the front door in one hour, wearing your uniform, we are taking the Rolls for a spin today.”

Serene retired to her room, looking around, as she always did when she entered, this was their place, their heaven, God how she loved her Master. She turned on the shower, and stepped inside, the warm jets of water, stinging her already excited body. Increasing the feeling that was running through her, as her hand slowly slid over her stomach, and between her legs. Searching for her wet cunt,

“God Sunday mornings always leave me like this,” she thought to herself, as she rubbed her throbbing clit. Feeling her passion building, she slid her finger inside, working it in and out, faster and faster, falling to her knees, her hand against the shower wall, she came.

Screaming out his name, over and over,

“Reggie, God Reggie, fuck me you bastard fuck me now”

Her juices flooding from her, mixing with the water that constantly bombarded her body.

Slowly she relaxed, kneeling there, the warmth surrounding her, body and soul.

Drying herself off, she laid out her uniform, knowing that soon she would be with him, her mind already excited at the prospect.

“A drive in the country, in her all time

Favourite car, to be followed by who knows what?” She thought, grinning to herself.

She stood by her bed, looking at the clothing she had laid out ready. The short navy blue skirt, white satin very brief bra, the crisp white man’s shirt with a tie and a keyhole opening, and her long tan seamed nylons. Not forgetting her four-inch heels, which of course sat on the floor of the car while driving. Checking that her hair was up, and tied tightly Serene crossed the room, standing in front of her dressing table, and cupped her breasts, the nipples already erect. She smiled, and reached for her dark red lipstick, and put a perfect circle around each nipple, knowing that He required this, whenever they went out together. She stood silently, admiring her handiwork, as her hand subconsciously went to her clit, stroking softly, as she thought about Him.

“Mmmmmmmmm,” she said softly, then, suddenly realising she had better get a move on, returned to the bed, sitting to put on the stockings and garter belt.

Checking that the seams were perfectly aligned, before putting on her bra, and adjusting her breasts to their best advantage.

She had to be perfect for him, no excuses were allowed, only perfection.

She slipped into the shirt, and fastened the tie, before finally stepping into her short skirt. She went back to the mirror, lifting her skirt, and looking at her pussy.

“Perfectly smooth,” she said, as her hand slid across her mound.

Putting on her heels, she walked out of the room, on her way to Lord Sir Reginald’s garage.

Unlocking the door, she saw it as the light streamed in, His pride and joy, a 1926 Rolls Royce open-tourer, one of only three in the country. It was a beautiful shade of grey, and shone as brightly as the day it had been made. She opened the door, and climbed in, taking her place behind the big steering wheel, and started the engine. It purred, almost imperceptible at times.

”It was no wonder they called it the best car in the world” she thought.

She drove the car out of the garage, and neatly parked it outside the doors of the great hall, and then took her place. Standing in front of the car, eyes lowered, awaiting Him.

He must have been watching for her, the doors opening straight away, as she heard him come out, his antique ebony cane, rapping on the tiled floor. With her eyes still lowered, she saw hid highly polished shoes as he stopped in front her.

“Perfect Serene, as always” she heard him say, knowing that this was his way of saying she could look upon his face.

She curtseyed, and said

“Thank you Sir.”

He smiled at her, and then, using his cane, lifted the front of her skirt, looking at her pussy as it was revealed; making sure she was naked there, then he smiled, saying to her,

“ And now we leave my dear.”

She opened his door, and held it while he entered the vehicle, then again took her place behind the wheel.

“Where to My Lord.”

“Just head for the country for now Serene.”

Serene slowly moved away, delighting in the feel of this magnificent vehicle, and head through the village, as she stopped at the traffic lights, she saw her sister walking towards her, and waved enthusiastically. As her sister approached the car, Serene asked Sir Reginald if she might speak to the lady,

“It is my sister Sir, my younger sister Crystal.”

“Of course you may Serene, indeed, she shares for family trait for feminine beauty.”

“Why thank you Sir,” Serene replied, blushing softly.

“You must of course introduce me,” Reggie said.

He watched as Crystal approached, she was gorgeous, about 5-8, and lightly tanned, she possessed the most beautiful clear blue eyes he had ever seen. She was dressed all in white, a tank top, short skirt, and shoes with a small heel. He wondered if her panties were white also. Serene introduced Crystal to him, and touching his antique cane to his head, he said,

“I am so delighted to meet you Crystal, Serene has mentioned you to me often.”

“And I you Sir, I have heard so much about you from my sister,” Crystal replied, flashing him a devastating smile.

“Nothing bad I would hope Crystal?”

“Oh no Sir, quite the contrary in fact,” Crystal replied, the twinkle in her eye speaking volumes to Reggie.

“And where would such a beautiful young lady be off to this fine morning?” he enquired.

“To be honest Sir, I was at a loose end, and decided to take a stroll in the sunshine, just to pass the time Sir.”

Reggie’s face lit up, “A loose end eh, well dear Crystal, your sister and I are taking a drive through the countryside, and then returning to my estate, for a picnic, in the Cherry Tree wood. I would be delighted if you would care to join us, as it really is a beautiful day, is it not?”

Crystal smiled, first at Serene, and then at Reggie, “why Sir, that sounds lovely, I will be delighted to join you.”

Reggie watched as Serene stepped form the car, and opened the door to the rear compartment, for Crystal to climb in. He watched her every movement, realising in seconds, that from the way her ample breasts swayed and wobbled gently, they were completely unfettered by any underwear. This was indeed turning out to be a fine day he thought.

They moved off again, heading out into the country, as Reggie turned to talk to Crystal.

“Tell me dear Crystal, have you ever been in a Rolls Royce before?”

“No Sir,” she replied.

“What do you think of it then my dear?

“It is beautiful Sir, and the leather seats are so comfortable, I would guess that it is very old though.”

“Manufactured in 1926 my dear, and in my family since the day it was made, over 80 years old now. She is my pride and joy Crystal, my pride and joy.”

“I can understand that Sir” Crystal said softly, “and I bet she, as you refer to her, could tell us some tales Sir.”

Reggie laughed loudly, placing his hand on Crystals, knee, “No doubt my dear, absolutely no doubt at all about that.”

Crystal flashed that smile again, and Reggie could feel his face reddening, for he wanted her, he wanted her badly, but there just a lingering doubt in his mind.

He lifted his hand away, and took hold of Crystals hand, kissing the back of it, saying,

“I salute you my dear, for your appreciation of my old girl”

Crystal squeezed his fingers gently, replying, “The pleasure is all mine Sir, all mine,” and placed her hand in her lap, still holding Reggie’s fingers.

Would you like me to remove the rear windshield Crystal, so that we can feel the wind in our hair?”

Yes please Sir.” Reggie quickly took the windshield down, and placed it on the passenger seat in the front of the car. Retaking his seat next to Crystal, he moved a little closer. The breeze was fairly strong, as they drove along, and it was only a minute or two before he noticed how hard Crystal’s nipples had become. Almost trying to push their way through her tank top. He could not stop looking at them. Crystal coughed quietly, and nudged his elbow, whispering to him,

“It is the cool breeze Sir, I can’t help it, and I do hope they are not offending you.”

“Offending, Good Lord no Crystal, they are beautiful, as beautiful as you are my dear. But I do understand, would you prefer that I replace the windshield?”

Crystal blushed, lowering her eyes and whispering, “No Sir, it is actually very pleasant, if that is alright with you Sir?”

“All right Crystal, no, it is not alright, and it is bloody marvellous.”

He said as he reached across, to trace his fingertip around each of her nipples. She gasped, and then smiled at him, a tender knowing look crossing her face.

Serene kept glancing at them in the rear view mirror, chuckling inwardly. Little did he know that she had told Crystal all about Reggie, everything, and that Crystal was absolutely desperate for him to fuck her.

“Well, “ she thought “this is your chance girl, go get him.”

She watched as He leaned closer, but did not hear him whisper to Crystal.

“Would you mind awfully, if I took a little peek at them?”

Crystal raised her hands, and pulled the two edges of her tank top together, between her breasts, freeing them both.

“Oh my” exclaimed Reggie” Oh my,” as he softly fondled them, letting his thumbs flick her by now rock hard peaks, back and forth, Crystal sighed, a soft moan of pleasure, as he moved a little closer. She could feel his hot breath on her, and her pussy was leaking fluid all over the leather seat. Hw kissed her left nipple, then the right one, and looked at her smiling, deep into her eyes. She smiled weakly back, sensuality overtaking her mind, and he kissed them again, licking each one slowly, then flicking at them, she arched her back to him, offering her tits to his mouth, he covered her nipple sucking hard, as she cried out

“God yes,” and slipped her hand between her thighs, reaching for her by now throbbing clit. Reggie started to squirm a little, his hard on now making him very uncomfortable, Crystal realised immediately what his problem was, and gently pushed his head away. She smiled at him, placing her hand on his trousers, and lightly holding his hard cock,

“Maybe I can help you Sir,” she whispered hoarsely.

He leant back in the seat, as Crystal expertly opened his pants, smiling as his magnificent cock jumped free. Grasping it in both hands, she lowered her head, and gently probed the small slit in the end of it with her tongue, as Reggie moaned in pleasure. Raising her head, she smiled, and lifted both of his heavy balls free from his pants, then started to lick at them, teasing them, before softly sucking on each one. Poor Reggie, his hips were thrusting at her, he was so hot for her, and when she covered the head of his cock with her mouth, and then slid down it. Taking him deep into her throat, he cried out.

“God Crystal, I want to fuck you so bad.”

She lifted her head, and smiled at him, before rising from her seat, and straddling his legs. She lifted her short skirt, and he could see that she was naked underneath, and clean-shaven too!

“Fuck Yes Crystal, ride my cock love, ride it now.” He cried out, as he took hold of his cock, wet from her mouth, and held it ready for her to lower onto.

Serene, seeing what was happening, had driven onto the old airfield, abandoned now, and parked behind a disused hanger.

She turned in her seat to watch, as she started fingering herself.

“Go on Crys,” she said, “fuck him, fuck my Lord good, make him cum baby, and make him fill your cunt.”

Serene was so wet by now, and looked around the car for something, anything with which she could fuck herself. The rubber torch, clipped to the car, she quickly freed, and held it to her dripping cunt, sliding along her lips, twisting the torch to wet it. Then, watching her sister fucking her Master, she slid it deep inside herself, moaning out load, and started to fuck her cunt furiously.

Crystal never heard a word of it, she was too busy, as she lowered her glistening lips over the head of his cock, and stopped. Using her inner muscles to grip him, before sliding down onto him, taking him all the way in. Reggie was moaning in pleasure, as she lifted again, right to the top, fucking him slowly, in gentle measured strokes. He grabbed at her tits, biting on the left nipple, as his cock buried deep in her again, and she screamed out,

“That’s it, hurt me you fucker, HURT ME!”

She quickened her pace, riding him hard, bouncing on the leather seat as they fucked.

He thrusting, she riding him.

It didn’t take long, they cried out in unison as both of them came together. Exultation to mutual orgasms, his seed spurted up in to her cunt, and she flooded her wine over him.

Then, silence, they just sat there, joined in carnal delight, both panting, unable to speak.

Serene too came, crying out, almost screaming as the ripples of orgasm wracked her body, and she too lay back, panting, eyes closed.

Crystal smiled softly at Reggie.

“Did you say something about a picnic Sir, I seem to have developed an appetite suddenly.”

Reggie smiled at her as she settled back into the plush leather seat.

“Oh my, that looked heavenly sis,” said Serene, from the front seat.

“Oh it was, wonderful even” replied Crystal, and it was then that Serene noticed that Reggie was looking at her. Not just looking, he was glaring, and obviously annoyed.

She lowered her eyes immediately, saying, “Is there something wrong Sir?”

“Wrong, something wrong slut. Well, let’s see. Did I say you could watch?”

“No Sir.”

“Did I say you could put something in my cunt?”

“No Sir.”

And raising his voice, “and did I give you permission to cum you bitch?”

“No Sir, I am sorry Sir, it wont happen again Sir, I promise, Please Sir, please forgive this dirty slut.”

“Forgiveness, you ask to be forgiven? Have you forgotten slut, there is a pre-requisite for any forgiving that I may do, isn’t there?”

“ Yes Sir” Serene whispered.

“And what is it Serene, what comes now?”

“Again she whispered, “this slut must be punished Sir, and be shown the error of her ways Sir.”

“Correct, and the punishment shall be to clean my cock, and taste your sisters cum there. Step out of the car. Reggie joined her outside the car, as Crystal watched them.

Serene knelt down on the hard concrete, tenderly reached out with her tongue, softly licking at the tip of his cock, tasting his seed, and her sisters cum, it tasted wonderful, and she enveloped him completely. Sucking him, licking the soft skin, lapping up their combined juices. It didn’t take long before she felt him growing in her mouth. She could hear him moaning softly, and looked up, her eyes smiling at him.

“Oh my Serene,” he said “ you are so good my love, very good, but we have a picnic to attend to, we can see to other things later.”

He smiled at her,