Seventy-Two Hours Ch. 02


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He should've...

He should've...

He should've...

If he had...

But he hadn't.

Needing to flee a past teeming with a shit load of his shortcomings and continued failures with Axl, Justice vacated the bed. He strode to the door, flung it open, then stormed out into the hall.

There were about a dozen doors, all closed save one, on the hall's opposite wall. There were a similar number of closed doors on Justice's side of the hall in addition to his own open door.

But it wasn't the unknown people possibly lurking behind those unopened doors which made Justice pause. It was the quietness. He didn't know what exactly he'd expected to encounter at a demon's residence. Maybe non-stop reigning chaos, people slowly going crazy or dancing imps of destruction, but he sure the hell had never expected to find tranquility. That had been the furthest thing from his mind. It was uncannily eerie making it that much more disturbing.

It made Justice wonder if maybe he held the pleasure of being Saint's only remaining guest at present. And if that meant he would be subjected to a special sort of close attention from the demon.

Justice sure the fuck hoped not. And the chances of his hopes being honored were actually looking pretty good. Saint had been scarce for the past twenty-four plus hours.

Eventually, Justice continued on his way. The only other time he stopped was to briefly check out the contents of the room with the open door. It was the same room he'd seen Saint standing in front of the day before. The glow from the hallway's track light fixtures dimly illuminated the dark room's interior revealing it to be a mirror replica of Justice's room. Right down to the door on the far side Justice knew from his own room's layout led to a small bathroom.

The only thing missing from the room was the occupant, a woman Saint had called Mira. Justice had missed the beginning part of Saint's exchange with her, but he'd heard enough to know Mira was special. She belonged "to them" Saint had informed her and if the demon claimed her soul, which he really wanted to do, it was at great personal risk to himself.

Saint had made no effort to hide all that desire when he'd finally turned away. His eyes had glowed freakishly bright through the dimness. And as they'd landed on Justice it occurred to him that the arousal they reflected was more for Justice than it was Mira.

If that piece of rotting hell shit thought he would be altering Justice's agreement to include fucking, he had another thing coming. Yet another reason why Justice didn't want to be the recipient of Saint's closer attention.

Justice's journey led him to a mammoth, domed ceilinged courtyard. Directly ahead was another long corridor. To the right was the huge set of double doors he'd walked through early the morning before when he'd entered the compound. And to the left was a matching set which led to parts unknown.

Yearning for a dose of icy cold Detroit night air to clear his head, Justice turned right.

Once outside, he was presented with two choices. He could walk down the long drive towards the gated entrance, each step a fuck you to both Saint and Axl. Or he could follow the floodlight brightened paved path along the front of the huge compound to where it eventually curved around a corner into uncharted grounds.

Justice chose the path. Which ended at a huge, unlit conservatory housing a private garden.

The humid temperature within was a nice warmth on skin chilled during his short jaunt outside. Ambling through the glass building, Justice marveled at the array of beauty. Plants of various species, colors and sizes flourished everywhere, heedless of the bitter, bleak weather raging right outside their sanctuary.

Soon Justice found himself in front of what had to be the conservatory's crown and glory. A massive water fountain. The waist high base of the fountain was comprised of a wall of concrete block formed in a circle. Standing inside the block wall, elevated on a four to five feet tall circular platform which rose out of the pool of water, were the statues of two gigantic, perfectly formed, and perfectly nude other than the wreaths circling their curly haired heads, men.

"Stunning, are they not?"

Although he hadn't realized he wasn't alone, Justice masked his shock as his eyes sought out the source of the soft, melodic voice. When he did finally locate the owner, he wondered how he had could have ever not noticed the man to begin with.

He. Was. Beautiful. Justice didn't normally notice the attractiveness of other men, but this man, hands down, held the position of being the most beautiful creature, male or female, Justice had ever laid eyes on.

He was perched on the part of the stone wall the furthest he could be from Justice while still being visible, facing him. He stared down at his right hand as he used the tips of his fingers to create his own rippling patterns in the night darkened water. His hair was dark, appeared to be black as midnight, and the glossy tresses hung down his back to lengths unknown. Though if Justice were to guess going by the strand hanging over one thin shoulder, he'd say it was possibly hip length if not longer. The man's skin was pale, but not pale like Axl's creaminess. His was a pale that was so pronounced he was almost translucent and he seemed to glow in the moonlight streaming through the glass ceiling.

"Stunning, right?" he asked in that strangely musical voice. It was smooth and pleasant to Justice's ears as silk was against his skin.

Stunning didn't even begin to cover it.

"Definitely," Justice agreed, water fountain forgotten. He studied the man's features. Everything about him was delicate from his obvious youth-eighteen, or, at the very most, nineteen-to his flawlessly arched eyebrows to his full lips.

"It's a depiction of Castor and Pollux. They're making a sacrifice to Persephone. Perhaps you've heard of them before? Do you have an interest in Greek mythology?"

"Not really."

"Then I won't bore you with further details."

Justice may not have had an interest in Greek mythology...but he did have an interest in this man before him. Wanting to hear the captivating voice again, he prodded, "Who, exactly, are Castor and Pollux?"

"Twin brothers. One immortal, the other not. Their love for each other was so great that when Castor died Pollux gave up half his immortality-oh, no, you were just humoring me, weren't you?" The man pushed up off the wall. Cautiously, he approached to within a few feet of Justice then stopped. His sudden halt caused the ends of his hair to sway enticingly around slim hips sheathed in a flowing material, validating Justice's theory about its length. "You didn't have to do that."

"Actually, I'm humoring myself more than anything else."

The younger man didn't speak for a moment, but then he finally asked, "Will you?"

"Will I what?"

"Humor me," he requested shyly, eyes steadily focused on the ground. "By answering a question."

"Ask away."

"Are you another victim brought here because of a loved one's..."

"Stupidity," Justice supplied. Drawn to the ethereal male, he crossed the remaining distance separating them.

He was a full head shorter than Justice and so lean as to be almost gaunt. He looked...fragile. Breakable. And he incited every protective instinct Justice possessed, more than Axl ever had, even as a thieving, half-starved, orphaned child. Justice wanted to claim the man, care for him, love him, make love to him. He wanted to worship him with his mind, his body, his soul...and his tongue.

And the fact that it was another man making Justice experience this whirlwind of emotions was irrelevant. What was more important was that the man was ardently in need of loving and sheltering...things Justice could provide. Things Justice urgently needed to provide.

"Not exactly the word I would have chosen," the youth whispered. "I'm Kairos, by the way. Kai for short.

"Justice. Just arrived yesterday morning. And, yes, my presence here is as the result of my dear friend's—"

"Callousness. It was callousness which landed you here, Justice. And I know it was callousness rather than stupidity because I am here because of my sister's."

Callousness. A word which implied Axl's continued drug use was fueled by aloofness as opposed to simplemindedness. It implied Axl was unfeeling about the havoc his actions wrought.

Was callousness truly the case? Was Axl's indifference the reason Justice was here, risking not just his life, but also his soul?

And, if so, how far did that indifference go? To the point Axl would sacrifice Justice to save himself?

"So, there are others here, then?" Justice asked, still thinking over the word's meaning.

"Many. As far as I can tell every room in our corridor is filled at present with the exception of one which is sure to be filled again soon. But you'll catch none daring enough to venture out. Other than me, that is. And in the absence of other companionship, I've been forced to turn to the inanimate siblings for comfort. That's why I'm really glad to meet you, Justice." All the while the Kairos spoke, he insistently stared at his feet.

Which made Justice ache to see his eyes. He knew they would be every bit as gorgeous as the rest of Kairos. "Then why are you telling your feet rather than me, Kai?"

Kairos shifted nervously, chuckling. "Old habits. You know what they say. Die hard and all that."

"And I say there's no time like the present to set the foundation for new ones. Healthy ones."

"Y-y-you w-want me to..." Top lashes fused to bottom as Kairos squeezed his eyes tightly shut. "I can't."

"Wanna bet? Because I'm betting you can."

"You don't understand," Kairos protested, backing away. "I-I'm a—"

"I won't hurt you." Justice took a single step forward which brought him right into Kairos's personal space. He placed the tip of a finger beneath the younger man's chin and tilted his face upwards. As the moon fully bathed the male's pale beauty in a silvery, shimmery light, Justice involuntarily sucked in a deep gulp of air.

Kairos was truly spectacular. Almost seemed possessed of a nonhuman quality.

Fairy, Justice thought illogically. Or elf. Or genie. Or...something. Something otherworldly.

"Let me see your eyes, Kai," Justice coaxed huskily, entranced. "Show them to me."

Kairos breathed in once. Twice. Three times.

Then his lids fluttered open.

Revealing eyes a pure, crystalline blue. Which were filled with terror. Of Justice.

Christ, Justice realized, someone had did a real number on the kid.

If Justice ever discovered who that someone was...

"I'm not that person from your past, Kai. Whoever it was that hurt you, I'm not him. You don't ever have to be afraid of me." Not knowing why he did it, outside of knowing he possessed a deep desire to ease Kairos, Justice grabbed one of the man's small, slender hands. Ignoring the startled gasp, he swiftly brought it to his mouth. His lips skimmed over its backside, the cool, smooth texture a touch of bliss which sparked exhilaration in every one of Justice's senses. "Cheers to the start of a new habit. Wasn't so bad, was it?"

"I would agree." With a tug, Kairos removed his hand from Justice's grasp. His eyes were lowered once again, but a small, delighted smile graced his lips as he used his other hand to cradle the retrieved member close to his chest, right above his heart. "But I really don't think I'll be needing those new habits."

Shit. "Your sister...?"

"Hasn't been heard from in the almost three days I've been here." Kairos's words were spoken quietly. They were heartbreaking to hear. "I'm honestly not of the opinion that she'll be completing her task by tomorrow."

Or returning to save him. She had deserted him. Callously.

"So why don't you leave?" Justice growled. "Right now. Walk down that driveway and right out the gate. Fuck your sister like she's trying to fuck you."

"Because if I leave, Saint will come after her." Kairos shook his head sadly. "Like Pollux felt for Castor, I can't bear the thought of my sibling's death. I only wish I had half of Pollux's immortality to share with her. Since I don't, it is my entire mortal life I'll have to sacrifice instead. My love for her has always been, and will always be, true as the love the Dioscouri shared for one another."

"Even if her's for you isn't? Fuck. That. You have to leave, Kairos. Is this something else I have to show you that you can do? Because I will, goddamn it."

"Will you?" Kairos asked softly, hopefully. "Will you take me from here? Will you keep me safe?"

Warning bells clanged in Justice's head. His mind screamed, What about Axl?

If Justice left with Kairos, it was a violation of his agreement with Saint. Automatic cause for Saint to take Axl's soul.

But where was Justice's guarantee that Axl wasn't going to try to screw him over first similar to Kairos and his sister? He'd heard nothing of Axl's actions outside of what Saint had already told him. He was completely in the dark, didn't know if Axl was still actively upholding his end in all of this or not.

And it was Kairos in front of him right now, not Axl, desperately in need of his help.

He'd do what he could for Kairos now, Justice impetuously decided. And he'd do what he could for Axl later.

"Yes, I'll take you from here. And you'll always be safe with me." Justice grabbed one of Kairos's hands. "C'mon, let's go."

Right at that moment, the sound of heavy footsteps sounded behind Justice. He whirled to confront the unwanted visitor, protectively shoving Kairos behind him. He came face to face with Saint's hulking henchman.

"What the fuck do you want?" Justice snarled, teeth bared.

"Down, boy," the man responded with a sneer. "I'm here because Axl has arrived with virgin number three."

A sick feeling settled in the pit of Justice's stomach. Virgin number three. Three. Firm proof Axl was upholding his end. "Why the hell you decide now to start giving me progress reports?"

"It's not you I'm reporting to, buddy."

"It's not me..." Comprehension dawning, Justice stepped away from Kairos's small figure.

Only to hear the beautiful youth sigh exasperatedly as he dropped his act. His expression reflected his chagrin as he stared up at the guard with icy blue eyes. "I swear, Bast, you absolutely have the worst timing."

"You said to let you know soon as he arrived."

"I know what the fuck I said, you sack of useless flesh covered toothpicks. But is it too much for me to expect you to occasionally use your common sense and just a little discretion?"

"I was just following—"

"You goddamned, motherfucking, hell spawned, piece of shit!" Justice exploded.

Saint had effortlessly played him. Had latched onto and used the one thing sure to always breach Justice's defenses.

Justice was a sucker for a person in need. Those weaker than him affected him intensely. Always had. Always would. It was how his friendship had started with King two decades ago when he'd saved the scrawny kid from a serious beat down, the whole reason behind Justice starting Los Olvidados for the forgotten kids of his childhood drug and crime infested neighborhood when they had no one else to turn to and it was the very basis of his relationship with Axl.

Justice wanted to fling himself onto the demon and pummel his tiny body bloody for his deceit. He'd planted seeds of doubt which had almost made Justice betray Axl.

Realization slammed down hard on Justice. Oh, fuck, he'd almost betrayed Axl.

Just short of acting on his rash desires, Justice's sanity and self-preservation returned. Clenching and unclenching his fists, he said, "At no time was it mentioned that I would be subjected to your fucking mind games while I was here, Saint."

"What did you expect, Justice? I'm a demon, for Christ sake. I corrupt, I don't nurture and coddle," Saint replied as he started for the conservatory's entrance, Bast falling into step behind him.

Cursing Saint from hell to heaven then back again, hoping he'd have an enlightening encounter with the archangel Michael somewhere along the way, Justice followed the two all the way into the compound's courtyard.

He had to see Axl with his own two eyes. He had to make sure Axl was still okay.

But when Justice attempted to follow through the second set of double doors, Bast stationed himself in the middle of the entryway, preventing him from entering. "Back to your room."

"Fuck off," Justice snapped. As he tried to push forcefully past the man, Bast, who towered over him by two to three inches and easily outweighed him by a good fifty pounds, blocked him again. "If I'm not mistaken, Bart, you're nothing more than a human lackey. Which means I already know how to kill you. Slowly and very, very painfully at that. And through various, creative methods which will have you lingering for days, begging for mercy. So, unless your goal is to one day be on the receiving end of my skills, I suggest you get the fuck out of my way."

"The name is Bast," the man barked, still obstructing the entrance.

"For the love of...Bast, if he wants in so bad, then let him in," Saint commanded impatiently from inside the room.

Giving Justice a look of pure loathing, Bast stepped partially out of the door's entrance. But that was all the leeway Justice needed. He entered the room, shoulder ramming hard into Bast's, eliciting a very satisfying grunt from the giant as he stumbled backwards a step.

"That's a good bitch, Bambi, follow orders like the inconsequential poodle you are," Justice commented, eyes scanning the room's interior.

A low rumble of warning sounded from the guard's throat. "My fucking name is Bast."

"That's what you take insult to? Not a very smart one, are you, Barb?" Justice goaded. "Just remember, your goals, my skills." Then the guard and his ire were forgotten as Justice's eyes connected with a green gaze across the room.

"J," Axl said weakly, his disconsolate expression brightening ever so slightly.

Though his soul was in mortal danger, Axl still looked like Axl. Granted, he looked like an Axl with an unhealthy pallor. And a completely worn out Axl. And an Axl who appeared much older than the twenty years he'd been on Earth.

But he was still very much an alive Axl. An Axl not affected by Justice's momentary lapse into rashness.

And he also looked dangerously close to collapsing under the weight of the drugged girl leaning against him. He barely appeared capable of keeping himself upright, yet he somehow managed to do so while also holding the girl up with an arm wrapped around her waist.

Justice crossed to the pair, relieving Axl of his load. The girl never opened her eyes, didn't notice a thing. She just leaned into Justice, snuggling her head trustingly under his chin.

Whose daughter was she? Whose sister?, Justice found himself wondering. Did she have friends and family who would mourn her once they discovered she was gone, never coming home?

And what had she been doing to bring her to Axl's notice?

A notice which would result in the death of her mortal form. And the torture of her soul for eternity.

She was nothing more than a necessary evil. A means to an end, Justice reminded himself forcefully.

Bottom line, it came down to her or Axl.

And Justice chose Axl. Would always choose Axl.

"This is much better than I'd ever expected," Saint crooned, sounding damn near orgasmic. "So nice."

Justice focused his attention on the demon, still in the beautiful form of Kairos. He was sprawled sideways in a velvet upholstered throne-like chair, one leg casually kicked over the chair's arm, the other planted on the floor in front of him. All that lustrous hair surrounded him like a rich mantle making him appear like some type of fucking boy-king.