Sex, Love, and Lies in the Asylum

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Tragedy leads to change of life.
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Kimberly was a twenty-one year old girl from a family of four kids. The oldest, Paul fourteen years her elder and Kimberly were very close, so when he was diagnosed with cancer Kimberly was devastated because she did not want to lose the one brother she was close to. Paul was the kind of guy Kimberly could talk to about anything, including boys, drugs, sex and school, and Paul would not judge her at all based on what she told him.

John nine years her elder and Kimberly were close but not as close as her and Paul were. John was not judgmental, but not very open minded about his baby sister having sex, using or experimenting with drugs, he was alright with her talking to him about boys, he did not want to see his baby sister get hurt.

When John learned Paul had cancer he came home from college to be with Kimberly and the rest of his family. John was the one that was studying to become a doctor in the family while the other kids had not made up their minds on what they wanted to be.

Mark twenty-six, five years Kimberly's elder, had decided to enlist in the military which made his mother cry and his father told him that he was proud of him for wanting to serve his country. Mark told his mother that he wanted to give back to the country that had made him proud to be an American citizen, when he put it that way she seemed to understand but still was not very fond of the idea of her youngest son serving in the military.

Mark got the call at the military base in San Diego, California telling him that his brother Paul was sick with cancer and they were not sure how long he had but that it was not good. Mark got an emergency family medical leave to be with his family, and arrived home the day that Paul had taken a turn for the worst.

Kimberly spent all day and night by Paul's side to make sure he was comfortable and had everything he needed that day. When Mark and John arrived at the house, Kimberly was in tears because there was nothing she could do to ease her brother's pain. Mark came into the bedroom, picked Kimberly up and swung her around in a big bear hug, then he put her down and told her that he would take over if she wanted so she could have a break. Kimberly told him that it would be great if she could go for a run and then have a shower.

Mark told her that John was downstairs and wanted to talk to her. Kimberly came down the darkened staircase intent on finding her brother John. She quietly stepped though the main room and she could see the faint light on in the fridge. As she expected she saw John bent forward as he shifted some of the leftovers aside while rummaging for a midnight snack. Suddenly the floor creaked underneath her feet.

John nearly jumped out of his skin, "Damnit Kimberly!"

She laughed and asked what he wanted to talk to her about, he told her that it could wait until she came back from her run as he knew she needed to get out and get some fresh air. She said she should only be gone an hour but that when she got back they could talk after her shower and he agreed to that.

Kimberly started stretching so that she would not injure herself while on her run, and Mark came down for a minute to get some ice water, seeing his sister stretching with her back to the door he snuck up and swatted her ass.

Kimberly nearly jumped out of her skin, "Damnit Mark."

She then went for her run in the park which was about four blocks from the house, and told her brothers that she would be taking her cell phone in case they needed to get a hold of her. They told her to go and have fun, not to worry to much while she was on her run, and that she should take her discman so she could listen to a cd while she was running.

Kimberly took her discman and put in her favorite workout cd, then left on her run telling them she will be back in an hour. She ran to the park, through the park and stopped when she felt her phone vibrate, as she had set it to vibrate so that she did not have to worry about missing a call.

She pulled the earphones off and answered the call, it was her brother Mark saying that Paul was getting worse and asked how far from the house she was. Kimberly told Mark that she would be there in ten minutes, and to let Paul know she was coming home.

Kimberly got home in five minutes and ran straight upstairs to Paul, curled up beside him and he held her in his arms saying he loved her and that because she was known for singing that he wanted her to sing her favorite song for him.

She sang her song that she had written years ago, she told him that it was his song and only his. Paul had also whispered to her that when he was gone she was to take his room, because he knew she would leave things as they were. She sang the song Little Angels, and cried when she looked to see that Paul had died in her arms while she was singing her song.

She could not believe the one brother she could always call on when in trouble was now dead, and did not want to leave his side, but her brother John came and pulled her away from him. John had been in medical school for three years and was doing his practicum at the local hospital and had gotten permission to take a mild sedative with him because he knew his sister might need it.

He told her that if she wanted he could give her something to help her rest for a bit and she was adamant about not taking anything. He understood and told her if she changed her mind that he had something she could take to help her rest, and she looked him straight in the eyes and said, "If you think I am going to take something just so I can rest you are crazy."

He smiled at her and told her that it was okay to take something should she need it, but she was so damned stubborn that he knew he may just have to give it to her any way. Kimberly said that she would be back in an hour or so and when asked where she was going she did not say but put her headphones back on and grabbed her phone.

She knew where she was going and knew they may not approve of her going to see her foster family because as her family had often told her they were undesirable people that she did not need in her life any more. Kimberly had run away from home many times when she was younger and was finally placed in foster care, when the judge asked why she ran away and she told him it was to get away from her abusive step-mother.

Kimberly was then placed in a foster home that was all bikers, but she did not care because at least she was not at a place where she was being verbally, physically and emotionally abused.

Kimberly came to call the bikers her family and knew that no matter what even after she was no longer a ward of the court, that she could return to talk to them about her life, any problems that came up or just to talk in general. Kimberly ran to their house, and when she got there Jason was outside working on his bike.

He spotted Kimberly running in his direction and when she got to the house she ran right past him into the basement. Kimberly had asked her foster father for the gravity boots after her accident, so she could regain the strength in upper and lower back in order to regain the use of her legs. Then got herself set up to use the gravity boots she knew they had kept because they told her they would not get rid of them in case she wanted to use them again.

When she had the boots on, she hauled herself up and hooked them to the bar, hung upside for a bit. Jason came into the basement and scared her when he tapped her leg, she pulled her headphones off her ears, growled at him for scaring her and told him she needed time alone.

He asked her what had her so upset and she told him she would tell him in a bit, but that for now she needed time alone. He respected that and told her not to hang there for too long or she would pass out because she was no longer used to hanging upside down like that.

She laughed and told him he was wrong that she was attending school at night and working on the military base during the day where she was learning to fly jets. Jason looked at her and smiled saying that he was proud of his baby sister, which got her crying again and she then put the headphones back on, cranked up the tunes on her cd and hung upside down again.

Jason went upstairs and looked for his father, Kimberly's foster father to let him know she was there and in a mood, but had asked for time to be alone.

Jason was glad to see his baby sister even though she was his foster sister, he considered her more of a sister than a foster sister and that made Kimberly feel like she finally belonged to a family.

Jason found Raymond, Kimberly's foster father and told him that she had come running up the front steps, straight into the basement and hung upside down in the gravity boots. Raymond was concerned and went to see her, told her to get her ass out of the boots, stand up, look at him and tell him what was upsetting her so. She growled at him and told him she needed to have some time alone, then answered her phone as it had started to vibrate against her hot sweaty body.

It was her brother John making sure she was okay and not in any kind of trouble, she assured him she was fine and would be home in a couple of hours. She hung up and put the headphones back on, only to have Raymond take them off of her, tell her to get out of the boots, stand up and tell him what was upsetting her so. She did as she was told because she respected her foster father, and did not want to upset him any more than he was already, so she sat on the steps leading to the basement and proceeded to cry.

Raymond asked her again, "What has you so upset kitten?"

She answered him by saying, "My brother Paul just died of cancer, and we were so close. It hurts more than I thought it would daddy."

He took her in his arms, and rocked her saying that he was there for her and if she did not want to go home to her family she did not have to. He understood when she told him she had better as she was the only one that could keep the peace in the house now that Paul was gone, and told her that he and the boys were there if she needed them.

She considered Raymond to be more of a father than her own, as her own father had accused her of lying when she tried to tell him her step-mother was beating her, calling her names and saying to others that she wishes that Kimberly had been given up for adoption. Kimberly hugged her foster father and thanked him for being there when she needed him the most.

She rose with such grace and poise, that her foster father told her was proud of the beautiful young lady she had turned out to be and was glad that he had the pleasure of helping her to become such a sweet young lady. She told him she best be going, so that John did not worry about her and come looking for her.

Then she went and found Jason, gave him a hug and thanked him for being there for her as well. Jason told her he would always be there for his baby sister. She stretched and said good bye to everyone then ran home to find John, and Mark fighting over who was going to get Paul's room, she told them she was to have it because those were Paul's last words to her other than he loved her.

She jumped in the shower and ended up sinking down into the tub crying, well Mark was walking by the bathroom and heard her crying, so he knocked on the door and asked if she was okay. Kimberly told him she was fine and that she would not be long in getting out of the shower if he needed it, he told her that he was not in a hurry to use the shower and to take her time.

She told him that she was going to get out, order supper and then lay down for a bit, he asked her if she needed anything to help her relax.

Kimberly told him that she was not sure just yet but that she would let him know if she did and he told her she would tell John that she might be looking for him later. She thanked Mark and he told her to just relax and enjoy her shower, which she told him she intended to do. She got out about ten minutes later, got dressed in her favorite pajamas that Paul had bought for her the Christmas before, went downstairs and ordered pizza for supper.

She had three pieces of pizza, then excused herself from the kitchen and went upstairs to rest for a bit. John came up and asked if she needed something to help her relax and she took him up on his offer, little did she know though that it was not a sleeping pill but was a sedative that had to be given by injection. Well, Kimberly still had not overcome her fear of needles which made it even more difficult to get her to relax, so John called Mark upstairs to help him get her calmed down enough that he could give her the sedative. Mark came and of course Kimberly turned her back on her brother John because he was still talking about the sedative having to be given by injection.

Mark held Kimberly in his arms telling her that he loved her and knew that it was hard for her to lose the one brother that she was close to. Kimberly told him that she loved all her brothers equally, but that she felt closer to Paul because he never judged her when she talked to him about sex, drugs, alcohol or boys.

After about fifteen minutes Kimberly fell asleep, while Mark and John kept watch over her to make sure she would be okay after having been given the sedative.

John told Mark he was going to the kitchen to get a drink, but that if Mark needed him all he had to do was shout down to him from the top of the stairs. Kimberly's dad was away on business, but when he got the call about Paul dying he got on the first flight he could to be with his family.

When he got home, he asked where Kimberly was and was told she was upstairs resting because she had to be given a sedative that is how upset she was. He went upstairs to check on his little girl and when he got there she was awake, talking with Mark about her being in the military. Well, as you can imagine her dad went off on a tangent about her joining the military, to which she told him that she was a grown woman and had the right to make that decision for herself.

He agreed, but said that he was worried if she got called to duty that they may not see her for quite some time and that scared him. Kimberly looked at him with shock, because she had never in all her years growing up in that house had heard her father admit to being afraid of anything and she told him that she was glad to hear how he felt.

She offered to talk to him about what it was that scared him so about her being in the military and her dad told her that once they had the funeral for Paul they would get together to discuss what he was scared about. Kimberly's step mom had died the year before in a car accident so it was just her, her dad and the two boys left to make the funeral arrangements.

John said that he needed to check Kimberly over to make sure that she was not suffering any side effects from the sedative so Mark offered to make the funeral arrangements, and Kimberly told him that Paul's suit was at the cleaners.

Mark asked Kimberly if she would be willing to sing at the funeral, to which she replied by telling him that there were four songs she wanted to sing at the funeral, and that she would arrange the music for them herself. Kimberly had the advantage of learning to play the piano when she was in foster care, so she went and called her foster father to see if they still had the piano she had learned on and he told her that it was in the garage.

She asked him if he would be willing to put it back in the living room so she could come and put some songs to music for her brother Paul's funeral, he told her would be more than happy to do so. She also asked him if he could get someone in to tune it since it might be in need of a major tune up. He told her that he would do that in the next day or two and she thanked him, then told him that she wanted to come and play the piano the next day.

He told her she was always welcome at their home and that he would have Jason and Clinton bring the piano into the house for her so that she could come by later that night if she wanted to see how the piano played. She thanked him and told him that she would be there in an hour or two, that she had to get the songs she wanted to sing at the funeral together, then she would be on her way.

Kimberly found the one song and poems, which is what they started out to be and told her family that she was going to see her foster family to use the piano there, so she could put the poems to music. They asked her if she wanted a ride, she told them that she would be fine running there and that she would get Jason or Clinton to bring her home later that night.

They did not like that idea very much but understood that she needed to do this on her own, then they told her to call them when she arrived at her foster home to let them know she had arrived okay. She agreed to do so and called her foster father to let him know she was on her way, he asked if she wanted Jason, Clinton or himself to come get her, she told him no that she would be running there and would see him shortly.

She stretched for about five minutes then put her headphones on and cranked the cd while she ran to her foster home. She took her cell phone and had it on vibrate once again so that she would not miss any calls that came in while she was running to their home. She arrived about fifteen minutes later at her foster home, where Jason, Clinton and Raymond were waiting for her with a special surprise, but they would not tell her what the surprise was.

They would not let her in the house until they had her close her eyes, but that was not good enough for them. They had to blindfold her before they would take her into the house to see her long lost foster brother George whom she had not seen since she was fifteen years old.

When they got her into the house George picked her up and swung her around, put her back down, hugged her and then kissed her cheek, but she did not know who it was yet. They took the blindfold off and she was so happy to see George that she forgot about the piano until he said that he had tuned it for her.

They went into the living room, where Kimberly sat at the piano and started playing the one song she remembered learning there when she was growing up. Kimberly had learned to play the song "Wind beneath my wings, by Bette Midler" she wanted to play that one at the funeral for Paul, as he had always been the wind beneath her wings.

She knew that he liked that song and would be happy that she had chosen it as one of the songs she wanted to sing at his funeral, she stopped suddenly and excused herself for a few moments. They grew concerned when she did not come back after ten minutes, so Jason said that he thought he knew where she had gone, so he could check and see if she was doing what he thought she was.

Jason went to the basement where he found Kimberly hanging upside down in the gravity boots, and she saw him come down the stairs this time because she turned herself so she was facing the stairs.

She closed her eyes and went back to listening to her cd, but Jason knew she was avoiding talking about what she was feeling, so he took the headphones off her, then took her discman away and told her that she needs to talk about what was on her mind. She told him that she did not know how to go on with her life without her brother Paul.

Jason said, "That is not the only thing that has you upset is it sis?"

Kimberly told him that he was right, but that she did not wish to discuss what else was upsetting her right then and there, but he told her he would not leave until she talked to him. Kimberly told him that she was not in the talking mood but that she knew he was right, that she needed to learn to talk about her feelings and he told her that he knew he was right about that. Jason was what others knew as a dominant male, and Kimberly was just now realizing that there was something different about Jason.