She is Shared

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Her dreams come true when she is shared with three friends.
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I had been trying to set up a fun gathering at my house with my group of martial arts friends for several months, but everyone's schedules were always so busy that it was hard to coordinate a date. We finally found a Saturday afternoon and evening that would work for everyone, so I began making plans.

Being that it was summer, I definitely wanted to enjoy the benefits of the season. I thought it would be fun to all go down to the community swimming pool and cool off after a good workout in our Saturday afternoon martial arts class. Then we could all head back to my house and grill out, watch a movie, play some games and have a few drinks. One of the guys that would be coming over would have to stay overnight since he lived an hour east of my house, but I was fine with that. I had a secret crush on him anyway, and the thought of him spending the night in my house was making me blush. I also had a secret crush on my martial arts instructor, but he was forbidden territory given that he was very happily married. Hell, who am I kidding, everyone was forbidden territory as I was married as well! Oh well, it didn't hurt to have secret crushes, did it? I mean, it's not as if it would go anywhere.

The date of the gathering was finally here and I was really excited to get to spend some social time with my friends outside of our martial arts class. They were a really cool group of people, but we didn't get to spend social time together very much. So I was really looking forward to our evening.

We were just finishing up our afternoon class and then planned to head to the pool. I must admit I was getting a little turned on thinking about playing around in the pool with these muscular, good-looking guys, especially my two crushes. But I was a little nervous about wearing a swimsuit in front of them.

I am very self-conscious about my body as I have two kids and still have some baby weight on me. Martial arts and watching what I eat has been helping me to lose weight and get my toned figure back, but it is taking longer than I would like. I am of average height and am somewhat more than average weight, though I am becoming more toned and fit. I am also on the small side when it comes to my breasts, which also makes me a bit self-conscious. But my husband seems to like them just the way they are, so I don't worry about it much.

We were finishing up the last of our stretches at the end of class when my sexy instructor asked, "So will your husband and kids be coming out to the pool with us?"

"Well, Ryan will be coming, though he might not swim much since he doesn't really like the water. He'll probably just come watch and hang out. The kids will actually be spending the evening with their grandma so she can get some quality time with her grandkids, " I answered.

"Cool," he replied in his nonchalant way. Shivers traveled up my spine whenever he spoke. Everything about him was so damned sexy!

We finished class and all started heading out. There were three guys from class that would be hanging out with my husband and me. Brandon was one of the guys I had a serious crush on and was the one that lived out of town. Christian was my martial arts instructor, on whom I had a huge crush. And Aaron was a really fun guy that was easy to get along with. Normally, Brandon's cousin, Jared, would carpool and come to class with him but he had plans this weekend so he wouldn't be hanging out with us. Oh well, it would be fun with just the three who could make it, I thought.

I headed back to my house after class to change into my suit and pick up Ryan. He had cleaned up the kids' toys and gotten the grill out of the garage for our cookout. The kids were already at my mom's house, so all we had to do was grab our stuff and go.

"How was class?" Ryan asked as we were grabbing the sunscreen, towels and water bottles.

"Good. I learned some new sequences today which was really cool."

"Nice." His hazel eyes were bright with pride in the strides I had made since starting martial arts again.

We grabbed our sunglasses and my purse and headed out to the car. Linkin Park played through the stereo speakers and the cold A/C blew on us to ward against the hot June temperatures just outside the windows. The drive to the pool was short, and when we pulled into the parking lot across the street we saw the other guys waiting for us just inside the gate. Ryan and I paid for our pool passes and joined the small group inside the gate.

As we walked to a set of lounge chairs at the side of the pool, I began to feel a little nervous again about wearing a swimsuit around the other guys. It was one thing to wear my martial arts clothes, which were somewhat form fitting. It was a completely separate thing to wear a bikini top and short swim skirt, which revealed the smallness of my breasts and the fullness of my hips, butt and thighs. Oh well, I thought to myself, just have fun and forget about it. I wasn't one to easily blush or become embarrassed, even though it was easy for me to feel self-conscious.

We set all our belongings on the chairs and shrugged off our sandals. The guys were only wearing board shorts, which had my heart beating faster than it should have been. I peeled off my tank top and shorts to reveal my black, gray, yellow and white bikini top and solid black skirt. I noticed slightly approving glances from the guys, which boosted my confidence and made me forget my self-consciousness. Brandon, Christian, Aaron and I ran into the water, splashing each other and laughing. Ryan waded in a little bit, but preferred not to go in all the way. He didn't mind that I swam out into the middle of the pool with the other guys and splashed and played. We were all having a good time, and that was what mattered.

A few times while we splashed, swam and played together in the water, I sneakily watched Brandon's glorious biceps flexing and Christian's dark hair and tan Latino skin dripping with water. It made me wet, and not from the pool water. Damn it, I wished I could be taken, dominated, owned, by them! But my body and soul were already given to Ryan, so I knew it would never happen. Sadness poured through me for a split second, and then I pushed the thought aside and focused on enjoying the fun we were having together as friends.

We swam and played together for about two hours before deciding we better head back to my house and start up the grill for dinner. Ryan fired up the grill once we got home and I started pulling out the vegetables and my homemade veggie burgers for grilling. The guys each brought the extras, mostly chips and drinks, and we got dinner going. It was a beautifully warm evening with clear blue skies so we enjoyed dinner outside on the patio once it was ready. We had never even bothered to change back into regular clothes when we got back from the pool, but our suits were long-since dry.

After we polished off the main course, I brought out dessert. Since strawberries were in season I made a favorite light dessert of mine - chocolate covered strawberries, tantalizing and sweet. A perfect little bite-sized finger food. The plate I brought out was quickly devoured. It was a good thing I had some extras in the refrigerator that hadn't fit on the plate, just in case anyone wanted more later on.

It was starting to get dark out, so we decided to head inside, change clothes and get ready for a movie. We hadn't decided what to watch before everyone came over. So we just looked through Ryan's and my movie collection and chose "Kung Fu Panda" for something funny and action-y at the same time. The five of us tried to squeeze together on the couch, but that wasn't working so Ryan and I gave the guests the couch while he and I sat together in the recliner.

I sat on his lap and got comfortable, or as comfortable as I could get with the wetness growing between my legs. We had all been having such a fun evening I didn't want it to end. And it was making me extra horny having my two crushes, and a cute friend, hanging out in my house with Ryan and me. Somehow Ryan could tell I was getting horny. He kept giving me looks throughout the movie that clearly displayed his knowledge of my wetness.

Around the middle of the movie, he slowly started slipping his hand higher up on my right thigh, teasing me with feather-light touches. I slipped a glance over toward the guys to see if they had noticed, but they were all involved in the scene of the movie.

A little while later, Ryan's touches became slightly less discreet. He trailed his hand further up my thigh and slipped his fingers underneath the hem of my shorts. I could feel my face heating up with a rush of excitement and adrenaline at the possibility of being caught. He suddenly shifted me to a more open position on his lap, keeping his right hand inside the bottom of my shorts and holding me tight with his left arm across my chest. At the rustling movement the guys each turned their heads to steal a glance at what was going on in the recliner. With raised eyebrows, they noted a hand in my shorts and the other holding me tight against Ryan. I froze in excitement at being caught, a savage thrill running through me. Without a word, they turned back to the movie, but I could tell they were all interested in what was going on.

As the final scene played out, Ryan took it one step further and reached his right hand all the way to the top of my thigh and began slowly stroking my pussy through my panties. My heart nearly beat out of my chest I was so excited by this overt exposure in front of my three friends. Ryan still had me gripped against his chest with his left arm and made no move to let go when the credits started rolling. His slow, tender stroking was making me incredibly wet and turned on until I couldn't hold back a tiny mew of a moan.

"That's right, Kitty, purr for me," he whispered in my left ear, using his nickname for me.

As the credits ended, he slowly, slowly enough for the guys to notice, pulled his hand free from my shorts and released me with his left arm. I was so riled up I didn't know what to do. So I dumbly got up and turned the TV and DVD player off, my cheeks heated with excitement. I turned the living room lights back on.

"Does anyone want anything to drink or anything?" I offered. My voice came out a little more shrill than normal.

I could swear I saw wanton looks briefly cross the guys' faces, but they were replaced with smiles. Everyone picked out their drinks and took bathroom breaks.

"How about we play a game? Or do you and Aaron need to get home?" I asked Christian. It was already 10:30 PM.

"I'm up for a game," Christian said.

"Me, too. I don't need to be home for anything," agreed Aaron.

"Okay. What should we play?" I asked everyone. "We have several board games, or we could challenge each other to a game on the Wii."

Brandon got a devilish look on his face. "Here's an old-school one for you. What about Truth or Dare?"

My heart skipped a beat. I used to love that game when I was young, but I could easily see the direction it could take with a bunch of 20-somethings in the room, especially after what they all witnessed Ryan doing. Everyone seemed to have looks of anticipation on their faces.

"That sounds like a great idea," piped in Ryan.

I swallowed, feeling slightly nervous. "Sure, that sounds fun," I agreed.

We all sat in a circle on the living room floor, our drinks on the coffee table and fireplace hearth surrounding us.

"I'll start," Aaron stated. "Christian, truth or dare?"

"Hmm, truth," Christian decided.

"Okay. Did you see what was going on in the recliner during the movie?" he asked with a sly smile while pointedly avoiding my gaze. I think my mouth hung open in shock for a few seconds before I remembered to close it. I thought the game might eventually turn in this direction, but not right away!

"Yes, I certainly did. That was easy," Christian smiled. "My turn. Brandon, truth or dare?"


"What were you thinking about when you saw Ryan's hand inside Madison's shorts?"

Again, I froze in shock and a thrill of adrenaline pulsed through my veins. I bowed my head at the bluntness of the question. It was too direct for me to look into my friends' and husband's eyes. Though my eyes were down, I could feel Brandon's on me.

"I was thinking about pulling those shorts off and seeing the results of all that soft stroking Ryan was doing." I swallowed hard again. "My turn." I heard a note in his tone and knew it was my turn. "Madison, truth or dare?"

"Umm, I-I guess truth." I felt it was safer to take a truth than a dare in case Brandon might ask for something as bold as "those shorts" to come off.

"Does it excite you to know we all saw you being touched intimately?"

"Y-yes," I admitted quietly. Quickly I continued, "Ryan, truth or dare?"

"Dare," he challenged, smiling. How could he be so unaffected by my friends' intimate questions about me? Why wasn't he getting angry or speaking up to let them know they'd crossed a line?

"Um, I dare you to..." I looked everywhere around the room except at the four guys in the room while trying to come up with something innocent for him to do. "I dare you to..."

"Come on, Kitty, we don't have all night," he lightly chided. Whoa, did he just use his nickname for me in front of the guys? What was going on here? With that, he grabbed me in a big hug and began deeply kissing me in front of everyone, making me grow a little bit wetter in the process. When he broke off the kiss, I was slightly panting. He kept his right arm firmly around my shoulders, holding me to him. "That will suffice for your dare for me. Now it's my turn." He turned to look at my friends. "No more questions. I dare all three of you to join me in taking my wife for the rest of the night, and for as long as each of you would like after tonight."

I whipped my head toward Ryan in complete and utter shock. I had no idea what to say or do, so I just silently sat there feeling dumbfounded. He turned to look at me.

"You heard me right, Kitty. I'm not naïve. I know I don't fulfill your desires to be dominated the way you crave. So I am asking your friends to fill in where I cannot. They will be your Masters and you their slave. I will still be your husband. Your heart still belongs to me. But your body will be shared among your Masters whenever they want you." At my blank look, he continued, "It has already been discussed between us."

"And don't worry about my wife," Christian said, reading my mind. "She is open to this as long as you are open to sharing Ryan with her, which you will be." His tone gave me no option. But I found I really was okay with that if Christian was to be one of my Masters.

Shock and anticipation ran through my body. I didn't know what to do, so I waited for their cue.

"I will stay here with you tonight to make sure you are okay. But after tonight you are to go by yourself with any one of your Masters at any time they choose you. Is that understood?" asked Ryan.

"Yes," I quietly answered.

"Good. Now let's let your Masters get to know you a little better." Ryan gave a smile to the others. "She's yours," he said, motioning me toward them.

"First of all, Maddie, we expect you to obey us without question. If you do question, you will be punished. Do you understand?" Christian asked, looking straight at me. His voice gave me wonderful chills.

"Yes," I answered, still quiet. Christian tilted his head to the side, giving me a chastening look.

"Come on, Maddie. You should know the rules. Yes what?"

"Yes, Sir," I corrected.

"That's better. I have something for you." He got up, grabbed his overnight bag and brought it over to the circle. He reached inside and rummaged for a few seconds before pulling his hand out. Inside his palm he held a thick faux leather collar with D rings attached around it and a silver nameplate engraved with "KITTY" on the front. "Come here."

I scooted over so I knelt in front of him. He held up the collar and stretched it around the back of my neck to buckle it into place. It felt slightly heavy on my neck and reminded me where I stood with these men in the room. I still had not looked anyone in the eye, for I was afraid of any retribution for that action. Everyone looked at the collar admiringly, seeming happy with what it symbolized.

Christian reached back into his overnight bag and pulled out two faux leather wrist cuffs, then two ankle cuffs. They each had D rings attached around the circumference of the cuffs. He slipped a hand lightly around my right wrist, pulling it toward him, and the touch was like electricity. It shot excited energy through me straight to my most private places. He deftly attached a cuff to my wrist and buckled it shut, then did the same to my left wrist and ankles. I let him attach them without a fight. After all, I had been fantasizing about this for so long, why would I fight?

"I like the way those look on you," he commented.

"Thank you, Sir," was all I could think of to say.

"I'd like to see you wearing nothing but those. Now." Oh god, his voice! I could probably orgasm just from listening to him saying these things to me! Well, maybe not orgasm, but I was definitely getting very wet and turned on.

Feeling self-conscious again, I did not move right away. I was seriously supposed to simply remove all my clothes in front of my three friends? I guess that was exactly what they expected from the waiting looks on their faces. Sitting in the middle of the circle, fully on the spot, I wanted to hide under something. I felt incredibly vulnerable and visible, not a spot I usually like to be in. But I could plainly see I would get nowhere by arguing, so I slowly began to remove my t-shirt. Once off, Brandon threw it off to the side out of my reach. I tried to give them pleading eyes, really wishing I could hide.

"Do we need to help you? There will be punishment if you make us help," Aaron spoke up. I shivered at the implied threat.

"No, Sir." I started moving again, pulling my shorts down my legs and off my feet. Aaron snatched them from me, giving me a satisfied grin, before tossing them across the room. I quickly covered my stomach with my arms, not wanting to show off the fact that I did not have a flat stomach. I immediately received impatiently raised eyebrows all around, hinting for me to continue before punishment was decided on. I lifted my hands and gripped my bra, pulling it over my head. Brandon grabbed it from me and shoved it aside. Trying to curl into a ball, I slipped my panties down my legs without openly showing too much. Someone took them away from me and I was left completely naked, as commanded, with nothing but the cuffs and collar on.

"There you go. Good girl," Brandon said from my left side, reaching out to stroke my left shoulder and down my arm. "You don't need to hide from us. We think you're beautiful and sexy, and we're really looking forward to having you as our slave."

His sweet words helped bring me out of my shell a little bit, though I was still nervous at them seeing me so fully naked. They could see how self-conscious I was, so they decided to use the handy cuffs I was wearing to suit their desires. Aaron produced two two-foot spreader bars from his overnight bag that had hefty clips attached at the ends. With the help of all four guys, they easily had me laid flat on my back with the bars attached to my cuffs. Brandon pulled the bar connecting my wrists together above my head and knelt on it to keep my arms from moving. Aaron knelt on the bar between my ankles, affectively immobilizing me.

Ryan moved away and sat on the couch to give the guys freedom to explore my body, but he stayed near enough that I could see him. That helped me feel a little better knowing he was being supportive of this, though I was still amazed at how calm he was about it.