Silk and Ash

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Dark sword and sorcery erotica.
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A primordial world, savage and feral. The ochre sky hung thick and oppressive with the promise of rain. Swirls of soot and ash drifted past.

A gravel path led up the mountain. The man climbed the mountain. His destiny lay at the top.

Sweat covered his thick corded muscles, darkened from exposure to the elements. His muscles bulged beneath black chain link armor. Grit from his long journey coated his hard body. His exposed flesh was crossed with scars. On his right shoulder the flesh had been badly burned.

His chiseled face was handsome and hard. His steely eyes had seen much. He wore a black helmet. Spiked at the top, white horns protruding from each side like tusks.

He carried a spear that currently served as a walking stick, encumbered as he was with a sword and bow, a shield strapped to his back and a knife stuck into his boot. He made slow progress as he picked his way across the broken granite slope.

The man had arrived at the foot of the mountain on horseback but left the animal at the base when he began the climb. This was no place for the skittish creature. It would have been terrified in this hellish environment and made his quest more difficult than it already was.

After a climb of long hours, he reached a granite shelf in the side of the mountain. A sheer cliff topped with a flat ledge. Strapping his spear on his pack, he began to climb. Thick muscles strained as he hauled himself and his weapons up the crumbling surface.

As he climbed he recited his mantra. Three words. Silk. Ivory. Sky.

He repeated them over and over. Each word had a special meaning to him. Each word a previous quest.

At the top of the sheer wall of rock he paused to catch his breath. The ash in the air made it nearly impossible to breath. He removed his helmet and wiped sweat from his brow with the back of his gloved hand. He unscrewed his water skin and took a long drink.

He sat with his legs dangling over the side of the cliff and thought about his past missions.

The spear he carried, with its long sturdy shaft and ornately carved head, was called a yari and it had been a gift given to him on a quest beyond the Burning Sands.


He thought of his burnt shoulder. The wrinkled mass of scar tissue, healed over the years, but never completely recovered. He will carry that scar the rest of his life.


And his latest adventure. The first moments of that battle had been epic. When he eventually won, it wasn't what he had been expecting.


Each scar, each wound, each gift, was a badge that he wore with pride. Each one represented a hard fought victory. And he thought about his own name. Jagatai. He hoped his name would be remembered for all time. It would blaze through history, forever coupled with his incredible quest.

He took a length of dried meat from his pouch and ate. He needed to keep his strength up. It would take everything he had when he reached the top. Then he resumed his march.


At the mouth of the cave Jagatai paused. Beyond was a black maw that seemed to suck in all light and gave nothing in return. It was the darkness of the grave. He stood there a long time listening for any sign of what he hoped lay inside.

Jagatai crossed the mouth of the cave. Darkness blinded him. Slowly his eyes adjusted and he was able to make out some details. The cave was enormous. Roughly circular, with a low ceiling and a rise in back as the cave pushed deeper into the mountainside.

Past the mouth were carcasses of various animals. Horses. Deer. Sheep. All the flesh stripped away. There was an overturned bulk of a wagon and even the hull of a sailing ship. The keel cracked, debris littered the ground.

Jagatai saw treasure in the debris. Gold pieces. Gems. Even books. But he also saw corpses in the wreckage. Skeletal figures still wrapped in shredded leather and bits of steel armor. Some had weapons, most did not. The grey bones crumbled to dust as he walked through.

There was a tension in the air that was palpable.

Jagatai crouched low and advanced deeper into the chamber, breath coming ragged and deep, heart slamming against his ribcage. This was what he lived for.

Shrouded in shadows at the back of the cave slumbered an enormous dragon. She must have been forty feet long from head to tail. Razor sharp claws. Pointed snout with teeth like swords. An impenetrable armor of red scales covered her massive body. In the darkness the scales were the color of dried blood.

Her tail twitched lazily back and forth. Even in rest, this female radiated power. This was a goddess incarnate. A titan of destruction. This was power beyond anything he could imagine.

Jagatai's member grew hard under his armor.

As he advanced he unslung his shield, tucked his spear under his shoulder.

Before he reached the creature, he had the misfortune of stepping on a loose stone. It skittered away from him and smacked into some irregularity in the floor.

She woke. One large red eye focused on him. In that moment she knew he was here for her. A roar filled the chamber, deafened him. Stones rattled on the floor. The walls vibrated from the concussive force.

Her head pulled back. She drew up to her full height, eyes locked on the intruder. She wasted no time. She lunged. Claws slashed at him, intending to put a quick end to this nuisance.

Jagatai knew what to expect. He jumped back, but he was not as fast as she, not by a long shot. Her claws raked across his armor. His spear was smashed into kindling. He tossed the splinters aside and braced his shield.

He knew what came next. Everyone knew what was next.

The dragon drew a deep breath.

Jagatai did the same. Shut his eyes.

Flame blasted against his shield. The kinetic force pushed him back, nearly knocking him over. If that had happened, he would have been killed instantly. But he stood his ground, shaky but firm.

The heat splashed over him. The flames licked the edges of his shield. Metal grew red hot in his hands. Only the leather strap protected his arm from being completely incinerated.

Then, just as suddenly as it started, the flame dissipated, leaving behind a ringing in his ears and circles of light in his vision.

Jagatai tossed his shield aside. He drew his blade and charged the monster. She was spent, clearly not expecting an attack. This human was unlike any other she had encountered.

With a roar of his own, he ran straight at her head, which was still level with him after the blast of flame.

He muscles bulged. He swung his sword, throwing his whole weight into this one strike. The steel connected with the tip of her snout. And ricocheted off. The shock reverberated up his arm, nearly tearing his arm from the socket. He grunted. Endured the pain.

The dragon blinked. The blow only a glancing one, but the surprise caught her off guard. She shook her head and pulled her head back. "How dare you?" Her voice thundered. "You cannot possibly harm me."

Gasping, Jagatai pulled his helmet off and tossed it aside. His shaggy hair plastered to his neck. He stank of sweat. "You are right, Great One," he called out. His voice didn't waver. "I could never hope to defeat a dragon in combat." After catching her attention with the attack, he followed with flattery. "I am here to parley."

She snorted. A blast of hot air hit him in the face. Her head turned away. Even a man as audacious as this didn't merit her attention.

"I survived your flame attack," he continued confidently. "Now give me another challenge."

That intrigued her. She turned back to face the hulking human that was still barely a morsel to her. "What kind of challenge could your puny body endure, Little One?"

He didn't rise to the bait. Instead he said, "Poetry."

She blinked. "What?"

"I saw books in your collection near the entrance," he said. "Ask me for a quote. Anything your heart's desire."

The dragon lowered her massive body. Legs curled beneath her, claws sheathed. She pondered this new situation. Never had an encounter with a human unfolded this way. Never had a human intrigued her enough to actually consider granting such an outlandish request.

At last her jaws opened. Her lips perked in a facsimile of a smile. "Very well." Her voice deep and melodic. She knew he couldn't possibly know the all works she had read over the course of centuries. It was a ludicrous challenge. And she looked forward to eating this impudent human after he failed.

She said:

'Though the tortoise with its magic shell lives long, its days are numbered.
Though the sparrow flits from branch to branch, her songs will someday end.
And the old warhorse put to pasture, will dream of a bygone youth.'

Her red eyes leveled on him, dissected him, searching for the first sign of weakness.

Jagatai knew that any doubt or hesitation would mean his death. He knew this poem. He was a learned man. And his eidetic memory never failed him. All he had to do was summon the image of the page.

He finished the poem:

'Though the dragon soars on clouds of mist, his bones are doomed to dust.
Yet the noble man, advanced in years, will live forever more.
For life itself is a fleeting thing, but legends never die.'

After he spoke, the silence that filled the cavern was deafening.

The red dragon pondered long and hard. She was impressed but she needed more. At length she spoke again, this time the tone was low, barely a whisper.

'Yellow leaves rain down
Urged by the western wind.
A parasol shelters me.'

He knew this one too. It was a sorrowful poem.

'Autumn's somber colors
Haunt me with death
And the pain of loneliness.'

She watched him with wary eyes.

He took a step forward and pressed his verbal attack. "I passed your second challenge. Now I ask again for parley."

"What could we possibly have to parley about, you and I?" Her tone was drawl. But her eyes were alert. She was curious, despite her caution.

"I have an offer to make, Great One." He sheathed his sword. "One last challenge, this time on my terms. If I succeed you will serve me."

The dragon howled. Stones rattled on the floor. Debris rained from the low ceiling. The sound of it filled the chamber. Whether it was rage or laughter, Jagatai couldn't tell. But when she fell silent she asked, "And what happens when you fail?"

He gestured at the spoils she had accumulated near the entrance. "I will bring more treasure to you. Gold. Jewels. Anything you desire."

"And how will I serve you should you succeed?"

His grin was wolfish. His member hard. "I'll think of something."

"Before I agree to this outrageous proposition, I must ask. What is the final challenge? I won't agree to anything until I know the parameters."

"Of course," Jagatai said. He walked right up to her. He stood beside her massive claws, one draped casually over the other. He knew that at any moment she could slice him to bits and he would have no chance to defend himself. But he also knew that she wouldn't. What he said intrigued her.

"You will use your magic to take human form. Then I will make you desire me with just a single kiss."

The dragon roared. Walls shook again. The ground shuddered. The beast sprang to her haunches. She glared down at him, fire burned in her eyes. In a second, she would release that fire and consume him.

"I mean no disrespect, Great One."

"I will destroy you, insect that you are."

"A single request." Jagatai smiled. To him this was pillow talk. God, he ached for her! "You have so very much you can gain from this. My service. You've seen how capable I am. Imagine the spoils I can bring to you."

The dragon paused. "And what would you gain from this?"

"A chance to see you in human form." His reply was quick and charming.

She settled back on the ground. Her anger spent. She weighed the challenge. Her curiosity rising. "How do you hope to arouse me, so small and soft that you are?"

He rested his hand on the hilt of his sword. "You will be in human form. Susceptible to human desires."

"And how will you know if you succeed?"

"Your nipples will harden," he said. "That will be the gauge."

The silence between them was palpable. At last the dragon turned away from him. "Return to the mouth of the cave. Wait for me there." And with that she retreated deeper into the cave.


Jagatai gave her privacy to work her magic and change form. No doubt a difficult task, not to mention a private one. He doubted she would want him eavesdropping. So, he returned to the mouth of the cave and busied himself with the wreckage.

In the cargo hold of the ship he found gold and jewels. It was a small fortune, all of it foreign currency, no doubt they were on their way back from a conquest when the dragon had attacked. How long ago that was, he had no way of knowing.

He thought about what it must have been like, seeing the massive dragon bearing down on them, powerless to do anything but put up a pitiful defense and pray. For these men their prayers were not answered. He wondered if any managed to escape. The destruction was absolute.

This was not the work of a creature, this was a force of nature.

In the captain's quarters he found fur blankets that were still intact. He dragged them out of the rotting hulk of the ship and lay them out on the cave floor.

Then he stripped off his chain armor, leaving only his undergarments.

A voice from behind him said, "You've lived a hard life."

He turned and saw her for the first time in human form. She was breathtakingly beautiful, as all dragons are. She was tall and slim, long legs and arms. Her skin was the purest, softest white alabaster. Flawless. Her lion's mane of thick wavy hair was naturally red. She stood naked before him.

"Why do you say that?"

Her gaze flickered to the scars on his chest and arms then back up to meet his gaze. He noticed her irises were also red.

He stepped forward. She took an involuntary step back. In this form she was as fragile as any other human. He grabbed her wrist, held her tight, prevented her from retreating further. He hungered for her. She placed a hand on his chest, tracing the jagged line of a scar.

"I've encountered others of your kind," he said, answering her unspoken question. Then he changed topic. "I could never pronounce your dragon name. What name do you use in this form?"

At first he thought she wasn't going to answer, she just watched him, but at last she spoke a single word, "Ash."

He nodded. Mentally he added the name to the list. A fourth notch in his belt.

Silk. Ivory. Sky. Ash.

He gripped her by the base of the skull. His muscles bulged, holding her tight. Then he crushed his lips against hers. The heat inside her scorched him. She was a furnace of raw power, but he held her firmly in his grasp.

His right hand found her breasts. Large and firm. They were the sculpted breasts of a perfect being. She trembled beneath his touch.

And her nipples were rock hard.

Her dark eyes narrowed. She pulled back, denying him victory.

He tightened his grip, gaze fixed on her. He wasn't about to let go without a fight.

A moment later her resistance broke. "You won." Her words barely a whisper. "I serve you."

He pulled her to him. Their bodies crashed together. He enveloped her in strong arms. He picked her up and carried her to the fur blankets he had laid out. Her flesh was smooth and soft. She had a light dusting of freckles across her shoulders and face. He noticed her pubic hair was the same bright red.

She lay on her back looking up at him with large liquid eyes.

Jagatai kissed her neck. Ash grabbed his cock. It was hot and hard in her hands. He trembled with anticipation. She stroked it. He moved into position, situating himself between her legs. His member hot against the inside of her thigh.

Then he thrust inside her. She gasped. Sudden and intense, it filled her.

She clung to him. His hard, chiseled body was coated with sweat and soot and grit. Muscles bulged. He slammed into her. Again, and again. Repeatedly. Each time he drew it all the way out before driving it in again.

Ash moaned. She clung to him. Claws digging into the tanned flesh of his back.

Muscles strained. Sinew stretched to the point of breaking. Sweat pooled. Both bodies slick.

He felt the raw power of the dragon coiled beneath him. His hands gripped her waist. Her muscles rippled beneath him, and he knew that an any moment she could snap him like a twig. He rode a tidal wave.

He fucked her with a practiced strength.

Her nails raked across his back. She smacked his ass and pulled him deeper.

Then she bit his shoulder. Teeth clamped down. Pain exploded in his upper arm. He knew that if she applied all her strength she could have ripped his arm off.

He tightened his grip on her waist. Fingers dug into supple flesh. He bit her ear. Tugged the lobe.

After some time, Ash surrendered. When she did, her head rolled back on the furs and she melted in his arms. He bit her exposed neck. There was no way he could do any real damage to her. He clamped a hand on her throat. His other hand fondled her breast.

He slammed into her as hard as he could. He gave her everything he had. He devoured her at his own speed, his own rhythm. He rode the dragon.

Then he pulled out. Gasping for air he said, "On your knees."

She complied. On hands and knees, she presented her ass. It was round and full and as white as the purest snow.

He smacked it. Hard. Then again for good measure. He worked the tip of his member around her vulva, this time from behind.

The dragon beneath him moaned. She ached for him. He made her wait.

He continued his pleasure by pushing it into her ass. It was a tight fit, but he worked it in and out, sliding it between her plump cheeks.

Steely fingers reached up and grabbed his cock. She moved it down to her womanhood. He knew it was time. He gripped her waist and pushed into her again. It effortlessly slid in. She was drenched. He worked her over again, this time from a new angle.

Fast and hard he fucked the monster. Their bodies were slick with sweat. Flushed with arousal. Hot from the exertion.

At last, he climaxed inside her. His whole body tensed with the explosion. It filled her. He shuddered, then rolled off and lay gasping beside her.

However, she was not satiated. She straddled him, gripped his member and lowering herself down. It entered her. Now she controlled the action. She used her knees to raise and lower herself. Her head rolled back. Red hair spilled across her shoulders. He watched perfect breasts bounce in front of his face.

Sweat poured down her in rivulets. Hair plastered to her face. Her cheeks flushed red. She rocked back and forth. Her arms braced behind her. Now it was her turn to take what she wanted.

When it was her turn to orgasm, she did so with a roar and a convulsion. It wracked her whole body and then she rolled off and curled up next to him, supplicating herself to this man in a way that she never had before in her long life.

They lay side by side. Slick with sweat. Grimy from his hard trek and the soot of her lair. Her hand lazily traced the scars on his sculpted chest while his hand ran along the small of her back.

Her voice was a whisper in his ear. "I never imagined a human satisfying me."

"You'll find I'm full of surprises."

"I know," she said. "You've been with others of my kind."

"Yes," he said. "I have travelled the world, across mountains and deserts and oceans. Three times I have found a member of your kind. Each encounter taught me something."

"Tell me."

It was a long time before he answered. It wasn't from modesty or trepidation, but rather he was not sure how to put it to words. "My first was Silk. She lived in a distant empire of gilt and glitter. She gave me that spear you so expertly destroyed, by the way." He starred up at the brimstone ceiling lost in those long past days. "Hers was a world of face and sincerity. From her I learned to be confident but not to provoke needlessly, to disarm with charm."