Sisters to the Rescue

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A small thing gets blown up out of proportion and deflated.
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Sally Browne heard the giggling from her brother's room and then the door opened. A tall slender brunette figure, hand to her mouth, ran to the stairs and pounded down them, all the while giggling and snorting.

Sally wandered over to her brothers room and tapped on the door frame,

"Sod Off, leave me alone!" came an anguished cry from within.

Sally hesitated and then walked in. Her brother Pete lay naked on his bed, face down, head in his hands, obviously crying and desolate.

Sally hadn't seen Pete naked in years, his body looked lean and muscular, his back lightly dusted in hair and tanned. His long legs were hard muscled, from years of regular running, football and all the other sports he played.

"Babe, what's wrong," Sally asked concerned and sat by his hip and rested her arm on his back. Pete sobbed and rocked on the bed. Sally ran her hand up and down his back and made soft shooshing noises to try to calm him. She heard steps and turning saw her mother at the door.

Brenda mouthed "What's up!"

Sally shrugged and carried on trying to quieten her brother. She placed her other hand on his arm and gripped it slightly feeling the muscle tension.

Brenda said quietly, "You okay? Need any help?"

Sally shook her head and turned back to Pete, slowly feeling him coming round. Brenda nodded and slipped away leaving her eldest in the care of her youngest.

Pete began to sniff and Sally passed him a tissue, he blew his nose and crumpled the tissue, holding on to it. He half turned and snuggled up to Sally, She swept his damp hair off his forehead and calmly stroked his head.

"Oh Sal, I am so sorry, I didn't want you to see me like this, I'm sorry", he sobbed again and pulled his head around to her lap.

Sally cuddled Pete as best she could. He began to calm down until he was breathing normally but hung on to Sally with his arms around her.

"So BB wanna tell me what happened, the lady left happy, but not you, trouble?"

"Sally it's over, she won't be back, like the others she just wanted to use me for laughs."

"OK Pete what's going on, you never seem to keep a girlfriend for long and you always end up way too hurt for my liking, what gives?"

"It's kind of embarrassing and complicated and you're my sister and I can't talk about it with you or Mum, or anyone for that matter."

Pete held Sally tighter.

"Pete, you have to talk to someone and I need to move or you're going to snap me in half."

Pete let go and Sally adjusted herself and hauled Pete's head onto her lap again. He keep his bottom facing down and was twisted awkwardly.

"Pete, turn on your side, I can't see what you're hiding anyway and unless you do turn, you'll do yourself a mischief."


"Why ever not? Look I'll close my eyes if it worries you?"

"No, look, I need to talk to someone, so can I trust you, one, not to tell Mum, and two not to laugh."

"This is weird BB, but ok, I promise."

Pete sat up and faced Sally, his eyes went down to his lap, Sally's eyes followed and she stared at the smallest cock she'd ever seem, it was barely visible surrounded by his bush of pubic hair.

"Oh Pete, is this the problem," she smiled at her brother, then put her hands on his legs, "Pete it's not the size it's how you use it. Is that how it is when it's shrunk?"

Pete nodded and looked down at his manhood.

"Well then it must grow when you get excited, how big is it then?"

"About five inches, more or less."

"Well is it more or less?"

"Depends, but lately I can't get it up anyway, that's why Diane left, she tried her best, but it won't play ball."

Pete sniffed and two tears tracked his cheeks, Sally lifted her hands and cradled his head and wiped the tears away with her thumbs.

"BB, you are going to be fine, I know you're deeply hurt, but you will find someone who will love you and appreciate you for what you are. And that's not in some porno version of reality which says all girls like huge hamptons, all boys love extra large norks on their fantasy babe and everyone has sex five times a night." Sally paused and bent to kiss Pete's forehead.

"I can vouch for the fact that I don't want some huge rod inside me and nature hasn't blessed me with more than a couple of bee stings for boobs. You know what? I know there's some guy out there who's going to be nuts for me, so I'll just wait to see if we meet, other than that, I can't be arsed with some of the wankers who think they can impress me, I'll know who he is when it happens." She smiled at Pete then kissed him again. She hugged him and stood to leave.

"By the way that is the nicest looking cock I've ever seen, make sure you look after it."

She left Pete sitting on his bed half smiling.

Brenda heard Sally come down the stairs and peeped out the kitchen door,


"Some girl just blew him out and took the piss." Sally said, walking to the table and picking up a piece of carrot, she munched and reached for another piece.

"I'm trying to make your meal, find something else to chew, there's celery in the fridge, take some of that." Brenda said waving her knife in the fridges direction to make the point.

"OK Ma, keep your hair on, do you need help?"

"Well yes I do, but this is a novelty, you wanting to help prepare the meal, not just sit down and eat it, got a problem?"

"Not me Big Brother, Mum..."

"His penis perhaps? I knew this would happen, okay who was it this time?" Brenda scowled at her daughter and paused from chopping the carrots.

"Mum! I... how..."

"Sally, I'm his mother, I've seen him naked everyday since he was a baby, not so much now admittedly, but I knew it would be a problem for him eventually,"

"I'm staggered, you've known for years, but why didn't you say something to him, prepare him for this, he's absolutely devastated, suicidal in some respects, why haven't you said anything?"

"Don't you raise your voice and use that tone with me young lady, I've had eighteen years of trying to bring the pair of you up alone and I can't do everything and get it right everytime, perhaps if your Dad had been more involved and happy to help then it might have been different." Brenda blew a breath out and tried to calm down.

"Sorry, I was out of order, I've not been a Mum, so I guess I don't know right?"

"Oh Sally, don't ever grow up and be responsible, it's hell believe me, there's no let up and no relief. You spend twenty four hours a day worrying if you got things right. But on the plus side, you and Pete are the best things that I've ever had, just one smile is worth all the pain." Brenda sobbed and sat at the table her head in her hands.

"Oh Mum!"

Sally pulled a chair round and sat next to her mother. She held her tightly and pulled her head to her shoulder. Brenda put her arms round Sally and hugged her close. Sally felt her blouse soak up the tears and soothed her mother with little kisses and sighs.

Brenda calmed and sniffed back her tears, patting Sally she straightened up.

"Come on Sal let's get on or there'll be nothing ready". They laughed and held hands, stood and sorted out the meal preparation.

After the meal, they pushed their plates away and sat at the table,

"Pete, Sally told me what happened, wait don't run off, or blame her, I've known you'd have problems for some time. I never knew how to address them or help you, but we do need to talk. There's something you need to know."

Pete looked shocked and dismayed, he gave Sally a withering look and then stared back at his mother.

"Ok, so how can you help me; the guy with no prick, pencil-rubber-dick, baby boy, the Clitoris Kid, come on how are you going to solve my problem in one?" Pete's voice rose and he thumped the table

"Pete, calm down, look this is embarrassing I know, but please hear me out, I really do want to help you." Brenda fought back tears.

"I'm sorry, I.. look this really hurts and Sal I thought you could keep a secret, turns out I'm wrong again." he crossed his arms and glared round the table

"BB I've tried to find a way out of this for you, I can't because I don't have the experience, Mum does, please just listen."

"Well it looks like I ain't got no option innit?"

They grinned at the deliberate mangling of his grammar.

"Pete, for whatever reason, you have a small penis; it's been apparent since you were tiny, I asked the doctors, but they just said, let nature take its course, there's changes at puberty and all that claptrap. Anyway as you grew it sort of grew a bit but not in proportion if you understand."

"I know I've got a small dick, all my girlfriends seem to like to remind me of that, and often."

"I still think it's cute, but I guess that doesn't help does it?" Sally blushed.

"Have you shown your sister your dick?" Brenda exclaimed.

"This afternoon after Diane left, she said she wanted to help, so I showed her the size of the problem."

"Show me?" demanded Brenda, "Come on out with it!"

Pete stood slowly and unzipped his jeans, then shrugging, he slid them down, then lowered his pants, so the small cockhead showed in the tangle of hairs.

"Oh baby, I never knew what happened after you got too old for me to bath you. Son, it's beautiful,"

"I told him that, it's cute and..." Sally paused,

"Yes, what were you going to say?" Brenda arched an eyebrow as she looked at Sally.

"No, err, never mind, it's not important, it's not to do with Pete's problem." She blushed a deep red and looked down at the table.

"Come on this may help."

"It makes me tingly, you know? Between my legs, Oh God! how embarrassing!" Sally glowed red and looked up to Pete's eyes, "Sorry BB, I'm not helping am I?"

"Oh I think you are..." said Brenda looking back at her son.

Pete's face was awash with wonder and a grin came to his lips, looking down he watched his prick begin to enlarge and grow erect.

"Oh My God!" Sally looked in awe as Pete's erection forced his small prick to burst out of the tangle of hair.

"Sally! tape measure, in the bureau, Sally get the tape measure." Brenda's voice rose as she tried to get Sally's attention.

Sally rose and wandered to the bureau, her eyes swiveling back towards her brother laser locked on his rising dick. Opening the drawer she withdrew the tape and wandered back to the table.

"Measure it, take the tape and put the end by his ball sac, then run it up to the cockhead, then do it from the top as well, measure it round too.

Sally did as instructed, feeling the warm smooth skin of her brother's cock on her fingers. As she finished she ran her fingers along it, then circled it and felt it again in her palm.

"Five and a half inches long from the top, almost five from underneath and three and a half inches round." Sally announced.

"Well that seems nearly average to me," said Brenda, flicking on her i-Pad and searching on-line. She nodded and looked up beaming.

"So there's nothing wrong with it when it's erect, it just folds away neater than other guy's do." Sally said then put her hand to her mouth, Pete and Brenda laughed.

"Pete, I hope that helps you some, I can't do a lot about those terrible girls you've dated, they just seem to like humiliating you for their own pleasure, rack it up to experience.." Brenda flipped the i-Pad down the table and Pete read through the article.

"Thanks Mum, thanks Sal, sorry I got at you, you did good, I owe you, big time."

Pete stood to begin to clear the table, then he heard Sally and Brenda giggling, he looked angrily and they burst out laughing.

"What the hell..." Pete looked down at his erection staring straight out at his sister and mother. He grinned and began to chuckle, causing his prick to dance slightly. Brenda and Sally gasped and laughed, then began to clap and cheer. Pete bowed and attempted to push his dick into his pants and jeans.

"No, please don't put it away, I love seeing it, Mum tell him to leave it out, I love it." Sally put her hand in her mother's.

"Sally that so rude, but it is a lovely sight isn't it. Pete, please don't put it away just yet." Brenda smiled at her son.

"Sally just how many cocks have you seen before?" Pete asked.

Sally's mouth hung open and she blushed deep red, she looked at her mother who shrugged, "You're eighteen now, I can't stop you sleeping with boys, although I hope you're picky at just who you go with." Brenda nudged Sally.

"Mum! stop it's not like that and you know it. Right BB if you really must know.. yours is the first real live prick I've ever seen, happy now?"

"No, I'm stunned, you're such a hottie I thought that you'd have guys eating out of your hand, I find that incredible, wow, little sister I am shocked."

Pete hit his forehead with his palm and staggered backwards against the kitchen units.

"Stop it, you know I've only had a couple of boyfriends, I don't seem to have what they want,"

"Big norks?"

"Yeah and no knickers." she said venomously, walking over to Pete

"Poor you, but as you said earlier, Mr Right is out there, you just need to find him."

"Right," Sally grinned and nodded at Pete, "Aww juniors gone to sleep, look all curled up in its nest, night night little man."

Without thinking Sally knelt down and planted a kiss on Pete's cockhead.

"Shit!" Pete lurched away and watched his cock spring back to life.

"Hmmm, pehaps it's best if you put junior to bed for now," said Brenda, as Sally slowly stood holding her face in her hands, her face beetroot red.

Pete struggled to put his cock back in then zipped up and hugged Sally, he whispered,

"Thanks little sis you're beautiful and I love you so much, thank you."

Sally nodded and hugged Pete back. They broke away and Pete carried on clearing up.

Sally helped and Brenda make a pot of tea and took the pot and three cups into the lounge.

Pete and Sally wandered in and saw Brenda sat on the sofa, they looked at her, she normally sat on her own chair. She smiled and poured the tea, adding milk from a small jug. They sat together on the sofa and drank in silence.

"So what gives Momma Bear?"

"Pete, I never got round to telling you what I had too after dinner. Your Dad, well Roy had a similar problem to you, he was not enormously endowed in the penis department, his was a bit smaller than yours and it had caused him enormous embarrassment at school. When he was about eleven he once accidently took his trousers and pants off, to change for PE, in front of the others, the other boys never let him forget it.

Until he left school he was tormented daily, so he was not really set up to be a success sexually. His parents were ignorant of his torment and frankly wouldn't have known how to handle it."

Pete and Sally sat amazed at their Mother's tale. Brenda sipped her tea and continued,

"We met at work as you know. We went out and well I fell for him and waited for him to want to go further than a bit of kissing and cuddling, but her never seemed to press things. Finally I lost my temper and shoved my hand into his pants, Wow, it went from zero to hero in about five seconds then he came, on my hand in his pants. Well we cleaned up as best we could, he apologised for messing on my hand. I apologised for forcing the issue, but said he felt nice.

I asked to see it and so I saw what it looked like normally. Well I couldn't believe the monster that had been in my hand was this tiny perfect little button sat in a nest of hair. It was still a bit sticky and gooey but it looked so sweet."

"Mum, gross and fascinating, sweet and yuk too." Sally smiled.

Pete smiled and finished his tea,

"so what happened?"

"You and Sally! We got married and you came along, we were over the moon, then Sally came along and our lives were complete. Then the prick met that harlot and ran off with her, the bitch."

"Oh! no happy ending!"

"Well I got mine, you two are with me and he lost out on the divorce settlement, but not for him; he lost a lot for a quick roll on a hotel bed."

"Wow Mum, this is all new stuff, how come you never talked about Dad's cock before?"

Sally and Pete burst out laughing,

"So funny Mr clever dick, I was hoping to find a way to tell you, but until today, I couldn't, so what do you think?"

"I think I love you very much and you too Long Tall Sally, thank you both, I feel better now and I'll be a bit more picky with the girl friends from now on."

They stacked the cups on the tray and Sally took it out to the kitchen, when she returned Pete and Brenda were whispering and smiling.

"OK what gives, what's going on?"

"Nothing, well not a lot, hey Sal, how about a quid pro quo, you've seen my prick, let's see your boobs. Come on sexy get your norks out." Pete grinned and waggled his eyebrows.

"No way, I'm not showing you my boobs, Mum, tell him?"

"Tell him what, you did see his penis and you touched it; wait actually you kissed it! I think you owe your brother a reward for his very trying day, don't you?"

Sally stared at them both, her mouth flapping but no sound coming out, she stamped her foot and put her hands on her blouse, grabbing it she pulled it free of her waistband.

"Right Ok, if that's what you want, here..."

She plucked at the blouse, as Pete and Brenda shouted "No!" and waved their hands in frantic gestures.

"We were only teasing, Sal, don't it was a joke, it's ok, calm down."

Sally let go of the blouse and slumped onto the sofa, Pete wrapped his arms round her and kissed her hair.

"Sorry babe, it was a tease, we didn't mean to upset you, sorry."

Brenda leaned over and ran her hand up Sally's arm.

"Thank God for that, I was terrified you meant it, I'm a bit touchy about my boobs, well the lack of them anyway."

"Sally you are perfectly formed, your breasts are fine, there will be armies of young men to tell you that." Brenda said and smiled.

"Yeah sis, they really suit your frame, not too big and bouncy, just right."

"Oh and you've seen them is that right?"

"Not exactly but I've seen you in a swimming costume and out jogging and you look hot."

"remember you're my brother, so one: you shouldn't be looking and b: you have to say nice things about your cute little sister anyway."

They laughed and settled down together on the sofa.

As Sally finished in the bathroom she walked past Pete's door again, stopping she tapped and walked in, Pete was flat on his back on his bed, and naked again,

"Oh hi Sal, you ok?" he asked, as though laying naked on his bed with his sister in the room was an everyday occurrence.

"Fine, lost all your inhibitions then?" she nodded at his nakedness.

"Oh what? being naked and you being here. Well let's face it, you've seen it all before so being coy or annoyed would be stupid wouldn't it?"

"Suppose so, what're doing?"

Sally wandered over to his bed and sat on the edge. Pete sat up and showed her his book,

"Supposed to have read this and be ready to answer questions tomorrow, thought I'd bone up on it and try to look a bit intelligent."

"Hmmm, might be a bit late now, don't you think?"

They laughed and Brenda poke her head in, saw them and wandered in, she wore a short nightie and slippers.

They chatted about Pete's laziness with his studies, but how his encyclopedic memory and ability to soak up knowledge assisted him in keeping near the top of his class. Brenda kissed them both good night and left, closing Pete's door.

"So BB, what now?"

"How'd you mean. What Now?"

"Still wanna see my boobs?"

"Of course, who wouldn't?"

"Those gimps who like big norks of course."

"Oh them, don't worry, there's lots of silicone ladies around for them to drool over."

"Hah! anyway there is a problem with me flashing you now, I didn't wear anything under this, so if I lift it to show you, you might see my pussy too."

"Oh now that would be a shame, pussy and boobs, Oh Sal,that's a terrible combination, I could shut my eyes, you take off you nightie hold it in front of you pussy, then I only get to see your boobs. I can then shut my eyes and you can dress."