Sports Massage from Friend's Dad

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Friend's professional father helps with pulled muscles.
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/30/2017
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Braden was on his way over to his friend Nathan's house.

He had pulled a muscle over the previous weekend during a game of intramural summer soccer at the local university and ever since his lower back had been driving him crazy. He hadn't slept well, and his mobility had gone to shit.

Nathan and Braden had grown up together and were longtime friends. They attended the college together now and even played on the same team. As it so happened, Nathan's father was an accomplished sports massage therapist and after Braden had complained to his friend over text that the pain in his lower back simply wasn't going away and was even getting worse, Nathan had suggested that he could ask his dad to take a look at him.

After hearing about Braden's predicament and his want to avoid large medical or chiropractic costs, Nathan's father had gladly agreed to help.

Braden had never worked with a sports masseuse before but he was desperate for any sort of help he could get at that point.

When he arrived at his friend's house that Saturday afternoon, he hobbled up the steps of the large two-story craftsman and rang the doorbell.

The door was opened by Nathan's father, Linus Coleman.

"Oh, hey Braden, come on in. Nathan said you'd be coming by today so we could take a look at your back." He welcomed him into the house.

Nathan's Dad was a fairly good-looking guy in his late 40's. He had sort of a Pierce Brosnan-vibe to him (though without the accent of course). Braden knew him well as he'd coached a couple of their AYSO teams while growing up and the families had even gone on various camping trips together over the years to nearby Yosemite and Lake Tahoe.

"Hey Mr. Coleman, is Nathan not here?" Braden had assumed his friend would be home.

"No, unfortunately he had to head downtown with his mom for some last minute errands for the big BBQ tomorrow."

The Coleman family BBQ was famous on a local level. Linus Coleman had the most coveted secret seasoning in the county and his sausages and patties were the types of proprietary blends that made even the town butchers eternally jealous.

Every year at this time the well-used backyard was done up for the Fourth of July and a BBQ was enjoyed as a precursor to the night's fireworks. They were easily visible from the nearby park and school which were located just down a nearby hill, both of which held some of the better shows in the area. This gave the Coleman backyard a particular advantage in fireworks viewing, and thus the annual BBQ had grown in its lore over the years.

Braden followed him back through a house busy with the beginning stirrings of party setup strewn all around.

Linus kept a home work-office in the large craftsman that looked out onto a backyard sentried with two large oak trees and framed by a marvelous weeping willow. Red, white, and blue lanterns were strung across the lawn and a number of tables and chairs had already been set up around the pool and spa and fire-pit. There was Ping-Pong and Corn-Hole and the bar area which was typically where the Coleman's would set up a number of killer kegs from some of the local breweries in the area.

As Braden followed his friend's father into the room he cringed a little as the same shooting pain that had been torturing him those past few days jolted back through him with a white-hot tinge—like a butter knife against a cavity.

Linus noticed the younger man's leg seizing as he leaned against the massage bed that flanked the window.

"So...Nathan told me you pulled a muscle pretty badly during your game, yeah? Why don't you take a seat," Linus told him.

Braden hopped up onto the brown-leathered massage table as his body surged with the constantly dull pains that shot out in volts along his back and through his ass and legs.

As he looked around the room it was impossible not to be impressed with Mr. Coleman's easily identifiable résumé. The walls were lined with pictures he'd taken with various pro athletes he'd treated over the years.

Linus had worked as a permanent staff member with three different pro sports teams and had also worked extensively with the nearby colleges all while beginning his own private practice. He'd also written a fairly successful book on sports injuries and had developed a number of successful innovations in the treatments of various muscle and body issues over the years.

His office was colorfully brown if that made any sense. Well appointed but not dark or boring. Soft wood and earthen tones caught lighter shades of grain on his desk and bookshelves as the light poured in from two huge bay windows that looked out onto the back and side of the family yard.

The massage table itself wasn't some fold-up cheapie, but an Osage adjustable master's series that was fitted to adjust electronically in a jiffy. It could tilt this way and that depending on whatever part of the body needed attention and it was fitted with luxurious microfibers and adjustable head, arm, and even foot rests if needed.

Braden had amazing memories of this massage table, as it was where he'd received his first mind-altering blowjob while in high school. Nathan's parents had gone away one weekend for a game that he was working, and so the two 18-year-old high school seniors had decided to throw an epic end-of-the-year bash to remember. As the night had grown late and buzzy, Braden had made quality progress with the captain of the girls varsity tennis team, who proceeded to drag him through the house until they could find an unused room, which just so happened to be the at-home office of his friend's father—the very office where he now stood.

"So, what hurts exactly? Let's get you figured out," Linus said, with a comfort that preceded his long tenure in this field of work.

"Well I twisted my body awkwardly jumping for a header and my lower back has this like, shooting pain that's been making my left side go stiff all through my leg and butt. I think I pulled something pretty badly."

"Do you mind taking your pants and shirt off?" Linus asked as he pulled a chair up next to the table. Braden easily shed his shirt and pants leaving only a compact pair of Calvin Klein boxer briefs.

His body was that of a sculpted, young athlete. He wasn't as muscular as some of the professional clients that Linus saw, but he was in very good shape and it was clear that his continued sports activities had built him into a healthy young man. The light golden-brown hair of his legs and arms matched that of his untamed mop. The girls loved the mop. He was controlled chaos.

"Now, hop up here on the table and lie on your stomach and we'll try to figure out if you have any trigger points that might be causing all this," Linus said as Braden groaned a little with each movement.

"Okay, so just let me know when it hurts, okay?" Linus's hands traced cartographic lines across the various muscles and pressure points where problems often occurred. For Braden, he quickly identified two areas that seemed to be linked in one perfect storm of pain.

"Ugh, right there," Braden groaned as his left-lower back was pressed against. He made a similar admission when Linus's hands pressed against his glutes. Usually it would've been weird to have another guy pressing against his ass through his boxer briefs, but he'd known Mr. Coleman for so long and his pain was far greater than any sort of silly concern with immature masculinity.

"Ah, so you've got a pretty bad double-whammy of pulled muscles here, Braden. You've got two separate trigger points that we should probably attend to or your going to keep experiencing a sharp ache and numbness up and down this side of your body." Linus said as he traced his hands from Braden's lower back down to his butt, showing each spot.

"Okay, yeah, whatever needs to be done, let's do it...everything hurts right now," Braden said as he sighed deeply against the massage table, desperate for any kind of relief.

"Have you ever had a professional massage or sports massage before?" Linus asked as he headed for a nearby drawer and began to pull out some lotions.

"I've had one hot-stone massage with an ex-girlfriend but that was basically it," he responded.

"Well, hot stone massages can be nice, definitely relaxing...sports massages tend to be a little more intense, and much more deep-tissue driven. We're going to need to focus on your trigger points, particularly your Quadratus Lumborum muscle and your Gluteus Medius and Maximus muscles. The former is causing inflammation in the latter and everything in the body is intertwined."

"Okay, umm, sounds good too me, do whatever you need to, I really appreciate you helping me out for free like this, I was pretty desperate," Braden responded, so glad he'd be getting the relief he needed.

"No worries Braden, you're a friend of the family. You have to use whatever connections you have in this life, that's for sure! Okay well, I'm going to need you to lie down on your stomach and you'll need to take the briefs off for this. I can get you a blanket if you'd like to be covered during the procedure, though it doesn't really matter to me. I'll be working heavily on your butt and back anyway so what would you prefer?"

"Umm, no, I don't need a blanket." Braden said. Linus gave him a little privacy by turning his back and going over to his desk where he took his sweater off. He was now wearing just his jeans and a t-shirt. It was an off day after all.

Braden slipped his boxer's off and folded them up with the rest of his clothes on the nearby shelf. He lay back down on the bed naked as stinging pains knifed into him with every sudden movement like a drill along his spinal cord.

Linus turned back around when he heard Braden get into position.

Braden was laying face down and his body was a young Adonis. Linus never failed to be surprised at how many beautiful bodies both male and female had passed through his office, and it was impossible not to appreciate certain specimens for their divinity.

The skinny, gangly kid that his son had grown up with had developed into a handsome looker. His body was toned, and as his full 5'9 frame lay out before him he couldn't help but admire him for what he was.

Linus pulled out the face-rest cushion at the front of the bed and had Braden scoot up so that his face was in the round, hollowed-out pillow, then he grabbed his massage oils and lotions and put them on the large window ledge next to the bed.

Linus rubbed lotion onto his hands and brought them down to Braden's back where he began a gentle kneading to loosen him up. Each strong touch from Linus made Braden's eyes roll back into his head. His body felt more tense than it had ever felt before. He was frozen dough in the beginning maneuvers of an experienced baker. Muscles, like hardened honeycomb only barely began to regain their viscosity.

"You're really tense Braden, we're going to have to really work your muscles out hard today. You just need to let me know if anything becomes too painful, okay?" Linus said as his hands molded into Braden's back.

"Yes sir," Braden said, as he relished each firm grasp of his friend's father's hands.

As Linus began to go through his routine, he began working Braden's muscles deeper and deeper. Braden melted downward into the comfort of the table as the first strings of tension began to unwind inside of his body, though the heavier work had yet to begin.

When Linus finally glided his hands down to his lower back Braden audibly groaned. It was such a mix of pleasure and pain being released on a common axis from the working of his fingers and palms.

Linus pressed down with his body weight from the side of the table onto Braden's lower back and Braden wondered if he might pass out as his body fought back with his own muscular catastrophes.

It really was the best and the worst all at the same time. He hurt so much, and each new pass of Linus's incredibly knowledgeable fingers felt both horrible and transformative. He could feel his body slowly giving way to this powerful man that was working him over. Why had he never had a sports massage before? He wondered. This was wonderful.

When Linus's hands finally made their way down to Braden's ass, it was like finding heaven at the end of a long journey.

Braden audibly moaned when Linus pressed his palm into his gluteus muscle and held it there, pressing into him. Then the stretch-work began, and his body glazed over with a need for more knead. He'd never had his full ass massaged before like this and it was one of the most relaxing experiences of his entire life. Two strong hands, massaging his buns like clay before the oven.

Linus meanwhile couldn't help but be a tad distracted by the young ass that he was massaging. He'd given plenty of massages before and it was one of the perks of the job that he was sometimes able to openly ogle his clients...but it was slightly different to have a young friend of his sons who he'd seen grow up around the neighborhood spread out naked before him.

What was so distracting was the ass itself. Braden had an amazing ass for a guy. It was rounder and almost feminine in how big it was. He had barely any hair on his ass and his buns in particular were incredibly soft, as if they were consistently lotioned. Linus had fucked many girls in his younger years who would've killed for an ass like this. He wondered if Braden even knew how great a backside he had.

Braden meanwhile was living on another plane of pleasure in that moment. Each new rotation of Linus's strong hands over the trigger point on his buns caused him to groan through the hole in the face rest. He'd never had his ass touched like this and he was amazed at how good it felt. He was even more shocked when he felt his cock starting to harden against the table below him.

What in the what? He thought to himself.

It was true that everything felt amazing, and as his friend's dad massaged his muscles into submission his body began to respond to the tender care in a different sort of way, but this was not what he needed right now. Sure, he was a young man, and yes, he was hard and horny all the time, but he did not want to be hard and horny at his friend's house while the professional sports therapist father of his best friend massaged his bare buns to relaxed submission. He tried thinking of other things to make his hard cock go away.

Linus meanwhile really began to get into his massaging of Braden's ass. His full hands were now kneading away at the younger man's tense cheeks as he attempted to destroy any remaining semblance of a knot.

And while he did make great progress there, the knot in Braden's throat grew stronger, and the knotted veins of his hardening cock grew harder as it inched up his stomach. He was actually starting to get harder while Linus's hands worked more on his butt.


First boner while having a guy massage my ass, Braden thought to himself.


As Linus manipulated Braden's bottom, he noticed the way Braden's body slowly unwound and seemed to finally begin enjoying the massage. The techniques were all working. Braden was beginning to loosen up.

Also, if Linus was being honest with himself, he was very much enjoying playing with Braden's amazingly- round posterior.

"How are you feeling Braden?" Linus asked, his hands, rolling down his back and over each globe repeatedly as he rubbed more lotion into him.

"I'm feeling a little better...the massage is really helping." Braden said through the hole in the headrest where his face was firmly pressed. He felt his boner pressed into his stomach and the table. If Mr. Coleman only knew.

"Where does it seem to be helping the most?" Linus asked.

Braden brought his hand back and pointed it to the giant muscles on his ass that Linus had been massaging.

"Do you want me to massage you lighter or harder at all or is the pressure good?"

"Harder," Braden said, and now he felt weird that he was asking his friend's dad for something that in any way involved the word 'harder'. But at the same time, another part of him quite liked saying that word for some reason. Harder. He wanted it...harder.

What in the Freudian what?

"Braden I'm going to climb up on to the table to massage the pressure point in your ass harder. The more I can lean in the more it'll help." Linus climbed up on the massage table after saying this.

Braden felt him sit on the backs of his thighs as he resumed massaging his bare ass with his incredibly strong hands.

Now his weight was against him as he pushed down and Braden felt strangely excited with the idea that Mr. Coleman was actually on top of him. Also, his ass felt amazing with every single touch.

As Linus continued massaging his ass, he would push down Braden's cheeks and slowly spread them outwards, revealing Braden's tight little hole and perineum.

Braden felt the cool air on his asshole and realized that he was totally exposed as his cheeks were spread. As Linus' hands spread his cheeks open and closed with each large knead, Braden found himself almost pushing his ass up towards him, hoping that his fingers would get closer to his crack while they worked.

And they were getting closer.

"How are you feeling Braden?" Linus asked, as he slowly massaged his ass while his own crotch had scooted somewhat further up Braden's thighs so that he was closer.

" ass still hurts, but you're making it feel much better," Braden said again through the face-hole.

"Well...I've done about as much as I can by just massaging you, so if you're still hurting a lot the strain might be even deeper than I'd originally thought," Linus said as his hands stopped moving on Braden's butt and simply held him.

"Okay, so is there anything else we can do to relieve the pain?" Braden said, not ready for this amazing massage to be done.

"Well, there is one procedure we could try, though it's done a little more rarely I must tell you...but we could try to give you a prostate massage." Linus said as his finger drifted down the inside of Braden's crack only centimeters away from his asshole.

Braden's breath caught in his throat at Mr. Coleman's suggestion. He knew what his prostate was, but he'd never actually heard of having it massaged before. Then again he also trusted him implicitly and at that moment, everything the older man had done to him had relieved his pain and made him feel incredible so why balk now?

"How does that work?" Braden asked, his pulse quickening slowly like a dinosaur getting gradually closer to a distant cup of water.

"Well, the male prostate gland is located inside the anal canal just in front of the rectum. It's been shown in recent studies that a proper prostate massage can actually help to relax deeper strains of the gluteal muscles."

"So you need to stick something in my ass?" Braden asked, his heartbeat hummingbird winging.

"Yes, I know that sounds a little strange—it'll only be a gloved finger, but it might finally bring you some real relief." Linus said as he reached over to the nearby table and grabbed a disposable latex glove. Braden heard him stretching it to put it on and then the opening and closing of a plastic bottle of massage lubricant.

"Okay, won't hurt will it?" Braden asked. He was scared but also for some reason, completely pulled in by the idea. Had this always been where this was heading?

"It might sting a little at first but don't worry I'll help you work your way into it. It's becoming pretty commonplace in the sports medicine field. Lots of professional athletes have prostate massages nowadays." This was a lie of course (at least as far as the medicinal field was concerned), but Linus wanted to see just how far he could take this impromptu narrative. He had his son's friend naked on his massage table and his sexy, round ass was thrumming like a nuclear reactor in his hands as he prepared to stick a digit of plutonium into his ass. And there was no one else at home that they had to worry about.