Spritely Fellow Ch. 05


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Her armor had followed suit and grown cover the increased surface area by feeding off the excess energy. It now looked like light armor composed of white wood. It surprised me by creating an opening on the hip to allow her to run on all fours. She looked like a true lycan warrior of old in that moment. I was taken aback every time by the stoic majesty of her profile against the morning light.

Of course I couldn't stand for a serious air now that I was awake, so I quickly set to ruining it. I killed the extravision and crossed my arms. I started to circle around her with a scrunched up face like I saw something wrong. I went around inspecting her fur and occasionally tugging on the armor. Every now and then I would stop and shake my head. It was having the desired effect of making the stoic, graceful lycan very self conscious. Her giant, fearsome arms unconsciously shifted to cover the small slits of exposed midriff. I was having trouble maintaining a straight face at the site of a nervous, feminine predator. I stopped at her back and stared at the black tips of the fur on her upper back. I knew she was particularly conscious about the dorsal cape that had formed on her fur. I leaned in to look at it and held pose. Her muscles were all tense as she waited to hear what major flaw I had seen.

"Are you getting fat or is it just me?", I said with a mock concerned voice as I grabbed a handful of fur at her waist. "I should take you on more walks, or else we might have to take you to the vet soon." She turned her head to look at me in wide eyed shock. I couldn't keep the facade up anymore. This giant apex predator was trying to cover up with her arms and buckling at the knees like an embarrassed schoolgirl. I doubled over in laughter as she relaxed all at once with an unamused look on her face. She crossed her arms and turned her chin up waiting for me to stop. It wasn't happening. A pouting lycan was just too funny.

"Val its okay you don't have to worry we can go running to work it of-" The swing of a lycan backhand is a very efficient way to stop someone from laughing. Five feet away from where I was before, I slowly put some breath into my lungs against the will of my entire right side. Average people would have powder for ribs and blood in all the wrong places, but I was hardly the average person. My reinforced skin took the brunt of what was a relatively small blow for . Valeria laughed as best a lycan could, a sort of excited wheezing noise, as I rolled slowly over and groaned before getting my bearings. I got up and wiped the grass off my back and pants while gathering myself.

'You should have known that was coming, Mykris.'


"Alright, so uh," I got back to where I was before and tried to regain some composure as a teacher. "go ahead and change back so we can continue."

Her body shuddered and began to compact back into her human form as the energy used to transform reactivated.. I turned on my extrasight to watch over her change back. It looked like steam escaping as it swirled around her. A human image began to take shape amidst the fog. Fur was replaced with skin, fangs with teeth, paws with palms. It was much smoother returning to human form. Instead of forcing energy into the body, the lycan force deflated outwards. It took longer unless forced, but the muscle fibers all returned to original size as the energy left along with the fur receding and dissolving back into soul energy. After the the soul was reformed, the excess energy was turned into fat for the body. She seemed so skinny for a moment before swelling slightly as her bust and rear plumped back up. The thin layer of body fat returned as well, albeit a few pounds less as cost for the transformation.

"Good form, Nice even spread. Soul is stable almost everywhere-check your leg joints, Val. Timing was a bit slow, but acceptable. Alright, let's get onto your physical warmups." From my own experience, not warming up properly had its repercussions, but I didn't know if lycans needed it. Better safe than sorry. Valeria let out an exasperated groan.

"Master I told you I don't need to do any warm ups. Lycans muscles transform ready to go so why are we wasting time?" Every time with this argument. A sigh escaped as I readied the same explanation as before.

"When we get to combat exercises you might pull something. While that would normally be nothing, if you do it DURING a transformation you will get seriously hurt." She crossed her arms and readied her retort, but I held up my hand and cut her off. "YOU may not care if you get hurt, but I am never going to risk hurting you. Now drop it."

Valeria's eyes widened a bit at that declaration. The implications left me a tad embarrassed as I formed a chair behind me to sit. Val thought for a few seconds before switching back to lycan form and sprinting laps around the perimeter of the house. It was a little noisy, but with her ears she could hear if someone was walking around, so instead I sunk into thought.

'Cassandra you said you didn't need rest because you changed. What does that mean?'

'You don't need to worry about that yet, Mykris.' She said, trying to dodge the question.

"You and Val both with that 'don't worry' bs." I muttered in frustration. 'Cass that's not possible when you are literally on my mind most of the day. Now please tell me what you mean.'

She was quiet a while as she thought of how to word what she needed to say. When she spoke, it was laced heavy with trepidation.

'Mykris, I am not a a sprite anymore. I am a spirit.' Silence fell as she waited for the other shoe to drop. I didn't really understand what she meant though.

'So like a... dead person?' Best guess and primary concern.

'NO, oh gods no. No I am not a ghost or residual entity of some human. Before I evolved, I was a sprite for the woods behind the forest.' She was quiet again.

'And now you areeeee...?' I still didn't really grasp what she was saying.

'A spirit of the wilds. My domain from which I draw strength and control has opened up to include every forest and their inhabitants on the planet. I now have all knowledge for everything that is native to those forests as well.' Again the wait for the other shoe to drop.

'That's...awesome? That doesn't sound like a bad thing even if I don't really understand, but how exactly did my soul changing do that? Am I going to have to do that again?' It would be a problem if I had some freak mutations in the middle of somewhere public or something.

'No your soul is fully activated and that can't happen again, but the change in itself didn't make me ascend to this.' Cassandra was choosing her words to dance around something important.

'Cass what is it you aren't saying here?'

'Mykris, I was changing slowly all the times you funneled your energy through me and from passively siphoning from you. When your soul activated in that forest, the surge of energy pushed me to the next stage.'

'Wait so my changing turned you into a spirit? And what is so different between a spirit and a sprite?'

'No-it's...it's hard to explain, but I will tell you later. I promise.' there was something big I wasn't hearing or understanding, but I could tell she wasn't ready to tell me.

'Hey, it's alright. I'll ask later so don't worry about it now.' Something of a mental smile occurred as Cassandra slowly relaxed. A thought came to mind that I needed to get in. 'Wait. Real quick question. Does my soul energy go to Fenrir?'

'How do you mean?'

'I have his mark to establish the whole pack relationship between me and Val. Does it give him some energy or power too?' I didn't want to give him anything. He wasn't an asshole or anything, but he wasn't on my "give supernatural strength"list either. It's a short list.

'I can't say one way or the other, Mykris. I can sense the bond between you two and I can sense it altering her behavior into the omega, but I can't tell unless you use the mark.' That raised an eyebrow.

'Wait, I can use the mark? Can I turn into a lycan or something?'

'No it is not a mark of coalescence like what we share. Ours lets us share each others soul and utilize it to the fullest, but that mark is more of a license. It lets you utilize your alpha status to issue a command. Don't get any ideas. If she doesn't agree with it then she will not follow it. So don't think of her doing what your thinking right now.' a smile formed on my face as images came to mind.

'You don't know she would say no. I certainly wouldn't mind if she asked me.'

'Somehow I don't think you have the same allure to her that she has to you. It is a mystery how you haven't ruined your relationship by acting on those thoughts. Outside of you attempts at voyeurism.'

'I am not apologizing for looking at an incredibly hot lady in athletic clothes. Besides you know I wouldn't go for her. Not even with an order using the mark.'

'Of course. After all she is out of you league even though she only knows you.' I pressed my hands over my chest and gasped.

'Oh my poor ego. What has the tree lady done to you.' The sound of Valeria coming around for the third time.

'Don't call me tree lady, Micro'

'Then don't call me Micro, tree lady.' I crossed my arms and huffed. The pose held for about three seconds before a laugh broke in my head. It sounded of a refined lady that finally gave in to the mirth. In the face of such a pleasant sound, I could not hold my facade. A laugh rose between us until my mind and surroundings were filled with the sound. As Valeria turned the corner for her last lap, her run slowed to a trot. Her legs locked into a bipedal stance as she stared at me laughing at nothing.

My few of the sky was clouded by the white mist of Valeria's soul as she changed back. Her heavy gait slowly changed to a near silent noise of grass underfoot. Without looking at her, I spoke up.

"Was that ten laps already?" I dropped my head to see a raised eyebrow and a question on her face. Cassandra's existence was still hidden from everyone. Hell, I hadn't even explained how my powers worked to anyone beyond what they could see. As far as Valeria knew, I was only able to manipulate the essence of trees and I intended to let her keep thinking that. "Why the look?"

"Who were you talking to, master?" It was more accusatory than curious. A raised eyebrow and a confused look was my response. Valeria crossed her arms and cocked a leg out as she stared me down. "I heard what you said earlier; Lycans have excellent hearing. 'you and Val with that don't worry bs'."

'Did I really say that? Damn it.' I had been careful about telling what I was saying in my head and out loud, but when I spoke out loud I would mutter mentally and vice versa. I stood up and dusted myself off to buy time and when I had done all I could to stall, nothing had come to mind. So I tried playing it off.

"I was just talking to myself. You know all those arguments I only win in my head.", I said in a joking tone. Walking past her, I shot her a quick smile and patted her arm. "So onto the exercises."

Needless to say, she didn't buy it. I wouldn't have bought. I didn't follow any of the rules my dad set for lying and it showed. She looked angry, but she was trying to hold it back. One last chance to amend the lie and keep the secret to me.

"No you keep doing this. It's not the first time you've talked to someone else when I turned my back. Just come out and say it. Stop hiding it from me!" Valeria crossed her arm and stood waiting for a response.

'Just tell her, Mykris.' the recommendation was punctuated with an exasperated sigh. I must have looked shocked because Valeria seemed suspicious at my change in expression. She looked behind her and then back at me. The anger seemed worse, but my mind was too occupied to notice.

'What? After all this time keeping it secret, you want me to tell her.' We had kept it a secret from EVERYONE and that hadn't been an easy task. Cassandra had insisted on it after I told my father. I looked away for a moment and ran my hand through my hair. I don't know how Valeria responded to that, but i'd take a guess and say it didn't placate her.

'She already has to hide her own existence because of her connection to you and the ire of her family, so the secret will remain with her.' I looked back at Val who had turned to fuming waiting for my answer or at least my attention. My brow furrowed as I attempted to think of an alternative. There was one, but it felt like cheating. I sighed, a full body deflation as all my worry and tiredness left me to be replaced by acceptance. I formed a chair behind Valeria and gestured for her to sit as I did the same.

"Val you will want to sit down for this. I'll tell you who it is I talk to when I'm alone." I sat heavily as I considered any way to say this. My mind was just not cooperating this particular morning, so I just said what came naturally. "I have a sprite in my head. Or spirit apparently. And that's how I get my powers. The tree ones not the fire ones. Oh wait you don't know about those ones. She has a tree on my soul that I can funnel my energy through to use hers...it's hard to explain, let me just start from the beginning." I had finished piecing together the first incoherent explanation and was working on part two when Valeria got up and started walking away. I sprung up and called out to her, making sure to absorb the chairs as I left. "Val, wait up where are you going?"

"Mykris you can just tell me the truth." Her back stayed to me and her arms were crossed. The notable replacement of 'Master' set off red flags. Still my brain was willing to go down with the ship and refused to give me results.

"I am trying to tell you the truth. It just so happens that I am evidently bad at it." a laugh started in my throat, yet was quickly stifled when Val spun on her heel.

"JUST SAY IT. If you don't want to be around me that bad we don't have to do morning practice. If you would rather spend it talking with her then GO AHEAD!" With that she spun around and began to storm out of the backyard. Confusion slammed into me as I realized just how lost I was. One thing was clear: If she walked away now then repairing whatever damage I had dealt would be through. I made a a stupid decision using the thought process of a tired desperate mind. I tapped into Fenrir's mark and made a command.

My soul reach tendrils touched the mark and urged it into activating. I grabbed the energy it produced and funneled it through my mouth to give the order. The exact words are lost to me, as the surge of energy stifled whatever they were. I only know I wanted her to come back, to talk to me and tell me what was wrong. The problem was, I hadn't bothered trying to narrow it down to just that so every single thing I felt at that moment got sent over the line. My exasperation, my feelings towards her, my admiration, my pride, and everything else turned into a behavior altering mess. The mark wasn't doing what I wanted it to do, it was taking my thoughts and desires, bundling them up and sending them.

The energy drain left me weak in the knees. Everything felt muffled, like my blood wasn't where it needed to be to function. I checked my hands for any signs of sickness. Sweaty, but healthy. A few moments later, I go to my feet leaning heavily against the wall. Cassandra's voice was there, saying something with urgency. I shook my head in an attempt to clear it and stood up. A deep breath gave me back my clarity, but a fog still covered me. A distinct white fog-like soul energy swirled around me.

'MYKRIS YOU NEED TO GO!' Someone went from zero to sixty decibels in under a second. I grabbed my ears to defend from the noise.

'AH JESUS, Cass could you stop yelling? What's wrong?' My senses slowly returned as I looked where Valeria was to see she was missing.

'I was wrong the mark didn't just issue a command. It pushed Valeria into an instinctive state.'

'What does that mean?' I looked up with a bewildered expression as a pale hand snaked over my shoulder. Startled, I jumped away from it and spun around. Val was there, but her anger was completely gone. In it's place was a downright predatory look in the carnal sense. A smile grew slowly as she walked towards me, her hips swaying more than they normally did. Her hand reached up and caressed my cheek as she watched my reactions.

"Sorry for getting mad earlier, master. I just get a little jealous sometimes. Worried I might lose you to someone, but I just figured out how to keep you." She spoke in a way that milked every word for all it was worth. Her eyes roamed over my body and I became blissfully aware of hers. Her smell had changed and something in it made my heart beat faster. Something was wrong, but in that moment I didn't care. My hands unconsciously reached for her hips wanting to pull her close and take her right here.

'MYKRIS SNAP OUT OF IT!' A piercing voice accompanied by verdant soul energy pierced the veil that had descended. and lust turned to suspicion. I jumped back stood ready to fight. I had noticed her lips and figure, but now I could see the problem. Her eyes were dilated and her breathing heavy. Valeria's soul was still surrounded by the veil and it looked like it was halfway through transformation and not moving.

'What the hell happened!' I kept my distance as she took a step forward. Valeria laughed in a low seductive manner, willing to play this game.

'I know what that is, as other wolves have had similar reactions in the wilds. She is in estrus, Mykris.' I recognized the word. Female wolves would go into estrus during mating periods to prepare for a mate.

'Okay so I sent the wrong order. Why did you yell like she was trying to kill me?' A smirk appeared on my face as I looked at Valeria moving off the patio onto the grass. Cassandra scoffed at my reaction before taking a peeved tone of voice.

'Because Mykris,' Valeria stepped up to the edge of the patio and dropped to a crouch before jumping, leaving the wood she was standing on in splinters. 'Lycans can't control themselves when they act on instinct.'

I watched as the apex predator in a Gorgeous women form lunged at me with her ungodly strength unchecked, images of mangled corpses flashing through my now VERY alert mind.


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AdonisXxXAdonisXxXalmost 9 years ago

he' dead or som'n? gosh these authors!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
loved it!

I loved this chapter, I just hope that the next chapter will come a bit faster ;). But still, uou did a very good job!


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