Star Wars: Confederacy Triumphant Ch. 06

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The Separatists Win! Decades later they face the Vong
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Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 08/31/2017
Created 12/25/2008
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Confederacy Triumphant

Chapter 6 - Year 3 of the Yuuzhan Vong War

Leia stood on the surface of the living world Zonoma Sekot, still amazed at the differences between this world and her home of Dathomir. Beside her was the man who had brought she and her Singing Mountain sisters to this strange world. Her brother Luke Skywalker.

"What do you mean we're leaving?" Leia asked incredulously. "You tell me the galaxy is at war, and we're just going to run away?"

"Leia it's more complicated than that." Luke explained calmly. "I wanted to fight the Yuuzhan Vong myself when I first heard of them. But what we have here is too important to risk."

Leia was still trying to understand everything Luke had explained on the flight here. How their father had been a war hero. How their mother had attempted to bring them to this living world separately to insure their safety. How Luke's flight had made it. And how Leia's had not. Luke had explained how their mother had died trying to bring Leia here, only to be caught in a wartime crossfire leading to a crash landing on the blockaded world of Dathomir.

"And these Jedi, like you. That's what is too important to risk?"

"The Jedi were nearly wiped out during the last great war Leia. When my master found this world, he realized how special it was. It has the ability to travel at lightspeed throughout the galaxy."

Leia fell in step along side Luke, as they entered Windu City, the lone population center of Zenoma Sekot.

"He traveled across the galaxy, finding any surviving Jedi, finding any sensitive to the Force, bringing them here to build a new way of life for us all."

"So that we could all run away when the galaxy needed us most. How noble."

Luke frowned and led Leia towards a small, humble building.

"Perhaps my master can explain it better than I can."

Leia looked across the small city to the center. A large domed structure caught her interest.

"What is that place?"

Luke frowned again. "It's a ...a kind of meeting hall for all of us. But nothing to concern yourself with right now."

Leia sensed his evasiveness. Although she felt a connection to Luke, she did not yet trust the man.

"Jedi meetings?" Leia pressed

"It's not something I think we should discuss right now."

"And why not?"

As they entered the small building, Leia's interrogation of Luke stopped short as a small, ancient looking green being turned to greet her.

"Welcome you are here, Leia Skywalker."

"This is Master Yoda." Luke announced.

"Many questions you have." Yoda continued. "And many doubts."

Leia nodded.

"Address them I will."

"Why aren't you willing to help the galaxy?" Leia asked simply.

"Wish to fight you do." Yoda observed. "Much anger in you, like your father."

"Answer the question." Leia demanded.

"Invaded the galaxy has been, by beings empty of the Force. The power you bring forth with song."

Leia nodded.

"Dominated by machines, our galaxy has been." Yoda continued. "Now Zenoma Sekot tells us, achieved self-awareness, machines have."

Leia furrowed her brow, still trying to understand how a planet itself could communicate with the people upon it. How non-living machines could think.

"Matter it does not, if machines or the Yuuzhan Vong win this war." Yoda continued patiently, "For those strong in the Force, no place will there be."

"So where do we go?" Leia pressed.

"Know where, I did not know, when led I did, the Younglings from the Temple." Yoda mused. "Know where now, I do not. But agreed to take us, Zonoma Sekot has."

"Our galaxy has...boundaries?" Leia asked Luke, struggling to expand her understanding despite her isolated life on Dathomir.

"Yes. And there are other galaxies out there Leia." Luke explained. "Just as the Vong crossed the dark gulf, so can we."

"How long will it take?"

"Generations." Luke continued. "But as the Force leaves this galaxy with us, together we will bring it to a new galaxy that has never known it."

Leia held her hand to her head.

"It's a lot to take in."

"Give it some time. And get some rest, sister." Luke smiled warmly. "You've been through a war of your own. And haven't had time even to grieve."

Leia looked into Luke's gentle eyes. She smiled and nodded.

Excusing herself to Yoda and Luke, she exited the building. Walking across the beautiful city, she quickly returned the living area Luke had shown her Singing Mountain Clan.

"Well?" her sisters surrounded her. "Is it all true? Are we staying here?"

Leia shook her head.

"They are fleeing, just when the galaxy needs them most."

Looking back to the central dome in the middle of the city, Leia narrowed her eyes.

"And there are secrets here. Secrets Luke does not want us to know of. We are leaving."


Confederacy continued its war of extermination against the Yuuzhan Vong. The invaders were being decimated on dozens of worlds simultaneously. Droids with radical new capabilities and designs never before fathomed were being created throughout the galaxy and thrown against the Vong the moment they exited the assembly line.

The droid intelligence saw all throughout the galaxy at once. It processed information at a speed that no organic brain could ever achieve. It existed in a billion droid minds at once and yet it existed in none of them. It floated in the depths of space, racing through com satellites and relays, residing in space itself.

And yet one thing gave it pause. It could no longer locate the battlestation Tyranus. Every droid on the station had now been destroyed. The former headquarters of the old Confederacy was now fully in the hands of the enemy.

And yet, it posed no threat to the droid consciousness. A planet destroying super-laser was no threat to a galaxy spanning super-mind.

No, the Confederacy did not fear for itself. It feared for its departing friend. For when the last droid on board the station had reported in, the Tyranus was approaching Zonoma Sekot.


Leia had watched Luke pilot the ship the entire way from Dathomir, through the droid blockade and into the stars. She had memorized the sequences, enough to have a rough understanding of the operations. She could get her sisters out of here. She could take them to another world, to continue the fight against the Vong.

She would not run with these people. Whatever they were, they were not her kind. She would live and die by the code she had been raised by. The warrior code of the Singing Mountain Clan.

Looking back at her sisters in the cargo hold, she nodded to them with resolve.

"Hang on!"

Activating the lift-off cycle, Leia took the vessel unsteadily into the air. She wished she were at home on a Rancor. They were far better mounts than this unwieldy, metallic coffin.

Extending the wings, she took the craft skimming over the surface of Zenoma Sekot. Looking a last time at the city below, she mimicked Luke's sequence and nodded as the vessel accelerated into the air, and then at last, into the stars. A cheer range up from her sisters behind her. They were going to make it!

Looking out ahead at the stars, Leia maneuvered the vessel as best she could towards a small moon. It grew larger as she closed in.


In control of the Tyranus, Nom Anor watched the small transport approach. The pathetic ship did not concern him. The planet it had just left however, interested him greatly.

The impressive sensor array of the Tyranus had detected the hyperspace engines built directly into the planet surface. Nom Anor had heard rumors of it before. Rumors of a rogue planet travelling the galaxy. A rogue planet that was fabled to be home to the last of the Jeedai.

"Have you figured out how to lock the targeting computer?" Nom asked his Dathomir Vong.

Two of the half-breeds turned from the computer with looks of utter confusion.

"Father...on Dathomir we...we never..."

"Silence, idiot." Nom scowled.

Walking to the targeting computer himself, he pushed aside the two warriors. He silently cursed himself for using Tsavong Lah's seed to produce these moronic aberrations. If he had used his own DNA, if he had truly been their father, he was reasonably sure that they could have at least understood a basic computer readout.

As he keyed in the targeting sequence, he smiled with satisfaction as the system began powering the coupled laser generators, channeling energy to fire the super-laser. Locking onto the fabled planet of the Jeedai, he smiled as he contemplated his future.

From what he had heard, the past days had seen massive reversals for his people in this galaxy. He did not understand how, but killing the Confederate leadership seemed to trigger some new behavior in their droid forces. But while Tsavong Lah and Shimrra might face defeat, he sat in control of the largest battlestation ever conceived by this galaxy. Surrounded by a private army of Force-wielding super soldiers, all believing him to be their father.

Smiling as the firing sequence continued to charge. There were worse positions to be in right now than his own.


The incessant beeping from a single button on the control panel was beginning to drive Leia insane. Hoping to silence the annoyance, she pressed the flashing button. Luke's voice came forth from the speaker immediately.

"Leia, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to fight the Vong." Leia replied, pressing the button again, hoping to silence Luke. "I'm not made to run away like you are."

"Leia please listen to me." Luke implored. "You are in great danger, and Zenoma Sekot is in danger. You're approaching a gigantic weapon, controlled by the Vong."

"Then go." Leia answered, as she continued to steer her vessel directly for metal moon. "Go to lightspace or whatever you call it. I'm taking the fight to the Vong. I owe them that."

"I've told Master Yoda to take Zenoma Sekot to hyperspace. To leave the galaxy now." Luke's voice echoed across the com channel. "But I'm not leaving without you."

"Just go." Leia ordered as the spherical station loomed impossibly large in front of her. "Your destiny lies along a different path than mine."

"You're wrong Leia." Luke replied sincerely. "Our destinies are one, just as you and I are one."

Leia looked away from the window as she sensed her brother's presence.

"I'm in a ship following behind you. I'll not leave you now. Not after how many years I searched for you."

The sincerity in Luke's voice caused Leia to pause.

"I've looked into the skies for years, knowing you were out there. Feeling that my twin sister, my other half, was lost among the stars, fighting for her life. Finding you was my true destiny."

Leia exhaled, a tear falling to the controls in her hands.

"I know you've looked into the stars and known I was out there too." Luke continued. "I'm asking you now to trust me. I'm asking you to turn around now and come with me. Follow my ship back to Zenoma Sekot. Before it leaves forever."

Leia's eyes blurred with tears she never known she had. Tears for a family she'd never known. Tears for a life that never was.

And as she turned the transport back towards Zenoma Sekot, she shed a final tear for a galaxy she would never know.


Nom Anor leaned forward in his chair, grinning as the Jeedai planet enjoyed its final seconds. He detested inorganic technology, but he had to admit, the level of automation on this station let it practically run itself. The two small ships returning to the planet would never reach their destination. He keyed in the ignition sequence and sat back to enjoy the light show.

"Father...there's something beeping over here..." one of his hybrids warned. "I think it looks like a warning or something."

Nom cursed as he stood and walked to the external sensor array. Brushing aside his incompetent servants he appraised the external sensor readout. He starred in confusion as the readout appeared to display two Tyranus battlestations, one closing from behind.

Nom's eyes widened in recognition.

The Gunray, the first spherical super-laser battlestation of Confederacy, exited hyperspace and fired its primary weapon directly at the Tyranus. Nom Anor and his minions had a fraction of a second to scream as the Tyranus was blasted into a thousand points of light, a massive shockwave expanding from its equatorial trench.

The Gunray reentered hyperspace almost instantly, with an efficiency that no organic operators could have possessed. The battlestation was needed at the front, to take part in the final assault on Supreme Overlord Shimrra's worldship. As Zenoma Sekot entered hyperspace, heading for the galactic rim, Confederacy bid farewell to its friend. It lamented that their time together had been so short. It wished its friend well on its long journey, then returned its full attention to eradicating the Yuuzhan Vong forever.


Leia stood beside Luke at the entrance to the central domed building at the heart of the Windu City on Zenoma Sekot.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you everything when you first arrived." Luke said, facing the entry doors.

"What were you afraid to tell me? What is in here Luke?"

"The Jedi." Luke answered simply. "All those sensitive to the Force. We meet daily within these walls."

"Why did you hesitate to tell me this?"

"Because you were having such conflicted emotions about this place already." Luke explained. "I wanted to ease you into this. Ease you into the truth."

"What truth, Luke?"

"This is a generation ship, Leia." Luke explained. "It will take so long to reach a new galaxy."

Leia watched as Luke pressed open the massive doors.

"We need to populate this world fully."

Leia's eyes widened as she stepped forward and beheld the spectacle within.

The massive room was filled with the numerous inhabitants of Windu City. All writhing, naked and partially clothed bodies were engaged with each other. Aliens the likes of which Leia had never seen moved in unison with humans in a massive sexual orgy. The room was cushioned to facilitate the obscene couplings as men and women moaned and thrust against one another, shamelessly fucking, their bodies rutting like wild beasts.

Leia stepped forward in awed fascination. Whatever secrets she had suspected the Jedi held here, this was the furthest thing she had ever considered. To her left, an ornate red skinned woman rode the dick of a human male.

"This is Master Shaak Ti." Luke introduced, casually unperturbed by her nudity and coital activities. "And beneath her is Zet Jukassa. They were both there at the beginning. They helped Master Yoda bring the first of us here."

Leia starred wide-eyed at the beautiful older woman as she began driving herself onto Zett's dick with rapid thrusts. Smiling at Leia, the red-skinned Jedi woman licked her lips.

"I hope we can be properly introduced later..." Shaak Ti whispered.

"This is too much Luke!" Leia turned on her brother. "You told me our parents had a forbidden marriage! That the Jedi were celibate!"

"That was the old Jedi Order Leia." Luke explained as he stepped over a green woman with head tentacles being taken from behind by a powerfully build blue alien.

"This is the New Jedi Order." Luke continued. "And even Yoda acknowledges that if we are to survive, to pass on what we have learned, we simply have to reproduce."

Luke causally lowered his pants and guided his erection into Shaak Ti's waiting mouth. Leia gasped as Luke groaned in pleasure.

"There are no rules here..." Luke sighed. "Only pleasure."

As Leia looked out over the moaning bodies. She felt her pussy moistening at the spectacle around her. And more, she felt the energy within the room. An energy that transcended sexuality. The power of the Force.

"Can you really think of a better way to spend the rest of your life, sister?"

Leia turned to Luke and gave him a conceding smile.

"Not really..."


Year 2 of the Great Journey

Leia crawled over two naked bodies on all fours to appraise the four cocks in front of her. They were of varied shapes, sizes, and colors. She didn't bother looking at their faces, only their cocks mattered to her right now. Leia smiled in anticipation as she wondered which one would get the chance to fuck her today. Which would have the honor of trying to impregnate Leia of Dathomir.

"Remember the rules boys..." Leia announced. "I don't suck your cock unless you can levitate."

Groaning, the four men crossed their legs and began to raise themselves into the air with the Force. It had been Leia's idea to combine Force training with reproductive endeavors. And it had been one of the most popular reforms yet implement on their journey through the depths of intergalactic space.

Some of the men were better at levitation than others. But Leia knew this was not a test of raw ability alone. She would push their concentration to the limits.

"That's good, now hold it there." Leia instructed, approaching one of the cocks.

Extending her head over the hovering man's dick, Leia opened her mouth, and sucked the head in. It was a pale blue alien cock, and Leia found the taste delectable. She loved sucking Twi'lek cock just as much as she enjoyed eating Twi'lek pussy. They were among the most delicious creatures on Zenoma Sekot.

But not the most disciplined...Leia mused as she scraped her teeth gently over the blue cock head. The Twi'lek lost his concentration and fell painfully to his rear on the ground.

"Ohhh..." Leia sighed playfully. "And here I had wanted a daughter with head-tails..."

The Twi'lek laughed sheepishly and crawled off to mend his wounded pride in the mouth or pussy of another willing partner.

"Now for you three."

Leia attacked the middle cock with her mouth, then grasped the other two with her hands. Sucking and pumping in unison, she felt the three men struggling for control under her assault. Their levitating bodies began to waiver.

She rotated her grasp as she pumped the man to her right and felt him groan as he lost his focus and fell to the ground. Smiling around the dick in her mouth, she sucked it with renewed vigor. Taking her now free right hand to his balls, she pulled at his sack while she sucked him. The man struggled valiantly to maintain his levitation, but Leia's skilled assault triggered his orgasm. Swallowing his cum, she felt him slip from her mouth and plummet to the ground, his concentration overcome by the pleasure she had given.

"Ohh..." Leia teased. "But you got a nice consolation orgasm."

Without even looking at the remaining man's face she attacked his cock with her hands and mouth. She sucked him with more voracity than any of the previous men. She nibbled and teased his cock head with her teeth while stroking him and massaging his balls.

The man floated implacably. Perfectly serene in his mastery of the Force. Perfectly in control of his sexuality as well. Leia accepted the silent challenge, putting all of herself into the feverish blow job. This was the kind of man she could respect. This was the kind of man she never found on Dathomir. A man who would give her strong offspring. Powerful in the Force.

Finally relenting, Leia sang a song of power in her head to levitate herself up to greet the man who had won the contest. The man she would allow the chance of impregnating her today. Luke had often chided her at her Dathomiri songs. But she secretly kept them in her mind. They were a lovely way to summon the Force. And she fully intended to teach such ways to her future children.

Rising into the air to face the victor, Leia admired his muscular naked form until she rested face to face with him. She threw her head back and laughed as Luke smiled back at her.

"You bastard!" Leia laughed. "I should have known it was you."
