Still You Want Me Ch. 03


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"I need to use the restroom. Would you like to come with me?"

I lean forward and claim his lips, again. His lips are soft, yet, strong and he always knows exactly when to back off and when to press forward. I'm looking forward to this trip to the bathroom.

Finally, he breaks our kiss and leads me off of the floor. My hands are all over his body while I use my mouth to ravage his neck, his jaw, and finally his ear. He's butter against my ministrations.

As we're walking into the bathroom, Colin is coming out. So many questions are simultaneously going through my head.

Am I glad he sees me with James? Am I making a mistake? Should I tell Colin the truth about my feelings? What is the truth? Should I tell Colin to kiss my ass because he knew I was gay and didn't want me? Do I want to make him jealous? Do I ditch James?

I try to play it super cool because I'm fine, everything's fine. There's nothing going on between Colin and me so I have nothing to hide or feel ashamed about. Right?

"Hey, dude."

Hey dude? Why the fuck did I say that?

"Are you stalking me? Twice in one night is really weird."

Oh, jeez, can I please shut up now.

"Hi. Jesse and I decided to go dancing before calling it a night."

He's smiling or smirking, I can't tell because everything is overwhelming.

"Cool! Ryan and Quinn are out there if you want to join us."

Please join us and ditch Blondie.

Colin looks at me and then glances down. I straighten up so he can check me out. I'm only kidding, he's not checking me out. He's looking at the guy I'm hanging all over.


I let go of the guy like a hot potato.

"This is..."

Shit! What's this guy's name? I don't know how long I've been standing here, looking like I'm trying to catch flies, before the guy finally intervenes.

"Sorry, I have Charles a little preoccupied. My name is James."


"Nice to meet you. I'm Colin."

There's an uncomfortable silence when no one knows what to do or say. I'm hoping James decides I'm not what he's expecting and leaves, but that's not usually my luck. Finally, Colin breaks the silence.

"Well, I can see you guys are busy, so I'm going to go."

He points to the dance floor with both pointer fingers and leaves.


* * COLIN * *

"Hey, Jesse, guess who I ran into when I was leaving the bathroom?"

"I can't possibly know. The only people we know in common are our moms. Are they here?"

He laughs and starts to excitedly look around.

He's teasing me, again.

I pout my lips. I love being flirty with this beautiful blonde man.

"Don't make me look stupid on our first date."

He moves his hands down my arms and pulls me closer.

"You look like a lot of things tonight, but stupid isn't one of them. Who'd you see in the bathroom?"

He's doing that thing, again, where I'm the only person he sees.

"Charles, my colleague. You met him at dinner tonight. I think he's currently getting lucky."

He raises his eyebrow and nods his head in approval before I continue.

"Anyway, Ryan and Quinn have a big table over there and we're invited to join them, if we want? I know that's weird on a first date, but I wouldn't mind sitting down."

"No, it's not weird at all."

He grabs our drinks and gestures for me to proceed to the table.

Ryan smiles when he sees me approaching.

"I saw Charles and he said we could join you guys? Is that okay?"

Ryan answers, immediately. "Absolutely. It's the least we can do for tonight's main attraction."

They move down to make room for us.

"Colin, Jesse, this is my boyfriend, Quinn. Quinn, this is the hottest duo to ever grace the dance floor of this fine establishment and the reason we've been sporting a hard-on for the last ninety minutes."

Jesse howls with laughter and replies.

"That's the best introduction anyone has ever given me. I'm honored and undeserving."

Ryan disagrees.

"No, you're absolutely deserving. You guys were killing it out there! We haven't had a chance to dance because there's no way we can compare. We'd look like a couple of newborn horses trying to find our legs compared to the two of you!"

Jesse laughs at the compliment and I blush.

Quinn puts his hand up and begs, like a child does for five more minutes before bedtime, for Jesse's help.

"I want lessons. Teach me your ways!"

"Give me ten minutes and I'll take you out there, as long as it's okay with Ryan."

"Sure, as long as I get lessons, also, and he ends the night with me."

Ryan wraps his arm around Quinn and pulls him in for a kiss. We rehydrate and rest while listening to Ryan and Quinn banter back and forth. They're fun and I like them. Finally, Quinn has had enough and looks to Jesse.

"You guys have monopolized the dance floor all night and I'm ready for my turn. You've had time to finish your water and rest, now get your ass up and dance with me!"

Jesse gives a mock salute.

"Yes, Sir!"

He tosses back the last drink of his water and lets Quinn pull him onto the dance floor, leaving Ryan and I laughing in their wake. Ryan is about to say something when Charles makes his return to the table.

"Where's Blondie?"

Ryan and I simultaneously point toward the dance floor. Jesse is using his hands to show Quinn how to move, then he lets go so Quinn can try on his own.

I tease Charles. "Where's he whose name you couldn't remember?"

"Oh, god. That wasn't my finest moment! I can't believe I forgot the guy's name! I'm such an ass." Charles covers his face, laughing.

Ryan lifts his glass and cheers. "That you are!"

Charles flips him off and then composes himself.

"Anyway, I'm here with my friends tonight."

He returns his attention to the dance floor and Ryan smirks.

"I'm sure he gave you a nice parting gift before he left."

Without taking his eyes off of the dance floor, Charles flips him off, again. I laugh as the banter between them is too funny. We sit in silence for a few minutes just watching Quinn and Jesse as they dance. Well, actually, I'm only watching Jesse.

Charles comments, to no one in particular, while swirling his drink in lazy circles.

"He's good."

Then he looks at me.

"I mean, I already knew you were good, but you're very, very good."

He smiles and I can't help but blush.

"That's why Ryan and Quinn were literally begging Jesse for private lessons. No one was acknowledging my skills."

I glare at Ryan, who throws his hands up in surrender.

"Woah! It's nothing personal against you. You're very attractive, but Jesse is Chris Hemsworth's doppelgänger and Hemsworth is our celebrity free-pass card, so yeah, we're going to bump and grind with Jesse."

"Oh, so I'm not hot enough for you, either?"

I wipe a faux tear from my eye and flick it to the side as Ryan laughs, he points at Charles, and replies.

"Oh, shut up! Take this blondie out to the dance floor. He needs some technique lessons. He only knows how to dance with the intention of it ending in sex, but there's so much more to dancing than that."

Charles throws a napkin at him.

"You're an ass, Ryan. There's nothing wrong with my dancing."

Ryan shrugs, feigning indifference.

"Say what you will, Charles, but I'm right and you're wrong."

He's secretly challenging him and Charles takes the bait.

"Fine! I'll prove it to you." He holds his hand out to me, "Let's dance!"

I look at Ryan, who's smiling. He played Charles like cheap fiddle. We make it to the dance floor as the song Milkshake (by Kelis) starts playing.

"Are they serious? This is a weird song to play at a gay club."

We're both laughing as we start dancing. Although it's not my favorite song, it's incredibly catchy and I can't help but sing. I drape one arm over Charles' shoulder and start imitating Kelis as I move my body to the music.

Charles puts his hand on my hip, but we still have more space between us than any other duo on the dance floor and we're laughing and having a good time. My youth pastor from high school would be proud that we have room for Jesus between us.

I let go of him and start solo dancing. I'm rolling my hips and shaking my milkshake. I look back at him and notice he's a simple white boy doing a glorified two step. I stand back and watch him for a second before I begin teasing him.

"What are you doing? Is this how you dance with all the guys? No wonder James was dragging you to the bathroom, anything to get you off the dance floor!"

He looks uncomfortable under my scrutiny.

"Why are you looking at me like that, Colin?"

"I'm surveying the damage."

He stops dancing, now we're both standing motionless on the dance floor.

"I can't dance while you stare at me like that!"

"No, Charles, you can't dance, period! Is this how you are in bed? Is this the real reason James bailed on you?"

He flips me off in return, but with a giant smile on his face. The DJ starts playing Freek-a-leek (by Petey Pablo). This'll do! It has a basic beat to build on.

"Okay, come here, Charlie."

I bounce my shoulders to the beat and he follows my lead.

"I'm going to show you the basics."

He already knows the basic two step, so I'm going to let him keep it until he's ready to advance. I start moving my legs as I watch him, watch me move.

I look up and notice two smiling brunettes, along with several other couples, dancing next to us and watching me teach Charles how to dance. I point at Charles as I speak to the two brunettes.

"He's learning how to dance for the first time. He's never been to the club before."

They both laugh and give Charles a thumbs up for his good work and everyone else smiles, also, but he scowls, embarrassed from all of the attention.

"You're a jerk."

"Hey, pay attention to the dancing, now the hips and the upper body."

He's mimicking everything I'm doing and he's doing a pretty good job of learning. You can tell he's becoming more comfortable with the moves and he already looks ten times better than he did a few minutes ago.

"Okay, try this."

I add a hip dip and pop my ass on the way up.

"Oh, god. Okay, I'll try."

I'm sure he's doing his best.

"Oh, no. Charles, that was terrible!"

I'm dying of laughter at this point. It's late in the evening and the whole dance floor is so sexually charged, they're practically participating in a giant orgy. Yet, Charlie and I are laughing hysterically.

"Try it like this."

I break down the move and he tries, again, with more success. We continue dancing as Charlie applies all of his concentration and we find our own rhythm and style.

I spot Jesse, Quinn, and Ryan about thirty feet away and I'm glad to see they're having a good time. Jesse has a huge smile as he watches me. I gesture toward Charlie, who's not paying attention to anything, and point my thumbs down while mouthing, he's terrible! Jesse starts laughing and waves me off. Salt Shaker (by the Ying Yang Twins) starts playing.

"Do you want to try dancing together to this song and see if you can manage?"

We'd been primarily dancing in the same proximity, but not together, as we did for Milkshake.

"Do you think I'm ready?"

He's teasing me.


"No, but we'll make it work."

I turn so I'm behind him with his back toward my chest. We aren't touching, but we are definitely dancing together with a little less room for Jesus.

"Okay, ready?"

He nods in response. I put my hands on his hips so I can guide him so as to make sure we're staying in rhythm. There's nothing worse than dancing off rhythm with your partner.

Once I'm confident we're on the same page, I put my hand on his stomach and lightly pull him against my chest, making sure his upper body is working as hard as his hips while he skillfully follows my lead.

Halfway through the song, I realize Charles doesn't need my help anymore, we're dancing together like two veterans. Suddenly, he spins around so he's dancing behind me. He drops so low, I can feel his face graze against my ass as he starts skimming his hands down my sides in the most provocative way.

I hear a loud roar of wolf whistles and look up to find everyone smiling at us because they're impressed with Charles' sudden improvement and movement.

Yeah, okay, now we're talking! Encouraged by Charles' advancements and the crowd's attention, I start moving and rolling my hips, shaking and gyrating when the song calls for it. I even bump his groin a few times for good measure. I can tell the song is about to finish, so I turn around and see him smiling at me.

"Well, now, the white boy can dance!"

"Only because I had the best teacher."

He's still smiling.

"Flattery will not get you anywhere with me."

I give my most innocent smile.

"Colin, why do you have to break my heart?"

He breaks his faux air heart and I laugh. He's so adorable.

"How about one more song, Charles, then a break?"

Pony (by Ginuwine) fades in. I look at Charles and he smiles as I put my hand on his chest and laugh.

"Oh, shit! They don't mess around. Okay, show me what you've learned."

Charlie turns me around so his hand is pressed on my lower stomach and he's pulling me flush against him.

Sorry, Jesus, there's no room for you anymore.

He puts his other hand on my hip and starts moving us to the music, while grinding his groin against my ass, as he whispers into my ear.

"Okay, if you say so."

I can't be sure, but I think he's challenging me to a dance off so I slightly turn my head toward him.

"Is that how you want to do this?"

I hear him laugh. Challenge accepted.

We continue to move our hips together and I push back. I reach behind his head and lightly graze my fingers down the sensitive part of his neck. I'm surprised when I feel movement in his pants.

Bingo! Game. Set. Match.

I continue to innocently graze my fingers along his neck while my ass and hips move as seductively as possible. I feel Charles' lips near my ear.

"Hey, you're cheating."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

I'm glad he can't see me smile, although I'm sure he can hear it on my voice. I look around the floor, but I don't see any of the guys, so I casually glance at our table and find all three of them staring at us. Ryan is definitely holding back a laugh and Jesse gives me two thumbs up.

I lean my head back, exposing my neck, and rest it gently against Charles. I take one more pass at his neck with my figure tips and notice he's definitely boning up.

I feel his fingers across my lower belly, which is exposed because my arm is extended up around his neck. He starts at my belly button and slowly moves outwards towards my hips, tracing the band of my boxer briefs. This is an erogenous zone for me. Instantly, my breath hitches and I involuntarily squeeze his neck, it's gentle but obvious.


I can hear his breath quicken as he, ever so slightly, leans forward so his mouth and nose brush the curve of my neck. Damnit, I really set myself up for that one.

He's rock hard and I'm not far behind. This seductive dancing is sending heat throughout my body. I'm vaguely aware why Charles might be so popular. Despite my current state of arousal, I still declare myself in the lead at this point. Charlie dips his fingers under the elastic bands of my boxer briefs.


I start laughing.

"Who's cheating now, you son-of-a-bitch?"

Did I just moan?

Charlie over-exaggerates his innocence.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."


There's about twenty seconds left of the song, so I disengage my arm from his neck, lean forward, and grind my ass back (hard). This changes the whole view for Charles as he runs his hand down my spine and I hear him groan.


The song finishes, I face Charlie, and reach for his hand.

"Good game, Charles."

His smile fills the whole room as he laughs and I point to his bulge.

"You might want to adjust that before we go back."

He looks down at my bulge.

"What about you?"

I point to Jesse as I smile and adjust my pants.

"Me? Well, I'm going to leave here with him and I get to blame you if I have to experience the walk-of-hypocritical-shame tomorrow morning."

The guys at our table are whistling and whooping at us until we finally sit down. Jesse slides me a full glass of water and puts his arm around me as Quinn shouts.

"Hot freaking damn! I picked the wrong fucking teacher, that's for sure!"

Ryan put his arms out, palms up and moves them up and down, measuring who was better.

"Colin and Jesse versus Colin and Charles? Maybe Colin, Jesse, and Charles together!"

With a giant, sleazy smile, Ryan looks at the table for approval. Quinn quickly adds.

"Yes, please! I'll pay an extra cover charge for that."

I point to all of them.

"I saw the three of you guys and the only one worth a damn, is this guy."

I reach up, grab Jesse's chin, and give it a playful shake. Ryan and Quinn start screaming excuses as Jesse leans down to my ear.

"Are you ready to leave?"

I nod.

"Ok, I'm going to use the restroom and I'll be right back. Make sure you finish your water. You were working pretty hard out there."

I look at him. He has no clue Charlie and I are only friends, so I'm worried I may have crossed a line. I see nothing except friendly teasing and lust.


"Seriously, Colin, your boyfriend is amazing."

I bite my lip at the thought of dating Jesse.

"Well, he's not my boyfriend, but thanks for the approval."

"Yet..." Charlie adds.


"He's not your boyfriend...yet."

He's not looking directly at me, he's watching the dance floor and sipping his water.

"Don't get me wrong. I'd be more than happy if he wanted to date me, he's a total ten, but I haven't had any luck with this stuff in the past. I've never made it past date number four, so that's my first goal."

Quinn practically yells.

"Wait! You've never dated anyone longer than four dates!"

Of course, Jesse chooses to return at this moment and tries to catch up with the conversation.

"Who hasn't dated anyone longer than four dates?"



Please, everyone. Drop it.

Charles is laughing.

"Colin hasn't ever dated anyone longer than four dates before."

Fucking Charles!

I shoot him daggers, silently mouthing what the fuck? His eyes go wide and Quinn looks at me with surprise as he speaks a little too loudly.

"Wait! Are you a virgin?"

Fucking, Quinn.

Yeah, I'm glaring at him, too, as I quickly reply.


Quinn doesn't stop there.

"How many times have you had sex? Once? Twice?"

Fucking Quinn. I'm done.

"All right, I'm ready to go."

Jesse puts his hand on my back and we start walking away. I turn around and see all three of them smiling. I look at Charles in the eyes, flip him the bird and mouth fuck you! This is the first time I'm not teasing or joking. I'm pissed! His face drops, again, as he realizes I'm angry at him.

* * CHARLES * *

Fuck, Colin stormed out.

"Oh, shit! How are you still alive? He murdered you with his eyes," Quinn remarks.

"Us, Quinn, he murdered us."

I don't feel so good, I think I might be sick.

Ryan speaks, but he doesn't look very confident, "Don't worry about it. He'll be fine by Monday."

He's trying to give me hope.

"You, think?"

It isn't a question, it's a sarcastic jab.

"We harassed him about his sex life, nay, lack of sex life, in front of Blondie God, during their first date. I'd be pissed too."

Why is my drink empty!