Strawberry - A Shanghai Girl in America Ch. 04


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"Mmmmmmm," I so making sound of enjoyment as Alan lick across nipple. So shivery good sensation.

Holding di diao uptight, looking into eyes of loved one, finding right spot, holding as sinking down. Head of cock so large, so hard, so welcome as I ease down onto it. Feel head of di diao inside me now. Body rippling. Hands clutching at Alan's shoulder, holding self up, breathing hard. Wanting to bite Alan. So torture to hold self still, teasing Alan. Little squeeze, liking look on his face. Squeeze again, moaning as Alan hands slide up thighs to hips, rest on hips. Heart beating so fast as easing up and down on di diao.

Look down. See so enormous thick hard di diao jutting upwards, entering xiǎo bī. See lips stretched around so thick di diao. So pink and so stretched around steely-hard shaft. So eager to be stretched more. So wanting entirety of di diao inside again. Alan's hands on hips pull me slowly down. I watching di diao disappear inside me, feeling di diao sliding up inside. So exquisite surrender. So loving Alan taking me.

"Ride me, Strawberry," he breathe in my hair as he pull me all the way down on him. All of him inside me. So impossible to believe so huge di diao all in me, but evidence has disappeared before very eyes. Evidence is all inside xiǎo bī.

"Ohhhhh," I moan, sitting there, so helpless. "I so fucked."

Alan kiss nose. Kiss lips. Hands squeeze butt. "Strawberry, you're so fucked." I happy Alan in full agreement. I so happy Alan fucking me. I so happy I here now for so lovable Alan to fuck so good.

"Fuck me, Strawberry" Alan breathe. Strong hands lift me. Let me slide down again. Head arch back, eyes close, water running over face, through hair, down over body as I started to move myself on so wonderful di diao. So best di diao in whole wide world. I loving this so much. Loving Alan so much.

"I love you, Strawberry." Big blue eyes look deep into mine as di diao slide deep into xiǎo bī. "I love you so much little darling."

"Alan," I moan, riding him so enthusiast. "Alan ... I love you ... I love you ... want you ... want you shèjīng ... please oh please shèjīng." So wanting. Sliding myself up and down on him, his di diao so hard, like impaling self on steel bar. So rigid. So hard. So delicious friction. So full inside. So heaven. So wanting to feel him finish inside me. So needing him to finish. Own climax again approaching so fast, rising like wave. Like tidal wave. Feeling surging wave, so unable to slow wave down, so helpless in face of pleasure. So blade of grass caught up in maelstrom of overwhelming tidal wave of love.

So sinking self down and grinding against him as xiǎo bī goes wild for second time. So losing control, bouncing round like helpless toy. So enjoying control exerted by hands of Alan as he pumps di diao up into me while golden pleasure overwhelms me. Feeling his dia diao pulse, throb, spurt inside me. Wanting to scream with added pleasure as I feeling Alan shèjīng inside my xiǎo bī. He shèjīng so hard, so furious. I feeling jets of cum burst out inside xiǎo bī, spurting and spurting. So much. So hard. Xiǎo bī so welcoming hot spurts, feeling so flooded inside, so delicious feeling as Alan collapse onto back on shower floor, hands holding me so I lying on him, head on his shoulder, so glowing happy.

So exalted feeling. So one with Alan. So loving Alan.

* * *

Finally open eyes so much later. Alan lying on back on shower floor, I on top of Alan, breathing so hard. Alan breathing so hard too. So satisfied hard breathing. I so much better now. Alan look up at me. Kiss me. So gentle kiss. So loving kiss. So not-caring-I-not-yet-clean-teeth-with-toothpaste kiss. I loving Alan so much. So resting head on hunky shoulder of Alan as hot water pour down on us. So relaxed. So happy. No more stress. No more panic. Only contentedness.

"God, I love you so much, Strawberry."

I lift head, smile down at so wonderful Alan. So not caring about horrible Chucky-Grandma. Knowing Alan love me so much all that important. Knowing I so safe and loved with Alan. "I love you, Alan." I say it so happy, so smiling. So kissing my Alan. So enjoying lying on him while he wash me again. Alan so naughty. So washing me long time. Washing me so thorough. I so enjoying thorough washing. Climb out of shower at last. Stand there while Alan dry me so tender with so fluffy warm towel. Feeling so pampered. We walk out into bedroom together, holding hands.

"Oh! So nice room!" First time I seeing bedroom. Last time I in here, eyes closed so tight. Never opening. Now I looking. So wonderful room. So big room. Big? So huge room. Beautiful log walls. Big round logs. Never seeing log-built home before. So fascinating. Windows on two sides, big windows looking out over lake. Stone fireplace in corner. Wood stacked next to fireplace. This is real fireplace, big stone fireplace and chimney, not just electric or gas imitation. So wonderful. So looking forward to fire. Never seeing real fireplace before. Floor of room is beautiful wood with so nice rugs. Big closet for clothes. Lovely big wooden dresser. Huge wooden bed with nightstands either side, looking so inviting, so comfortable.

Alan's suitcase sit next to mine. Alan look at it. Look at me. "Would you like me to stay with you in here, Strawberry?"

I look at his suitcase. Look at him. So doubtful. So not wanting to be alone in so large strange house. So big windows. Woods outside. Bears. Wolves. Chucky-Grandma. So afraid of being alone. So wanting Alan with me. So not wanting to make wrong impression on parents. So quandary.

"My parents don't mind, Strawberry, Mom said it was okay for me to stay in here with you if you'd like me too while we're here together." Alan take me in arms. Hold me.

We both so naked. Bed calling our names. I so happy. Alan loving me so much. So much commitment. So willing to display commitment before parents. "Are you sure, Alan? Sure they not mind? I not wanting to cause upsetness." I still so anxious. I know if I take Alan home, my Daddy so angry if I share bedroom with him, even if Daddy knowing seriousness of relationship. I know Americans so different, but so hard to decide if really okay.

Alan kiss me, hold me. "It's okay, Strawberry. I know my Mom and Dad, if they said it's okay, it's okay. Okay?"

Deep breathe. "Okay." I make decision. So nervous. Fear of making bad impression overwhelmed by desire to have Alan with me in bed whole time we staying with parents. Ten days. So bliss to share bed and room with Alan for ten whole days. So never doing anything like this before. Ever. So big step. So wanting to make big step with Alan. So radiant happy. So putting arms around Alan's neck and kissing so wonderful guy of mine so happy, so enthusiastic. So wanting to move to bed and make noises of so happy and willing excitement and surrender.

"Tonight, Strawberry," Alan kiss me back so enthusiastic. I know he want to as well. "We better get dressed, my Mom and Dad, they'll be really worried about you if we take much longer." He grin at me. "We were in the shower a really long time, Strawberry."

Alan right, I know. Not to be keeping his Mom and Dad waiting too long. I so wanting to rectify awful first impression. Hastily open suitcases on floor. Scamper round room, unpack clothes, hang up in closet, put away in drawers. Alan watch. I can tell he so fascinated. He look at lingerie so interested. He look at me, so much more interested. He blush when I look at him. I smile. So forgetting no clothes on in excitement of unpacking.

Pick up sexiest little black g-string panties. Slip into so sexy and so tiny g-string panties. So very slowly. So enjoying Alan's interest as I carefully adjust panties to fit just so. Adjustment take so long time. So needing to check fit so carefully, adjust so many times. So enjoying raptness of attention from Alan. He no doubt performing own check to ensure so perfect fit. So good to know fitting of little panties being so carefully monitored.

"God, Strawberry, you're so beautiful." So enjoying Alan's words.

So smiling when I give him handful of lingerie. "Put in drawer please, Alan." I so making sure Alan have vision of me in mind for rest of evening before so happy bed time. Bed time together. So wanting to dance and sing. So looking forward to bedtime joy now. No lonely night. No scary night. No worrying about wolves and bears howling in woods. Worrying now about Strawberry and Alan howling in bedroom. So giggling at thought.

"What?" Alan say when I giggle.

"I tell you at bedtime." I giggle again. I so naughty. I so planning much more naughtiness for tonight.

Clothes put away. Now need to decide what to wear tonight. Dinner with family. Everyone coming over to meet me. Needing to implement shock and awe strategy. Remembering my Miss Shanghai contest coach. Dress for success so important, those first impressions count. Needing to do makeup first. Retrieve overnight bag with only bare essentials, take into bathroom and unpack. So little storage space in bathroom. So filling everywhere. So shooing Alan out. Guy not to see how girl makes herself look so good. "Wait in bedroom Alan, get dressed, I not long, okay."

"Okay, Strawberry. No rush."

I leave bathroom door open though, hear him unpacking his suitcase. He putting his clothes away with mine. We sharing bedroom. I so happy. His parents so nice, so understanding that Alan mine now. I apply makeup so carefully. Best makeup is so invisible makeup, look so natural no one know a girl wearing it. I good at that. Summer fashion school in Shanghai, so many weeks learning. So useful. Not take so long. Really quick. Taking only thirty minutes.

I walk out of bathroom, Alan sitting on bed waiting so patient, looking so good in designer jeans and linen shirt I buy for him from Nordstrom. He look at me. Blue eyes so big and round. Expression so impressed. I know, Alan never see me do shock and awe makeup before. Alan never see my Miss Shanghai contestant look before. Even I impressed and I not easily impressed. I look so good that if I not me, I fall in love with me. And I girl.

"Wow, Strawberry." He shake his head. "Wow, you look ... you look just ... stunning ... amazing ... wow ... How do you do that?" He sound so stunned. Look so stunned. So perfect reaction.

I so smiling, so pleased. "Girl secret," I say. Plus weeks and weeks and weeks of training and practice. Practicing so hard. So long. All one long summer. Every day. All day. Day after day. So not saying that. Girl secret.

"You don't even look like you have makeup on," he say, sounding so stunned, "but wow, just ... wow, you look so ... you look more beautiful than ever and you were gorgeous before."

I smile even more happily. He right of course. I gorgeous. Of course I even more gorgeous with makeup. Shock and awe work so good. I in Miss Shanghai contest for very good reason, even if not winning. Even if beaten by cheating girls who all sleep with contest judges. So cheap of them. So unfair. I so not prepared to win that way. Of course, I know if I do, I win. But I so not cheap girl. Of course I not complaining now. If I sleep with judges back then, I not winning Longwei. Longwei so not wanting girl who so cheap as to sleep with judges for silly little prize.

Also, if I win back then, I not winning now, with Alan. Alan so lovable. Alan to die for. "You love me, Alan?"

"God yes, Strawberry." He take me in arms, look down at me. So in love, I can tell. I so in love with him. So wanting him to be proud of me. "I love you so much," he add after long pause. Looking into eyes pause.

"I love you, Alan." We gaze into each others eyes some more. Star-crossed lovers. We so adorable couple. Alan just hold me tight. So nice to be held. So much love. So growing erection. I so giggling. "Bed-time later, Alan." I stroke him through jeans. So much anticipation for tonight already. "I get dressed now, take care of this tonight, okay?"

He kiss me so gentle. Hand stroke my back, my butt, oh so nice stroking. I so purring like cat. Ohhhhhh so much enjoyment. "I pussy cat," I smile. "Your loving little pussy cat, Alan." Or maybe I wolf. Lady wolf who likes to howl. Maybe I play at Princess Mononoke* later tonight? Have to think on appropriate level of naughtiness for first night in home of potential parents-in-law. Not to howl to loud either. Not knowing yet how sound proof house is. So blushing when housemate Ramona ask to keep noise down after Alan stay overnight first time. Ramona so nice, so smiling. But still, I so embarrassed. So intending not to be experiencing that embarrassment in family home.

Alan so purring. I smiling. Everything so much better now. I not scared anymore, not panicking. Not dressed either. So needing to get dressed. Slip into little black bra to match panties. So cute little bra, so lacey, so pretty, for Alan's eyes only. Open closet, examine clothes. Decide on casual but also so formal little black dress. That dress show off figure and legs so well, but not exposing skin. Not too much skin, anyhow. So very suitable Judy Hua design. Judy Hua designs so good for every occasion. Especially when meeting potential parents-in-law. Slip dress on, brush out so silky black hair. Hair stylist did so good cut. So worth big tip.

Eye self in mirror. So satisfied with look. See Alan behind me. He so satisfied with look too. He smiling so happy.

"I look okay?" I ask, using tone of slight anxiety. Of course I know so well I look okay. I look a lot better than okay, but so nice to hear Alan say so too. So liking that.

"Oh yeah, Strawberry, you look way better than okay," he smile. "You look totally stunning. Like a supermodel." He hold out hands. "Are you feeling good to go out now and meet Mom and Dad and Patrick?"

I so satisfied. Supermodel comparison good. Still thinking I far better looking than Fan Bing Bing though. She so striking. But striking not same as beautiful. I not striking original, but I so beautiful. My smile so shy, so happy. "I good now, Alan. So sorry for bad behavior when we arrive. I just so nervous. So scared of Grandma. So sorry to make so big fuss. I so silly."

Alan squeeze my hand. "No problem, Strawberry, that wasn't silly at all. Now let's go out and meet the folks, Mom said the rest of the family's coming around." He check the time. "In another couple of hours, so we have plenty of time for you to get used to my Mom and Dad and Pat."

"And Chucky," I say, so not thinking.

"Chucky?" Alan look so puzzled.

"Ohhhh," I squeak. So blushing. So embarrassment. So bad manners of me. Cover mouth with hand, eyes so wide. "So sorry, Alan, I mean Grandma. So sorry for rudeness."

Alan grin. He laugh. He laugh so hard he let go of me and sit down on bed, head in hands. "Chucky," he gasp, "Chucky, I love it. I love it. I love you, Strawberry."

I love Alan too. I not love saying Chucky by accident. Not at all. So rude of me. I so embarrassed. Also so relieved Alan not offended. "Not telling your Mom and Dad I say that, okay?" I so emphatic.

"Okay, okay, no problem," he say, still laughing, standing up, taking my hand. "Chucky!"

He lead me to bedroom door, open door, lead me out into big wide hallway with so lovely wooden floor. More log walls. So big logs. All so lovely golden color liked bedroom. House smelling so nice, like pine trees and wood polish and faint trace of incense. So beautiful house. So warm inside. We walk down hallway, through another doorway into huge room looking out over lake. High arched ceiling, huge wooden beams, large stone fireplace with fire burning, flames so warm. Huge glass windows. So beautiful view over lake. So beautiful room.

His Dad look up when we walk in. His Mom turn and look. His big brother look up. Scary nasty Chucky-Grandma look.

"Herregud."* His Dad look like somebody hit him on head. He looking at me, so wide-eyed. I smiling.

"Oh my! Strawberry, you look so ... you look just like a beautiful China doll." His Mom sound like she seeing vision. Of course, she so correct. I liking Alan's Mom so immediate.

"How in hell did you do it, Alan?" His big brother sound so stunned. He looking at me and looking at me. His big brother also say "Owwww" when his Mom hit him. I smiling more.

Scary nasty Chucky-Grandma say nothing. She scowl.

"I'd like you all to meet Strawberry," Alan say so proudly, smile down at me so happy, his arm around me so possessive. I smile so sweet, so happy, so demure smile. Smile that say I so happy and pleased and honored to meet parents and family of so wonderful boyfriend. I nestle into Alan's arm, movement that say I so belong to Alan. Reach up, hold his hand with mine. Gesture that conveys message Alan so belong to me.

"I so happy to meet everyone," I smile so pleased and happy smile, then switch to so serious and apologetic look. "So apologize for arrival behavior, so bad of me, so asking Grandma to excuse sudden illness."

"Don't be silly, Strawberry," his Mom say to me, smiling so friendly, walking over to me, giving me nice hug. "It was a long trip and you were so tired, it's perfectly understandable. I do hope you had a nice rest." She smile again, stand back, hold both my hands in hers. Look at me so smiling. "You just look so beautiful, I'm so glad Alan brought you up here for Christmas, we're so happy to have you here." She smile again. "And please, Strawberry, call me Ingrid."

I smile back so happy for warm welcome. So nice Mom. "Thank-you so much, Inga-rid. I so happy to be here with Alan, so happy to meet family." Relief. I remembering English phrases I practice so hard. We do the huggy thing again. Americans so huggy. So nice friendly custom. She keep looking at me and smiling. I so happy. Of course she smile so happy, she no doubt so pleased to see son with so beautiful and charming girl. I so happy and confident now. So in element of happy socializing. So not nervous and panicking.

So happy to hug Alan's dad. Such a big guy. Bigger than Alan. So strong. So not worrying about bears now. Bears should so worry about Alan's dad. "Call me Sven," he say.

I try. Se-ven not easy to say. So much laughing by everyone. I so giggling and practicing so many times before I get it right. Well, not right. Close. Maybe. Se-ven so much fun. Such a happy dad. Alan so lucky.

Patrick shake my hand. "I'm Alan's older brother," he say to me. He as big as his dad. Hand like dinner plate. So enormous. Okay, bears here in so big trouble. I so safe. If wrestling match between bear and big brother Patrick, I place bet on Patrick. He almost as hairy as bear too. Big blonde bear. "So you have to respect me, okay." He look so serious. Make me so nervous.

His Mom hit him. His Dad hit him. Alan hit him. Even Chucky-Grandma laugh at him. I so understanding now. He being funny. "Okay," I say. I give him very formal handshake, use both hands and bow head so low. I look so serious. Everyone laugh again. I smile. I so funny. Joke so successful. Self-confidence so soaring. Only having to deal with scary Chucky-Grandma now.

I turn to Grandma, look so hopeful, so shy, so sweet. So respectful of esteemed and respected family elder. "I so pleased to meet you, Grandma," I say, so very careful picking words. So lying through teeth. So giving face to so rude Grandma. "I so sorry for early mis-under-standing, so apologizing, so asking for forgiveness." I so groveling too. But so necessary to give face after so bad first impression.

Chucky-Grandma look at me. Glance at Mom and Dad staring at her so stern. Take my hand in both of hers. "I'm so happy to meet you, Strawberry," she say. "These things happen." Her smile so forced. I know she not happy, but she so polite now. She giving me face. I giving her face. I smile so happy. Everything so okay now. Everyone have face.
