Succubus Inquisition Ch. 03

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Athan continues the search for his mentor
25.1k words

Part 4 of the 11 part series

Updated 09/12/2023
Created 03/27/2014
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A special thanks to JonB1969 for his editing. Hope you all enjoy my story and remember to vote and comment, it's what encourages me to keep writing.

This Story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2014 by Yshomatsu

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Athan woke up with a start, rising to a sitting position, covered in sweat, the whole bed soaked with it. To his surprise the girl--- whom he was sure was a demon--- was nowhere to be seen. He had just had a life altering dream that may or may not have been real. If the dream was real then it meant their powers---his mentor and himself--- weren't related to the cult or demonic. It warmed his broken heart knowing that he was given a bigger purpose in life. That was if it was true. Either way it looked like he'd had sexual relations with a demon, and had no plans to reenact that.

There was a demon loose he had to deal with, and even though she didn't appear to be finished with her transformation, he still had to tread carefully. He had an inkling of a plan and it would have to do. The monk gathered his wits, and took a moment to meditate before rushing into combat. He wanted to make sure the right head was in charge before he faced the sexy temptress.

Meanwhile Amber had Plymouth eating out of the palm of her hand. Her frustration mounted, when she failed to consume his soul. She didn't know what was wrong or who to blame, so her anger and frustration were taken out on the young man. His face was bruised yet he didn't seem to care. All his attention was concentrated on pleasing his mistress, and he couldn't comprehend why she was angry with him.

The demoness was just about to strike him again when she was distracted by Athan charging into the room and screaming, "Stop!"

Why should she stop when she couldn't get what she wanted? But what had confused her most was the fact that even though she didn't want to obey, she did just that.

Amber was about to hit flesh, when her arm froze in mid-swing, and she found herself staring at the monk, as if awaiting another command, just like when she sexually dominated Plymouth. But she couldn't understand why she had obeyed. He never dominated her. In fact she had won that fight, leaving him to his nightmares, or so she thought.

"Sit!" He was pleased when she obeyed.

It would seem his binding spell had worked, after all. It was time to find out what had happened to Yshomatsu and go find him. He started to interrogate her, and it was so easy without her resisting. She detailed everything she knew about the senior monk's encounter with Meridiana and how he had fallen for her trap, which led to her release upon this world.

He found out that she was sent here to find Yshomatsu, just like he was. After a little explaining he realized that his mentor was on the run with Meridiana's first creation and that they were heading south into the jungles. And lastly he asked her who commands her.

To which she replied, "You do, master."

After she spoke those words, her brow scrunched up. That isn't right, Mistress Meridiana commands me, not you, baldy. But that didn't stop her from sitting patiently. It unnerved her.

"Undo what you've done to these two and heal their wounds with your foul magic while you're at it."

"Yes, master." She eagerly jumped to her feet. Her quick movement distracted him for just a second. Even though she was quick to obey, the look that appeared briefly on his face didn't go unnoticed by the demoness.

Plymouth was easy to fix -- she just had to wake him from his trance. She didn't leave any indications to prove otherwise, but she didn't remove any of the triggers she placed on his mind. Blake, on the other hand, took a lot more effort, and tested the limits of her already limited power. In order to 'fix' Blake she had to heal his wounds that were slowly killing him, not to mention bring him out of the coma she put him into.

Both men eyed her warily once they were recovered, both having detailed memories of their time with her. For how dangerous she was they were both embarrassed to admit they'd willingly go for round two if she wanted. Lucky for them--- or unlucky depending on how you looked at it--- she didn't seem interested in them anymore.

Now that the kitchen was back in order the three men sat around a table discussing their plans, but first one thing had to be done and Blake was the one to do it.

He said, voice full of embarrassment, "So, after everything that has happened this week, I just wanted you to know that we're sorry for all of it and it troubles me to ask this after all you've done for us but... What's your name?"

Athan laughed. "I'm sorry, I thought you knew already, and here I thought you were going to bail out on an adventure of a life time." Athan was glad to have the mood lightened.

Close by, leaning against the wall, Amber was listening to every word. A name meant everything to a demon.

"My name is Athanatos, but everyone calls me Athan. I know yours is Sir Blade Barbosa, but I don't think I've had the pleasure of hearing your name." He looked to the other knight.

"Plymouth, sir, and I'm just a footman, infantry from the army, not actually a knight like Blake here."

"Oh, sorry I assumed."

They continued talking about what they could do, and everyone agreed the best course of action was to find Yshomatsu, especially since he was on the run and not working with demons. Unbeknownst to them all, Amber was regarding the monk with malevolent intent. He intrigued her, this powerful man that stood against her and had somehow gotten control of her. She wanted him more than anyone right now and with him, her freedom.

Exchanging one master for another was all it took for the new born succubus to realize, that being tied down by invisible chains was not something she wanted out of life. Power was one thing -- she never thought she'd lose the hunger for more power -- but servitude she'd have had enough of already.

The only thing that brought a smile to her face was her plan. To seduce him, slowly. Since he had control of her body and part of her will, she had to make him think it was just the succubus in her that wanted to please her master. Although she'd get pleasure from pleasing him there could be no suspicion that she had every intention of reversing their roles.

A powerful man like Athanatos, in absolute servitude to her, made her wet just thinking about it. To hell with what her mistress had wanted. The only thought on her mind was freedom, and the man powerful enough to ensure she kept it.

With everyone recovered, the monk prepared some traveling packs for everyone, with everything from sleeping rolls to extra clothing. Athan led the way south out of the desert. According to Amber his mentor was entering the jungles now. How she could tell he'd never know, but he hoped he wasn't making a mistake by believing her. She was, after all, bound to him. He had nothing to worry about.

He hoped.

When he learned that their destination was his homeland, Blake had spoken up by saying they'd have safe passage and a place to make base camp if need be while searching the surrounding jungles. Athan was hesitant at first, saying they should avoid being seen.

Blake had quickly retorted by saying, "Look how that turned out for Yshomatsu."

Athan couldn't stop thinking about the dragon. It changed them, to fight evil, and now after more than one hundred years, evil was most definitely upon them. The comment about seeing them again someday troubled him slightly but he was also anxious to meet the dragon again.

He didn't quite like the way Amber hung on his every word, but rationalized it as part of the binding spell. At least she wasn't paying attention to the other two. That was a plus, since she had already gotten her hands on them. He couldn't imagine how difficult it would be to keep them apart had she still been eyeing them. He could keep her in check while all her attention was on him.

He realized he was rationalizing again, trying to convince himself he didn't keep sneaking looks. She was, after all, providing him every opportunity to look at her long smooth legs, toned midsection and lovely cleavage. Any part of her would have a red blooded male aching for a chance to be with her. And here she was, hanging on his arm, walking beside him with her disarming smile and hypnotizing eyes. Each time he looked into those yellow orbs he found it twice as hard to look away, not to mention the way she purred 'yes master' every time he spoke to her. He was against slavery and everything it stood for. There was just something about the way she said it that made him want to forget everything and run away with her.

She could tell the effect she was having on him, nothing too serious, just enough that he was openly looking at her. She couldn't help but smile each time and decided to hang on his arm, pressing her chest into his bicep. Amber couldn't wait till tonight, when they made camp. She would insist on sleeping near him, if not cuddled up with him.

It had been a quiet and uneventful journey out of the desert and through the grassy plans, catching food along the way and collecting water at every chance they got. Three days had passed and they hadn't made camp once yet. It was unbelievable, but apparently Amber had provided the two armored men enough of her demonic energy that they hadn't needed to rest. She herself was a demon and didn't need rest, but somehow Athan pressed on, with no demonic help from her. However all three men were showing signs of exhaustion. They'd make camp tonight. The thought made her shiver in anticipation.

They were halfway there -- another three days and they'd be at the jungles, also the Horadric Legion's borders. Maybe it was meant to be, meeting these two. Or perhaps they're just meant to be guides through their lands. Only time would tell. Athan was inwardly looking forward to seeing the jungle encampments he heard so much about from Blake and Plymouth.

The group traveled the rest of the day, only stopping once to hunt for food. By nightfall Athan could hardly keep his eyes open and it didn't help having the gorgeous girl hanging on him all the time. They would need to stop soon for some much needed rest. The two armored men didn't look much better off. He was impressed that they had lasted this long. Sure they were military men and used to marching but they didn't have the gifts he had. Not to mention a long history of hiking across the world.

The monk looked down, and was greeted by the sweetest smile. Their eyes locked and he stopped walking.

"You need rest, master." She purred up at him, "We've been walking for days. Let them create a fire. Why don't you lay down?"

She went about laying down a sleeping mat. Shortly after, there was a nice fire going and three snoring men that didn't think twice about leaving her awake and alone. They were so tired she was even able to convince Athan that he didn't need to worry about someone keeping watch. Now she was free to devise her plan alone and in relative peace.

She looked down at the monk with mischief. He looks cold, doesn't he? Yep he needs me. Amber thought to herself with a giggle as she climbed into his sleeping roll, snuggling real close, gently pushing her butt into his crotch. As soon as she was satisfied that he wouldn't be waking up she reached back to grab her wrist, pulling his arm around her to her bosom.

An hour or so passed, with the demoness laying there, before Athan's body reacted. His hand gripped her flesh, while his own flesh grew, until it nestled between her butt cheeks. She tried her best to remain motionless, letting his body desire her, until the need became too great and his unconscious mind submitted.

A pleasant smile formed on his lips as he preceded to have his first of many succubus induced wet dreams. This one, however, didn't involve the ashen grey skinned demon that almost ended his life so long ago. She was a knock out, but his lust for her was purely pheromone induced, at least compared to his growing obsession with Amber. The demoness, he thought, was safely under his control. She somehow snuck onto his mind. He was doing fine controlling his impulses, until they made camp. She became more commanding, but made it seem as if she was just suggesting things to her master.

It was extremely distracting and sexy the way she took control when he was exhausted, not once did he even consider the warning from the book. The demon, once bound, would find any loop hole they could to get out of it, and so one had to protect themselves at all times.

However that warning was far from his mind. His arm squeezed her tighter to him, enjoying the sweet scent on her hair and firm butt cheeks against his manhood. If he had really been cold before, he wasn't anymore.

His own moan woke him up. His eyes shot open as he realized he was snuggled up with her. As good as it felt, it didn't stop him from snatching his hand away, as if her breast burnt his hand. In response she wiggled her ass and pressed back into him, still pretending to be asleep. It didn't faze her when he quickly spun around.

Athan sat up and took a deep breath, gaining control of his warring emotions. He noticed Blake was awake and fiddling with the fire. The knight gave him a dark stare. "You sleeping with it now?"

"I didn't know she was in my sleeping roll with me. What's wrong, Blake?"

"I can't believe it took me so long to notice, must have been the dark magic coursing through my veins. But here I was hunting Yshomatsu for practicing dark magic and here you are with this personal pet." Blake's glare turned darker as his hand reached for his sword's hilt.

"She attacked us. I bound her power, which saved your life, by the way. She would have taken your soul, not just fucked you senseless. I would have banished her but we need her to find Yshomatsu."

"And how does she know where he is, exactly?" Plymouth asked, his voice groggy as he rubbed his tired eyes.

"I wish I knew, but she can't lie with the bond, she can withhold information, I'm sure, but she can't lie. It never crossed my mind to ask how she knew, I was too wrapped up in the fact that she knew."

"Well, I don't like it. Something bigger is pulling the strings here. It pit our people against each other, and we all know how that turned out."

Athan thought deeply for a moment. At the start of their journey he had full control, but after only three days she was constantly on his mind. He'd have to work on that. He knew she was a very sexual woman, no, demon, he had to remember that.

Most likely he'd have had no problem controlling his thoughts if he hadn't felt every detail of said memory. An experience he'd likely never forget, especially the part where he almost died, his body on the other hand would only remember the pleasure before that moment.

Amber was awake, listening the whole time. They were so distracted in their conversation, her 'sleeping form' couldn't possibly interrupt them now, could it? She let a smile slip as she decided to see how much effect she had on little Athan. She moved slightly and sighed quietly, just enough to be heard. If she didn't have any effect on him it would go unnoticed, and she was failing at her plans of slow seduction.

He stole a quick look towards her, admiring the swell of her chest with each breath she took. He knew it was wrong but he couldn't help it. Blake noticed also and shook his head when he realized that he couldn't resist looking either. Everything about her screamed sex, the way she stood, walked, talked, looked, everything.

The discussion appeared to be over. Blake wasn't happy but he wasn't fuming any more. Athan thought it over repeatedly, he felt like he had done the right thing. No matter how the monk replayed it he couldn't come up with another option. If he hadn't done what he had, the creature would have killed both knights--- he knew Plymouth wasn't a knight but he didn't really care about titles--- and possibly even come back for him while he was unconscious. Now, however, she was a harmless distraction, nothing less, nothing more.

They sat around the fire quietly, stealing glances at Amber. No one really wanted to disturb her. From their angle they could imagine she was a normal companion, one they didn't need to worry about. Blake worried enough for all three of them, because his mind was constantly on all the mistakes he felt he had made.

Plymouth on the other hand had no guilt and very little worry, he was just glad to be alive. He did however feel like it was his new job to keep his new friend Blake out of trouble. So far the knight hadn't done anything more than voice his opinions. And there was nothing wrong with that.

Meanwhile Amber was beaming, she could hardly contain herself, a smile ear to ear, and it was a wonder how she wasn't shaking. All she had done was move and sigh a little and their entire conversation had ended. The plan to wrap the monk around her little finger and get her powers back was under way. All she had to do was be patient. One wrong move and he'd command her to stop and it'd be over. She had to get him to the point where he was eating out of the palm of her hand. She'd even make him beg while on his knees.

Her pussy was positively throbbing, opening and closing her legs only resulted in teasing herself more. She couldn't possibly risk lowering a hand between her legs, they'd realize she was awake. Besides the sun was about to rise and they'd be back on the move soon after that. Athan would have his obedient slave hanging on his arm.

Yet she didn't need to destroy him, maybe conquer...

Oh... that thought sent an electric shock down her spine, between her legs.

The morning rays of sunlight warmed her exposed skin moments after she thought about it.

Before long the camp had been packed up and they were on the move again. The four of them traveled south towards the highlands, a vast land of flowing hills and valleys of thick, tall grass. Once they saw the long grass they knew they were closing in on the jungles of the world. With each step the air grew thicker and harder to breathe as the humidity steadily rose.

* * * * * *

Unbeknownst to the group, their camp site was being investigated by a large predator. After a few circles through the camp the beast raised its head high and howled. Shortly after two more identical beasts ran into the camp. The animals had four large muscled legs tipped with sharp talons. It looked like it had been a while since their last meal, as their bodies were lean and their ribs were showing.

Their skin was covered in orange fur except where marks of past battles tore the fur and revealed their skin you'd expect to be smooth flesh only to be scaled reptilian armored hide. The most notable asset of the beats was their heads, purely predator in nature, elongated snouts, forward facing eyes and rows of razor sharp teeth. Thick Mohawks of orange fur started between their eyes and grew long down the back of their heads.

The three predators snapped and hissed at each other in their unique language. Primitive carnivores at first glance but they had a secret -- they could talk to each other, but anyone that overheard thought they were just hearing one of nature's many sounds. After a few snaps and hisses the two new comers sniffed the camp and all three raced out in a hurry... heading south.

* * * * * *

Athan looked out over the fields of long grass, as far as his eyes could see. He had an uneasy feeling in his gut but he couldn't place it. Most likely nothing but he worried it was important. The two men were behind him and Amber was at his side, like always.
