The Bimbo Bunny Costume

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Tracy loses herself to a sexy satin bunny costume.
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Bunny Maria stood behind Tracy and sternly ordered, "Drop the towel."

"Yes Mistress," Tracy said, happily letting a towel wrapping her naked body fall onto the oriental carpeted floor. She stepped out of the piled towel and continued to face forward looking at a painting above the room's fireplace that showed naked nymphs at play in a dark forest. She focused on her assigned mantra of keeping her eyes forward, head up, and shoulders pulled slightly back.

She wanted to look at the mirrored wall to her left to see what color costume Bunny Maria had picked for her, but she knew she would be punished if she even glanced. She had waited weeks to become a full member, spending the entire time following a strict regiment of rules dictated by the others. She had to talk, walk, and act a certain way. She had to wear only skirts at work, wear a corset hidden underneath her blouse and suit jacket, and each day tighten that corset just a bit more.

Tracy loved her naturally slender body with long straight brown hair that fell down her back like a shampoo model. The corseting she had endured wasped her waist down to twenty-two-and-half inches. She enthusiastically checked this everyday. She could be smaller, but her mistress insisted on no dieting. Bunnies had to pour over their costumes and avoid being too skinny, like some model named Twiggy. Tracy thought for a moment. Who was this Twiggy anyway?

Maria held a waist cincher at Tracy's ankles. Its laces loosely threaded the grummets forming a tube that Tracy stepped into allowing it to slide it up her legs, over her butt, and stop at her waist. Feeling it covering her torso, she cupped her breasts giving them a slight lift allowing the cincher's top edge to fit underneath. She noticed her long silky hair being draped over her right shoulder out of the way of the laces. The tightening of the cincher began.

Maria tugged the laces. "From now on you are not allowed to dress or undress yourself. I'll pair you with another Bunny. You both will help each other and coordinate a schedule." Maria worked the laces and paused. "You excited? I am. Once I do the final zip-up of this costume you will be a Bunny in training."

Tracy almost giggled as she stood there still cupping her boobs. "Hurry Mistress, I can't wait. I want to be a Bunny so bad." She felt the corset compress her body.

Tracy considered herself a Playboy Bunny costume aficionado. As the tugging continued, she thought how the original Bunny costume had no waist cincher. The bodice itself served the function of a willow corset with its stiff half-inch wide spiral spring metal boning and a strong zipper in back keeping bodies of the most well endowed women in place, but her mistress demanded even more. All the Bunnies Tracy had met in the past weeks wore the extra hidden cinchers, as required by one of many rules Maria's girls followed. Tracy went over some of the other rules again in her mind including that the waist must be pulled-in and the chest must be pushed up and out. She was going to be a good Bunny – the best. She closed her eyes to fantasize and Bunny Maria served as the inspiration. Tracy's thoughts centered about her mentor's sexy costume and how it might look if she dared sneak a peak at the mirrored wall:

Bunny Maria's long legs stood clad in dark tights and, with her narrow feet lifted onto her toes by four inch high heeled black satin shoes, her lithe limbs appeared even more incredibly sylphlike. A black satin Bunny suit encased her body and a matching pair of satin Bunny ears pointed out from a satin covered headband holding back a voluminous 1960's brunette bouffant hairstyle. Remnants of a man's tuxedo shirt accented her wrists and neck: white oversized shirt cuffs, closed with golden cufflinks, adorned her wrists; and a white shirt collar with a black bowtie acted as a sexy choker. An oversized cottontail, the only other white part of her uniform, wiggled as she concentrated on tugging Tracy's laces to remove any slack. The seven-inch diameter fluffy tail, built like a child's plush doll, firmly kissed Maria's sexy derriere. The interface between tail and costume hid a bald spot on the tail where three mounted hooks snapped to three tiny metal bars sewn to the satin side.

"Oh," exhaled Tracy, feeling her nipples under her palms get harder and more aroused. The cincher contracted more. Another harsh pull forced out another "Oh!" as the cincher closed like a clamp. But this was too much though. Why so tight? Her torso was getting crushed. She dare not say anything aloud, but please stop pulling so hard. She kept wishing it would end.

Tracy never laced her own corset so tightly. Maybe that was why the Bunnies dressed each other. It was just too hard to achieve the wasped look without help.

Maria's knee braced against the small of Tracy's back and one final draw of laces pulled out of the cincher. Tracy's mind drifted to thinking about the costume, a costume she always wanted to have sheath her body. What would be so bad in having just a quick little peak? Maybe she would get a demerit, but she had to see. Her eyes gave a quick sideways glance at the mirrored wall. The costume had to be sitting back there, somewhere behind. What color had Maria chosen? Where was it? Tracy took a second glance. She could see a reflection from a dark corner obscuring an open drawer of a large oak sideboard cabinet. Draping over the drawer's edge was a satin shell of a Bunny costume and its perky pointing satin Bunny ears. But wait, the costume color was wrong. Maybe it was the darkness. She looked again. It was a pumpkin orange. Orange! She was repulsed. She knew only the most deserving Bunnies got to wear a sexy black or an irresistible royal blue, but orange? At the least let it be red, maybe yellow or green. But orange!

Tracy tried her best to be diplomatic. "Mistress?"

Maria started tying off the laces. "Don't complain about it," she said, obviously referring to the corset. "It will hurt for a while as we wasp your waist down. You'll get used to it and you'll like it and want more of it before long." She gave her student a rear-end smack.

"Mistress. The Costume. It's orange. I want pink."

"Eyes forward. No comments. You'll wear what you're assigned and act like you love it."

Tracy knew she was wrong for asking, but still the color ruined the fantasy. This, after all, was a life long dream of hers to wear an authentic Playboy Bunny outfit custom tailored to her body.

A pressure pushing up between Tracy's butt cheeks interrupted her annoyance concerning the orange color. She felt a gooey lubricant against her skin as a rubber plug slowly and forcefully slid up her rectum creating a strong urge to push it back out. She shifted her weight to one leg then back, but nothing was comfortable. This was not Bunny attire. What was this woman doing? Tracy continued to cup her breasts and try to stand in place as ordered, but the pressure inside continued to uncomfortably increase until Maria's hand pressed against Tracy's butt. The plug had gone all the way in.

Maria gave the plug an extra push. "Very good. Eight inches. I'll have your partner try a 'niner' next time." Shifting to be in front of Tracy, Maria lubricated another plug with some farting squirts of a plastic tube. "Feet shoulder length apart," she ordered while using her right high heeled foot to gently tap the insides of Tracy's ankles signally a needed adjustment. A plug began to be pressed upwards between Tracy's legs. Resistance stopped Maria, who withdrew and tried again to find the right spot to insert the dildo.

Tracy tried to relax. She pleaded silently that the dildo would be pushed in smoothly. Please, get it right. She felt it pressing the wrong area again and then another missed target. Come on. She cringed as she felt the plug abruptly enter inside leaving a lingering stinging sensation. She winced, not enough lubricant. Maybe she could distract herself by focusing on the repetitious thought of, "Eyes always forward. Head up."

Maria attached a strap to the back of Tracy's cincher, pulled it between Tracy's legs, and covered the intruding rubber plugs. A strong yank up in front followed, lifting Tracy onto her toes for a second. The force firmly set the strap between the vertical lips of her sex and pressed both plugs further into place. The two women faced each other as Maria held the strap in place securing it to the cincher.

Maria gave a brief smile and then looked back down to check the straps tightness.

Tracy didn't like the look she saw. It was more like a mocking sneer confirming her mentor's rude carelessness. Despite the jeering atmosphere, Tracy remained silent.

Maria gathered the legs of a pair of shear tights and held them ready at ankle level. Tracy dipped her left foot's toes into the tights. Maria covered the foot up to the ankles, stopped and switched to dressing the other foot. Once both feet were nestled into the silk hose, it was pulled up Tracy's legs, covering her thighs, butt and the cincher up to the waistline. Another pair of darker tights followed.

Tracy knew that Bunnies always wore two sets of tights. A first flesh colored pair evened out any tan lines so popular decades ago. A second layer of black tights gave proper smoky-colored legs. She felt the shirt cuffs with cufflinks wrap her wrists. Then a neck collar snugged against her throat with a clip-on-bowtie snapping over the closing button. Satin ears then topped Tracy's head. Maria did not spend much time brushing or properly placing Tracy's hair. The ears were sloppily poised and almost fell off. Tracy was bothered by this lack of effort, but she did not dare move or complain again.

All was forgiven when Tracy heard the unzipping of what could only be the costume shell. It definitely was the stiff satin bodice. Finally! What would it feel like all zipped up?

Maria wrapped her arms around Tracy's legs holding out the open costume. "Left leg first."

Tracy carefully stepped her nylon covered foot into the left leg hole of the suit. She felt her shear silk covered leg brush against the costume's inner lining. Then she followed with the right leg, watching her toes point through the leg hole. With both legs in, she felt the suit slide up against her thighs over her hips. Laces hung loose from two grommet slits above each hip. As the shell was pulled further up, she felt the breast cups go over her chest under her cupping hands. She inaudibly cheered, "I'm going to be a Bunny! I'm going to be a Bunny!" -- But the cups! They were just way too big!

Tracy was proud of her breasts, but this costume would require cantaloupes to fill it. She cupped the outside of the satin bodice and pressed the deflating cups against her boobs. She was distraught. How many socks would it take to pad these things?

"Don't worry Tracy. You'll fit it. Now shoes." Maria dropped orange high heels on the floor.

Tracy used her feet to right them and pushed her feet in as she felt the costume being partially zipped up just over her protruding butt.

Maria continued to tug at places adjusting the half-zipped costume. "The tail covers part of the zipper, so you have to zip it up part way and then put the tail on. It's easier when you can slide a finger under the costume and feel for the hooks. Let's see, the tail hooks on like this: one, then two, three." Each number she said followed a snap to a tiny metal bar sewn on where the costume covered the tailbone.

Tracy now donned the full costume except for closing the open zipper in the back. Maria pushed her forward into a slight bow at the waist with her legs held straight and her hands still holding up the front bra cups. Then something moist touched her back just above the cincher. Was she just kissed on the back?

Maria gave the wet spot a little pat. "I always sign my work. It's a little red lipstick mark I hide under the costume." She then connected a sideways brass hook and loop at the very top of the costume's back flaps. Tracy ignored the kiss thinking that only a few seconds remained. She anticipated a fast zip, sealing the open gap over the cincher underneath.

Tracy felt the zipper being pulled up and stall. She tried to pull her stomach in more, but the cincher had already found the smallest possible hourglass figure. A struggle followed as the zipper failed to be tugged upwards any further.

Tracy began to worry. She had to fit in this thing. She had to. She took a peek to her left to see the mirror. She saw herself holding oversized bra cups of the satin shell against her body. She could feel the leg holes brush against her tights like a loose rag diaper. Everything but the waist was too loose. What was this? This wasn't what she was sized for? This won't work! The color was wrong. The size was wrong. All this for nothing! She would need bigger boobs and butt cheeks for this to work.

"Eyes forward," Maria ordered. "Exhale. Come on. Blow out."

Facing forward, Tracy felt the zipper beginning to move up. Why bother though? She thought of telling this Bunny how bad it was. She thought about getting angry and yelling. As a few more zipper teeth interleaved and locked, she experienced several images flashing into her mind like memories from the past. She saw several Bunnies laughing, working as waitresses serving costumers drinks, and clicking their heels down a long hallway's hard floors. More zipper teeth interlocked as the zipper was pulled harder. The process squeezed her body and pushed more memories into her mind. But whose memories were these? The suit finally closed covering the lipstick marks completely.

Maria stepped back. "Mmm, mmm. Now we have one more thing to do here."

Tracy stood motionless as she felt a hand slowly slide up her inner thigh against her two layers of sheer tights. Despite the horrible costume, she couldn't help but set it all aside and focus everything on the sensation of the hand sliding over the outer pantyhose making tiny wrinkles over the inner hose. It was incredible how the moving nylon fibers had a slight cooling sensation.

The hand stopped at her crotch and began to massage her through the orange Bunny costume's gusset creating overwhelming spasms. Her eyes locked opened unable to even blink. Her breathing increased. She felt ashamed. There was no fighting what was happening to her and no stopping a fast on coming orgasm. Her eyes stung begging for just one refreshing blink. Her arms and legs muscles ached as they tightened even more. She stood further up onto her toes lifting her heels out of her snug orange stiletto pumps. Every muscle burned from holding so rigid for so long. Urgency to reach the big orgasm grew inside her. She hadn't expected this to be done to her. She hadn't asked or even indicated any sexual lesbian interests. She wanted to slap the probing finger away, but she also wanted it to continue so, so bad. She worried that the moving finger would stop. Please, finish it! Let me have it. Don't you dare stop now!

Maria's fingers quickened as if she heard the plea. "You want to be Bunny," Maria whispered from behind Tracy's ear. "Say it over and over. You want to be a Bunny."

"Yes," Tracy mumbled. "I." She stopped to find the words. Too many things were going on here. "Yes, I want to be a Bunny," she blurted and sucked in more air. "I, I, Ohhh!" She orgasmed. Her body shivered as she almost tipped over like a domino.

Maria grabbed Tracy around the waist steadying the hyperventilating Bunny. "That's my little Bunny." She removed her support when the spasms became more controlled letting the motionless Tracy relax and recover.

As the orgasm faded, the costume came to life altering itself, shifting its satin rippling surface. The waistline pulled in with a crushing reduction even crueler than the cincher underneath. What was happening? Tracy's eyes grabbed a flash of herself in the mirrored wall. She saw her perfect butt round out even more filling the originally loose leg holes of the costume. Her boobs inflated as her body eagerly plunged into the enormous rigged bra cups.

Tracy began to panic. She couldn't move. How could this be happening?

It was clear that Maria was enjoying this part. "See. You fit it just fine."

Tracy felt a power emanate from the costume and enter her body. She felt pressure and heat across her entire skin. Her waist wasped inwards even further. Her heart raced as her breathing quickened. Her breasts rose up and down as she tried to get air into her lungs. As her breasts continued to swell, Tracy knew with certainty that they planned to expand further and fill the costume's demanding expectations. Her hands still gently pressed against the satin bodice bra cups, but her fingers, wrists and arms refused to move. She wanted to squeeze her tits so hard. Just grab and hold her growing aching boobs. The impossible action seemed like a means to relief. Please, just one good squeeze. Just one.

Maria crushed Tracy's hope of respite when she pulled the hands away to pose them like stiff jointed Barbie doll limbs. More articulations followed, rolling Tracy's shoulders back, forcing her chest out, setting her back straight and her stance tall. Her hands were placed on her hips. Her stiff body was turned to face the mirror.

Tracy quietly stared in disbelief as locks of her hair came to life like Medusa's head of snakes. Locks lifted off her shoulders, danced like cobras eventually merging themselves into an interweaved bouffant on her head.

Maria bounced up and down with joy. "Yes. It's actually working."

A pulse vibrated between Tracy's legs forcing her to close her eyes. The plugs moved up even more than the crotch strap had pushed them. Tracy wanted to press her legs together and squeeze against the plugs. Maybe she could hold them in place. Maybe she could stop the upward pressure. She struggled as hard as she could with no satisfaction. Mentally promising the costume sexual pleasure, she remarkably lifted her right thigh finally rubbing the insides of her legs. Maria promptly smacked the raised knee, making the transforming Bunny promptly returned to attention. Tracy didn't know what to do. The costume was overwhelming her.

Maria squeezed Tracy's face in one hand keeping her victim's attention on the mirror. "Look. Look! Open your eyes! You're beautiful!"

Tracy watched herself in horror. Her brown hair was changing to a bright blonde and magically finishing off the styling of a perfect bouffant hairdo like Bunny Maria's. The orange satin ears anchored themselves perfectly in her newly blonde colored hair and stretched up bending their tips forward like growing leaves on a plant facing the sun. The headband strongly and painfully gripped her scalp holding back the growing volume of hair.

Pain surged through Tracy's breasts and legs. Her hands helplessly stayed posed on her hips. She could only get her fingers to slide a tiny amount across the satin costume till her fingertips touched her shear tights just below the costumes leg holes. She wanted to grab and massage her burning thighs or maybe instead grab her expanding breasts. What to do? She couldn't move. The loose laces above each leg opening moved themselves tying into neat little shoelace knots.

In the mirror, a motionless orange Playboy Bunny with blonde hair grew taller, hips wider, chest bustier, and body more full figured. Her upper arms thinned. Her inner thighs pulled in leaving a wide gap between her legs just below the crotch. Only her knees touched as she desperately, hopelessly tried to press her inner thighs firmly together to stop the rapid pulsing she felt inside her body.

She stood silent and helpless as she screamed in her mind: "Make it stop. Help me!" She wanted to rub herself, feel the costume as it took over her body, push her hands against her crotch and press the two globes growing on her chest against something rigid – maybe the mirrored wall or bend over the study's desk and press them firmly down against its table top.