The Bird Who Fell from Her Cage Ch. 02

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Katelyn tries to survive on her own and meets a new friend.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/28/2018
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No characters in the story below are under the age of 18.

Not much lewd here, sorry but you gotta progress that story somehow. Should be some lewd in the next part though and hope you all enjoy the second chapter!


Katelyn lay in the dirt and the rain. She just felt like she should give up and die... But she had to get up and try to survive. Her late mother wouldn't have wanted her to die in the dirt, god's how she missed her mother. Slowly getting up, she'd shiver ever so slightly before letting out a shuddering breath as she started to walk through the dirt and mud.

How long had she been walking for. It had to have been at least an hour by now and she's barely gotten a quarter way to the nearest town... Gods, she really was going to die here, wasn't she? It's not like she could ever ask for help either, most people would ignore her or even... She didn't even want to think about that.

Her body felt like it was about to stop moving, god's she needed to get out of this rain but where was she to go. There was next to nothing but grasslands as far as she could see. She'd need to find some sort of shelter and fast before she was rendered immobile by this cursed cold wind in the rain.

Her whole body looked even paler than usual at this point, she was shivering so much she felt like her teeth were going to chip due to all the chattering she was doing. Looking up ahead through half-closed eyelids she saw a small half fallen apart farmhouse. She had to make it there no matter what... She couldn't let herself die out in the cold... Not like this.

Finally... She made it, gods, she couldn't believe she actually made it. She felt like she was going to cry, she couldn't believe she actually made it. Peering inside the decrepit stone structure, she wouldn't see much of anything useful, sadly, but there was an intact fireplace if she was able to find some dry wood around. Luckily the main room was relatively closed off from the powers of nature, looking through the upturned house, she'd manage to find a rather ratty looking blanket and a few broken pieces of what she surmised was a wooden table which she hoped would be good enough for a fire. Pulling off her wet clothes clinging to her skin, leaving her naked except for her white panties shed gently set them beside the fireplace before draping the tattered blanket over herself with shaky hands she'd carefully place the pieces of wood into the fireplace. Taking a deep, shaky breath, she holds out her hand, palm first. "Lesser flame..."

A small flame grew in the palm of her hand and started to float towards the wood before FWOOSH. The small pile of wood went alight with warm flames. Giving a tired smile she'd pull herself closer to the fire and tightly wrap the blanket around herself shed shudder softly she would move into a lying position hoping to actually get some rest, her pale wet breasts rising and lowering with each breath until she managed to fall asleep for her first of many lonely nights trying to survive.

It's been about a month now, at least she thinks so, but her concept of time is rather skewed as of late, she honestly isn't sure how she managed to survive this long... That's if you can call this surviving. Moving from abandoned or near destroyed buildings day to day, scavenging what you could call food from wherever she's able to and having to avoid people out of fear of that'd they'd do if they knew she was the king's daughter... God, that's what terrified her most, she's seen the slave traders before and she can't handle the mere thought of that happening to her.

As time passed more and more she'd keep moving, she wasn't even sure where she was going anymore... She just had to keep moving. That's all that mattered now. Just keep going as far away from her father as she could get, somewhere away from his influence where he couldn't hurt her again and soon enough she'd reach a small town based just south of the border of the country of Kralencia, a country based off its mass amount of gem and mineral exports as well as its vast array of magic and physical armaments. The country itself was mostly comprised of demi-humans from far and wide whom all got together to forge and mine the best quality goods they could and as one would expect they're quite loved by most other large powers. Katelyn had been staying at a small abandoned house next to one of the closed mines trying to get a few days of actual rest and overheard some rather alarming news, apparently the country of Kralencia no longer wanted to sell their goods to her father and nothing made him angrier than someone saying no to him and just like her father he threatened to wage war against them, he does have a lot of nobles backing him and a large army but Kralencia is being backed by Dra'leik last she heard.

She had a decent place to rest for once, but now she needed some real food which is harder said than done. Quickly exiting the house before anyone saw her there she'd immediately bump into someone, falling on her ass she'd be rather stunned for a moment before suddenly realizing the danger she's in. What if they're a guard, or a slave trader, or someone who just knows who she is. Looking up at the person, she bumped into, her eyes wide in fear she'd see it's a rather elderly man wearing simple clothes with glasses.

"Oh my, I'm a sorry little lady, are you alright?" he'd say with a soft voice of concern as he outstretched his hand to help her up.

"I... I... I'm sorry it's my fault..."Katelyn would respond, casting her eyes downward praying he didn't know who she is.

The man would lean down slightly to get a better look at her before speaking. "Are you alright? Are you staying here?" he'd ask in concern as he looked at the abandoned house."Oh my, you poor little thing are you homeless? "He'd ask before looking around the area for a moment."Hey, how about you come with me and you can have some dinner with me and clean up a little"

Katelyn honestly didn't know how to respond, she was too worried about being found out to form a response to this man.

The elderly man would give her a soft smile before gently placing a hand on her shoulder. "Come on little lady"

Katelyn would give a slight jerk as she felt his hand before looking up at him slightly. She felt such a whirlwind of emotions flowing through her and now this man was trying to actually help her when most people wouldn't even give her a second glance. Her eyes would slowly well up with tears before she leaned into the man's chest and started to cry as she tightly held onto him.

The elderly man's heart broke a little as she did this and he gently put his arms around her before pulling her to her feet. "Alright, little lady, let's go, " he'd say softly before he slowly took her back to a small house slightly on the outskirts of the town.

Katelyn was rather in shock at this turn of events. Her face streamed with drying tears and her whole body a quivering mess she'd follow the man into his home, it was a warm simple house. The man helped her into one of the other rooms which held a bath and after a few moments of preparing it, he'd give her a soft smile and a gentle pat on her head before leaving the room and closing the door. Katelyn would take a few moments to try and process what was happening before she'd give a deep sigh and start to peel her rather worn clothes off her body leaving her in her underwear. Shivering ever so slightly, she'd reach behind her to take off her bra, her breasts bouncing her so slightly before she hooked her thumbs through the waistband of her panties and pulled them down her shapely rear as she bent over. Now that she was sufficiently naked she'd slowly step into the bath before sliding down, leaving only her head out of the warm water. She didn't realize how sore she was until she relaxed in the water, her muscles felt incredibly stiff and tight, god's she was a wreck. After a few minutes of just soaking she'd grab the nearby soap and start to wash off, her dirtied skin slowly becoming clean until her whole body was clean for the first time in what seemed like forever. Now that she was clean she'd go to get up before hearing a soft knock on the door.

"Just me little lady, I'm leaving a fresh pair of clothes by the door for you. They're probably not what you're used too, but they're clean."

Katelyn would utter a soft thanks as she got up and slowly dried herself off before she'd slip her panties back on that hugged her shapely rear quite nicely before she put her bra back on. Cracking the door open a tad she'd take the clothes left out for her as she closed the door again before examining them to see that indeed they're not what she was used to, they looked like some sort of... She wasn't quite sure. The clothes themselves were some sort of rather tight looking black material along with a cloak, this was incredibly odd. Getting them all on she'd feel like some sort of cutthroat or something. Walking outside shed find the elderly man sitting at a table with a surprisingly large spread of food.

"Those look nice on you little lady, now come sit down and have some food," he'd say with a soft smile as he started to eat.

Katelyn would give a nod and sit down. "T... Thanks for helping me"

"Oh, it's no problem little lady, mind telling me your name? Mines Richard"

"Oh, yeah. I'm... Katelyn"

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Katelyn, now I won't ask why you out here like this, but I would like to ask where you plan to go."

"Oh, uh... I'm not sure really... Just up through Kralencia I guess. Mind if I ask what these clothes are."

Richard would nod to himself at her response slightly. "Well, it is dangerous up there, you know? Especially with the threat of war looming. Oh, those clothes were actually my daughters. She was a sort of adventurer and had little outfits like that, good for sneaking around I think she said... You look a lot like her."

"Yeah... I know, but I have to keep moving. And that makes sense, I guess, what was your daughter's name?"

"Her name was violet."


Richard would nod slightly at her question. "I'm afraid she passed a few years ago... She lived a happy life."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear..."

"Oh its alright little lady, I enjoy talking about her. Want to hear some stories?"

Katelyn would smile softly and nod to him and with a smile, he'd start to spin her a yarn or two about his daughter and her life as they ate. Katelyn was incredibly interested in his stories that before she knew it hours had passed. Once he was fished he got up to clean the plates and Katelyn helped him.

"So little lady, I doubt I can convince you not to go out there, but how about you at least spend a few days here, get some proper rest and food in ya"

"Oh, well... I guess I could do that" truthfully she didn't want to leave. This man was so kind to her and treated her like family... But she had to keep moving, a few days couldn't hurt, though.

"I'm glad to hear it. You can use the bedroom just over there, I'll be heading to sleep now myself," he'd say while pointing to the other bedroom.

With a nod Katelyn would make her way over there, the bedroom was quite nice and she assumed it must have been his daughters. Yawning deeply all her exhaustion finally caught up to her and she immediately fell into the bed and curled under the blankets before drifting to sleep"

A solid month would pass by, and Katelyn hadn't meant to stay that long... But she wanted to stay so much that. She and Richard were practically family at this point, and she was so happy to have met him. She'd help him out as much as she could and before she knew it'd been a whole month. But in that time the threat of war had escalated into a declaration of war and now the opposing kingdoms were preparing to attack which meant her father's army was on the move and would no doubt pass by the town she was currently in. Richard seemed to know a little about her problem, but respectfully didn't pry though he was clearly worried.

Sitting at the table after a hard day of work Richard would lean forward slightly before speaking, "listen, little lady, as much as I want you to stay here it's not safe for you, the king's men are moving fast and I get the feeling they'd cause trouble for you."

"Yeah, I heard... I wish I could stay too, but it's for the best that I keep moving."

Giving a slightly sad nod, Richard would get up "well before you leave let me give you a few things that'll help" Richard would go into another room before coming out with a small box and setting it up on the table he'd open it up. "My daughter had a lot of spare equipment, and I want you to use it to protect yourself out there you hear me?"

Giving a nod Katelyn would respond "I can't thank you enough for how much you've done for me."

"Oh, think nothing of it, dear, now ill pack you some good travelling food while you get ready to head out."

Nodding Katelyn would look inside the box to find a pair of rather formidable looking daggers, a few bottles of various liquids, some magic crystals, and a small crossbow that looked like it hooked onto her arm. She was certainly surprised to see all these items, but she was so grateful he was letting her use them. Putting all the items in a small pouch on her hip and the daggers in the leather sheaths on her sides as well as the arm crossbow she'd go over to Richard.

"So... How do I look?"

"You look just like my daughter. I have no doubt you'll be more than safe out there," he'd say, say he handed her a few food items which she promptly placed in her bag before he walked her to the door. "Now you be safe out there and remember that you always have a home for you here alight?" he'd say as he gave her a long hug.

"Yes, I will... Thanks so much" she'd say hugging him back before the two shared a nod and a bittersweet smile before she pulled the hood up on her cloak up and started to head north, her destination still unclear to her.

She'd stay safe and move through various woods and such while avoiding the roads in case there were passing soldiers for the passing days as she travelled.

Panting heavily she'd have her back pressed against a tree, she was in serious trouble as a band of what she figured must be bandits set upon her camp and were looking for her. She only had one chance before the element of surprise was lost. Balling up her fists and trying to ready herself, she'd quickly move out and toss a small red magic crystal which once it touched the ground beneath their feet it'd explode in a furious fireball that set the few men on fire. She'd never killed anyone before, and she just stared at them as they fell over, consumed by flames before she was grabbed from behind, powerful arms wrapping around her throat. God's was this it, is this how her life ended she was sure she was dead before remembering she had the bow on her arm. Frantically flailing her arm shed do her best to aim before losing the bolt which hit its target with a sickening crack as blood sprayed onto her. She felt like her heart was going to burst, she didn't know how to process what just happened... Gods the blood, it was everywhere she needed to leave and now.

Day by day she kept moving forward and before she knew it'd been months as she kept moving and kept having to fight for her life each day as the war became worse and worse, which meant more bandits and even soldiers she had to kill... God's it never got easier, but she knew she had to do it or else she'd die... God's she just had to keep killing them before they could kill her and that's all that mattered.

Sitting by a makeshift fire, she'd hear a small crack and quickly put it in the fire and duck behind a nearby tree. Looking around, she'd spot a soldier clearly looking for who made the fire. She had to do it... If she didn't, he'd kill her. Running behind him shed kick the back of his knee to knock him down before jamming her dagger into his throat. Breathing sporadically she'd look around rapidly for anyone else to see two more, one on foot with no helmet, and another on horseback In fancy Armour... She might be in trouble... But she can't die, she has to kill them no matter what so she can be safe. Quickly aiming her crossbow she'd fire a bolt which slammed into the man's head, sending him reeling backward, hitting the ground with a metallic clank as the one on their horse drew their swords and charged at them. She'd never dealt with a horse before... She was terrified. Firing off a few bolts they'd all bounce off their armour as they got closer and as she went to dodge their swing she'd get smacked hard with the flat of the blade sending her hard into a tree. Gods, she was going to die here... No no no, not today, not today. Letting out a scream, she'd get up and run at them before jumping on them and recklessly stabbing at their Armour but to no avail, as it was just too solid her daggers couldn't penetrate through the metal. Getting thrown off them shed hot the ground hard only to feel their blade pressed against her neck. This was it... This was the end for her.

"...Kat...I... Is that you?"

That voice... Liz?

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
More please

I really wish there was more to this story. Yes your spelling and grammar could use some work but the story so far is quite intriguing. Since it has been around 2 years i guess you wont be back but in the chance that you do return please continue this

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Okay, Good...

That was a fine way to lead into the next chapter. Definitely didn't need anything lewd with that old man happening... Plus that's not really the point of this, it's more about the girl Katelyn and this other girl Liz. You gotta turn this into something of a steamy love affair. Although it wouldn't really be a "love affair" in the truest sense since her father has disowned her.

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