The Cheating Zone 05: Linda

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Another cheating wife lands in the Zone...
9.5k words

Part 5 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/16/2019
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Linda Wilcox screamed in delight as the man above her continued pummeling her spread naked body in the hotel room's king-sized bed. She loved the feel of his cock, penetrating deeply inside her, giving her one orgasm after another.

This was so much better than the sex she had with her husband of twenty years, she thought to herself. In fact, it was so good, she practically cut him off completely, only giving him enough to keep him quiet. She told herself that while she loved her husband, she deserved the sexual high she got from her lovers.

And, she added, what he doesn't know won't hurt him. Right?

After the man, whose name she had already forgotten, filled her with his last load of semen, she got up and headed for the shower. She had to get home before it got too late and she didn't want her body smelling of sweat or sex.

"Same time next week?" the man asked after he put his trousers back on.

"Uh, yeah, sure. That'd be fantastic," Linda said from the bathroom. She heard the hotel room door close and stepped into the shower. She couldn't believe the sheer amount of cum now dripping out of her puffy, well-fucked pussy. Her husband would go ballistic if he saw that, she thought.

After cleaning herself off, she put her mini dress back on, grabbed her purse and checked her phone for messages. Nothing. Good, she thought. That meant her husband was probably still at his business meeting in Boston and wouldn't be home for another two hours. She left the hotel and climbed into her Toyota Camry and headed out.

She decided to stay off the busy freeway and took a two-lane country road that wound through the woods. The route was a bit longer than the freeway, distance-wise, but the lighter traffic meant she could make better time if she was careful, and the cops rarely traveled this road.

She had left the main part of the city and was zipping through the wooded countryside, driving a bit faster than the posted speed limit, when it happened.

The check engine light came on and the car suddenly lost a lot of power. She slowed down a bit and looked for someplace where she might get help. She heard knocking from the engine compartment and saw steam start to escape the hood. Her temperature gauge was quickly climbing into the danger zone and she knew she would have to stop soon.

Looking at the side of the road, she noticed a building with a light. Hopefully, she thought, someone there could give her some help. She spotted what looked like an entrance to a driveway and turned off the highway. Making her way slowly to the building, the car began knocking even louder and her battery light came on. She stopped in front of what looked like a barn with a lantern hanging outside and turned the key off.

Steam poured out from the hood as the engine died with a terrible clacking noise. She pulled her phone from her purse and tried calling for help, but found she had no signal. Odd, she thought. She had always been able to get a good cell signal on this road. Frustrated, she put her phone back in the purse and climbed out of the car.

She had just closed the car door when a young man wearing what looked to her like a dark suit with a tall, wide-brimmed hat came around the corner of the barn, holding an old-fashioned lantern over his head in one hand and a very long rifle in the other. Something about him seemed a bit familiar to her, but she couldn't quite place it.

He looked her over, leaned the rifle against the barn and looked closely at her car.

"You okay, miss?" he asked.

"There's something wrong with my car," she said. "The check engine light came on and then it just died." The man looked at her as though she was speaking Greek.

"Your... car?" he asked. "You mean, this... machine?" Linda nodded her head. The man frowned and walked around the vehicle as though he had never seen anything like it, running his hand over the smooth polished metal. He shook his head.

"I'm sorry, miss," he said. "I've never seen anything like this. What's a 'check engine light'? What does 'camry' mean?" he asked, looking at the car's insignia. "And where are your horses?"

"I don't need any horses," Linda said. "And this is a Toyota Camry." The man's eyes grew wide.

"No horses?" he asked. "How do you pull this thing around?"

"I get in and I drive it," she said, getting frustrated. How can this man not know about cars? Then it hit her. Maybe this was one of those families who eschewed modern technology to live off the grid. She had seen a documentary about that once, but wasn't aware of any groups like that in this area. "Look, do you have a phone I can use?"

"What's a fone?" the man asked. Linda pulled out her smartphone and tapped twice. The man jumped back as the screen lit up. She held the phone up so he could see it.

"There's no service here," she said. "Can I please use your telephone to call for help?" The man shook his head.

"Miss, I'm sorry, but I really don't know what you're talking about. Why don't you come inside and talk to my pa. He'll know what to do," he said. Linda nodded her head and followed the man around the barn and to a small log cabin.

The man opened the door and motioned for Linda to enter. He followed, closing the door behind him. An older man wearing a similar dark suit sat at a table, illuminated by a candle and a woman wearing an old-fashioned period dress was hanging pots over a large fireplace.

She noticed there was no television, or nothing else that looked electronic or modern. Not even a light bulb or a table lamp. The man looked up as they went inside. His eyes opened wide at the sight of Linda.

"What's the meaning of this, boy?" he asked gruffly. The younger man set his rifle against the wall and approached the table.

"I'm sorry, Pa," he said. "This woman says she needs help with her Camry." The older man's brows came close as he frowned.

"What's that?" he asked. The younger man shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know, Pa. Whatever it is, it don't use horses. She wants to know if we have a 'fone.' I've never heard of that," he said.

"Well, neither have I," the older man said. He looked at Linda with disapproval. "Where are you going, young lady?" he asked.

"I, um, was going back to Centerville when my check engine light came on and my car died," she said.

"Centerville?" the older man asked. He shook his head. "Never heard of it. What's a check engine light?"

"See, Pa, she's talking crazy. And she has this thing that lights up when she touches it. Says it has no service," the younger man said.

"I don't like the sound of this," the older man said. "Nosiree, not at all." He turned to Linda. "You have a husband or something?" he asked. Linda nodded her head.

"Uh, Yes sir," she said, scared. "He's in Boston on a business meeting."

"Boston, huh?" the man said. "That's easily two days and a bit from here." Linda thought that odd, since the drive to Boston only took a couple of hours or so by freeway. He thought for a bit before speaking again. "It's getting dark, so I tell you what, miss," he said. "You can stay here tonight and we'll take a look at your Camry in the morning."

"Thank you so much," Linda said. The man nodded his head, taking in Linda's attire. He turned to the other woman who had finished what she was doing.

"Get her some respectable clothes and something to sleep in. She's darn near naked," he said. He turned back to Linda. "We don't have much room here in the house, but you can sleep in the barn. It's not too cold out and the Indians quit harassing us a couple months back. Dan'l here will get ya a bedroll and a couple extra blankets."

"Thank you, sir," she said. Indians? Sleep in the barn? What is this place, Linda wondered. Who are these people? The younger man, who she learned was named Daniel, got her a bedroll and two large thick blankets. The older woman, Mildred, gave her some old-fashioned nightclothes and a long heavy dress to wear in the morning.

"You'll have to wear the shoes you have, but watch where you step," the woman said.

"Breakfast is at 5:30 sharp," she said. "Dan'l will come wake ya up. If you have a need, there's an outhouse by the barn. And you can wash up over by the well. And for God's sake, get rid of that warpaint and cover yourself up. You look like a whore." Linda blanched at her words, given that she was just fucking a strange man just an hour or so ago.

Daniel grabbed an extra lantern and motioned for Linda to follow him. He escorted her to the barn and showed her a stall where she could put her bedroll. He couldn't help but look at her legs in her short dress. He had never seen anything like this before and he found the sight of her stimulating. He had to adjust his trousers more than once to hide his growing erection. Linda noticed and smiled.

"Like what you see?" she asked seductively. Facing Daniel, she unzipped her short dress and let it fall to the ground. Now, she wore nothing but a tiny black thong that barely covered her slit and a matching bra. Daniel's eyes grew wide and he took a step back.

"It's okay," she said, taking her bra off. "Haven't you ever seen a naked woman before?" He shook his head as she pulled her thong off, revealing her shaved pussy. She ran her finger inside her pussy and walked toward him, but he put his hands up.

"Miss, please, I can't. I'm betrothed to another woman. I have to get back. You'd better cover yourself up," he said. "And don't ever let my folks see you do that." He opened the barn door nervously and began to step out. "Good night, miss. I'll wake you up in the morning for breakfast." He closed the door quickly and went back in the cabin.

Linda went back to the stall, and put on the nightclothes she had been given. They were too big for her and smelled a bit funny, as though they hadn't been thoroughly washed. But at least she was covered and warm. She slipped under the blankets, which also smelled funny.

She pulled out her phone and saw she still had no service, but tried to check for any messages that her husband might have sent. Still nothing. She turned the phone off and put it back in her purse. She turned the lamp down until the flame went out and laid back in the darkness. She was also frustrated by Daniel's lack of interest in her. Never before had a man been able to turn her down like that.

She had never experienced a night like this. She had read about this but had never known just how dark it could get in the country with no street lights - or no lights of any kind. There were no sounds of traffic on the road nearby, but there were lots of other sounds, mostly the wind and animals walking around outside the barn. She was scared but tried to get some sleep.

Tomorrow, she decided, she would get out of this hellish place and never stray from her husband again.

Daniel woke her up early the next morning, before the sun came up. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she hoped this was a crazy nightmare, but realized that it wasn't. He showed her to the well, and pulled up a wooden bucket with water so she could clean herself up. She remembered what the other woman had said and washed the makeup off her face.

After a quick visit to the outhouse, she put on the other clothes she had been given. They were a bit big for her, but she made do. It took her a while to figure out how it all worked, but she hoped they would find her more presentable.

Watching out for animal droppings, she made her way to the cabin and was greeted with the smell of bacon and eggs. The older man invited her to the table, where she sat down. After the food was placed in front of them, the family bowed their heads and the older man said a prayer of thanks for the food.

After everyone finished eating, Linda offered to help clean up, but the other woman waved her off. The older man, who she learned during breakfast was named Micah, stood up and motioned for Daniel and Linda to come outside.

"Let's take a look at this 'Camry' of yours," he said. They walked around the barn and Micah stopped as he saw the sleek automobile.

"Sweet mother of God," he exclaimed. "What is that thing?" Linda looked at him.

"That's my car," she said, opening the door. "It won't start. See?" she said, turning the key. A clicking noise came from under the hood and both Micah and Daniel jumped back.

"What kind of witchcraft is this?" Micah asked, his face red.

"It's not witchcraft," Linda said. "It's just a car, and it's broken. Please, I just need a little help." Micah shook his head and turned to Daniel.

"Get the elders and bring them here," he said. He turned to Linda. "I don't know what evil you've brought here, but we'll soon get to the bottom of this. Go wait in the barn."

Linda went back in the barn and sat, crying. A little more than an hour later, she heard a commotion outside. Micah came into the barn and motioned for her to join him. They went into the cabin, which was now filled with people, the men dressed like Micah and Daniel and the women wearing long dresses and bonnets.

An older man with a short white beard motioned for Linda to stand at one end of the table.

"What is this beast you bring to our community?" he asked. Linda looked at the angry faces in the room before speaking.

"Please, sir, it's just my car. It broke down on my way to Centerville and I just wanted to use a phone to call for help," she said.

"Centerville?" the man asked. "Does anyone here know of a Centerville?" Everyone shook their head and several said, "No." He continued.

"What is a 'fone' and what do you mean by 'call for help'? Are you in communication with the Devil?" he asked. Gasps were heard throughout the room as Daniel came forward. He grabbed Linda's purse and pulled out her smartphone.

"This is what she uses to talk to Satan and his demons," he said. "I saw her try to use it last night, but she claimed she had no service." The older man took the phone and stared at the black screen for a moment before handing it to Linda.

"Show us how you communicate with the Devil," he said.

"I don't communicate with any demons," she said. "It's just a cell phone but there's no service here."

"Then show us how you use it," the man ordered. Linda nodded.

"Okay," she said, tapping the screen twice. Gasps were heard as the screen came to life. She punched in her code and the home screen came up.

"I can use this to make calls, to take pictures or to send and receive messages," Linda explained. She brought up her camera app and took several pictures of the room's occupants. She showed them the pictures, causing them to gasp in fear. "See?" she said. "Here, I can send or receive messages, but there's no service out here."

The man took the phone and started reading the messages that had been saved on the phone.

"I can't wait to..." he began, his eyes wide. He looked through some of her other messages after Linda showed him how to scroll through them. His face got red as he went through her texts, some of which were quite pornographic. He tossed the phone back on the table.

"This is absolute FILTH!" he declared. "You're nothing but a whore, sleeping with men other than your husband. And you dare to bring the tools of your witchcraft here and flaunt them. Have you no shame?" Daniel stepped forward.

"Elder," he said, looking at Linda. "She also tried to seduce me with her naked body last night in the barn. I was able to resist her temptation and fled from her evil as the good Lord taught us, but just barely. I prayed last night that Jesus would forgive me of my sins and make me worthy of my betrothed." He was shaking as he made his public confession, looking at a young blonde girl.

"You have done well, Master Daniel. You have proven yourself to be a true man of God. You have resisted the temptations of the flesh and fought the Devil. May you and Prudence be blessed with many children," the elder said.

The old man looked hard at Linda, his face contorted with hatred. The blonde woman approached Linda and slapped her hard across the face.

"You adulterous WHORE!" she screamed. "How DARE you try to seduce my Daniel with your wicked ways." The others murmured as the elders considered her fate. Micah's wife stepped forward.

"Elder," she said. "This creature slept in our barn and ate at our table this morning. Despite our hospitality, she defiled our son, who, praise God, is still pure. I ask that she be branded for her adultery and tested in the chair." The others nodded in agreement as the elders considered what was said. Linda was shaking with fear.

"Very well, Mildred," he said. "You're a good woman, a blessing to your husband and a Godly mother to your son. Your counsel has always been respected. The council agrees. This monster will be branded so all will know of her adulterous ways and then she is to be tested in the chair." The crowd roared as Linda trembled in fear.

Two men grabbed Linda by the arms. Daniel pulled out a strange-looking pistol and motioned for her to be taken by the barn. The rest of the crowd followed.

Once at the barn, Micah pulled out a branding iron and placed it in a fire. As the branding iron got hot, Linda's clothes were torn off, leaving her in just her bra and her thong. She was tied down to a board so she couldn't move and one bra strap was pulled down to reveal her upper breast.

The iron had grown red hot by now. Micah pulled it out of the fire and approached Linda. Daniel held Linda's left shoulder down hard.

"This is going to hurt, demon," he said. "A lot." He looked up at his father, smiled and nodded. Micah placed the iron on Linda's flesh. She screamed in agony as the iron burned an "A" into her chest. She could smell the flesh burning, even after the iron had been removed. She nearly passed out from the pain and the shock but the crowd wasn't finished.

They dragged her near-naked body to a nearby pond, where a chair sat. Linda was placed in the chair and tied down.

"No, no, please," she sobbed. "Please, I'm begging you, for the love of God, don't do this." Her cries fell on deaf ears as the chair, tied to a beam attached to a fulcrum much like a seesaw, was raised and turned so that it was above the water. The elder who convicted her stepped forward and addressed Linda.

"Let me explain what is about to transpire," he said. "You are about to be tested to see if you really are a witch sent here from the pit of Hell. You will be completely submerged into the water in that chair. If you survive the test, then you will have been found guilty of witchcraft and will be either hanged or burned until you are dead. If, on the other hand, you succumb to the water, then you will have been found not guilty. May God have mercy on your soul."

"No, please don't," Linda begged, tears flowing down her cheeks. "I beg you, please have mercy on me." The elder looked at the men on the fulcrum and nodded. They released the fulcrum, letting her and the chair fall into the pond.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!" she cried as the chair fell into the water.

Now completely submerged, Linda held her breath as long as possible, but soon, her lungs ached and she could no longer keep from inhaling. Her last thought as she went unconscious was of her husband.

"Please forgive me," she begged in her mind before her world went dark...


State Trooper Jake Patterson was slowly driving down the old two lane highway toward Centerville, looking for signs of anything illegal. This was a boring route, he thought, as very few people ever traveled this road.

He looked to one side, where he saw a dilapidated old barn, one of the few remnants of a religious community that existed in the late 17th and early 18th century. His attention was drawn to a fairly new car parked in front of the barn. Odd, he thought to himself. Maybe it was just some kids looking for a place to make out, but he had to check it out. He slowed down and looked for a way to the structure.