The Clan Wars Pt. 08

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How to make friends and influence Orcs.
6.7k words

Part 8 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/27/2016
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Chapter 8 - Mila

The trail that Mila, Kalliya and Pointer were following was barely visible. Underbrush, rocky outcroppings and huge tree roots spilled over it, while above them a thick canopy of leaves contrived to break the sunlight into a speckled mosaic of viridescent patches and shadowy blotches. The trees crowded the path so thickly that Kalliya had to dismount and lead her horse while Mila found she had to dip her head often to avoid gnarled branches that conspired to knock her from Alagar's back. To make matters worse, the thick foliage blocked even the idea of a breeze, yet somehow the shade cast by the very same trees offered naught but the humidity of a sauna.

The orc bandit at the bridge had given them directions to the Redtooth tribe's whereabouts before they'd let him go, but after five days of hacking through the underbrush, Mila was starting to regret not bringing him along. She had been confident he was telling the truth at the time, but each sweaty minute that passed nurtured a nugget of doubt in her mind. She'd shed her cloak, armour and shirt, riding topless in an attempt to cool off, and was now sorely tempted to lose her trousers too. Mila was a mountain orc and found the cloying heat more irksome than playing cards with Urglot. Behind her, even the imperturbable Pointer had shucked his cloak and doublet and loped along the trail clad only in his black trousers and boots. The pale skinned elf was sweating profusely and Mila was glad she was on point for the lean elf had a distracting physique - sinewy muscles, crisscrossed with a latticework of scars that made the orc warrior bite her bottom lip. She liked a male who had seen a few fights. Only Kalliya seemed relatively nonplussed by the heavy atmosphere. She had shed her cloak and tunic as well and now wore a simple, rather revealing tank top, yet, although her brow exhibited a few beads of sweat, she wasn't even comparable to the sweaty, bedraggled mess that was Mila and Pointer.

Alagar stopped walking, the halt in momentum dragging Mila from her heat induced half-reverie. The big warg hunched his shoulders, extended his neck and sniffed pointedly. There was something further down the trail.

"Hold up," whispered Mila over her shoulder. "Alagar can smell something up ahead."

The orc dismounted and drew her bastard sword from the baldric that was the only article of clothing she didn't consider shedding. In another fluid movement, her buckler was in her left hand. Pointer was by her side in a blink, the blackened blade of his estoc shining dully in the dappled sunlight. The elf tapped his chest with his left hand, then held it up to his face with two fingers extended towards his eyes before moving it to point down the path. Mila gave a curt nod and watched as the thief noiselessly folded into the speckled shadows and went ahead to scout.

"What do you think it is?" whispered Kalliya.

"I hope it's the fucking Redtooth," replied Mila.

The two women and the warg crouched low and waited in silence. Behind them, Mila could hear the occasional bird call, but from ahead came nothing but an oppressive silence. The orc knew enough trailcraft to realise the lack of birdsong hinted at the presence of others. In the dank heat, the minutes passed like treacle. A trickle of sweat made its way down her cheek, over her collarbone and slowly through the valley of her cleavage. The crack of a twig as Kalliya shifted her footing seemed deafening.

Then the underbrush beside them parted noiselessly and Pointer materialised, slate and chalk already in hand.

2 Orcs. Spears and bows. Red body paint.

Mila exhaled through subconsciously clenched teeth. They had found the Redtooth. The warg-rider sheathed her sword and hooked her buckler back on her belt.

"Ok, let me do the talking," she explained, voice still low and quiet. "They're not known to be too happy about visitors, but, as long we keep our weapons sheathed and don't make any sudden moves, I should be able to get us into their camp to have a word with their chief."

"Sounds good," said Kalliya. Pointer simply nodded.

Attempting to make as much incidental noise as she could, Mila took the lead once more and led the small party around the bend in the trail toward the orc sentries. As they proceeded up a small incline, a tall figure stepped from the undergrowth at the crest. The first thing Mila noted about him was his size - the orc sentry was truly immense in stature. His shoulders were broad and muscles rose like small hills across them and down his arms. He had a pit fighter's belly; a paunch the result of a healthy layer of fat typical for a fighter that tended to wear no armour. His skin was a much darker green than Mila's olive tone and his hair hung in rough, heavy dreadlocks. In one huge fist he carried a spear with a broad metal head. Tucked into his belt was cleaver bladed weapon.

To Mila's pleasant surprise, the belt, along with a few pouches that hung from it, were the big orc's only clothes. Aside from stripes of maroon paint that adorned his face, arms and legs, the hefty warrior was completely nude. Mila's gaze lingered on the slab of a cock that hung between his legs, causing her to realise she'd probably gone too long without a decent fuck. She shook her head to refocus on the task at hand.

Holding and arm with a balled fist horizontally across her forehead, Mila signalled that she came in peace. In response, the big orc spread his arms and roared at her.

"Is that bad?" whispered Kalliya from behind her.

Mila ignored the mage and spread her arms wide before roaring back at the bulky orc. The big orc grinned toothily and leaned his spear against the nearest tree before unbuckling his belt and laying it on the ground beside the spear. Mila lifted her baldric over her head and handed it backwards to Pointer without taking her eyes off the dark green behemoth. Once fully disarmed, she stretched the muscles in her neck, balled her fists and began striding up the incline towards the other orc. In response, the dark green male stepped back while raising his fists and taking a fighting stance.

The patch of trail at the top of the hill was relatively wider than much of what the small party had been travelling on, but the ground was still snaked with tree roots and rocks and the trees on either side were still looming oppressively close. This, thought Mila, was not the ideal terrain for what was about to happen.

As soon as she reached the crest of the slope, the huge male stepped forward and swung a wide haymaker that caught Mila in the ribs, just below her guard. As she reeled from the punishing blow, the dark green orc struck again, this time with a left hand jab. Still gasping for air, Mila slipped under the incoming blow and laid a heavy right hook into the brawler's left side. Straightening her back, the warg-rider followed up with a left handed uppercut, but could not push it past the big orc's guard. The dark green warrior laughed jovially, breaking his guard to grab Mila's forearms while stepping in close to deliver a stunning headbutt to her brow.

Mila's vision spun, and she stumbled backwards. Grasping at straws, the olive skinned fighter lashed out with a sweeping kick that caught the hulking orc just behind his left knee. It was enough to drop him to a kneel. As her ass hit the ground, she lashed out once more with a straight heel kick that connected with the large male's jaw. His head rocked back, his body following the movement, and in a moment both fighters were on their asses.

Grinning ferociously at one another, the two orcs launched themselves forwards, colliding with a meaty slap in the centre of the tiny clearing. The big male pushed forwards hard before twisting sharply at the waist, attempting to use his superior weight to throw Mila to the ground, but the warg-rider was expecting the tactic and moved with the large warrior's momentum, rolling with the throw while keeping her hands locked around the warrior's wrists. As he reached full extension, she tucked her knees in, placing her feet against his stomach, while leaning backwards until the massive orc was almost fully above her. Then, yanking down hard on his arms and kicking out with her feet, the smaller warrior launched the huge orc over her head, his body describing a full somersault before crashing down onto the trail, fully supine.

Still rolling from the momentum of the throw, Mila catapulted herself backwards to land heavily upon the brute's belly, causing his breath to be expelled from his lungs with a loud whoosh. She raised her right fist, gripped his throat with her left hand and watched as the beast of a fighter groggily opened his eyes. He grinned up at her.

{You fight well,} he said.

From behind her came a female voice; {I think he is done.}

Mila looked over her shoulder to see a female orc with equally dark skin step onto the trail. Similar in build to the large male, the female orc carried a wicked looking machete in her hand and had a six foot longbow over strapped to her back. She, too, had bulging muscles that rippled over her shoulders and down her arms and a slight paunch to her belly. She, too, was completely naked, but for the leather belt that went from shoulder to hip, holding her longbow and quiver, and the red paint stripes that adorned her face and limbs. The female orc's breasts were huge and sagged slightly with their own weight. Her belly carried the same slight paunch that her comrade had and her legs were heavily muscled, like her arms. Like her compatriot, this orc was a real brawler.

Mila clambered off her supine opponent and offered him a hand. The big male gripped it tightly and allowed Mila to help him to his feet.

{My name is Grotag,} he said as he found his feet. {This is my sister Kami. We are Redtooth. You are?}

They were speaking heavily accented orcish, so Mila responded in kind; {I am Mila of Top Town. Those are my friends Pointer and Kalliya.}

Kalliya and Pointer were cautiously climbing up the small incline.

"Uh, what's going on?" said the mage.

"We greet in Orc manner," said Grotag, speaking halting Imperial.

"Just a traditional orc meeting ceremony," explained Mila. "We like to get the measure of one another when we first meet, although you don't see this kind of 'hello' further west, usually. An arm wrestle tends to suffice."

"I like handshakes," said Kalliya.

It was late evening by the time Grotag and Kami had led the small party to the tribe's village. Grotag seemed to have take quite a shine to Mila and walked beside her the whole way, asking her questions about the western lands and her journey, as well as about their reason for visiting. Mila was happy to talk and found the big orc to be an amiable fellow, quite jovial despite his imposing appearance.

The Redtooth village was situated upon a deforested hilltop that poked up above the surrounding forest and was cradled on three sides by a small river. The buildings that comprised the village were wood and thatch huts, encircled by a palisade, with a large, circular wooden building in the centre that apparently doubled as a communal hall and a small keep in the event of an attack. After Kalliya's horse was hitched to a simple railing just inside the palisade gate, Grotag and Kami guided the group into the village proper, pointing out their own hut as they passed it. Judging by the number of huts and the various orcs they passed, Mila guessed the village population numbered a few hundred. All the orcs she saw were armed, although none wore a lick of clothing. Thanks to the summer heat, Mila completely understood why and was sorely tempted to join them in their traditional ways.

"You want to see holy stone," said Grotag as he led the small group through the village. "I take you to village chief in Pa. She decide."

The Pa, it turned out, was the huge central building. By the time they had reached the Pa's doors, a small crowd of curious villagers was tagging along behind them. The doors themselves were open and revealed a rectangular central hall with doors leading off the sides. The hall was furnished with long tables, numerous well-worn benches and stools, a couple of fire pits (thankfully, noted a sweaty Mila, not lit) and a large seat, carved from a single stone boulder, that sat at the far end.

More orcs appeared from the various doors that ringed the great hall and soon there were at least a hundred standing around the party as they were brought before the stone throne. Seated upon the throne was a wizened, old, female orc, hair long turned silver. The village chief was a strikingly attractive woman - nude, like the rest of the tribe, her muscles were clearly visible, as was her scarred green skin that told the story of a warrior's life. Across her knees lay a huge two handed sword. Around her throne stood a grim quartet of hulking male orcs, all similarly armed.

Kami stepped up to the throne and whispered into the chief's ear, pointing at each member of the party as she did so.

"Greetings, travellers," said the chief. "I am chief Trabba. Kami tells me you have travelled far to learn of our ways and to study the sacred stone."

Kalliya glanced at Mila, who nodded, before stepping forward and introducing herself; "I am Kalliya, ma'am, and these are my companions Mila and Pointer. I have travelled almost the length of the mountains for the chance to study your sacred stone. I am a student of history, interested in the remains of the ancient Empire and heard that the Redtooth had a Thaean artifact in their possession."

"It is important to maintain a connection with the past," responded Trabba. "I see no harm in letting you see the stone. But you must be tired and hungry. Tomorrow we shall take you to the artifact. Tonight, you shall rest."

"We are most appreciative of your hospitality, great chief," said Kalliya, bowing deeply.

The party were given the use of three rooms adjoining the main hall, furnished with simple yet comfortable beds. After they had deposited their gear within their quarters, the party was provided with a simple meal of roasted meat and vegetables. By the time they were finished eating, the sky had grown dark and Kalliya and Pointer decided to turn in for the night.

Mila, however, was craving a bath, and decided to see if she could find her way to the river. With a happy smile the orc remembered the old saying 'when in Drasich, do as the Drasichians do' and gleefully stripped off her leather pants before slinging her baldric back over her shoulder and heading out in search of a bath with Alagar loping along behind her.

The village was still quite active despite the lateness of the hour and Mila figured that, with the heat of the day being what it was, it made sense that the villagers would make what use they could of the cooler nighttime hours. As she ambled past the villager's huts she gloried in the cool night air caressing her skin while taking in the sights of the traditional orc village. After asking a couple of villagers how to get down to the river, Mila and Alagar were soon descending a tree shrouded path the led to the water's edge.

As the pair got clear of the trees, Mila saw a single torch flickering in the darkness that blanketed the shore - clearly they were not the only ones looking for a late night swim. Slowing her pace slightly, the orc watched as a familiar figure emerged from the river, the water glistening in the moon and firelight as it dripped from his dark green skin. Mila licked her lips as she took in Grotag's powerful figure and bit her lip as her gaze fell on his heavy shaft, swinging semi-hard between his muscled thighs. The huge orc walked over to where the torch was planted in the dirt and sat down, gazing out at the sparkling water. However, just as Mila was about to walk over to him and see if he was up for a little fun, another figure, abundantly female in shape, emerged from the dark waters. Kami walked over to where her brother was seated on the beach and stood before him.

{You are getting hard. You are thinking of that foreign orc,} said the heavily muscled woman.

{She is strong and pretty,} said Grotag, his voice a low rumble.

{She is strong, but so skinny,} said Kami. {No meat on her, not like a proper Redtooth woman.}

Mila was mildly taken aback. She'd never considered herself skinny. In Top Town, compared to the humans and elves, she was possibly overly curvaceous and buxom. Still, she thought, compared to the swaying bosom, heavy buttocks and plump curves of Kami, her ample but firm tits, chiseled abs and pert ass might be considered on the skinny side.

{Ha! Not like you, you mean.}

{Not like me,} said his sister as she sat down beside her brother, hefting her weighty breasts in her hands.

{I would have relief, sister,} said Grotag, groping one of his sister massive tits. {The chief has not called on me to service her for a long time.}

{I shall service you then,} replied the curvaceous orc, {before your swollen cock causes too much discomfort.}

As Mila watched, Kami reached out and gripped her brother's pulsing cock and began to pump her hand up and down the turgid shaft. After stroking it steadily for a few minutes, the female orc bent to the side and placed her lips over the blunt head of the massive phallus. Mila could hear a gentle slurping noise as Kami bobbed her head up and down.

{You are a good sister,} growled Grotag.

Kami ceased sucking on his girthy erection and looked up at her brother; {Lick my cunt, brother. I grow hot.}

Mila bit back a moan as she watched Kami lie on her back and spread her legs. Grotag rolled to his hands and knees and moved until he was over his sister, his pendulous organ dangling over her mouth, his head between her thighs.

{I can smell your heat, sister,} said the huge orc. {Suck my cock while I lick your cunt.}

Kami craned her head upwards until her lips made contact with Grotag's blunt cock-head once more. Extending her tongue, the buxom sibling gently licked at the immense phallus before lowering her head to the ground once more. Mila could see a long, glinting string of pre-cum and spittle stretch from Grotag's distended dick to Kami's mouth.

{I am tired,} said the sister. {You do the work tonight, brother. Use my mouth as you would that other orc's cunt.}

{If I must,} said Grotag, spreading his knees until his monumental shaft slid into his sister's open mouth. Mila realised the girthy organ would be probing into his sister's throat when she saw his cum-heavy balls come to rest over his sister's nose.

Once the ponderous dick was seated in his sibling's throat, the big orc flexed his haunches, bucking his hips gently as he started to fuck his sister's mouth. Mila heard Kami emit a gurgling moan when Grotag lowered his head to her crotch and began sucking on her clit. The hulking warrior's body was now pressing down against his sister's, his head bobbing over her quim, his ass rising and falling with a steady rhythm as he humped his tumescent penis in and out of Kami's welcoming mouth.

Mila felt a long strand of cunt juice ooze from her throbbing pussy and past her lust-inflamed labia to drip on the ground. Beside her, Alagar glanced at the sight on the river shore and then back at his companion's dripping cunt before opening his jaws and running his long, wet tongue over her aroused genitals. With a quiet moan, Mila dropped to her hands and knees and then rolled onto her back.

"Fuck me like he's fucking her, please boy," she quietly begged, spreading her legs.

Alagar growled pleasantly and shifted his furry bulk until he was standing above the horny orc. From her vantage point below the huge warg, Mila could see his knotted, veiny cock gradually extend from its sheath. The huge beast squatted until his belly pressed against hers and his heavy, furred balls rested on his partner's forehead. Mila craned her head until she could wrap her lips around the warg's pointed cock-head and began to suck.
