The Cline's Conquer Time Ch. 04


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"So you need to admit the truth, and you can start your new life, a life of worship at the altar of mature women. A life where you live under the heel of a strong, mature bitch who knows that is all you ever wanted. You will give an older women permission to be the bitchy, vile cunt she was born to be and you will love her for it. You will give an older woman permission to run your life through and through, to make all the decisions you are not built to handle, and you will thank her for it. You will admit the truth, Derek, and you will be reborn. You will answer my questions with the truth, and when you do, the rewards will be, indescribable." Jocelyn finished.

Derek's mind was in chaos. He was over-stimulated, and he couldn't get his thoughts straight. Various thoughts rushed through his mind. His wife. Her pretty face. His mother-in-law. Her shockingly gorgeous face. His marriage. Jocelyn's barely clad pussy. The way Heather's hand felt in his own. The feel of Ms. Cline's firm thighs against his face. The sight of Heather in her wedding gown. The sight of all those sexy mature butts of the women at his wedding. The sound of Heather's cute moans when they made love. The scent of Ms. Cline's juicy pussy against his nose. Heather's relaxed, playful personality. Ms. Cline's harsh, dominant, overbearing attitude.

Derek didn't know what to do. His body was telling him to give in. God, it would feel so good to just give in, wouldn't it? Because somehow, someway, he just knew submitting to a strong powerful woman like Jocelyn would be a sublime pleasure. But his wife was his soul mate! He loved her deeply and she had done so much for him. She had turned him from a boy to a man. She had helped him expand his social skills and his social circle. She had helped him evolve from an awkward, nerdy kid, to a more confident, charming man. She had built him up to the man he was now. He owed her so much.

But it also seemed like she had built him up to become a target for insidious MILFs. She had unknowingly helped create a man perfectly built to be dominated by an older woman. She had built him up to be a man whose seemingly sole purpose was to be used by MILFs for their sick sexual pleasures. And it did feel like it was in his blood, it was in his core instincts to fall prey to an evil, mature woman like his mother-in-law. It just felt like this is what he was meant for. It felt like all the forces in his life, his family, his mother, his wife, all their work had led him to this point. What he was destined to do. It felt like he knew exactly what was required to submit, and how good it would be. It felt like he had been told how to do it, by someone... in some other place.

He loved his wife deeply. He truly did, and he didn't want to hurt her. Derek had never been a slave to any vices. He enjoyed everything in moderation. He was always so controlled in his actions. But for the first time in his life, he really felt like giving in and going against his morals and ethics. Losing all control.

Derek had never felt so weak before. He thought he was a good, well-adjusted young-man. But Ms. Cline had torn him apart and exposed his true self. She had torn down his defenses and exposed how weak-willed and malleable he truly was. She had exposed how little his marriage mattered to him when confronted with the pleasures of the flesh. She had exposed how weak-willed he was when confronted by a strong-willed woman. Derek just couldn't back away. He couldn't say no. It wasn't in his programming. Derek didn't have it in him to disobey his elders. He didn't have it in him to fight back. All he felt was the desire to give in.

It would be his downfall.

It would just be so much easier to give in. To do as Ms. Cline commanded. To do whatever she wanted, because he knew the consequences of disobedience to her would be hellish. He could just tell, even knowing her as little as he did, that this was a woman you did not cross. Derek had no choice. He had to give in. He had to betray Heather. It just wasn't in him to do otherwise.

"So, Derek..." Jocelyn began, "Have you ever thought of an older woman, sexually?

"Uhm, yeah, I think so. I must have." Derek stammered. He had to have fantasized about mature women at some point to feel such a strong desire for Jocelyn now, right? He couldn't remember a specific occasion of doing it. In fact, in the rare occasions he did look at porn, he typically avoided the MILF stuff. He never thought twice about it, but now, Jocelyn was making him think long and hard about it. And this whole line of discussion was turning him on, so there must be some truth to her accusations. It wasn't like his mother-in-law had tricked his supposedly smart brain and implanted a desire for mature women that he had never felt before. That'd be ridiculous.

"Is that a yes, or a no?" Ms. Cline asked firmly, tensing her thighs around his head.

"Yes. YES! I have fantasized about, uh... fucking mature women." Derek said, as confidently as he could, appeasing his mother-in-law.

"So, my dear son-in-law, have you ever indulged yourself in this sick little fetish of yours? Have you? How many older women have you fucked, Derek?"

"Uh, none. I've never fucked anyone except Heather." Derek stammered. Jocelyn looked down at him like a posh socialite looking down at the hired help.

"Derek, I need to know that you are willing to open up your mind and spill all your secrets to me." Jocelyn asked.

"Uh, yes ma'am." Derek replied.

"That's a little secret most young men like yourself don't know. You young guys don't realize how big a role your mother-in-law plays in your marriage. The way I see it, your birth mother gets you to adulthood, gets you ready for what's really out there. And your mother-in-law is your mother from the point you get married onward. You grow away from the mother of childhood and closer to the mother of your adulthood. And, as I think we've established, every man needs a mother." Jocelyn paused.

"But when you're a growing boy, you start to hide your secrets from your mother. You hide your secrets, your shame. But all those things are so... childish. Adults don't act that way. Adults, at least the ones that are really happy, open up with their dreams and desires. But as we both know, a man cannot tell his wife all his dirty secrets. That would be foolish. That's where mother-in-laws come in. Believe me, young wife's like my daughter are idealistic, hopeful. Everything to them is flowers and sunshine. But mature women like me understand the truth... that men, especially young men, are filthy, dirty, naughty boys who need proper training to become an effective adult. A good husband. A real man. Most birth mothers cannot provide for their sons in this way. A lucky few do. But this important job, training young men, that's what mother-in-laws are built for. That is our job. To do this job, you need to be open to me. A marriage will not work without having a mother-in-law being heavily involved. Many mother-in-laws insist on living with her daughter and her husband to make sure things run smoothly. The daughter has her mother there to make the tough decisions, and the husband has his mother-in-law there to spill his dirty secrets. Derek, I have to know everything for this to work! EVERY... THING! I will understand you better than Heather will. Better than your mother will. Better than anyone will. So, you will be closer to me than you will be to anyone else. We will share a bond deeper than any other. Closer than a husband and wife. Closer than a mother and son. Something new entirely, a bond that can only and should be shared by a young man and his wife's mother. So calling me Ms. Cline might be far too formal. I think you should start calling me Mom for now on. We both know the serious mommy issues you have. I want this marriage to work and the only way it will is if I am heavily involved. Heather will understand. She will think it's so cute that we are so close. And your mother will know the score. She knows what's up. She knows her job is done, and my job is just beginning. She knows how close we'll be, how important I'll be to your growth as a man, and she'll thank me for it. It's a very important job Derek. So, are you ready to open up? Are you ready to empty your mind to your mother? Are you ready to empty your mind and let me fill it with the only information you will ever need to know?" Jocelyn asked.

"Yes..." Derek paused and gulped. "Uh... mom."

At that, Jocelyn smirked.

"You're not the first young man to call me Mom, Derek, and you surely won't be the last. I've probably been called Mom more than most sons say it to their birth mothers." Jocelyn said aloud, confusing Derek for a bit before continuing. "Mmm, so much I want to know. Well, my dear son-in-law, there are things every mother-in-law should know about her son-in-law. So tell me, Derek... how much do you cum... daily?"

"Uh... what?" Derek replied quickly. Jocelyn's thighs tightened around his head, smothering him in smooth firmness while turning up the pressure on him.

"You heard what I said. Answer me!" Jocelyn commanded.

"Uh, I, uh, ejaculate like, two times a week, maybe." Derek spat out without thinking, trapped by her firm thighs. Finally, she lessened the pressure on him.

"What? I must have misheard you? Two times a week?" Jocelyn asked.

"Yes." Derek replied.

"Do you and Heather even have sex?" Jocelyn asked.

"Yeah, uh, a couple times a week." Derek answered.

"Do you guys make love, or does she really dig deep and fuck you?" Jocelyn asked.

"We, uh, make love." Derek stammered, embarrassed.

"So, surely, you must jack that filthy dick often?" Jocelyn said.

"Uh, no, not anymore. Not since I met Heather. It felt... wrong." Derek replied.

"Oh, that's so cute." Jocelyn began with a coy smile, "I'll work that out of you quickly. Soon, all you'll care about is relieving the pressure from your giant balls, whenever you get the chance. You won't care about your wife, or your job. All you will care about is draining the cum from those balls, won't you? You'll waste away all that talent, all that brainpower. You'll waste all these talents you were given. The world would lose out on all these discoveries you could have made, just cause you like fucking old ladies."

"Uh, yes, Mom." Derek replied.

"You'll stop showing up for work just cause you saw some hot MILFs butt on the street and you got worked up. You'll forget to show up for work just cause you came across some steaming hot MILF porn that really deserves some attention. You'll get fired from your work because you're too busy sucking a mature woman's tits. You'll get run out of the scientific community when they get sent photos of you rimming out a sizzling hot mature woman's asshole. Doesn't that sound hot, Derek? Doesn't that sound sexy?" Jocelyn asked.

"Yes, Mom." Derek repeated, simultaneously sickened, scared, and violently aroused by the scenes she was painting.

"In fact, it might be best if you just quit your work now, save yourself the embarrassment." Jocelyn proposed. She noticed the mixed reaction on Derek's face. "Are you not sure about what I'm telling you, son?" Jocelyn asked, looking at his kneeling son-in-law.

"I, uh, I'm not sure about quitting my, uh, job. I mean, I love my work. I love what I do. I love using my brain. I don't want to... quit." Derek stammered.

"Dear, you can't ask me to make the tough choices for you and get mad when my commands are tough. I know it will be tough to quit you work. Your research. But believe me, it's for the best. These silly scientific theories can wait for someone else, someone more ready to handle the pressures of being more of a scientific hero." Jocelyn said, talking to him like a mother would when telling her child they couldn't go to Disney World, that it would be there next year. "I know people have said that there might be some big awards in the future for you, you know, like the Nobel Prize. But that kind of thing is only for men who act like men and can control themselves enough to focus on their work. Your research will suffer until you put these desires you feel in their proper place. Sure, you might get to the point where you can win these awards, make these discoveries... without properly dealing with these desires. But they will get to you, eventually. Imagine the shame you will feel if, even after so much success, after so many rewards, your true desires boil over, and the whole world finds out. History doesn't remember the good things. It only remembers the bad. It's the perceived dark moments that leave their mark in time. History won't remember you winning the Nobel Prize. But, it will remember the time you got caught fucking in a hotel romp with three soccer moms. History will remember the time you got caught being the meat in a MILF sandwich, on a big bed with a gang of sexy cougars, you plowing all the hot, neighborhood mothers on one of their girls' nights out. It will remember the time you were caught in a hot tub getting frisky with a pair of foxy grandmas, with their huge tits, wearing tiny, filthy bikinis, the type only those sexy young porn sluts wear. The world doesn't yet understand how important and fulfilling it can be for a young man to devote himself to pleasuring older women, women who deserve it. We are getting there slowly. I can only dream of the day when it is the norm for young men like you to pair up with a woman my age. When it is the standard for guys your age to progress from dating girls their own age in school to fucking old ladies soon after. But we are not there yet. Derek, I am here to provide a proper channel for these desires. It will take intense sacrifice. It will require you to believe that what I say is what best for you. It will require you to put your complete trust in me. Got it?" Jocelyn asked.

Derek looked up at his mother-in-law in silence. He didn't want to quit his work. But he clearly had some unrequited desires, desires that anyone with a trained eye like Jocelyn could figure out. Maybe she was right that these desires would bubble over at some point in the future and cause him great embarrassment. Maybe he had to trust her, even though it felt wrong.

The truth was it was very wrong. Derek would get these awards that he had speculated that he would get, eventually. He hadn't had these desires till Jocelyn told him he did. He didn't give himself enough credit. If Jocelyn had never gotten in the way, things would have been fine with him. He had enough control to resist any desires that may or may not have been there. He was a good enough guy to never even dream of cheating. But, he was too good of a guy to resist a strong willed woman who was out to get him. He was too eager to placate someone rather than deny them. Jocelyn was a terrible influence. What she had in planned for him might be the worst possible situation for him, at least if he wanted to be a good person for the rest of his life. But Jocelyn, and her dark desires had gotten in the way, and her evil intentions were flooding his mind till he couldn't resist. Her twisted logic was infecting him, filling him with darkness, leading him down a very grim path. A path towards his mother-in-law's cunt, and a future where he's addicted to the pleasures of mature women.

All of this was to satisfy Jocelyn's needy cunt. All of this so Jocelyn had another fuck buddy. All of this so Jocelyn had yet another young man out there devoted to pleasuring her. All of this so Jocelyn didn't have to worry about getting laid whenever she visited her daughter's house. All of this to satisfy Jocelyn's twisted ego. All of this so Jocelyn could indulge herself and prove her superiority over her youngest daughter.

Derek's mind was twisted up. He could not think straight. He was discombobulated, trapped between Jocelyn's firm, pulsing thighs. He didn't know what to do. He was easy pickings for an experienced slut like Jocelyn. He was right where she wanted him, ready to be reprogrammed, ready to be told what to do. Ready to be molded into a young man devoted to pleasuring her and her alone.

"Derek, it will be so much easier if you just trust me." Jocelyn said, speaking softly and comfortingly, wedging her way into his mind with honey rather than vinegar. He nodded, looking terrified. A softer woman would pity the scared young man, but he would find no warmth coming from Jocelyn, except for the warm confines of her tight mature cunt.

"So... Derek... you will quit your research." Jocelyn commanded. Derek was so flustered he couldn't resist.

"If you think it's best, Mom." Derek muttered.

"Derek, you don't just agree with my choices. You have to support my choices. As your mother, you have to side with me completely. So, I'll say it again, Derek. You will quit your fucking research until I say otherwise. Got it?" Jocelyn insisted, tensing her thighs around him. She knew the truth, that his days of doing research were done for good. All that natural curiosity that drove him would be redirected once he experienced the pleasures of mature pussy until that was the center of his world, till his inquisitive nature focused solely on hot old ladies.

"Yes, Mom, I will quit as soon as I can." Derek said. The thought of forcing Derek to waste his talented mind made Jocelyn wild with lust. She was an evil one indeed.

"Good. Now, I need to know about your cum production a little more. I know asked before, but I need to know a little more. That kind of thing is very important to women like me. Now..." she began, grabbing a glass of scotch she had poured for herself and taking a swig, polishing the glass off. She set the glass down, cracking against the glass table. "Now, my son, when you cum, how much of this glass could you fill?"

The glass wasn't overly big. Not like a beer glass, but a typical glass you would get in a bar for a mixed drink.

"What, you mean, like, just the one glass?" Derek asked, confused. Jocelyn's brows rose with surprise.

"What, you saying you would need more than one?" Jocelyn asked, licking her lips.

"I, uh, I think so. Is that a lot?" Derek asked.

"Derek, that is just perfect." Jocelyn said with an evil smile. "Now, Derek, will you insist to Heather that I come live with you till everything settles down?"

"Yes, Mom." Derek replied.

"Derek, I know how marriages work. I know things which will guarantee a happy, long lasting relationship. Some may seem a bit unorthodox, but I insist they are all for the best. I am gonna run through a few of them." Jocelyn started.

"I might have to ask you to withhold sex with your wife. I need to know that you are willing to do so." she asked.

"Um, yes." Derek said.

"It might be for a day... maybe a week... or a month..., or maybe even the entirety of your marriage. I need to know that you are okay with your wife getting zero sex for a very long period of time." Jocelyn asked.

"Uh, yes, that's okay, Mom." Derek said, shocked at this request but afraid to oppose it.

"If me and my daughter disagree about something, I need to know that you will take my side, no matter if you think she might be right, no matter how logical her argument is. What I say is right, got it?" she asked.

"Yes, Mom." Derek replied.

"If she starts acting up, I need to know you have the backbone to fight back. To stick it to her. If she wants a fresh picked rose, you will buy me a bouquet. If she complains about you two never going anywhere, I want you to take me on vacation the next day." Jocelyn said.

"Yes, Mom." Derek repeated.

"If Heather complains about the lack of sex, you will fuck me in your marital bed in front of her." Jocelyn said, staring down at him.

"What?" Derek said, gulping.

"Whuhhh?" Heather moaned out, barely awake.

"Don't be naïve, Derek. You know that this has been where this has been going. We've been dancing around this long enough. You know that this night is going to end with us fucking in your marital suite. Derek, you'd have to be a fool not have known this." Jocelyn said, treating her son-in-law like a naïve idiot.
