Supernatural Earth Pt. 04

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The Creature Below pt 02
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Part 4 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/09/2015
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The Creature Below – Omnibus 02: "Cry Lonely"


Chapter 1:

"You always say your heart is breakin', then you hear the wolf outside your door.

I know you; you just use me till you don't need me anymore..."

-Cross Canadian Ragweed, "Cry Lonely" (2007)


Samantha didn't know what she was going to say to him as she knocked on the door to his mountain house late at night. Why the hell was he living all the way up here in this podunk little town, in the middle of the woods, in the middle of nowhere anyway? Polite knocking soon gave way to impatient pounding as the bitter cold from the torrential mountain downpour started getting to her. Tears started falling down her face to mingle with the sheets of water from her wet hair as desperate emotion overcame her. The late autumn rain was coming down at such an angle that not even the small overhang on the porch offered much shelter from the elements.

The single porch light above the door probably showed off her body as her white satin blouse was probably see through by now. She wrapped her arms around her to try to preserve whatever warmth she could as her soaked white light sweater did nothing. Overall, her clothes were a joke in this cold rain. Her black skirt wasn't covering much either as it was now molded around her bare legs from being drenched. She could only imagine what people might be able to see as her bra and panties were long since gone; both claimed as trophies by a couple of the men that she'd hitched rides with to get here along the way.

Finally, the door opened and he was standing there. His eyes went wide with shock as she was probably the last person on earth that he'd ever expected to see. "Sam... what... why... how..." he just stammered out while standing there gaping at her semi-nude and shivering form. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Samantha swallowed hard. The hot air blowing out to her from the open door felt good after being cold and wet for so long. "H-Hi Zander..." she finally said in a small voice. "Look... uhm, I..."

Her train of thought got cut off as another woman's voice cut through the air. "Zander, honey, who is it?" Samantha caught sight of a woman her own age with platinum blonde hair walking up from behind Zander. A jealous streak shot through her but quickly settled when she reminded herself that she really didn't have any claim on him... not anymore... not after the way she'd treated him. The blonde came up and her eyes went as wide as Zander's. "Oh my God," she exclaimed, nudging him aside. "You poor thing, come in, please. It's got to be freezing out there," She glared up at Zander. "Why'd you not invite her in?" she said as she took Samantha under her arm to lead her inside.

"Oh, right..." Zander blinked and shook his head as he suddenly remembered the cold weather. He sighed as he stepped all the way out of the way for the girls to come in. "Christina, this is my ex from high school; Samantha. Sam, this is my wife; Christina," he said, making the hasty introductions as he slammed the door closed. He really did not want to deal with this from his past right now.

"W-w-w-wife?" Samantha was shivering now that she was out of the cold and actually in the warm house. "When did this happen?" she asked through chattering teeth. She'd almost forgotten what heat had felt like since Fall had started. A trail of puddles formed behind her on the carpet as they hustled her in.

"Last year," Zander said. He and Christina seemed to be of one mind as, without a word between them, they put Samantha straight to the nearest bathroom with a shower. Zander was there first where he proceeded to get the shower going nice and hot to the point that it was steaming up in the bathroom. Meanwhile, Christina started stripping Samantha of her thin, cold, and wet clothing. Samantha's skin had goose bumps from head to toe with her nipples standing up like two hard pebbles on top of her taut young breasts.

It took at least ten minutes under the hot water before she began to feel warm again. Zander and Christina, heedless of the shower getting their clothes wet, rubbed her supple skin all over to get circulation going again. It was another fifteen minutes before her body allowed itself to relax. Finally, Samantha sighed with relief as for the first time in months she felt warm again. After that, she then began to feel warm and tingly in the cleft between her legs.

They then pulled her out of the shower right before she could properly enjoy the erotic pleasure now coursing through her. Christina dried her off while Zander wrapped her in a robe and blanket. They sat her down on the couch in the living room. "Thank you both for this." Samantha said finally. "I-I really didn't know where else to go to." She looked at Zander imploringly. "I know that I have no right to ask you, but please; I need a place to stay."

Christina was looking between her husband and his past. "What happened?

Zander was giving Samantha an angry, moldering look. "Long story..."

"Well, we have time," Christina said, "and lots of hot chocolate and coffee." She bounced up and headed to the nearby kitchen where she started to make both. "Go ahead, I'm listening!" she called out as she worked.

"Well, my... uhm... 'boyfriend' kicked me to the curb." Samantha said, now embarrassed beyond belief. "He said that I was too much of a danger to his livelihood."

"Well having your old man take a shot at him after he was exonerated will do that." Zander said, the sarcasm dripping in his voice.

Samantha winced; she deserved that and probably then some. "I-I thought that he loved me. I thought that we were going to live together."

"I don't see how considering that you two weren't even born in the same decade. Hell, they weren't even subsequent decades at that." Zander quipped. He sat down in the lounger across from the couch and regarded her evenly. "I told you that this'd happen."

Samantha blew out a huff of air. "I know, I know..." she rolled her eyes. "I got that from my family, right before they all disowned me. None of my friends will even talk to me. You letting me in the door is the furthest I've got with anyone. Lately, the front door has been slammed in my face more often than not."

"So why come to me?" Zander asked. "You threw my life in the gutter and laughed the entire time. What makes you think that I'd help you?"

Samantha winced again. "Like I said, I had nowhere else to go and you're the only person who at least acted somewhat civilized towards me when you got back from your tour." Samantha said, head bowed and shoulders slumped. She took the mug of coffee from Christina when she returned and gratefully sipped at it, savoring the warmth as it traveled down to her stomach. "Thank you."

Christina put a comforting arm around her while giving her husband a sour look that told him that he'd better explain. "So what's this all about?"

Zander sighed. He'd long since closed this chapter of his life and now here it was being reopened for all to see. He thought that he'd gotten away from all of this drama. "Sam and I were good friends all through high school. Even voted 'most likely to marry' by our graduating class. I'd given up my virginity back when I was 14 and had slept with a few girls since then, but Sam had yet to sleep with anyone... or so I'd thought. Senior year, right after she turned 18, she gives her cherry up to the premiere town photographer."

"What's so wrong about that?" Christina frowned with confusion.

"Oh nothing, so long as the guy in question would've been remotely in her age range. He's gotta be, what, in his fifties or sixties now? Old enough to be your father?" Zander retorted. "Hell, I'd probably been ok with it so long as she'd been up front with me about it and/or allowed me to have sex with other girls at the time. But no, Samantha has to keep it a secret and I agonize through abstinence for a whole year. We go our entire last semester together without me ever knowing that she's banging the guy behind my back the whole time." He raged on, glaring daggers at Samantha while he laid out the short version. "Fast forward to Prom Night when I finally make my move and get rebuffed by her shortly after being named King and Queen. She calls the night off early and skips on out to her beau."

"You followed her?"

Zander nodded. "Heard her screaming his name in passion out from the street below... I didn't even have to go find the open window in question up on the second floor." He said bitterly.

He went on to explain that he'd later confronted Samantha about it. They fought and broke up. Zander had, out of love for her, kept her secret since she didn't want her father to find out. But since secrets always have a habit of coming out, Samantha and the photographer were found out. Her parents had the man arrested on statutory rape of a minor and the police found all of the nude photographs of her in the guy's studio.

Ultimately, the photographer got off on the charges as it was ruled that it was between two consenting adults even if it was in the loosest sense of the term. Being a somewhat small town, the locals went nuts. Her father was included in those who were furious. The photographer's business was destroyed and Samantha's father took a shot at him, literally. Shot with a scoped rifle from across the street that grazed the guy. Her father probably would've gotten away with it had he not stormed the studio afterward, shooting at him with whatever rounds he had left.

During Zander's story, Samantha looked smaller and smaller. Christina was still a bit confused on some details. "So how was your life destroyed, hon?"

Zander sighed, dredging up the memories that he'd thought he'd buried deep. "First because when we broke up it was quite public. Her exact words were 'I need a man, not a boy, to satisfy me in bed.'" He said, giving Samantha a quick glare that she withered under. "I became the laughing stock of the school and then later the town once it was found out who she was sleeping with exactly, more so during the trial since I testified in her 'boyfriend's' defense." Christina's eyes went wide at that and Zander shrugged. "I wanted her to be happy. If it was going to be with this guy who was, in fact, older than her own father, then so be it. It was my way of having some amount of closure so that I could at least get on with my life. I enlisted in the military and made sure that I got shipped out as far away as I could get. When I got out, I came here to this small town at Aden's request and that's when we met."

Now that the words were out of his mouth, he couldn't help but compare the two as they sat next to each other. Samantha was his age and had light red hair with blue eyes while Christina was two years younger than them both, fresh out of college, and her hair was nearly pure white with green eyes. Christina had slightly pale skin and a swimmer's build while Samantha was a bit curvier and looked like she had a light tan. Both had C Cup tits. Samantha's rack was rounder and plumper than Christina's slightly smaller, toned mounds which had become a little bit fuller lately. Personality-wise Christina was an absolute angel while Samantha was the bastard spawn of Satan in his own opinion. He'd met Christina last year when she was up for a visit to her friend that lived up by the lake. They moved in together along with two of her friends right after they all graduated college and then married soon after that.

Christina now looked at Samantha. "Is this true?"

Samantha nodded meekly. "Yeah... Mom threw me out after Dad got convicted on the assault charges. The town was outraged that he went to jail and my lover didn't. None of my friends would help me. None of my family would help. Mom told me that since I brought this down on everyone then I should leave. I went to go live with him..." Samantha sobbed, "He eventually tossed me out in order to save his own ass once the threats started and people started vandalizing his house." She looked up at Zander with tear-streaked eyes. "I went to everyone I could. I then heard that you were out of the military and living up here. I walked and I hitchhiked just to get here."

"Slept your way across the country did you?" Zander had a wry grin on his face.

"Zander!" Christina chided him with a glare. He shrugged innocently.

"No, it's ok. I deserve it." Samantha said gloomily. "I didn't sleep with anyone or turn tricks or anything. I miraculously managed to get here without having to put out to anyone."

"Yeah, right," Zander said dryly.

"Zander!" Christina growled at him in a tone that suggested that he'd better cut it out if he ever expected to get laid again in the near future.

"Look... I'm sorry to impose. I just wasn't expecting..." Samantha's voice trailed off.

"You weren't expecting me to have really moved on, did you?" Zander said, albeit in a softer tone this time. He knew that he hit it on the head when she winced and then nodded. "Did you seriously think that I'd spend my life pining for you after you ditched me? You really must not think highly of me." He shook his head sadly and then caught Christina's disapproving look and sighed.

"You can stay here with us until you get back on your feet." Christina said, hugging Samantha gently. "No one should have to be tossed out in this weather."

"I'll go call our landlady to let her know we have a guest and get the spare bedroom ready for you." Zander said with a resigned sigh, standing up. He did not have a good feeling about this.

Despite being in a warm, cozy bed once again as opposed to park benches, bus stops, or homeless shelters, Samantha had a hard time sleeping that night. She couldn't banish the thought of Zander and Christina's hands roving all over her body as they'd warmed her up. After they had their talk, Samantha took another hot shower, this time borrowing their shaving kit so that she could lose the unwanted hair on her legs, pussy, and armpits. It'd been awhile since she'd been able to take a proper shower. Samantha went to bed in the spare room totally nude. She tossed and turned for some time before settling on her stomach. Her hands went between her legs to gently massage her mound as she thought about Zander and his wife. She moaned softly into the pillow.

Samantha wasn't totally honest in how she came to be on their doorstep. She did turn a few tricks in order to get across the country. A handjob here, a blowjob with a condom on the guy there... She let a few lustful truckers paw at her pussy and suck on her tits in order to get across the Midwest. With one bus driver she allowed him to take her up the ass while wearing a condom in exchange for letting her on so that she could get to the nearby city. There was never any vaginal penetration nor did she ever get off the entire time. A charitable driver picked her up while she was walking the long lonely stretch of road between the city and the town here, which she thought the name of Newhaven was an apt name, dropping her off at the only bar so that she could find Zander.

She sobbed as she fingered herself at the horrid memories wondering why she was even doing so. Probably force of habit now. Maybe even a bit of punishment for pimping herself out to get around. She hated herself. She felt dirty. She hated hitting rock bottom. She hated the fact that she'd found sleeping her way here pleasurable and somewhat exciting. Most of all she hated the fact that Zander had found someone else. Samantha had totally expected him to be alone. The boy she knew had indeed grown into a man and left the memory of his spoiled little girlfriend from high school behind. Maybe that was why it was so erotic with them in the shower earlier. Zander and Christina touched her out of kindness and compassion to help her, not for their own benefit whatsoever.

A squeal from the living room snapped Samantha out of her thinking. Curious, she eased open the door. She could hear the distinct sound of flesh slapping against flesh repeatedly. Samantha crept down the darkened hallway and crouched down behind a sofa chair to see what was going on. Her bright blue eyes went wide at the sight.

There in the middle of the room was Zander, totally naked, in all of his muscular glory. Christina was on her back on the plush footrest with her long, slender legs splayed wide in the air. Zander knelt before her as he held her ankles firmly in place while he rammed his cock repeatedly into the blonde. Christina cried out with ecstasy every time Zander pounded into her. Samantha noticed that she was wearing a black blindfold, a leather collar, and her wrists were cuffed behind said collar. Her long platinum blonde hair cascaded off of the footrest down to the floor Then suddenly Zander just reached down and slapped one of Christina's tits while continuing to fuck her senseless. Christina moaned loudly with pleasure.

Samantha gasped at this sight, unable to tear her eyes away from the two in the throes of passion. Zander's gaze flickered her way and Samantha's eyes went even wider. He'd heard her! Their eyes locked. Zander's steel grey eyes had the hard look of a predator staring down his prey. He didn't say anything; he merely grinned lopsidedly and pounded Christina even harder. Samantha swallowed hard. Her nipples went hard and her pussy became even wetter than before.

Almost as if she were in a hypnotic trance, Samantha's hands drifted down her body. She squeezed one of her plump tits with one hand while sliding a finger into herself with the other. Soon she was fingering herself at the same rate as Zander's fucking. Samantha didn't know what had come over her and couldn't help herself. She was fixated on Zander and Christina. Christina seemed to be blissfully unaware of her presence in the living room as she continued to writhe and moan passionately in front of Zander. Samantha was soon on her knees, fucking her own pussy hard with her finger. She squeezed her nipple hard, rolling it between her thumb and forefinger. Samantha bit down on her lip, willing herself to not make a sound. She didn't want to break the spell she was under. She was blushing furiously as she got herself off under Zander's watchful eye.

Zander jerked his hips once and thrust hard into Christina. His face grimaced and contorted as he blew his load deep into his girl's womb, never once taking his hard, hateful gaze off of Samantha. Christina arched her back and cried out, reaching her own climax at the same time. Over behind the sofa chair, Samantha let out a whimper as she clamped her jaw closed and reached her peak along with the other two. She was then gasping as her pussy contracted and released in orgasmic bliss. Her head swam and she had to reach out to steady herself on the back of the sofa. Her legs turned to jelly. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she sank to the floor, whining pitifully as her orgasm washed over her in waves. Her hands clutched the carpet, turning her knuckles white before finally relaxing.

Samantha was delirious. It'd been the best self-induced orgasm she'd ever experienced in her life. It was even better than the best orgasm she'd ever had with her town photographer. Tears welled up in her eyes as it hit her that she'd made a really bad decision all those years ago to spurn Zander and go for a much, much older man.

She heard steps on the carpet approaching her. Samantha looked up to see Zander walking by carrying a now mewing Christina in his arms. Neither one paid her any mind as Zander took her to their bedroom and shut the door behind them. Moments later, Samantha was sleeping soundly right there on the floor, not having the energy to get back up to go to her own room.


Chapter 2:

"Now don't you understand?
