The ED Alternative

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A man with ED finds a way to pleasure his wife.
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Jim looked grimly at his reflection in the mirror. Time had sprinkled silver liberally through his jet-black hair leaving it with a salt and pepper look. Fine lines ran across his forehead and mapped years of smiling outward from his slate gray eyes. Shaking his head sadly, he wondered not for the first time why he couldn't have lost his hair rather than his erection.

Glancing up, he almost groaned. Laying on their bed in a lacy black nightie, Stella was every bit as hot and sexy as she had been when they had married almost twenty years ago. While she dyed her auburn hair to match its original color, her breasts were unaltered; still perky and firm as they had been on their fifth date. Working around the house and going to the gym had kept her buns and legs fit and trim.

Looking up from reading some romance novel she purchased from the grocery store, she smiled brightly at him as her eyes met his in the mirror. Closing the book, she set it to the side on the nightstand and flipped back the covers. Patting the mattress next to her, she beckoned him to join her. "Come to bed Jim, its getting late."

With a deep sigh of resignation, he shut off the bathroom light and made his way to the bed. Tossing his shirt on the chair, he left his boxers on, slipped between the sheets, and turned to his wife.

"I know you're still upset about what the doctor said." She said quietly, "But you have to know that it doesn't change anything between us."

"Doesn't change anything! How can you say that?" He asked, more sharply than he had intended. "It changes everything! How can our relationship stay the same when I can't even make proper love to you? You're my wife. I'm supposed to be able to pleasure and please you!"

He rolled to his side away from her, pulled the covers over his body and pretended to fall asleep almost immediately; deeply frustrated with himself for taking out his fear and anger on her.

Next to him, the bed shook lightly giving away her sobs of sadness. Something definitely had to be done. He didn't want to lose Stella; she was his reason for living. With their twenty year anniversary coming up next week, he had to think of something and think of it fast.

He rolled back over and gathered her in his arms. Kissing away her tears, he apologized for his gruffness and reassured her that he still loved her no matter what he could or couldn't do. Coaxing her to roll over, he fit her body to his spoon-fashion, rested his arm around her middle and cupped her breast in his hand like he had done almost every night for nearly twenty years.


After a fitful night's sleep, Jim rose before the alarm and headed for the shower. Twenty minutes later, he was dressed and sipping a hot steamy mug of coffee as he skimmed over the morning paper. Finding nothing exciting or interesting, he tossed the paper on the table. Then, drinking down the last of his coffee he rinsed the cup and set it in the sink.

On his way to work, he turned up the radio and allowed his mind to wander just slightly. Thinking back only five years, he smiled at the memory of some of the more erotic trips he and Stella had enjoyed.

The nude beach they had visited on their fifteenth anniversary had made them both so horny that they hadn't left their room for over eighteen hours. The lovemaking had been spectacular as they subsisted on the delicacies of room service. Fresh strawberries and grapes had become sweet, tasty love toys. However, back in the day, his penis had played its part too.

Suddenly, an idea began to form. He skidded into a parking place, throwing on the brake before the car had ever stopped moving. Ignoring the sunshade, he jumped out of the car and flew through the double doors as if wings were at his ankles. Struggling not to race to his desk, he maintained some semblance of dignity as he made his way to his office.

Hitting the power button on his computer, he slipped out of his coat and hung it hastily on the door. Not liking the amount of time it seemed to take his computer to warm up; he escaped to the break room for a cup of coffee in hopes of soothing his nerves with caffeine.

Returning to his desk, he set the coffee aside and brought up the internet. Typing in the search engine, he input 'Colorado Cabin Rentals' and waited while the computer whirled away. As the results popped up, he looked carefully at each one wanting to pick the perfect setting for his seduction plan.

His wife had been right; nothing had to change between them. Sure, he couldn't get an erection anymore but that didn't mean it had to be the end of their passionate time together. He would have to improvise and try harder, after all - she was worth it.


A week later, Jim came home from work early with a smile on his face. "Pack a weekend bag Honey, we're leaving town in two hours."

"But Jim, what's going on? What are you talking about? Where are we going?" She exclaimed, wiping her hands on a dishtowel as she emerged from the kitchen.

"What's going on is a secret. What I'm talking about is an anniversary trip. Does it matter where we go?" He gave her answers before asking a question of his own.

"Oh no Jim, it doesn't matter where. You just took me by surprise is all." Stella told him as she returned the dishtowel to the kitchen and headed off to the bedroom. "What should I bring?" She called over her shoulder as she pulled her suitcase from the closet.

"I'm taking you on a long past due trip, a romantic get-away if you will. So pack light." He spoke from behind her. "Maybe bring something nice to go to dinner but other than that, just the basics."

Turning to look at him, she rose to her feet and stepped into his embrace choking out a sob as he pulled her to him. "With everything that is going on, I was afraid to hope you had remembered our anniversary." She whispered into his chest.

"It is and always will be a special day to me. There is no way I could forget it. I love you Stella." His voice cracked as he buried his face in her hair.

"Oh God Jim, I love you too. I was so afraid that I was going to lose you to all of this." She tipped her head up and met his lips.

The kiss began as a joyous reunion but deepened quickly into something much more. She darted a tentative tongue between his teeth and encountered his, eager and questing. As their tongues tangled and danced, he glanced at his watch. 'Just enough time to give her a preview of what to expect this weekend.' He thought, backing her against the bed before taking her down to the mattress.

She gasped in anticipation as he released the button and zipper of her jeans. Lifting her hips, she assisted him in divesting her of her pants and panties. He nuzzled her neatly trimmed landing strip even as his hands went on to remove her shirt and bra. Knowing what to do to bring out the most intense response, simultaneously his hands cupped her firm breasts, fingers seeking out her taunt nipples while his tongue went to work on her clit making her squirm from the intense sensations.

Fisting her fingers into his hair, she wasn't sure whether to pull him closer or pull him away as the first spasms of climax quickly hit her. His fingers plucked at her sensitive nipples pinching them ever so slightly. Darting his tongue from her quivering clit into her tightening pussy, he savored the nectar of her release.

Releasing her breasts, he sought to pleasure her further. Using one hand, he slid the hood of her nub up revealing the small pearl of pleasure. Running his tongue over it again and again, he inserted the middle and ring fingers from his other hand into her slick cavern. Sliding his fingers in and out, he reached inward as deeply as possible while curling his fingers slightly to give her the most pleasure he could.

Allowing his tongue to join his fingers, he treated himself to the small reward; savoring her honey as it flowed like a river from her most inner recesses. Finally, as the tide ebbed he slid his fingers from her body and made eye contact with her as he licked them clean; satisfied that he could still offer her contentment even if he couldn't give her fulfillment.


Two hours later, they were on a plane bound for Colorado and Stella had not stopped smiling. It did his heart good to see her so happy and to know he had played a large part in making that happen.

After switching planes in Denver, the small commuter took them to a tiny airport seemingly in the middle of nowhere. From there, they collected their bags, a couple maps and a rental car and were soon on their way.

The scenery was spectacular and they took their time on the winding road enjoying the sights and smells. The aspens waved in the breeze, their leaves clapping together as if welcoming them to Colorado . The scent of pine, alfalfa and sage hung warmly in the air.

Rounding a corner, they spied a heard of elk grazing in a pasture higher up the mountain. Stopping the car, Jim got out and went around to the other side, opening the door for Stella as she grabbed the camera from the back seat.

Snapping a couple pictures, she turned to Jim in excitement. "It's beautiful up here. Maybe we should look into visiting more often once we retire." She suggested.

"It's definitely something to think about." He replied, sneaking an arm around her middle and tugging her close. "Wait till you see the lake and cabin."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" She asked, kissing him on the back of the neck before escaping to the car. "I feel like we could disappear in the cabin and not come back out for a couple days."

"Oh really?" He arched his eyebrow. "Just what are you planning to do with all my already laid plans?"

"Why nothing Jim, I'm just along for the ride." She giggled, while attempting to look innocently out the car window.

They continued the drive, stopping occasionally to take pictures of wildlife, flowers and scenery. Every once in a while they would catch a quick glimpse of the lake through the trees, the water glimmering enticingly.

Following the directions he received from the travel agent, Jim took them down a tight little road and finally, right up to the front door of a beautiful cabin resting only a few yards from the lake. Humming birds buzzed large bright flowers in front of a huge bay window while chipmunks rushed here and there chattering while stuffing their cheeks full of seeds dropped from a feeder by a pair of bossy blue jays.

"Oh my God Jim, this has got to be paradise!" Stella exclaimed, trying to take it all in.

"Do you want to go inside first or would you rather explore a little out here?" He asked, stepping up to what the broker referred to as a hollow stump. Taking a key ring from under a rock situated there, he went to the door and opened it.

Walking slowly inside, he looked around in wonder. It wasn't rustic but instead the state of the art cabin had every modern convenience; only the exterior had been built to fit in with the surroundings. Leaving the door open, he went back outside for the luggage, put it in the bedroom and quickly found Stella.

"Just look at the view." She whispered in awe from her seat on a perfectly positioned porch swing. "The sun will be setting in just a short time and I bet it will be gorgeous watching it disappear behind the lake."

"We'll have to make sure we are out here to see it." He said, taking a seat on the swing next to her. Resting his arm around her shoulders, he pulled her against him dropping his lips to hers. Capturing her mouth in a deep kiss, he allowed only a portion of his passion to escape.

The mating of their tongues took on the semblance of a dance as they darted forward and back before tangling together. Her hands slowly crept to his shoulders even as his arms snaked around her, pulling her fully into his lap.

The swing groaned in protest at their change of position but they ignored the sound, intent on each other. Glancing around to make sure they had no audience, his hands swept aside the buttons of her blouse and from years of practice, quickly unfastened her bra leaving her breasts exposed to his hungry eyes.

A gasp of pleasure emitted from her lips as his descended to a pert nipple. Nibbling lightly at first, he enjoyed the small sounds of delight telling him he was doing everything right. Spying a feather within reach there on the porch, he picked it up and began an erotic torture.

Releasing her breasts, he dragged the feather across her the sensitive skin of her stomach smiling as she laughed. Circling it around first one breast then the other, he was careful not to let it touch her nipples grinning as she strained upwards seeking further contact.

Teasingly, he swished the feather back and forth down the valley between her twin mounds. Goosebumps raised on her skin as he continued to tickle her and the sight of her blushing in late afternoon sun was almost more than he could take.

Putting the feather to the side, he reached for the waistband of her pants. Making quick work of the fastening, he casually tossed them to the side to be found later. Pulling off her sandals, he kissed her toes before running his tongue across the arch of her foot. Knowing how ticklish she was, he allowed his teeth to graze her foot bringing another giggle from her.

Taking her heel in his hand, he extended her leg outward and began kissing his way from her ankle to the back of her knee. Sensually licking the back of her knee, he held on tightly as she squirmed before continuing his way up her thigh. Nipping her here and there as he went, he focused on a slightly damp spot in the center of her panties. The further he moved, the damper it became.

Finally, taking the thin fabric in his teeth he tore away the barrier and sunk his tongue deep into her moist recesses. Sliding his hands around her hips he raised her up to meet the questing thrusts as he sought to taste her further before moving upwards to stroke her quivering clit.

Releasing her hips, he rubbed his thumb back and forth over her entire pussy from top to bottom gently pushing up the little hood of her clit, licking her lightly and releasing before sliding a finger slowly inside. Curving his finger searching for her pleasure point, he inserted a second finger and then a third once he found it.

Quickening the pace, he waited for her breathing to change before allowing his tongue to join his fingers in bringing on the climax. Feeling her inner muscles constrict, he moved faster still as he lapped hungrily at her trickling orgasmic honey. Following her unconscious lead, he slowed the pace as her rapid breaths decreased a little at a time.

As Stella returned to awareness, her skin flushed as she glanced around. Having forgotten where she was, she was startled to realize that while they were in the back yard, and not concealed in any way. Her nipples pebbled at the idea of someone possibly seeing them. It was almost as good as sex on the nude beach.

With a smile, she caught Jim's head in her hands and brought her lips to his kissing him deeply with her tongue to taste her own cum. Jim groaned in response knowing how turned on his wife must be to licking cum from his mouth.

Finally, Stella's pulse seemed to return to normal and he left her briefly to gather her clothes. Returning to the swing, he sat down handed her clothes to her and leaned back comfortably watching her dress.

Rebuttoning her blouse, Stella slipped her pants back on without her panties. Putting what was left of them in her pocket so she could get rid them later, she slid back into her spot next to Jim on the swing. She snuggled against him as he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close.

Resting her head comfortably on his chest, they sat there together watching the large red ball of fire slowly make its way to the edge of the lake before lighting up the horizon in an astounding mixture of yellow, orange and red. Clouds floated into the picture adding a splash of violet.

As they watched, an evening thunderstorm rolled in with brilliant bursts of lightening and loud claps of thunder. Being a huge fan of making love in the rain, Stella initiated another go-round. Licking his flat male nipples though his shirt, she smiled as they grew to attention.

Running a long, slender crimson-painted nail down his chest, she let out a sultry chuckle at his deep intake of breath. Knowing that it was pointless but still wanting to give Jim whatever pleasure she could, she slid to the ground between his legs and unfastened his jeans.

Pulling them off, she quickly shed her clothes too and tossed them inside the cabin on the floor to keep them from getting soaked in the rain that was just beginning to fall mist-like from the sky. Returning to her husband, she warily took his flaccid cock into her hands gauging his reaction.

Seeing nothing but hope, she proceeded; first licking the head like a lollipop before sucking it entirely into her warm wet mouth. As she sucked, she ran her tongue cautiously around the width of it. The rain, as if sensing her desperation worked to her advantage; falling just lightly enough to continue the mood.

Cupping his sack, she massaged his testicles even as her other hand was busy following her mouth up and down the slowly increasing length of his shaft. From past experience over the last few months, she knew that it wouldn't last long but she also knew he derived a small bit of pleasure from her ministrations so continued while enjoying the sound of his quickened breaths and groans of bliss.

Then as it always did, his penis began to shrivel and decrease in size returning to its original state before it ever got fully enlarged. Determined to not let that effect their time together, she straddled his lap lightly rubbing her still moist pussy against his shrinking manhood while pressing her ample breasts to his face.

Cupping her breasts, Jim brought her nipples again to his mouth. Dejected but not willing to sacrifice the evening to self-pity, he put what had just happened out of his mind and concentrated instead on giving his wife yet another earth-shattering climax.

As he ran his tongue in small tight circles around her nipples one at a time, Jim's soft moustache lightly traced a larger circle over her sensitive areolas causing her pussy dampen further. As he continued his tender worship of her breasts, her fluids increased enough so that she left a glistening trail over his own nether regions.

As the rain drizzled lightly over their wreathing bodies, it formed small rivers that ran from their hair and on to their chests before zigzagging downward to pool on his pelvis. The cold water warmed from their body heat causing a smooth silky lubrication for her as she continued to slide herself against his softened flesh.

Changes in her breathing gave away her pending climax. In response, Jim pinched sharply on her nipples, spiraling her over the edge. Screaming out, she bucked against him only to feel his penis enlarge. Spurred on by this unexpected surprise, her body rolled into another orgasm coating him with her cum.

Collapsing against him, she sighed in pleasure as he wrapped his arms around her. The rain began to fall harder and faster, urging them to move from their love seat. Finally, taking the hint they got to their feet and went inside the cabin.

Entering the living room, Jim knelt by the fireplace while Stella took a seat on a couch nearby. He struck a match, touching it to the conveniently already laid kindling. After adding a couple logs to the small blaze, he waited a moment. Satisfied that it would burn for a while, he joined his wife on the sofa.

Leaning against her husband, Stella sighed. "Making love in the rain was just as wonderful as I remembered it being."