The Enchantress of Ingley Ch. 11

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Hafred and Jenrea, together at last.
4.5k words

Part 11 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/21/2014
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The chaos of the bandit camp left little time for Hafred to truly realize just what he had been facing. All he knew was that Jenrea was calling for help, and the idea of her being in peril sent a surge of strength through his body. Everything - between the moment he spotted Jenrea and tore away from Elthyne's side, to the moment the twisted monstrosity lay twitching at his feet - was a blur.

It had been a strange feeling, as if his body had been operating automatically. Part of him felt he was being guided by some outside force, and part already seemed to instinctively know the motions. Where to aim each blow, how to position his blade, what stance to use for best effect, everything had come to him as if from some half remembered dream. Or perhaps some whispered hint from an unseen entity.

Hafred knew he should be concerned, yet somehow he wasn't. Whatever had seized him during the fight seemed to have left him none the worse for wear. The deed was done, and Jenrea was safe. As the tall blonde woman lead them across the camp, he slipped one arm about the raven tressed innkeeper's daughter. When she leaned into his side, a thrill shot through him.

The four moved swiftly, though not at a dead run. The bandit queen only stopped long enough to duck into one tent, and soon came out with a sword in hand, the long blade resting at her shoulder. The rest of the camp seemed deathly silent. Even those few bandits Hafred had glimpsed during his approach were no where to be seen.

The woman who had called herself Zara lead them all into the trees, on the opposite side from where Marissa was working her foul magic. While the trunks were as thick as any he had seen during the night's trek through the wilder parts of the forest, and the canopy above blotted out the stars, the ground cover and undergrowth were as clear as those wooded lands near the village proper. The bandits had done a fair job scouring the area near their camp for fallen branches and troublesome underbrush.

It made for surer steps and faster progress.

By necessity, Hafred released Jenrea, opting instead to take her hand in his, to help her over the roughest terrain. He needn't have worried, for she was agile enough that the uneven ground and clutching roots they encountered posed little challenge.

More troublesome was their guide. Hafred had thought trailing the shadow nymph through the darkness had been difficult, but trying to keep up with the blonde warrior woman was something else entirely. Her long legged stride and familiarity with the terrain gave her a substantial advantage, and he was certain that she only occasionally recalled the fact they were following her. Fortunately, the redheaded Cordelia was taking up the rear, and seemed far more patient with the task of escorting them through the woods.

Every time Hafred thought they had lost whatever Marissa was sending after them, a crash of wood or an unsettling, unwholesome howl echoed through the trees. Each horrible sound inspired a new surge of strength and speed.

After a fair amount of time, as the smith's apprentice began to wonder just how far they were expected to flee, the babbling of water over stone betrayed the presence of a brook of some sort. Zara dashed out before them, erupting from the tree line, and across a flat outcropping of rock. The fast flowing brook passed beneath it, wending about its base before coursing off into the trees once more.

The blonde hesitated only long enough to look back over her shoulder. When she saw Hafred and Jenrea clear the trees, she hopped off of the rock's edge, and down out of sight. There was no splash, only the whisper of rustling leaves and the crunch of shifting gravel.

Hafred dashed out to the edge of the rock, but a glance downward only revealed vine-covered stone and the brook itself, some ten feet below. Utterly confused, he stood there in bewilderment, before Jenrea squeezed his hand, and pointed to the vines.

Zara's hand emerged from behind the sheet of foliage, and parted the leafy vines like a curtain, revealing a hollow within the rock itself.

"Well? Are you coming in?"

Not nearly as confident as Zara had been in the footing offered by the wet gravel bank of the brook below, Hafred released Jenrea's hand at last, and scooted to sit on the edge. As he lowered himself clumsily into that hidden cave, he called up, "Just one moment, Miss Jenrea. I'll help you down shortly."

Fortunately, the ground inside the cave was quite stable, and Cordelia showed up but a few heartbeats afterward. She lowered Jenrea into Hafred's waiting arms, and all the while the raven haired beauty protested that she could manage it on her own.

Still, in a matter of moments, all four were safely hidden inside that concealed cave. It wasn't until he heard Zara's tall frame shuffling further within, and then the strike of steel and flint lighting a small lamp, that he got a real sense for how big the place was.

Easily as large as his own room back at Garn's smithy, the cave had a pair of cots laying next to an empty firepit. A lone exit in the rear lead into another cavern that seemed stocked with barrels and boxes. It was into that cavern that Zara lead them. Much more cluttered, it was easy to stay out of sight from the entrance of the cave, tucked behind a stack of goods.

"It's an old smuggler's hideout," Zara finally explained. "We use it now. It should be safe enough for you two to hide in, at least until morning. Cordelia and I will head out and try to lead the magic bitch as far away as we can."

She glanced across to her lieutenant for confirmation, and the redhead simply shrugged. "If that is your wish, my lady."

"It is," Zara answered before any could protest, and then her eyes fixed on Hafred, as a hawk might its prey.

"I have no idea what that girl is capable of, but then I don't think she knows herself. What I do know is that Cordelia and I know this area inside and out. We'll lead her on a merry chase. I suggest you two get some rest. It's still a couple hours before dawn. Once the sun's up, just follow the brook, if it's quiet out there. That'll take you down in sight of the village."

Hafred glanced to Jenrea for confirmation, and she just offered a gentle smile in return. He had to guess that was approval, so he nodded. "I'll do my best to lay low here. Thank you, Lady Blade, for all your help." It felt odd, referring to a bandit with such deference, especially one who had done so much to instigate the very situation they found themselves in. At least she seemed to want to set things right.

Zara started to offer a response, when Jenrea cut in, "Oh yes, Miss Blade! You've been so brave, protecting us from what Miss Marissa made." She then grew serious. "I know she tried to hurt you, and I know that she cost you at least one of your men, maybe more. But she's not a bad person. I think she's just been in a bad place."

The way the innkeeper's daughter stuck up for a woman who most likely despised her was not particularly surprising to Hafred. Part of Jenrea's charm was how she always seemed to see the best in people. He'd chalk it up to naievity if it weren't for how accurate she usually was.

If she thought something within Marissa was still worth speaking up for, then he had to keep an open mind.

Whether Zara would do so was a different matter. A momentary look of irritation crossed the blonde's face, but she finally forced a thin smile. "We'll just lead her away. It's not like we intend to kill her."

As one, everyone turned to look at Cordelia. The redhead frowned at being the center of attention, then finally shrugged, "As you wish, my Lady."

Zara straightened, and hefted her sword to rest the blade back against her shoulder. "Then it's settled. Remember, you two stay here until dawn's light. You should be safe enough. Come on, Delia. Let's leave these two lovebirds alone."

The blonde's words brought a blush to Hafred's cheeks, though he was heartened to see Jenrea turning just as crimson.

Zara turned on a heel and lead Cordelia out, leaving the young couple alone without another word. For some time, Hafred and Jenrea sat there in silence, amidst the barrels and crates. The steady flicker of the small lamp between them was some small comfort, offering a warm glow to watch one another by.

As those minutes wore on, the pair fidgeted nervously. The uncomfortable silence grew, until it dominated the small chamber. At last, Hafred opened his mouth to speak, only to see Jenrea about to do the same. Both snapped to silence once more, though only for a moment.

"You first-" their voices ran over each other, and Jenrea dissolved into giggling.

He couldn't help but smile at the sound. Her laughter was a joyous breeze, carrying all his cares away. For the first time that night, he felt truly at ease. And yet that might not have been the best of things, for as the constant state of tension left him, exhaustion replaced it. All of the fear, the concern for her safety, the exertions of battle and the constant hiking here and there across the wilds began to catch up to him. His limbs grew leaden, and the wound which he'd suffered earlier that very night throbbed.

"I am just so very happy to see you safe, Miss Jenrea," he finally said, letting himself slump down against one of the wooden crates.

"Just Jenrea." She corrected him with a smile, then settled in beside him.

Hafred was surprised when she leaned in against his side, though hardly displeased. He hesitantly draped one arm about her. He had embraced her in the heat of the moment earlier, but in this calm and quiet, it was different. The smith's apprentice watched her as she snuggled in against his side, enjoying the warmth of her.

And then she fidgeted a bit, and patted the satchel that still hung at his side. The one which had been holding the meal she'd prepared for him earlier that night, as well as whatever Crow's wife had packed. He'd completely forgotten about it in all of the chaos.

At her frown, Hafred offered a sheepish smile. "It's been a busy night, I just haven't had time-"

His own rumbling stomach interrupted his words. All he'd had in his belly all night was the one drink he'd managed at Crow's house, and the reminder was enough to set hunger loose to join exhaustion in sapping what remaining strength he had.

"You have to eat something," Jenrea chided him, and sat up properly. She removed the satchel from his side, then began to unpack it, laying the contents out there on the lid of a shorter crate in the dim lamplight.

Hafred watched in silence as she made a simple snack of bread and cheese look like a proper meal, set out on a spread kerchief, with the small jug of ale set beside it. He smiled to himself as his eyes followed her movements, admiring the simple beauty of her acts.

Her allure went beyond her pleasing physique. There was more to her than just her flawless skin, her shimmering hair. More than the way her simple dress clung to every exquisite curve, or the way those full breasts heaved with each breath. While her appearance certainly caught the eye, he felt the real draw was her kindness, the sweetness of her very nature.

It was evident in the way she spoke up for Marissa, even after the woman had unleashed such terrible magic. The way she always seemed to have a nice word or a friendly smile was remarkable. Even there, in the dim light of the smuggler's den, with her own exhaustion evident, she took time to make at least a halfway presentable meal for him, out of snacks she had packed herself earlier.

"Jenrea," he began with a quiet tone. Only when she looked up to him did he continue, "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For everything. For thinking of me, for…" he couldn't finish the sentence. He doubted he would make much sense. "For simply being there," he finally settled on the words.

The smile she offered him was as the rays of dawn peeking over the horizon. "You're the one who came out to find me, silly."

Hafred forced himself to sit up straight, and one powerful hand slipped forth to lightly lay over hers, there on the kerchief she had spread on the rough surface of the crate as a makeshift tablecloth. "I will always come for you, Jenrea. The thought of you in trouble made me realize, I've never told you how I feel. I know that I'm not the richest fellow, or the smartest, but I want to take care of you."

"Hafred-" she began to interrupt, but he continued.

After all, he wasn't certain that he'd be able to muster the courage to say it if he were stopped there.

"I love you, Jenrea," his eyes lifted to hers, only to find those sapphire blues glistening with the beginning of tears. "I don't know how long I have, maybe always. You've always been there, a shining beacon. You give me strength, just knowing you're there makes the world so much better."

A blush crept over her cheeks, and she took his hand in hers. Gently, she tugged it upward, and he obliged, until her soft, warm lips brushed the back of his knuckles. He offered his own smile, before shifting that hand to caress her cheek. He marveled at how smooth her skin felt under his rough fingertips.

"Hafred, I know," she spoke after a moment. Her breath toyed over the inside of his wrist as she closed her eyes. Tears glittered at her cheeks, but a smile curled her full lips. "I've always known. You've always been there for me. As constant as anyone I could ask for."

She scooted along the side of the crate, and settled her form in against his side once more. This time, it was a more comfortable movement, as she kept her hand upon his, holding it to her cheek. He drew in her scent, and slipped his other arm about her slender form, letting her melt into his side.

When her eyes at last left his, he followed her gaze to the bread and cheese she'd laid out there so carefully. Her hand withdrew from his, and instead broke off a bit of the bread. A teasing smile crossed her lovely face as she offered the food to his lips.

He took a nibbling bite, then brushed his lips in a kiss to her fingertips as he finished the morsel. Jenrea offered a little giggle, and squirmed against his side. He wasn't certain just what she was doing, but he definitely found it endearing. As she took up a bit of cheese, he let his hand slide down along her side, to rest comfortably just at the curve of her waist.

So it continued, with her feeding him bit by bit, and he simply luxuriated in the sensation of her resting against his form, of the warmth and softness of her body. Although spending the evening in his pack hadn't helped the freshness of the cheese or the bread, it was still quite good, and filling for a body famished from hours of hiking and fighting.

When at last he had his fill, Hafred wrapped one arm about Jenrea, and drew her to recline with him, holding her soft body against his own. She did so willingly, her head soon laid upon his chest. One of her hands just curled in against the hardened leather separating them, and a contented sigh escaped her.

Long moments passed as he held her closely, but eventually her voice drifted up, tentative at first. "It makes me happy to hear that you care about me. I think you were the only man in Ingley who really liked me for me, and not just because they wanted me, physically."

When he tried to speak, Jenrea placed a fingertip against his lips to shush him. After a moment, she continued, "You know better than any of them, how it is to never know your parents. Mister Garn probably raised you the same way I was, with that same focus on hard work, honesty, kindness." She looked into his eyes to verify the truth of her insight.

He couldn't argue against it even if he'd wanted to. Garn had been a strict but fair man his entire life, and had taught those same virtues to Hafred since taking him in.

She finally began to draw her fingertip from Hafred's lips, and offered him a coy smile. "So you see, Hafred, we have a lot in common. With your good heart and your ability to earn an honest coin, I could hardly ask for a better man." Her smile broadened into an outright grin. "Besides, you aren't half bad looking, either."

Whatever he'd been about to interrupt her with was lost in the blush her words produced. Instead, he murmured, "You are far too kind, Jenrea. I'm just a lowly smith's apprentice."

Jenrea put her hands to his cheeks and cradled his face between her palms. "And I'm just a lowly innkeeper's daughter. You're plenty fine for me." And with those words said, she drew him into a loving, lingering kiss.

At the feel of those soft, full lips against his own, all protest fled from Hafred's mind. All that mattered was the sensation of that warm body against his, the sweet insistence of a kiss that was swiftly moving well beyond chaste, and the scrape of Jenrea's nails against his skin as her fingers dragged down toward his shoulders.

His own hands circled her waist, and he drew her closer still. His heart raced as she pressed in against his broad chest, and he could scarce believe it when her deft touch began to loosen the laces of his leathers. The stiff, boiled leather chestpiece was swiftly discarded, as was the padded tunic he wore beneath. The latter required Jenrea's lips to part from his, and allowed him a moment to catch his breath.

Jenrea's eyes fixed on his bare chest, and a blush lingered on her cheeks. Still, there was hardly time to notice before her head dipped once more, and this time her lips played over one collarbone, then along one pec. Hafred hardly thought it fair, that she should be so fully clothed while he had only his trousers and boots, and so his hands left the curve of her waist to play along her toned thighs. As his fingers stroked and teased her through the thin fabric of her dress, he gently began to work the skirt upward along her legs.

As her smooth limbs came into view, she turned hungry eyes up to his own, and then one supple leg cast over his. She shifted to straddle his seated form, and her teeth caught just near to one nipple, before her tongue washed out to soothe where she'd nipped.

Hafred wasn't sure what had come over her, but he certainly wasn't complaining. His hands slipped under the hem of her skirt, and slid up over bare thighs toward her hips. This earned a soft moan from her, and she drew her lips and tongue back up along his chest, over one shoulder, then up the side of his neck. When her lips finally neared his, it was he who initiated the kiss, capturing her mouth with his own.

For long moments, the two simply made out, enjoying the feel of one another's hands upon bared flesh, the shared warmth and the taste of each other's kisses. Hafred was certain that she wanted to go further as much as he did, but there was a good reason for the hesitancy, no matter how heated the moment.

Neither he nor she, to the best of his knowledge, had taken a lover before. While he was fairly certain about what he should do next, he was still torn about whether it was appropriate, given their location, their circumstances, and the fact that they were still unpromised.

The sensation of deft fingers stroking down along his body, then delving down the front of his pants dispelled any doubts he still harbored. Hafred broke the kiss with a surprised groan, and stared into those sapphire eyes. A mischievous expression was plastered across Jenrea's features, and her fingers sought and soon curled about his arousal.

"Jenrea," he gasped her name softly, and was answered only by the slow stroke of those soft digits along his cock.

The smith's apprentice kissed at her smiling lips, then his hands grasped at her waist. The stone floor was too unyielding, but he soon found a solution. Shifting her from where she straddled his legs, he set her aside and rose to one knee. Their eyes locked for but a heartbeat, and then he picked her up entirely as he stood. The muted twinge from the wound at his back was gladly borne, the feel of his love within his arms was more than worth any pain.