The End of Evil Ch.15


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Junie nodded and put down a clean paper towel and put the scissors down on it. She peered at them, "I wonder if that is rust or blood." Her nose wrinkled up a little.

"Agent Gold said that there will be a district chief coming out to personally take our statements. There is an agent down at the end of the driveway keeping out the press until he arrives and they can develop a formal press statement." Bob looked at his watch, "He should be here in about an hour."

Junie looked at the comatose FBI agent on the couch. "Maybe we should wake him up before his boss gets here." Then she frowned, "I don't want reporters to come here. Isn't there anyway we can keep them away?"

Bob nodded, "We will talk about that when the district chief gets here. I may have to break out those no trespassing signs after all."

A little before the time the district chief was scheduled to arrive, Bob woke Agent Gold. Junie knocked softly on the guest room door and when Monica's voice called softly to come in, she opened the door. Monica was sitting up in the bed in her white nightgown and Agent Durant was lying down on top of the blankets, wearing his pants and undershirt. He was still deeply asleep, a soft snore rumbling up from his chest. Monica held the finger of her free hand to her lips. Junie saw that David held her other hand firmly gripped in his, despite his surrender to exhaustion.

Junie smiled softly and tiptoed over to Monica's side of the bed, her eyes on the clasped hands. "He is not going to let you go is he?"

Monica's eyes shone with joy, "No, never, ever again."

"We are going to need to wake him up soon. Dinner is ready and there are some bigwigs coming out to ask a ton of questions."

Junie looked at the fresh bandage on Monica's neck, "How is your cut?"

Monica's fingers touched the bandage. "They wanted me to go get stitches, saying if I didn't, I would have a scar. I just started laughing when they said that. You go finish dinner. I will wake up David. I want to be alone when I do that, please." Her big blue eyes sparkled. Once Junie pulled the door shut, Monica snuggled close and pressed her lips to his, whispering softly against his mouth.

Junie giggled when David backed out of the bedroom. He was still barefoot and buttoning up his shirt. His voice was admonishing, "Young lady, you mind your manners."

Monica's voice was filled with teasing laughter, "It's not like you haven't seen me naked a thousand times in pictures."

Bob looked up and commented, "If you two didn't already have a room, I would suggest you get one."

David looked confused and then defensive. "It's not like that. I am a Christian man."

Bob laughed, "Then you better hurry up and marry that girl before both of you compromise your morals."

David stopped and blinked, "Yes, I guess I better."

Junie squealed in excitement and David looked at her sharply. "You just calm down. Give a man a chance to propose, before you let the cat out of the bag."

Junie clasped her hand over her mouth and nodded, her eyes bulging with pent up agitation. Bob took one look at her and warned David. "Ask her quick. This one looks like she is going to burst."

David looked at her and shook his head. Still barefooted and in his shirt sleeves, as soon as Monica came out of the bedroom, he grabbed her hand and pulled her through the front room and out onto the deck and into the rain. All three; Bob, Junie and Agent Gold pressed their faces to the glass as the two of them walked out to the edge of the lake. They walked along the water's edge talking, then they stopped and David pulled Monica around to face him. Junie made a soft little moan as David actually went down on one knee.

Monica sensed Junie's excitement as soon as she came into the room. She looked curiously around. When David took her hand and, without speaking walked out of the house, she followed. She was very puzzled, he was not even wearing shoes and he was taking her out into the soft rain.

His voice was hesitant, "Pretty girl, we have some things to talk about."

Monica felt a wave of alarm, "You promised."

"Yes, I did. I guess I need to know what I promised. From the way you woke me up and your apparent eagerness to strip off that little white nightgown in front of me, it's pretty clear that you aren't thinking of me as some kind of father figure."

Monica blushed and ducked her head. She mumbled, "I guess not."

"You said you don't care about doubts or excuses. Well, pretty girl, we have a lot of things to work out. I am an old fashioned man. I care about my family. I go to church. When I promised to never go away from you again, that meant I was going to take care of you." David pulled at the gold band that he had worn on his left hand for almost thirty years. It took some work to get it off over his knuckle. He chuckled at Monica's puzzled expression as she watched him twisting at it.

Finally getting it free, he lowered himself down on one knee. He watched the puzzlement change to disbelief. His voice was gentle and amused, "Like I said, I am an old fashioned man. I apologize that I did not have time to get you a proper ring, but Miss Monica Bond will you consent to be my wife?" He took her left hand and placed the too large gold band in her palm. "I will get you a proper ring as soon as I can."

Monica's mouth was open and her lips were trembling. She kept trying to talk and nothing would come out. Finally she sank to her knees and wrapped her arms around his neck, the words poured out. "Oh yes, yes, yes, yes..." She was still babbling the word when he picked her up and carried her back to the house.

David put her on her feet and pushed her through the door. "There you go." He looked at Junie, "You can talk now. In fact, if I know you girls, you aren't going to quit talking until somebody makes you stop." Junie giggled, but stayed behind the counter, a wide smile on her face.

Monica shot him an impish look, "I would like to see you try."

David looked up at the ceiling, "Now it starts." Monica giggled.

Bob walked over and held out his hand, "Let me be the first to congratulate you."

David shook his hand, "Things seem to be moving a little fast for me. Do you have a beer in that refrigerator?"

Donna's voice was soft from the bedroom door. "Off the clock?" She was all wrapped up in a blanket and blinking sleepily. Junie squeaked in alarm and rushed to her Mistress's side, taking her arm. Donna impatiently shook her off, "Don't treat me like an invalid. I just have a bump on my head. My legs aren't broken."

David looked at his watch, "Yes, ma'am, I am off the clock. As of right now I am permanently off the clock."

Monica's voice was surprised, "Permanently?"

"Well, pretty girl, I promised I would never leave you again. I can't very well traipse all over the country chasing bad guys with you in tow. Anyway I was about to retire a couple years ago before I got stuck on this case."

"Don't you have to give notice?"

David ruffled her hair, "There you go already nagging at me about things. My vacation is maxed out. I will take vacation and give them proper notice. I may have to go to a few exit interviews and write a report or twelve but I can call most of it in."

Bob laughed, "I will get that beer for you. Junie, you go help your Mistress get dressed."

They were all sitting down eating soup and fresh biscuits, when the district chief arrived. It did not take much urging to get him to sit down and join them. Bob declared that the whole Sam Card incident was not a proper dinner table conversation topic, saying they could wait until after dinner to start making formal statements. Junie sat next to Monica, both of them whispering and giggling like school girls. Junie was telling Monica funny stories about her wedding, "I was six months pregnant and his family was pissed at my family. I expected a brawl to break out any minute." Junie looked at Monica, "Are you guys going to have a wedding?"

Monica looked mystified, "I haven't thought about it." She blinked, "It's one of those things David and I have not had a chance to talk about." A tiny shadow crossed her face and the corner of her mouth turned down.

Junie frowned in concern, "What is it, pretty girl?"

Monica shook her head and forced herself to smile again, "Nothing."

After dinner they all told their stories to the district chief as Agent Gold taped them and typed furiously on his laptop.

They learned that Card's Cadillac had been found hidden in some brush about five miles from their driveway. Junie shuddered when she found out that Sam Card had been hiding under the front deck. "Oh god, I must have walked over the top of him a half a dozen times."

When Agent Durant got done speaking, he looked at his supervisor, "Oh and I am going to be taking some vacation time starting now."

The district chief laughed, "I hear there are wedding bells in your future."

The next day Agent Durant packed up Monica into his big black car saying he was taking her to Salem to get the rest of her belongings and then was taking her home to meet his family in Louisiana. "We are going to stop by the place in East Texas on the way."

They left Happy behind. Bob had agreed to ship the puppy to them once they got to Louisiana.

Junie gave Monica a big hug. "I am so happy for you."

Monica nodded her face red and uncertain. "Yes, I guess so. It's so weird now that I finally have what I wanted so bad, I am feeling all nervous and scared."

Junie whispered softly, "Of what, pretty girl?"

"It's that. I am not really a pretty girl. I am a jigsaw puzzle girl." Monica bit her lip. "What if I can't do it?"

"Do what?"

"Sex, what if can't do it?"

"Do you want to?"

"Yes, oh yes. But I am afraid. What if I panic? What if I can't do it?"

"Pretty girl, if you want to, you will find a way. Just tell him how you are feeling. Be gentle with him and gentle with yourself. It will be fine."

As they watched the car drive away, Bob asked Junie what they were talking about. Junie shrugged, "She is nervous about making love to him. I told her that if they loved each other and wanted to make love; they would find a way, it would be fine."

Bob laughed, "David had the same conversation with me, only worrying about whether he could satisfy such a beautiful and young woman. I told him much the same thing you told Monica." He slipped an arm around each of the women in his life, turning them around and leading them back toward the house. "Now speaking of satisfying beautiful women, it's been far too long since I have had a really good romp with you two."

Once they were in the house he sent them to the bathroom, "Shower, shave, prepare yourselves to be used in any and all manners." He gave Donna a very stern look. "I will require you to not overtax yourself. You are very much on light duty, but I will require your presence." He looked hungrily at Junie, "That means, my little Junie, you will have to work twice as hard to make up for your Mistress's weakness. Now off to the shower with you, I shall be busy planning our play time."

In the bathroom as Donna was mixing the enema solution Junie asked, "Ma'am, are you up to playing? Do you feel okay?"

"I will take it easy. You listen to our Master, girl."

Junie nodded, but could not stop the next question that had been eating at her, "Ma'am, last time we were playing, you could not stand the sight of me in pain. Will it be okay?"

Donna touched Junie's face, "That was then, silly girl. Now is now; and we will see what we will see."

When they came out Bob was standing back looking pleased at the familiar sight of the ropes and pulleys hanging from the eyebolts in the ceiling. "Tomorrow, Junie, you will help me put up the cross."

Junie sank gracefully to the floor, kneeling at his feet. "Yes, Master, I would love to do that with you." She leaned down and pressed her lips to top of his foot, "Thank you."

Bob looked down at her curiously, "Thank you for what, sweet Junie?"

Junie smiled and looked around, she shrugged, "Um, everything I guess. Thank you for your love. Thank you for keeping me and my Mistress safe. Thank you for hanging up the ropes and caring enough to do this thing for me, my home, my healed heart, the sweet care you took of my friend Monica... um... all of it. I just feel so full of gratitude right now."

Bob chuckled, "Well, I am thankful that all this is over and we are finally home. I am looking forward to a nice, long, boring winter."

Donna chimed in, "Amen."

Bob cupped his hand under Junie's chin and lifted her face, "So, my thankful little bitch, are you ready to play?"

"Please, yes."

"Good girl. Stand up and hold your hands over your head." He held her leather cuffs in his hand. Soon Junie found herself standing bound and helpless, her muscles taut and quivering.

A tiny moan of anticipation rose up in her throat. "Oh Master, it seems like it has been so long since I have felt like this."

Donna stroked the length of Junie's arms, slowly sensually grinding her taller slender body against Junie's lush curves. "You look so sweetly vulnerable, girl." She leaned down and took Junie's mouth in hers, humming her own soft moan into Junie's mouth. Bob slipped a blindfold over Junie's eyes and growled low into her ear, "Don't go anywhere." And then he chuckled.

Bob turned to Donna, "So, my goddess, how is your head?"

"Okay, as long as I don't bang it against anything or jump around too much."

"You must be sure to tell me if it begins to ache or if you feel dizzy."

"Yes, Master."

"I am going to give you a task. Every time I hurt Junie, you must soothe that hurt. I will require you bless each blow with a kiss, but first let us add to your experience." Bob picked up a rabbit vibrator and inserted it deep into Donna and then took a length of rope and tied a girdle around her loins keeping it trapped within her. "My goddess, you must contend with your passion, but do not release it."

"Yes, Master." Donna's voice jerked as he turned on the vibrations.

Bob picked up the riding crop. He traced it across Donna's lips. "Bless it; anoint it with your kiss." Donna sensually spread her lips and reached out with her tongue, pulling the leather tip into her mouth and sucking on it.

Bob smiled and nodded in approval. Turning he traced the damp leather end of the crop across Junie's mouth, watching as Junie blindly kissed at the saturated leather when it touched her lips. The vibrator buried deep in Donna's cunt was grinding slowly and sensually in circles, the vibrations spreading deep into her belly. Donna took Junie's mouth in a passionate kiss.

At first the crop was only a pointer, a guide for Donna's kisses, but soon it was peremptory tap and then a snap. Donna found herself feeding on Junie, kissing each scarlet mark, sucking and licking. Junie was surging and moaning at the combined sensations. Soon Junie's body was marked, knees to elbows with the telltale scarlet bites of the crop. Her cries and moans filling the room.

Donna's excitement was building, the vibrations inside her becoming irresistible. Her breath was coming fast and hot as she struggled to keep up with the increasing pace of Bob's blows upon Junie's writhing form. When the crop cracked into one of Junie's nipples she screamed for the first time. And Donna's kiss turned to a bite. For a time that was all there was. First one nipple then the other, a blow would fall and then a deep sucking bite, accompanied by Junie's unrestrained wails of pain.

Then it stopped, "My goddess, kneel down and worship at our Junie's flower. Bring her pleasure, but keep it contained."

Donna knelt down and pressed her excited lips to the juncture of Junie's legs, her tongue licking up the juices that had spilled down her thighs. Junie groaned and arched her back thrusting her hips against Donna's mouth, wanting more.

Donna felt Junie tense and shudder and, feeling Bob's fingers covering hers as he gripped Junie's hips, she realized he was taking her from behind. Junie's groans became more urgent, her body undulating between Donna's mouth and the heat and pressure filling her from behind. Junie gasped out, "Oh god yes, yes. Fuck me hard."

Donna found herself panting, as she licked at Junie, her caresses becoming spastic and jerky as she tried to catch her breath and contain her passion. Long quivering spasms were working their way up her body. Soft panicked cries accompanied the short bursts of her breath as she felt herself pushed closer and closer to the brink. Then Bob growled out the words, "Come now, do it now!" And he lunged deep, almost lifting Junie with the strength of his finish.

Junie convulsed against the ropes holding her, a long vibrating groan shaking through her. Donna found herself sagging and falling, her body taking control of her as she writhed on the floor, wave after wave of pleasure forcing her body to squirm and undulate. Bob gently turned off the vibrations, helped her to her feet and guided her to lie down on the bed. He stroked her face, "Lie still, my goddess, and rest. You have given us a lot."

After Bob removed the ropes she felt Junie's gentle fingers remove the vibrator and then her soft, warm tongue soothing and bathing her throbbing tissues. Donna sighed and quivered as waves of sweet sensation flowed over her. It was like a thousand tiny orgasms sparkling through her body. Finally spent, she stretched and relaxed at the familiar sensations of Junie bathing her and leaving her tender kisses behind.

As Junie crept into bed to snuggle close to her Master she smiled to meet her Mistress's eyes across his chest. Junie gave a satisfied little smile and murmured again, "Thank you."


The next day Monica called and exclaimed in utter excitement, "He married me! We drove straight to Seattle and he took me straight to the courthouse and married me. He said he was not driving cross-country with some unmarried woman. He said if I want a big wedding we can do that later, but he was damned if he was going to sleep another night with me if I was not his wife!"

Junie's voice was cautious, "And that other thing, the one you were worried about?"

Monica paused, "Well, we haven't done that yet. David says that he would rather let it happen rather than make it happen. But he has been holding me and kissing me. He has been so sweet and gentle. I don't feel so afraid now."

Junie's smile warmed her voice, "It will work out just fine. I am so happy for you."

Monica giggled, "We are on our way to Salem. I can't wait to see the expression on my mother's face."

"You will have to call and tell me all about it."

"I will. Give Bob and Donna my love and hug that Happy puppy for me."

The dogs came home.

The fall turned to winter.

Junie could still remember the triumph in Monica's voice when she had finally declared, "You were right. It has all worked out just fine."

Bob 'liberated' and brought home a fat little deer and showed Junie how to slice up the meat and wrap it in paper. Together they filled the freezer. Junie did a lot of research and tackled tanning the leather. "I want to make moccasins for Christmas presents."

Junie was surprised to find she still had the dream now and then, but it was getting increasingly predictable and boring. She was finding she could make it go away. She never even opened the secret door in the fireplace. Just pointed her finger at it and wished it away with a "Fuck no."

Tammi came out for a visit over Thanksgiving. When Junie picked her up from Greg's, she just looked at him and turned her back when he asked her in, wanting to ask her about what she knew about R. P. Sander's murder. He walked after her and asked her why she was being so rude and antisocial. When she laughed at him and pointed her magic finger and said, "Fuck no," he blinked and backed away.
