The Girl in the Second Bedroom

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Married couple Marjorie and Sean take on their young tenant.
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As soon as the door to the second bedroom closed, Marjorie told her husband, "I've had it with that girl."

Sean didn't seem to care one way or the other. His focus remained on the retro gaming site he'd found online. How much Tetris can one man play? It's not like it gets you anywhere, though Sean would likely argue it's good for the brain.

"Are you listening to me?" Marjorie hissed--quietly, so Lila wouldn't hear. "She's driving me batty. I've had it up to here!"

Sean only looked up long enough to say, "I don't know what you're on about, love."

"She's rude. That's for starters. But what's worse is that she goes out every day! We're supposed to be staying home, and every day she goes out! Where's she going? What's she doing? Who is she hanging around with? We need to know. If she's bringing germs home, she can't be trusted!"

Finally, Sean paused his game. With a sigh, he said, "We can't kick her out now. Not during a pandemic."

Marjorie crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Well, what do you propose?"

Rising from his well-worn chair, Sean said, "Let's just ask her."

Marjorie froze as her husband strode toward the second bedroom. She tried to grab him before he could rap at Lila's door, but she simply couldn't move.

Too late.

He was knocking.

Lila answered.

Marjorie felt humiliated. Already.

Flashing a sweet smile, fresh-faced Lila asked, "What's up, Mr. Anderson?"

"Please," Sean replied. "Mr. Anderson is my father. Do you want me calling you Ms. Nguyen?"

"No, to really." Lila batted her long black lashes, casting her gaze to the ground. "Sorry, Sean. I forget sometimes."

"It's okay," he said. "Your mother raised you right--that's why we promised her you'd always have a home with us. She was a good woman."

"I know," Lila choked. She cleared her throat before asking, "Is that all? I don't mean to cut you off, but I'm working on a commission."

Marjorie surprised herself by saying, "Can I see?"

Lila's eyes widened. "Yeah. Sure. It's just a sketch, and it's nowhere close to finished."

When Lila backed away from the door, Marjorie cut in front of her husband and zipped across the threshold. She hadn't set foot in the second bedroom since Lila moved in. This used to be a storage space, but at least she thought of it as hers, back then. A second closet. A place she could enter to get away from...

"It's a little risqué," Lila warned her.

Marjorie harrumphed. "I've seen naked bodies before."

She had to admit, she'd never seen naked bodies doing quite what the ones in Lila's illustration were up to.

"It's for this author who writes gay fanfic. The money's good. Consistent commissions. It's..."

"It's very well done," Sean said, encouragingly. "You're an excellent artist."

Lila blushed. "Thanks."

Something in her husband's tone made Marjorie's blood boil, and she blurted out, "You never wipe down your groceries!"

Lila's lovely pink lips fell open. Silence.

"You come home from the supermarket," Marjorie went on. "You put your food in the fridge alongside ours, and you don't even have the consideration to take a Lysol wipe to the packaging first? Are you trying to kill us?"

"No!" she said. "I'm sorry, I'm... I'm not trying to kill you, no!"

"We're older than you are," Marjorie continued. "We're more susceptible to this disease, to this virus. We're being responsible. We're staying home. You're out every day, doing God-knows-what..."

Sean rested a hand on Marjorie's shoulder, which was his way of indicating she ought to stop.

Lila sat heavily on her bed, tears filling her eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm not doing anything bad while I'm out. I swear I'm social-distancing. I stay away from other people. Just... it's hard to be stuck in my room all the time. This is your home, not mine. I've got my one little space and sometimes it's not enough."

She set her drawing aside before the tears started falling, which was lucky. Those salty droplets would have ruined the paper.

Marjorie felt awful, but also self-satisfied. Approaching Lila, she said, "You don't have to stay in your room. You've got free rein. Go wherever you want, except in our bedroom. We told you that from the start."

"I know," Lila choked. "I just..."

The tears stopped falling as Lila looked over Marjorie's shoulder--to Sean. The look that passed between them could only be described one way: guilty as hell.

Bile rose up in Marjorie's throat as she gazed from her husband to the girl on the bed. "No. You two. You didn't..."

Lila and Sean both looked at her, waiting for more, but Marjorie knew how to catch her husband in a fib. Give him quiet. He couldn't handle it. He'd blurt out every one of his sins.

"She walked in one me," Sean confessed. "One time."

"Walked in on you?" Marjorie asked. She thought, from the expression on their faces, they'd been having an affair. "What do you mean she walked in on you? Doing what?"

Lila's focus shifted to the gay males she'd drawn.

"Having sex with a man?" Marjorie gasped.

Lila burst into a giggle fit as Sean said, "No! No! No! I was..."

"Masturbating," Lila said.

Marjorie was surprised a girl as seemingly innocent as Lila would know such a word. Sometimes the ones who look the most innocent are anything but.

"My shower wasn't working," Lila clarified. "I was going to use yours, just once. I didn't think anyone was home."

"She walked in on me," Sean repeated, purple as a plum.

Marjorie had never seen him so humiliated.

"Oh well," Marjorie said. "These things happen. Water under the bridge."

Sean cleared his throat. "Except, I guess Lila liked what she saw, because..."

"You slept together?" Marjorie gasped.

"No!" the pair cried out.

Marjorie's chest couldn't take the strain. She felt like someone was batting her heart around with a tennis racket.

"No," Lila said. "I just finished him off. Just with my hand."

"Just with her hand," Sean repeated. "Just her hand. Not even her mouth. Just her hand."

"Well, both hands," Lila admitted. She laughed, and said, "Take two--they're small."

Marjorie had gone numb. Absolutely numb. Her heart was frozen. She refused to take in this information. She would acknowledge what had gone down between her husband and their young tenant. Fine. It happened. But she refused to feel the onslaught of emotions. She would hold them at bay, deal with them later.

"I thought you were a lesbian," Marjorie said.

Lila nodded eagerly. "I am. Well, I'm flexible. Sometimes, if there's a cock around, it's just like... what the hell? Might as well. You know?"

Marjorie did not know. Or maybe she did. Maybe she did.

"When?" she asked. "When did this happen?"

"Months ago," Lila said.

Sean nodded. "Months. We were still working. It only happened that one time. And we've been avoiding each other ever since."

"That's for sure," Lila agreed.

"And that's why you've been leaving the house so much?" Marjorie asked. "Because you don't want to be in the same room with us?"

Lila shrugged one shoulder. "Yeah, well, it's pretty uncomfortable. So I go outside. And I sketch, sometimes. I draw the empty streets, deserted restaurants, the playgrounds strung up with caution tape. I draw that stuff. It helps."

Marjorie she felt for the girl, and that just about killed her. She wanted to be angry. She wanted to feel irate. And she would. Later on. But not now.

"There's only one way to handle this," Marjorie said, whipping off her shirt. "You got my husband off. You can get me off. Fair is fair."

An astonished look crossed Lila's face. She looked to Sean, who appeared puzzled and panicked in equal measure. "Marjorie," he said. "This isn't... you're making Lila uncomfortable."


Marjorie pushed down her pants, and her underwear came down too. Good thing, because they weren't exactly attractive. She unhooked her bra, letting her breasts swing free. Hers were much bigger than Lila's. Not that these things mattered. But they were. So she had that going for her.

"Lila?" Marjorie asked. "Am I making you uncomfortable?"

The girl swallowed hard. Her doe eyes widened as she looked to Sean for help.

"I'm not asking if my husband's uncomfortable," Marjorie said. "He should be uncomfortable. I hope he is. But are you? That's the question."

"That is the question," Lila said, slowly soliloquizing. "To be or not to be... uncomfortable."

"Did you take off your clothes with him?" Marjorie asked. She was beginning to feel cold, but only on the outskirts of her skin. Inside, she burned like fire.

Sean answered for Lila, saying, "She only had a towel on."

"I'd gone in to take a shower," Lila reminded her.

"It fell off," Sean added. "The towel did."

Marjorie motioned to the wispy white dress Lila had on. "Fair is fair. That comes off."

"Lila," Sean said firmly. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to. If you're at all uncomfortable--"

"No," Lila cut it. "It's okay. I mean, like..." She looked bashfully to the Marjorie's patch of pubic hair before saying, "It's been a while. It's been... a while. I wouldn't mind... I mean, like, it's okay. For real."

"But do you want to?" Sean asked. "You're not just going along with this? You're not doing it because you're afraid you'll lose your housing? Because, guaranteed, we'd never do that to you."

Lila glanced at Sean over Marjorie's shoulder before meeting her gaze straight-on. "I'm good with this. Like you said: fair is fair. I made your husband come, so I'll make you come."

Sean started out saying, "You two have a warped sense of--"

"I don't mind if you watch," Lila told him.

That shut him up.

He took a seat on Lila's vintage vanity stool and didn't say a word.

Lila lifted her dress over her head.

She wasn't wearing a bra.

Her breasts were tiny, like the rest of her, but Marjorie couldn't wait to feel those dark, spiky nipples piercing into hers. She scooped Lila up in her arms and kissed the girl ferociously. She got what she wanted: Lila's nipples poking hers. It was a striking sensation, one she felt in her pussy as much as her tits. In fact, it's possible she felt it more between her legs. That seemed to be her centre of arousal.

When her tongue slid into her tenant's pretty pink mouth, she felt that sensation below the waistline, Sunshine. She felt everything down there.

Marjorie hugged the girl's ass with both hands.

Lila cooed like a pigeon as they made out wildly.

Marjorie hadn't felt this way in years--decades, maybe. Lila was young, and that made Marjorie feel young. There was no sense competing with a body like Lila's. She couldn't compete--except, of course, that Marjorie had bigger boobs.

But she wasn't going to focus on details like that.

Marjorie tossed Lila on the bed and stripped off the girl's cotton panties. Her pubic hair wasn't as manicured as Marjorie thought it would be, but it's not like anyone's been getting out much, lately. No sense taming the bush if they've cancelled the garden tours.

Anyway, Marjorie liked it that way. She appreciated Lila's jet-black pubes. They were pretty, in their way.

She dropped Lila's panties to the floor.

Without thinking, she slid her hands under the girl's backside. Lifting that sweet ass with her forearms, she pressed her mouth to Lila's wet pussy.

"What are you doing?" Lila asked, with a laugh. "I thought I was supposed to make you come!"

"Count your blessings," Marjorie replied, before going back for more.

She had to part Lila's pubes with her nose to get in there. It wasn't easy, finding her way around. She thought it would be, but it wasn't. Maybe that's why Sean didn't go down on her as often as she went down on him. Or maybe he was just a lazy, lying, cheating son of a bitch. What else had he been hiding from her?

Fuck him.

Marjorie went at Lila's pussy whole hog, to the point where Lila hissed and said, "Hey, hey! Cool your jets! Are you on a time crunch or something? Slow it down."

Who was she to tell Marjorie what to do?

Well, she probably had more experience eating pussy.

Okay. Marjorie would take it slow. The least she could do was try.

She found Lila's clit and tickled it with the tip of her tongue, but that didn't garner any reaction at all. When she looked up, she saw Lila pinching those purply tits. What a vision. The reaction that inspired in Marjorie's pussy made her feel dizzy.

There she was, both feet on the floor, bending over the side of the bed, with her mouth wrapped around her tenant's sweet spot. Life had never been so much like a dream. When this pandemic was over, she would swear it never happened. She would misremember these months as some strange sort of fantasy. She would never truly believe this moment had happened.

Lila clearly knew how to get off on another woman's face, even if that other woman had no talent with her tongue.

The girl began grinding her clit on Marjorie's mouth, moaning effortlessly.

Was it really that easy? She'd have to try it some time.

Wait, wasn't Lila supposed to get Marjorie off? Isn't that how this all started?

She could feel her husband behind her, wrapping his warm hands around her hips, pressing his erection against her butt cheek. He still had pants on, but Marjorie could easily feel his hardness through the denim.

Hardness was an understatement!

Even without seeing what was back there, she could tell that was the fiercest erection he'd had since God-knows-when. No wonder he'd let Lila stroke him off. Her presence was like alchemy, transforming a rusty relationship into solid gold.

Marjorie lifted Lila's hips higher off the mattress. Lila adjusted quickly, planting both feet firmly on the bed and fucking Marjorie's face with her clit. No, not fucking. That term gave the wrong impression. Rubbing. Stroking. Slipping. Sliding. All those things. But not fucking.

Fucking is what her husband was gearing up to do.

She heard his fly unzip, and then that familiar shuffling sound as his jeans dropped to the floor. It wasn't long before she felt his cock whack the back of her thigh. And then her inner thigh. And then...

"Don't stop!" Lila cried out. "I'm gonna come so fucking hard!"

Don't stop what? What had Marjorie been doing? All she could concentrate on was the sensation of her husband's dick sneaking between her wet labia, finding its way inside. She usually guided it for him. Sean could never seem to find her pussy on his own, even when he was looking right at it.

But he found it this time, and filled her. Fast.

She felt him inside. Really felt it. She loved taking it from behind, but they rarely did it this way. They rarely had sex during daylight hours. It was always in bed, now. Always horizontal. Under the covers. Tired fumbling. Rarely orgasmic--at least for her.

"Don't stop!" Lila growled as she smashed her pussy against Marjorie's tongue. "I'm gonna come! I'm gonna come!"

Already? What a feat. It had been years since Marjorie had come with such speed.

Maybe today would spark the kind of change that could last a lifetime.

Marjorie dove at Lila's young pussy, sucking in every bit of skin she could get at, making the girl squeal and shake.

"Yeah!" Lila cried. "That's good! That's real good! Yeah!"

Sean grasped Marjorie's ass cheeks and pressed them together. He was probably doing that to make her pussy feel tighter. She knew all his tricks. Oh well. Who cares? If it feels good, do it.

Sucking Lila's sweet clit sure felt good to her.

The girl's pubic hair got up her nose and tickled it, but she resisted sneezing. She shook her head to dislodge it, and apparently Lila liked that, because she growled and grunted and blew her lid.

Sean said, "Nice work, Mar," and smacked her ass. "I've never seen anyone come so hard."

"Not even me?" Marjorie asked, but how could he hear her when her face was still flush to their tenant's pink slit?

Lila flipped onto her belly, panting, "Enough! Enough!"

That didn't stop Sean from fucking his wife.

He plunged his dick deep inside Marjorie's core, hurting her in a way she enjoyed being hurt. The pain wouldn't last. It was just nice knowing her husband's dick could reach the very depths of her. Felt good when he banged her back there.

"Get up," Lila said, sliding off the edge of the mattress like her body had no bones. "Both of you! Up! On the bed!"

Marjorie didn't want to move. She liked lying flat with her butt in the air. She liked feeling her husband's hands pressing her cheeks together. She liked his cock in her cunt. She was good with this. It could go on and on.

"I'm supposed to make you come," Lila said. "That's the deal. You told me I had to, so I'm going to. I always live up to my end of the bargain."

Lila pushed their legs. Sean seemed to know what to do, but Marjorie felt flustered. If her husband kept at her from behind, they'd get there. She might not have an orgasm, but she'd probably come close.

"Get on top of him," Lila commanded. "See? Your mister knows the score. Now you reverse-cowgirl him and I'll lick your clit and you'll come in a snap. I guarantee it."

There was Sean, flat on the mattress, both legs hanging off the side. He said, "Hop on, honey," like this was an everyday occurrence for them.

His cock stuck straight up in the air. Every few seconds, it would jerk back, beckoning her. Could Sean control his erections to that degree? Could he make his cock talk? That's pretty impressive.

Lila said, "Straddle him, but face me. I'll get between his legs. I'll lick you when you're ready."

Marjorie would never be ready. Never. This all felt dangerous and precarious.

Would she fall? Would she die?

She climbed aboard and situated her husband's erection between her slick thighs. She couldn't remember the last time she'd been so wet--not without lube.

Lila looked up with wonder as Marjorie sank down onto her husband's dick. At first, she felt somewhat unsettled, being gazed at that way. But when Lila told her how sexy she was naked, she didn't mind being looked at.

"Put your hands on my shoulders," Lila said, getting closer.

She rose higher off the floor, kneeling beside the bed, so that Marjorie could grasp the girl as instructed.

"Do what you'd normally do," Lila went on. "I'll join in when I've figured out your flow."

Do what she'd normally do? What would she normally do?

Marjorie moved gently on her husband's cock. Reverse-cowgirl was nothing new, to her. She liked this position, because it enabled her to rub her clit without Sean watching. That was the one reliable method she had of getting off. If he tried stroking her, it all went to hell. She was better at it. She knew her own body.

Of course, she couldn't stroke off with Lila's face right there. She had to bounce in her husband's lap, watching his balls tighten, then rebound. They were quite a sight, those things.

When Marjorie got into a groove with Sean's cockhead stroking just the right spot, Lila inched closer and asked, "Are you ready for this?"

"Ready for what?" Marjorie replied.

Stupid question.

Lila didn't answer. She leaned closer and stretched out her tongue.

The moment Marjorie felt that velvet warmth against her tender flesh, her whole body seized. She dug her talons into Lila's shoulders, holding on for dear life as she pressed her pussy closer to the girl's face. How to ensure that her husband's cock wouldn't pop out? That was a key component. She didn't want to lose it and have to fit him back in. No fussing around. She could see an orgasm on the horizon, and she would not let it dissipate. Too many climaxes proved only a mirage. She wouldn't lose this one.

While her husband held her hips, Lila held her thighs. The girl was close, her face buried in Marjorie's bush. Not invisible. Oh no. Lila could be seen and heard. The girl squeaked and sighed as she licked Marjorie's tenderest parts.