The Girl Two Houses Down

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Faye insisted she was NOT like a second mother to April.
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Faye Wagner heard the tapping at the back door and smiled when she looked up at the kitchen clock and saw that it was precisely 7 o'clock. The visitor was nothing if not precise, and the middle aged woman didn't even bother to peek through the curtains because she knew who it was.

"It's me, your albatross!" the tall drink of water chirped after the door was opened, and Faye shook her head as she stepped aside.

"You said that last night if I recall," she reminded her neighbor. "And I said..."

"You told me to knock it off and that you were always happy to see me," April Maddox interrupted, but the kiss she gave Faye on her forehead was not part of her usual routine. "And I warned you that you might regret saying that one day."

"And I told you to knock it off," Faye said with a grin.

"Sorry. I'm a slow learner."

"And I also told you to stop saying you're sorry about everything."

"Sor - oops. How about if I promise to try? Old habits die hard."

"How was work?" Faye asked.

"Busy, and the customers were nasty," April complained, not enamored of her job as a cashier at Walmart.

"I think having to shop there puts people in a bad mood to begin with," the older woman opined. "Not that there's many choices around here."

I guess. You're lucky you don't have to go to work until Monday."

"Working 10 hours four nights a week on the midnight shift? Nothing lucky about that," Faye mused aloud. "I'm getting too old for that."

"I don't know about that. Hey, are you going to let me cut your hair tonight?"

"Are you suggesting my hair needs help?" Faye joked, because even she had to admit that the woman she went to for cuts wasn't very good.

"I couldn't do worse than that lady you go to at A Cut Above," April said while pulling off her jacket. "I know you're loyal and all but still."

"Well if you do it of course I'll pay you what I pay her."

"No, however I will take another shot of that brandy you broke out last weekend as pay," April suggested.

"AFTER you cut it."

"Of course, and I brought my scissors too," April added as she went into her bag.

"A professional."

"I took cosmetology in high school," Faye was reminded. "I used to do Mom's hair near the end."

"I know," Faye said as the mention of April's mother made both of the women somber.

April's mother Sylvia was the connection that they had because Faye had known April's Mom since the Maddox family moved in soon after April was born. Faye and Sylvia formed a bond, with Faye comforting Sylvia when the abusive jerk she had married was especially cruel, and when Faye's long time lover passed Sylvia was equally comforting.

The comforting evolved into something much more, but that was something that Faye was certain April knew nothing about, and she wasn't about to tell the girl that they had been very discrete lovers. April's behavior of late had changed over the six months or so she had come over to visit nightly. At first Faye thought that the girl was looking for a substitute for her late mother, and because they were both now alone and rather lonely Faye had welcomed the company, but now April was - was it flirting? Faye thought that was crazy when she first thought that but now she wasn't so sure.

If the girl was flirting, Faye was flattered since she was more than twice April's age, but in fact Faye was attracted to the girl. This felt wrong because she had watched April grow up and being so much older made her feel a bit like a predator. Not the age factor by itself because the middle aged lesbian had always been a bit attracted to younger prey. The attraction wasn't because April looked like her mother because there was little resemblance.

Sylvia Maddox was a knockout in her time, a shapely woman with flaming red hair who looked a bit like Rita Hayworth. She turned a lot of heads, and that was what got her screamed at and her butt kicked by her louse of a husband, even though she neither welcomed the attention or did anything to warrant the jealousy. Eventually Mack Maddox abandoned Sylvia and April, which was good for them but by then the damage had been done to Sylvia, who had lost her glow and then concentrated on raising her daughter alone.

April didn't seem the worse for it all, although the girl had often retreated into a shell as she grew up. As for her looks, while Faye loved the kid April inherited more of her old man's looks than Mom's. April was pleasant enough looking but was rather plain, and her red hair was a dull tone. April was plenty tall, not that far away from 6', but her frame was very slender and for the most part lacked curves, with her hips larger than her bust.

"That's a pretty blouse April. New?"

"Actually it's so old it's probably back in style," April said of the floral top with cap sleeves. "It's from way back in high school."

"Oh yeah, way back then," Faye mocked comically, since high school was only two years ago.

"Feels like forever, and I know I feel older than 20."

"You aren't going to be 20 for a couple of weeks," Faye reminded the willowy redhead. "Don't rush it because believe it or not I vaguely remember 20 even though it was almost 30 years ago."

April gave Faye one of her toothy grins that never failed to warm her heart, much like her button nose and the smattering of freckles around it, and the rugged butch momentarily melted as the teen had her sit at a chair in the kitchen and explained that she was just going to cut Faye's hair and then sweep up the floor, not bothering with a sheet around her..

"Some will go down your neck though," April cautioned.

"I thought you were just going to trim it?"

"I am but - well - if you want to spend the rest of the night scratching like a hound..."

"Okay, you win," Faye grumbled while unbuttoning the plain baggy blouse and peeling it off her shoulders, and after setting it aside sat back upright.

The older woman tingled when she noticed April glance at her cleavage, which was something that wasn't there up until recently when a depressed Faye had gained about 25 pounds after April's mother passed, and that cleavage was more pronounced that it should have been due to Faye having outgrown her bras. Just my luck, Faye often grumbled to herself, that when she could have used more on top she was sorely lacking but now around the half century mark she was blossoming.

"I wouldn't mind something along the lines of Dorothy Hamill, or maybe Marylou Retton" Faye mused aloud regarding her hair.

"Who?" April responded, drawing a shake of the head from Faye.

"Some gals from the Dark Ages."

"Oh. Well anyway, all I plan to do is make it look..."

"Less like I put a bowl on my head?" Faye snickered.

"You said it, not me."

"This style is A Cut Above's version of a Dorothy Hamill look," Faye noted glumly.

"How about I just make you look - softer?" April suggested.

"That will go over great at the warehouse."

"I thought you hated those guys?"

"I do, most of them."

"Well when you go back to work and they see you with your new hair cut, they won't recognize you."

"Good. Let's get this over with," Faye snarled in a good-natured way but then smiled and said, "But seriously, I do appreciate you doing this."

"Gives me a reason to hang out over here and bug you," April said as she brushed Faye's hair.

"When you start bugging me I'll let you know," the older woman replied while looking up at her young friend, smiling when she looked under April's raised arm at the smooth little hollow under the girl's arm, the skin a ghostly white and sparkling with a faint glaze of perspiration.

"What's so funny? Do I smell? Omigod!" April said, but Faye shook her head.

"No, not at all. As a matter of fact, I was just going to ask you whether that was a new cologne or something because you smell so nice," Faye countered.

"Oh yes, it's an exotic new fragrance from the Dove collection," was April's retort, causing them both to laugh as the girl picked up her scissors and announced, "It's Showtime!"


Faye sat patiently as April clipped away while buzzing around the chair, but while she did a lot of scissoring the older woman noticed that there wasn't much of her brunette locks on the floor. Much of what was snipped off seemed to land on Faye's shoulders and chest, especially into her cleavage. This didn't go unnoticed by the amateur hairstylist who suggested that if she wanted she was free to take off the harness.

"I think I'll keep it on. 50 year old women do not get naked in front of teenagers," Faye had replied. "Trust me it's not a pretty sight."

"That bra is older than I am and is cutting into you something fierce," April deadpanned. "I suspect you would look a lot better without it."

Faye declined and spent the rest of the time on the chair regretting that decision. Her breasts didn't look that bad and besides, April was the one that suggested it. It wouldn't have been like she was trying the seduce the girl, but Faye reminded herself that April wasn't a girl but a woman, and although she might have seemed like a mother to April at times, she wasn't. She had been April's mother's lover, and as far as Faye knew April wasn't aware of that. Sylvia had gone to great lengths to hide that side of herself, and while that robbed them of many intimate moments Faye Wagner respected her decision.

Meanwhile, April's hair styling continued, and the longer it went on the more the older woman began to think that the girl was prolonging this as long as she could, as if she was enjoying touching her and all that went on with the cutting. Perhaps she was trying to make it perfect, or as presentable as she could, Faye reasoned, but still and all...

Faye didn't mind all this, and to be honest she was enjoying the attention and the physical contact she was getting from the teen. The proof of that was the way her stiffness of her nipples was evident through her bra, and the older woman hoped that April didn't notice as she buzzed about. The feelings Faye was experiencing were those she had fought for quite a while, and even more so since April's mother's passing.

Faye had always resisted it when April had said that she felt that Faye was like a second mother to her, and in fact when April had mentioned that soon after Sylvia's demise Faye had sternly insisted that she not refer to her like that again.

"No one could ever replace your mother, certainly not me," Faye had told April, who seemed a bit stunned by the tone of her neighbor's voice but since then had complied with Faye's wishes.

Why had Faye been so strident? Was it because she never wanted to be a mother and didn't think she was worthy of being looked at like that, or was it because that of late Faye had thought of April in ways that a mother would not think of her daughter, and that was why she didn't want April to look at her like that?

Moving around her, Faye recalled how she had always told April that one day she would be a model. Perhaps that was a bit too much because while April was pleasant enough to look at there no way she could be a model. The pug nose, the too-toothy grin and not enough chin to suit present day standards would have disqualified her for that, and while she had a tall and very slender body the top didn't match the bottom, none of that affected the feelings Faye had within in.

All of that had Faye squirming in the kitchen chair, and April didn't help when she would get real close to her, so close that the modest swell of her breast was so close to Faye's mouth that she was sorely tempted to leave a few inches over and nibble it through the layers of clothing - and was she actually trying to peek into the armhole of April's blouse for a peek at the girl's breast - a look denied by the unnecessary bra?

So when April finally stepped back and declared she was finished, the older woman didn't know whether she had glad or not that it as over. As for the amateur hairstylist, April was very excited but fretted that Faye wouldn't like it.

"Where's a mirror? I want you to see," April gushed as she looked around the kitchen, and when she saw nothing of use she took Faye down the hall, pausing first at the doorway to the bathroom before continuing to the bedroom. "The dresser mirror is way better."

"So what do you think?" April chirped as she stood behind the older woman and looked at them in the mirror.

"I think I better stop gaining weight," Faye frowned as she looked at the thickness of her waist, a far cry from her appearance of the past.

"Don't be silly."

"And when did you get taller than me?" Faye said as she saw the teen was now a couple inches taller than she was. "Are you growing or am I shrinking?"

"Guess I'm growing," April said as she put her hands on the older woman's round shoulders from behind. "You don't like it do you? Is that why you keep changing the subject?"

"No honey," Faye answered when she saw the hurt look on the girl's face, and while she would have said she liked it regardless, she had to admit that it was better than it usually looked and told her so. "It's actually way better than it's looked in years. You did a nice job."

"You like it? I'm so glad" April yelped as she hugged Faye, and the older woman braced her hands on the dresser when her heart skipped a beat and tried to get her voice to work.

"You did great. For this you deserve two shots of brandy."

"Later. Let me just enjoy this moment."

"Too bad you can't do something about the weight I've put on over the last couple of months," Faye opined as she looked at her waist which had thickened of late, although the older woman knew that the extra pounds didn't look all that bad on her frame which had been gaunt her whole life. "But as for the hair? You're an artist."

April was beaming from behind her neighbor as she brushed a few stray hairs from Faye's shoulders, and she reached around to do the same to the older woman's upper chest too when she stopped suddenly and apologized when some hairs dropped into the harness.


"That's alright, You were right when you suggested I take this damn thing off," Faye heard herself say, and with that she reached up and unhooked the front of the harness and shrugged it off.

As her slightly sagging breasts eased down she looked at the clippings in the cups while feeling April's eyes on her chest before she looked at Faye's shoulders and winced at the little grooves the straps had caused in her skin.

"Faye, you really need to buy some new bras. Look at what these old things have done to your shoulders," the teen announced as she traced the notches. "Come into the store and you can use my discount."

"Things aren't that tough that I need to hustle Wal Mart out of a buck," Faye retorted.

"Whatever, but with your new do everybody in the warehouse will be checking you out."

"Amusing. That's the last thing I need or want."

"Okay then, for comfort," April conceded. "I'll pick you out a couple next day I work and bring them over here."

"I wouldn't even know what size I need now."

"Well I know what size the one you were wearing is - same size as me - but since you've changed," April said while she timidly reached around and lightly cupped the older woman's breasts, making Faye twitch as she grazed her throbbing nipples. "Let's see - give me a second - I'm not used to looking in the mirror and seeing breasts."


"I know you hate that. Sorry - oops! I didn't mean that either," April mumbled as she hefted Faye's breasts and added, "I'd say a B cup now at least. Maybe a C."

Just then it seemed to hit April what she was doing, as Faye saw her reaction in the mirror.

"Kind of got carried away here," the girl said in a shaky voice, but she didn't lower her hands and continued. "Guess you know I've always had a crush on you Faye. At least I used to think it was a crush but that's for kids. I always suspected you and Mom were more than - well I don't want to know. I have no right to know but while I was jealous of Mom I was also happy because the two people in the world I loved most of all were happy and you deserved it."

"Feel free to tell me to shut up," the teen babbled as she started to retreat. "I wish I had that brandy when I had the chance because at least I would have an excuse for all this."

"No, I'm glad we skipped the brandy," Faye blurted out while grabbing April's hands and placing them back where they were. "What you've been doing? It's what I would have done when you first started visiting me if I only had the guts. I thought there were times you were flirting with me but I figured that must have been my loneliness talking to me. After all, you're a vibrant and beautiful young girl and I'm a broken down old..."

"Stop,'" April whispered before kissing the back of Faye's neck, sending shivers down the older woman's spine. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," Faye said as she sun and kissed April hard while embracing the slender teen, and the girl was out of breath when Faye's lips left hers.

"I don't how to - never been with anybody before," April blushed.

"What about that little Italian girl from around the corner? The one that used to sneak into your bedroom window and sleep over at your place?" Faye asked as she revealed she had been keeping an eye on April over the years. "If I went out back I could see your room."

"You saw Connie?" April giggled and then shrugged. "We had a communication failure. She thought that when I asked her to stay over and play video games, she actually thought I wanted to play video games. Obviously I'm not very good at this flirting and seduction thing."

"Couldn't prove it by me," Faye replied before starting to unbutton the girl's blouse, and after she got done and peeled it off April's shoulders she was breathing as loud and heavy as a locomotive.

"You okay babe?" Faye asked as she cast the blouse aside and put her hands on the teen's lightly freckled shoulders before letting them slide down her slender arms.

"Petrified," April admitted.

"Me too," Faye agreed as she brushed hair away from April's face before rubbing her soft cheek.

"You're never nervous," April mumbled but the older woman shook her head.

"I just hide it better," Faye explained as her fingers went over to the little clasp hidden in the front of the girl's bra, and as she released the hook and the padded foundation parted open Faye sighed and added, "Look at you April. So beautiful."

Faye eased the bra off the teen's shoulders while she visually devoured the modest morsels the bra had been holding, the older woman's heartbeat racing as she looked at the girl's beauty. While it was no surprise that April's breasts were small, the way the little cones thrust outward was breathtaking. They were hardly a mouthful, and perhaps not even that, but the older woman kissed her way down past the teen's prominent collarbone to find out for herself.

When Faye's mouth took in the bud April groaned, and as Faye suckled on it hungrily while her hand massaged the other breast it seemed as if the girl's knees were buckling so Faye moved her over to the bed and sat her down, easing her onto her back in the bedding.

"Not so bad so far, is it?" Faye asked from above the girl, and although April looked dazed she shook her head no and smiled weakly.

Faye returned the smile while she undid the girl's slacks, and April cooperated by lifting her rear up so that the older woman could ease them down her pale and very slender legs. Faye propped the girl's feet onto her thighs so he could pull April's white socks off, and after she tossed them aside ran her hands up and down April's silky smooth legs while looking at the bright white panties.

The old dyke felt even older than she was as her hands went up to the elastic of the panties below April's impossibly flat stomach and pert belly button. Faye moved the undies down slowly, finally reaching the little triangle of curls a bit darker red than her scalp, and after the moist panties came off the girl was naked.