The Hunter's Companions Ch. 07


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Livinia cried out in surprise when the door flung wide open. In her post-orgasmic state it took a moment for her to realize what had happened.

"WHAT THE HELL?" Livinia yelped, quickly scrambling to her feet, Belcarm's cock slid out of her with a wet slurping sound. "DON'T YOU KNOCK?" She asked, taking in the look of absolute betrayal in Kalendras's earthy brown eyes.

"I did!" He said, trying not to look at her naked body, glistening with sweat. She also knew that he was most certainly trying not to look at Belcarm, who was kneeling, naked, erect, and covered in her juices, on her bed. "But you said to come in-" At this Kalendras stopped, he looked between the two elves and his face turned to stone.

"Actually," Belcarm said, crossing his arms over his chest angrily, not bothering to cover up his raging erection. "She said she was coming."

"BELCARM!" Livinia cried in dismay, but the damage was already done. Without another word Kalendras turned and left, slamming the door shut behind him and making the room shake with the force.

Livinia's body tensed as she fought the urge to follow him. She knew that she needed to talk to him, especially after the whole fiasco a few days ago, but she was completely naked and at a complete loss for words. Also, running after Kalendras would not solve the issue she had with Belcarm.

"What?" Belcarm asked with an innocent shrug.

"It's the truth." Livinia closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Belcarm, look, there is something I need to tell you." She said, she walked over to the bed and plonked down beside him.

Livinia's sex drive had come to a screeching halt when Kalendras walked into the room. Instead of being filled with desire, her stomach was churning with guilt and anger. She should have told Belcarm earlier. Though exactly what she would have told him was a mystery- after Kalendras had abandoned her she wasn't entirely sure of where things stood between them. However, from the look of betrayal in his eyes, she knew that he hadn't taken the separation as difficultly as she had.

"I would love to listen," he said with a frown "I really would, but there is some unfinished business that is distracting me from your undoubtedly important words." A hand came down to caress her breast through her make-shift dress and she couldn't help but whimper. She had tried to turn him away, she really had, but his kisses were like a drug. Once his lips met hers her entire body was on fire.

"By the Sun Well! Belcarm, stop thinking about your cock! I'm being serious." Livinia scolded, scooting further down the bed so he couldn't distract her with his body. With a fair deal of grumbling he lowered himself into a sitting position on the opposite end of her bed.

"So what Liv?" Belcarm said with a careless shrug. "The Tauren saw us naked. No doubt he has seen plenty of couples rutting in dingy alleys and secluded coves. Can't this wait until after we are... done?" Livinia shook her head hopelessly.

"He is not just any Tauren, Belcarm-" she stopped and she felt her body flood with an uncomfortably heavy guilt. The look in Kal's eyes... The way his face turned to stone. "He's my friend."

"I know that." Belcarm said dismissively. "So what?" He asked. Livinia wanted to tear her hair out. So Belcarm had merely been staking his claim during their last guild meeting, maybe he truly had no idea.

"Bel, Kalendras and I are more than just friends..." She said, burying her head in her hands.

It took several long moments for the parts to settle into place. She could watch the entire process in his eyes as easily as she watched puppet shows in Silvermoon as a child. When the last cog had clunked into place Belcarm's mouth dropped and his eyes went wide.

"You mean...?" He trailed off and Livinia nodded.

"Yes." Livinia affirmed.

"Impossible. I would've known." Belcarm, his face turning from shock to pure disbelief.

"Well you didn't." Livinia said. Belcam's eyebrows furrowed.

"How long has this been going on?"He asked.

"Five years."


"Five years ." She repeated. She could see anger rising behind her eyes and had to stop herself from wincing. She deserved his anger, she knew that, so she had to face it.

"So, all of those times that you and he met up...?" Belcarm asked slowly.

"We weren't discussing the weather or politics." Livinia said.

"He's Tauren!" Belcarm said, nose crinkled in distaste.

"And I am Sin'dorei, what of it?" Livinia snapped.

"Anar'alah! What do you mean, what of it?" Belcarm growled back at her, "He is an overgrown bull Livinia!"

"Belcarm!" Her voice was deadly quiet and her tone full of warning. No matter what had transpired over the last week, Kalendras was still her oldest friend. She would not tolerate any malicious racial slurs against him, not even from Belcarm. Belcarm glared at her, but when she glared back at him he rolled his eyes at her. The room was filled with a tense silence as they studiously avoided each other's gaze.

"So you weren't actually angry at me, were you?" Belcarm asked, breaking through the silence but leaving the tension thoroughly intact. "You were angry because he left you."

"Well, yes. But I was annoyed at you too." Livinia said slowly.

"So when he volunteered to go with you, and you accepted, you knew that you would be going out there with him and...?" He trailed off, clearly not comfortable with the idea of discussing her interactions with Kalendras.

"Sort of." Livinia shrugged, "You have to know that it wasn't like that, Bel. I didn't just get angry at you and decide to fuck Kalendras."

"Then what was it like, hmm?" Belcarm snapped angrily, rounding his hard emerald stare on her. "You went out there with him knowing how I felt about you. You knew how I felt and you still went!" His cheeks were tinged red with anger and his jaw was set in a hard line.

"I had no idea how you felt about me!" Livinia said defensively. "Sure, we had sex, but how was I to know that you wanted more than that? You never said anything Bel! You said that you liked me, and that you wanted to fuck, but you never said that you wanted a relationship!"

"For the sake of the Sun Well! You may just be one of the smartest people I've ever met, but you can be so thick at times!" Belcarm growled, Livinia's entire body tensed at the backhanded insult. He had never spoken to her like that before, ever. He had always been so polite to her, even when she didn't deserve it. "You think I am just going to use you for a quick romp and then leave you be? Is that really what you think of me?"

"I don't know what to think, Belcarm!" Livinia cried, throwing her arms up in the air angrily. "You have to understand that this isn't how I wanted it to play out! I spent years and years mooning after Kal! Then the other week you finally told me that you were into me and I didn't know how to react!"

"Well you seem to have no problem reacting to some things!" Belcarm snapped. Livinia sighed and turned away from him, not knowing what she could say to diffuse the situation.

Livinia walked over to the window and looked out again, this time trying to see if she could spot Kalendras's telltale silver fur among the crowd. She must have missed him, either that or he had gone to his room. She heard Belcarm let out an exasperated breath before he walked over to her. She could feel the heat of his naked body less than an inch behind hers and she tensed.

"Look, you know how I feel about you now. I want you, all of you, and not just for sex. I want a proper relationship with you Liv." Belcarm's hand snaked around her waist, his skin delectably hot against hers.

Livinia sighed and rested her head against the window pane. Belcarm leant forward and pressed his lips against her ear.

"Go and find the Druid and tell him that you are with me now. You are worth more than just casual sex. I can give you a real relationship." He said.

"It isn't just casual sex with Kalendras." Livinia said. Belcarm's pulled his lips away from her and she felt his body stiffen against her, and not in a good way.

"What? Surely if you were in a relationship I would have noticed!" Belcarm said, the anger creeping back into his tone. "How long has this been going on for?"

"Oh, I don't know? One day less than you and I?" Livinia sighed with a shrug. This time Belcarm pulled away from her completely and she turned to face him, resting her back against the cool glass window.

"So what in the name of the Sun Well is going on Liv?" Belcarm asked, raking his hands through his long black hair. He was pacing now, naked and in all of his glory.

"I don't know Bel, I really don't." Livinia said softly, the truth of the words making her stomach churn.

"After all of this time we finally... and I thought that-" Belcarm turned to her, his expression pained "Who do you want? Me or him?"

Livinia walked over to where Belcarm had stopped pacing. The look of hurt on his handsome face made her heart ache furiously and part of her wanted to submit to him and him alone- anything to make him feel better. However, she couldn't do it. She didn't know who she wanted. She tried hard to think of something to say, to sort through the stormy sea of thoughts assaulting her mind.


Kalendras stormed down the steps and roughly pushed several people out of his way to get to the door. As soon as he stepped back into the main street he was hit with the wretched smell of the city and he wanted to howl in anger. The sight of the two of them, caught up in their coital bliss... It made him feel sick. The sheer amount of different emotions running through him alone made him want to pass out. Anger, betrayal, disgust, jealousy... Rightness.

That was what bothered him the most, he decided, as his feet pounded against the packed earth street. The rightness. The fact that another Blood Elf was fucking his Blood Elf. His Little One. Nitawa Kee... And it looked so damn right. They fit. They suited each other and he knew it. Belcarm was almost as pretty as Livinia was. The truth of it made him feel ill.

It made him ill and it reconfirmed why he had waited so long to tell her that he loved her. He knew they would never be right together. He knew that every time they hugged in public, or if they were to whisper I love you to each other, they would me met with scathing glares of disapproval and judgdment. Kalendras knew the reason Livinia had sung so beautifully for the Paladin. It was because the Elf played a more delicate tune than he did, a tune they were both designed to dance to.

Even though he knew he should give up now, that he had no hope, he stopped in his tracks. Livinia is mine, he thought angrily. The image of the two Elves's bodies tangled together flashed through his mind for the millionth time and his eyes filtered the world through a haze of red. Mine. The word consumed him as its possessive claws dug mercilessly into his gut.

He had spent the last month and a half fighting for the moment he had just lost. He had spent weeks on end trying to find a solution, breaking tradition, and keeping his plight to himself. He had devoted very moment of every hour of every day for the past six weeks to trying to solve his problem- and now he had, it was too late. He had left her three days earlier to make things right, only to return to find her in another's arms. He couldn't let it go like this, not after so much time and energy. Not when he was finally free to love her.

Kalendras turned back and let out an angry growl, frightening a pack of goblin children playing nearby. He ignored their wary looks and stepped straight over them. He was not about to give up on Livinia so easily. If he had to go back there and fight the Paladin for her, he would. And he would win.


"I... I don't know what to do." Livinia said softly, standing before him with but looking at the ground.

"Well, we can't share you." Belcarm said with a slight frown, it was obvious that he had been hoping her decision would have been made quickly and in his favor.

"For once, Paladin, I agree with you." Kalendras's voice boomed through the room and Livinia gasped, turning to see the huge Tauren in the doorway. He stepped through the threshold and slammed the door shut behind him. Belcarm's eyes flickered to where his mace was leaning up against the wall and Kalendras laughed. "Go ahead, grab your weapon... if you think that will help." He urged, his tone eerily familiar to Livinia.

It took one look into his raging eyes to see why the tone was familiar. Livinia knew what Kalendras looked like when he was enraged. She had seen him when he was facing an enemy, and was so taken with his bloodlust that all thoughts of mercy fled from him.

"Kal..." Livinia took a couple of steps towards the Druid, her sheet still wrapped tightly around her. He ignored her though, he had eyes only for Belcarm.

"You have got to be joking." Belcarm said angrily, completely oblivious to the fact that he was still completely nude, Livinia's juices dried and staining his manhood. "You can't possibly think that you can give her what she needs." Livinia froze and watched as Kalendras sized up Belcarm.

"I assure you, Elf, I have more than enough of what she needs." Kalendras growled, this time it was Belcarm who laughed.

"What I need," Livinia hissed as black spots flitted across her vision and pain lanced through her head, this was a nightmare "is for both of you to leave." She needed space, and time to think.

"No!" Their responses were simultaneous, both took a step closer to her.

The two males continued to stare at each other and Livinia knew that if she didn't act soon there would be bloodshed. However, before she could think of something to say to dispel the tension Kalendras took action. With a loud grunt the Tauren reached forward and gripped the sheet she had wrapped around her, he gave it a hard tug and it fell away, revealing her nakedness. The next instant he swept her into his embrace and ran his tongue up the side of her neck. Livinia couldn't help but moan at the feeling of his rough wetness, she was so attuned to his attention that even the smallest of actions could drive her wild. There was a dull thud and a scraping sound and Livinia turned to see that Belcarm had taken up his weapon.

"Stop." She moaned, as Kalendras ran one furry hand over her naked breasts. No one in the room knew who the comment was aimed at. She had to bite her lip to stop herself from responding when one thick finger found its way to her nether regions as Kalendras probed her moist womanhood.

"She how I can give her exactly what she needs?" Kalendras hissed, finally looking away from her. She didn't need to see Belcarm's face to know what he would look like- she could picture the rage and disgust. "Do you really think your little mace will change anything?" He asked.

"Osa diel do su mush'al! Lo ri a lien!"

You have to be joking! He is a bull, Livinia!

Belcarm hissed rudely reverting to Thalassian in order to his words from Kalendras. The Tauren's bitter laughter echoed through the room as he turned to glare at the Paladin.

"E shand do'rah Thalassian, osa kim 'jael!" Kalendras growled in heavily accented Thalassian.

I speak fluent Thalassian, you little rat!

"Kal grew up in Silvermoon, you know that." Livinia said softly, too distracted by Kalendras's attentions to reprimand Belcarm for his rudeness or the comment itself. As relatively new members of the Horde it was common courtesy for Blood Elves to speak Orcish when in the company of other races, so for Belcarm to revert to Thalassian in front of Kalendras it was the height of rudeness.

There was a loud clunk as Belcarm's weapon hit the floor. Before Livinia could turn to see what was happening, she felt hot skin against her back, Belcarm's flaccid member pressing against the curve just above her arse. She looked up into Kalendras's eyes just in time to see the rage turn into something new... determination. Kalendras gently placed his finger at her entrance and then pushed. Livinia threw her head back involuntarily at the feeling of Kalendras's digit sliding inside of her, though the thing that made her moan was Belcarm's soft lips kissing her neck. The strangeness of the situation should have bothered her, the fact that both of her men were with her at the same time, but with Kal's finger inside her and Belcarm's lips upon her neck she could not see through the fog of her lust.

Belcarm's arms wrapped around her waist and she felt herself being torn from Kal, his finger slipping out of her. Belcarm scooped her into his arms and carried her over to the bed. With a grunt he deposited her on her hands and knees and climbed onto the bed behind her, resuming the position they were in before this whole mess began. Just as Livinia looked up, eyes searching for Kalendras, Belcarm slammed himself inside her. He grabbed her with both hands as he thrust inside her, burying himself to the hilt with every stroke. Her mouth fell open and moans fled from her lips as she tried to catch the Tauren's gaze. Kalendras, though, was glaring at Belcarm as he took her from behind, knowing that this was a challenge. As Belcarm fucked her, with Livinia doing nothing but taking it, he was showing Kalendras that he could indeed pleasure her. She should stop it, she knew that, but her body was filled with desire and the promised of the fulfillment she had been denied just minutes before.

Not one to shy away from a challenge, Kalendras pushed his breeches down over his furry legs and kicked them aside. His massive erection stood firm as he crossed the floor. At the sight of his throbbing member Livinia's breath caught in her throat.

"I don't even need to touch her to make her want me." Kalendras said, Belcarm pounded into her harder and she cried out, her eyes closing as she concentrated on the feel of him moving in and out of her.

Her ability to screen out everything other than the feeling of Belcarm driving into her did not last for long. She cried out in pain as she felt a sharp pull on her hair. Her eyes snapped open just in time for her to see Kalendras's cock before he forced it into her mouth. She gagged for a moment before she adjusted to his size, and only then was her body able to register the dual sensation of being taken from both ends. After a few moments the thrusting became synchronized and her head spun with the desire and pleasure that flooded through her. Both Kalendras and Belcarm slammed into her at the same time, the force of their thrusts jarring her entire frame, before they both withdrew and left her desperate to be filled again.

Lust filled her and Livinia was unable to resist the temptation any longer. Her hand slipped between her legs and her fingers found her clitoris. As she rubbed herself she looked behind her to see Belcarm, his eyes drinking in the sight of his manhood ramming her. She felt another rough tug of her hair and she looked up at Kalendras who was staring down at her intently. She went to look back to Belcarm, but Kalendras gave her hair another, harder, tug and she cried out with that hallmark combination of pleasure pain that only Kal could induce, her core twitched and tightened around Belcarm.

"How does it make you feel," Kalendras grunted as he thrust "to know that she tightens around you because of the pleasure I'm giving her?" Another, more gentle, tug of her hair and Kalendras's hand pulling her head towards his groin was all it took to send her over the edge. She screamed and screamed as wave upon wave of pleasure crashed over her, her insides tightening around Belcarm, making him moan as she did. Just as she was coming down from her high Belarm pulled out of her and his hands dragged her away from Kalendras so that his rod slid out of her mouth.