The Intellectual Pansexual Ch. 01

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Freshman jock expands his sexual horizons.
4.8k words

Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/27/2018
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Taylor Harrison stepped out of his business class at the University of Miami, blinking against the brightness of the Florida sun. Tight-bodied teenagers gaggled all around him, most of them overtopped by the six-foot-three swimmer.

"Down, boy," Taylor chuckled to himself. His knee-length boardshorts brushed against his cockhead, scraping it unkindly. It was both arousing and uncomfortable at the same time, the perfect combination to keep his cock swollen just enough to create a tantalizing bulge in his shorts. He'd given up wearing underwear two years ago and had never regretted it.

Today his bulge was fuller than usual. He'd finally decided to take a step he'd been pondering for months. He was a little nervous but more excited, and the anticipation was making him horny. Not that it took much to turn him on in the first place. At the moment, he was trembling on the verge of full-blown, irremediable public boner. He walked quickly and hoped he would make it to the library in time.

Josh Herrera was waiting for him there, kicked back in an armchair in one of the study areas. They were alone, Taylor noticed, glancing around him. It was a Friday afternoon early in the semester, and Miami's sluttiest students were getting ready to hit the clubs. He sank down in the chair opposite the other freshman, dropping his backpack beside him.


"Hey there." Josh had a beautiful smile, quite endearing. He stood five inches shorter than Taylor, and his mocha skin was a contrast to the taller boy's golden tan and blonde hair. Where Taylor was broad and big, Josh was lean and tight, with a runner's build. His tight button-down blue shirt and jean shorts gripped his toned body. Leather flip-flops rested by his feet, discarded for comfort. Taylor found himself doing the same with his rubber ones. A sleeveless tank paired with his multicolored shorts made him stand out even more next to the more tailored boy.

"Thanks for meeting me." Taylor relaxed in the chair, putting his few worries aside, as he'd always done in competition. Focus on the goal.

"No problem." Josh put away his phone. "Got any plans for the weekend?"

"Nothing yet. You?"

"Got a date tonight." Both boys grinned knowingly. "So, what's up?"

"Okay," Taylor said, "I'm going to have to get about this in a roundabout way, because I think I know a bunch of things about you, but I'm not sure about them, and before I start spitting things out based on my assumptions...I want to make sure I'm not being a douche. So can I ask you a few things that will hopefully help me figure something out?"

Josh looked at him more closely. "Personal things?"

"Well, yeah. We only really know each other from history class."

"Go for it."

"Okay." Taylor paused. "So I've been checking out your social media. You like guys and girls both, right?"


"So would you call yourself bi?"

Josh shook his head and chuckled. " really want the real story?"

"Yeah. That's what I'm here for. You don't pull any punches in class. Don't do it with me, either."

"Good. I'm pansexual. I don't care whether it's a guy, girl, trans guy, trans girl-whatever someone is or wants to identify as. If they're attractive and good at sex, I'll sleep with them. And attraction isn't just a physical thing for me, either. If someone I don't find physically attractive has a particular sexual talent that appeal to me, that's just as much of a turnon. Does that make sense?"

Taylor nodded, listening closely. "Do you have a preference when it comes to dating, though?"

"I do. Not everyone does. But generally I feel more romantically attracted to guys. That's an average, not a hard and fast rule. I'm going out with a girl tonight, for example."

"Sweet," Taylor said, savoring the idea. "You're kind of a showoff, aren't you?"

"What, you mean my speedo pics? The nude ones at Haulover? The makeout shots?"

"How about all of the above?"

"Hey, I'll be honest with you. I love sex. I need sex. Sex is good for you. I'm not shy about that. I like to share it. What's wrong with that?"

"Abso-fucking-lutely nothing. You're pretty incredible." The swimmer tried to keep his expression under control as he framed his next question. "Do you go both ways with a guy?"

"You mean am I versatile?" Josh smirked. "Yeah. Why. Where is this going?" He reached out with one of his feet and stroked Taylor's shaved leg gently. "Would you like to go back to my dorm?"

Taylor let out a half-stifled laugh and leaned forward. "'s not quite that easy."

"Okay, enlighten me."

The taller boy looked his classmate in the eye and swallowed. "I'm straight."

"Well, that's okay, too..."

"No, not really." Taylor took a deep breath. "I don't want to be straight."

Josh frowned slightly. "I'd love to take you to bed, too, but if you're straight, you're straight. You've got no control over your sexuality."

"No," Taylor countered, "but I control how I sexually identify, don't I?"

"Well, sure. But your sexual identity is based in part on your sexual behavior. Have you ever been with a guy?"

"Not yet."

"You think if you hook up with me it will make you bisexual?"

"That's not what I'm getting at," Taylor said. "This isn't really about you. It's about me wanting to make a conscious choice to change my whole sexual behavior. And with it, how I identify. Let's say-you're a sex-positive, versatile, homoromantic pansexual. And I want to be-I guess, a sex-positive, versatile, heteroromantic pansexual."

"Why?" Josh asked. "Why do you want to go from boring Minnesota straight guy to hip young pan guy in the middle of an orgy? You just said you were straight. Which I take to mean you're not sexually attracted to guys at all, unless you're repressing something."

"No, that's not it either," Taylor retorted, slightly frustrated. "Why do I want to do this?" He sighed. "Look, something like half of people have sexual feelings towards both men and women during their lives-is that right?"

"About, yeah."

"But how many of those identify as bi or pan? How many admit it? Hardly any. Bisexuals and pansexuals get treated like shit by straights and gays alike. They get erased, or told they're whores, as if being horny was a bad thing. Hell, if we had honesty in society, monosexual people would be in a minority. We'd have a lot more sex positivity, a safer world, better health-yeah, I've been doing some reading. For a while now. And I think it sucks that bi and pan people get shoved into the background. And I'm not just going to sit here and let it happen if I can do something about it personally."

"Wait a second." Josh sat up and tucked his legs underneath him. "You want to come out as pan simply to set a good example for others?"


"Wow." He stared at the swimmer appreciatively. "That would be pretty strong commitment to a cause."

"I think it's important," Taylor said earnestly. Now he seemed slightly embarrassed. "Look, I know it sounds weird, like I want to play some kind of game...but I'm dead serious. I want to come out as pan and take the consequences."

"That's actually really noble of you, to try to take the burden of others and make it easier for them." The swimmer blushed. "What about your family?"

"They'll just have to learn to accept me."

"What if they question your decision?"

"I'll just say I've discovered new things about myself at college. Which I will have."

"So you're actually going to live this desire of yours? All the way?"

Taylor nodded. "I'm going to sleep around. I'm going to show off my body. I'm going to take the risks. I don't know why. I've got to. It's...right."

"There are those who would say you'd be living a lie."

"But it won't be a lie," Taylor said earnestly. He gestured awkwardly with his long arms, as if throwing something away from him. "I refuse to be straight or act straight. I don't want it. I want to be-well, fuck, I want to be you." He sighed. "Look, Josh, I'm trusting you with a lot here. I don't know why, but you make me feel comfortable talking about this. You're the only person I've ever met who I thought might understand where I'm coming from. And I'm not gonna tell anyone else. You're the only one who's ever going to know about my transformation." Now the high school athlete was actually trembling slightly with the intensity of his emotion. "Accept me or reject me-it's your call. But I've burned my bridges just by talking to you. From here on...if somebody asks me about my sexuality, I'm coming out."

There was silence between the two boys for a full minute. Then Josh reached out and took Taylor's hand.

"Welcome to the family, pan boy."

Taylor smiled with relief. His cock erected instantly down the leg of his shorts. Josh saw it and whistled softly.

"Your dick sure knows what it likes. You sure it's not into guys and hasn't been telling you?"

"It's a teenage dick," Taylor snorted. "It's into everything."

"Including me?"

"Looks like it." The swimmer squeezed Josh's hand. "I wish like hell I was turned on by you. You're so hot."

"So if you're not turned on by a guy, how are you going to handle the mechanics of sex with a guy?"

"Well," Taylor said, blushing a little, "I've given that some thought."


"Okay...I said I'm not turned on by guys. That's true. On the flip side of that, though, I'm not turned off by guys, either, like a lot of men seem to be. So I figure that once my horny young dick starts feeling someone else touching it, as long as I'm not repulsed, it's going to get hard, and I'm going to enjoy whatever my playmate is doing to it."

Josh grinned. "Fair enough."

"You think it makes sense?"

"Hell yeah. I've done a few genuine straight guys in my time. That didn't stop them from creaming down my throat once I got them nice and throbbing. Pure physical reaction."

"You're a slut and I love it," Taylor said with an impish smile.

"You want me to train you to be a slut, too, don't you?" Josh retorted.

"You've already given me a lot by listening and understanding. But if you wanted to..."

"I think you need an expert to make you into a good pan guy."

"And you're an expert?"

"I lost my virginity to a neighbor girl when I was twelve and haven't looked back since. Think that qualifies?"

"Oh, yeah. That's incredibly hot to think about." By now both their swollen pricks were clearly leaking precum into their shorts.

"Thanks. What else have you got going for your newfound sexuality?"

"Sexual roles," Taylor chuckled. "I said I wanted to be vers like you. And I think I can be with practice. But if I can't keep it up, I can always default to bottom, right?"

"Heck yeah. A hot jock like you will have no shortage of offers to take it up your bubble ass. And some bottoms don't get hard anyway, so no one will question that."

"That's what I figured. And there's always just blowing another guy."

"Oral sex is THE most important part of sex," Josh stated. "Guy or girl. You've got to pay lots of attention to sucking cock and eating pussy. And no one will ever throw you out of bed if you're good at that."

"I can't wait to taste my first cock. Yours, if you'll let me."

"I could almost cum from the thought of violating your dirty pansexual mouth with my load for the first time," Josh groaned. "God, if you're naturally horny, you're going to have it made."

"Always have been. And weed makes me hard every time."

"And it's not like there's weed everywhere in Florida or anything," Josh said sarcastically. "Or like I first smoked it during sex. Oh, wait..."

"Did your mom read you the riot act about damaging your brain like mine did?"

"Nah, she just told me to go slow. I usually save it up for really good sex sessions." He winked at Taylor. "Want to go back to my room and split a bowl?"

"I love your innuendo," the blonde grinned. "Is it safe?"

"My roommate doesn't care."

"That sounds amazing," Taylor said. He was beaming. Josh felt a surge of lust as he contemplated the other boy's young beauty and power, and how willing he was to give it all over to doing something uncommon. His eyes zeroed in on the swimmer's shorts. And then he understood.

"You really are turned on by all of this!" Josh exclaimed suddenly. "Not by me-but by the thought of being with me. Not because of me-but because it's something...defiant. Perverse. Deviant. Taboo. Unconventional. You're turned on by the unusual. That's what makes you tick!"

"Wow," Taylor said, slightly jolted. "You're good."

"I don't have to be. You're dripping in your drag shorts."

"Yeah, but figuring out that it was caused by something other than your tight little body takes insight."

"I'm taking you at your word. Which means you're not lying. Which means that I have to look for the source of your arousal elsewhere. This isn't just a cause for you-it's a sexual turnon in a whole different way."

Taylor nodded. "It's both."

"How long did it take you to figure that out?"

"All my life. I came here, and..." He waved a hand vaguely towards the windows.

"It catalyzed it?"

"Yeah." Taylor actually looked sad for a minute. "They could all be having such great sex without limits, but they're afraid. Someone's got to lead the way."

"And fortunately you find that idea hot."

"Yeah. I want to be a pure sexual being. I don't want to be afraid anymore. Courage turns me on. And the more I think about doing something daring and unusual...the harder I get."

Josh stood up and held out his hand. "Come here."

Taylor took the outstretched fingers, allowing Josh to lead him off behind one of the stacks of books. They were alone. Even in the heavy stillness of the library, their bare feet made no noise on the carpet. Out of sight, Josh stopped and turned around. He looked up into Taylor's eyes, their chests inches apart. They could feel each other's warmth, a radiant aura in the cold of the air conditioning.

Taylor kissed him without any prompting. He was good, Josh realized. Gentle yet powerful. Caring. Slightly, ever so slightly, detached, and almost better because of it. Oddly, Josh found the sensation more titillating than if Taylor had been fawning all over him. Here was a gorgeous boy willingly doing something that gave him no direct pleasure in order to bring pleasure to his lovers. He was turned on solely by the idea that he was giving pleasure to another. An intellect far more subtle than one would expect from a jock slumbered within his golden frame.

Their tongues wound about one another, and their cockheads kissed through the restraining fabric of their shorts. The contact was the merest brushing. Neither of them made a move that could bring pressure to bear on their leaking manhoods.

They broke apart, and Josh stroked Taylor's cheek. "How did you like that?"

"I want to do it again every day for the rest of my life," Taylor replied simply. "I can't believe how turned on I am from making out with another guy in public."

"Hang out with me and you'll be doing it a lot," Josh said. The boys pecked at one another again, breathing faster with desire. "Come on, let's go. I don't believe in wearing clothes, either."

"Is that part of sex positivity?"

"Oh, yeah."

"Do we really need these, then?" Taylor joked, nudging his sandals with his toe.

Josh chuckled. "You're right." The boys stuffed their sandals into their bags and walked out of the library, trying not to think about their arousal. Josh took Taylor's hand.

"I'm out now," Taylor said, unable to contain his smile.

"Well, no matter what happens, from here on, anyone who sees you will always be convinced you're queer," Josh said.

"Good." Taylor gave him a squeeze. "I want that."

Josh's room was on the fifth floor of one of the towers overlooking Lake Osceola. From the window, they could see the fountain in the lake spraying its arches in the distance. There was a poster on one wall showing Alam Wernick in front of the Miami skyline. Taylor took a closer look at it. Yep, it was autographed.

"Like it?" Josh said, unbuttoning his shirt.

"Definitely," Taylor agreed, tossing his tank top to the desk. "What about your roommate?"

"He dropped out and fortunately they haven't assigned anyone new yet."

"Good." Both boys stepped out of their shorts at once. Josh's dick was a thick seven inches; Taylor's a thick eight or more. Where Josh pointed straight up, Taylor hung swollen at the horizontal, not quite rigid. It was ambiguous and tremendously inviting, because it made you want to drop down on your knees and tease it to full hardness. Both of them were completely shaved, their musculature unimpaired by any visual distortions. Both had speedo tans, although Josh's tanline was much fainter than Taylor's.

"You wear a proper swimsuit," Josh said approvingly. He brushed a couple of fingers along Taylor's tanline.

"Shorts aren't swimwear," Taylor replied, his breathing quickening. A drop of precum grew at the end of his cock and began to fall, spinning out a silver strand behind it.

Instead of reaching for the swimmer's shaft, Josh turned away and walked across to his desk, comfortable and casual in his nudity. He took out a tightly-sealed jar in a plastic bag and a small black object.

"No bong?" Taylor asked, looking over his shoulder.

"Nah. Vaporizers are way better for cleanup and not getting caught." The weed in the jar was golden with trichomes and smelled fruity, almost like pineapple. "This is a Puna Budder cross. I got it from a couple I know down in the Keys. They're going to grow commercially when it's legal. For now, they're just aficionados." Josh grinned as he packed the bowl of the vaporizer. "They're probably stoned out of their minds and screwing like mad right now."

"So am I going to meet them at some point?"

"I hope so. When you're ready for your first fourgy."

"Fourgy? I like that."

"You will. You haven't even asked me what kind of couple they are."

"That's the beautiful thing about being pan," Taylor said. His hands encircled Josh's torso, stroking him softly while he leaned down and kissed the shorter boy on his earlobe. "I don't have to. I trust your taste, so if you did them, they must be hotties. And if they are, I'm ready to give myself to them sexually, regardless of gender or identity."

"Okay, you need to stop making me crush on you so hard," Josh giggled. "You're insanely sexy when you talk about abandoning all sexual restraint."

"I can talk the talk, but I can't walk the walk yet," Taylor murmured. "Teach me."

Josh snapped the vaporizer on and drew deeply, then blew a cloud of fragrant smoke out the window. He passed it to Taylor. "Lesson number one."

"They told us in high school it was stupid to mix drugs and sex." There was a look of bliss on Taylor's face as he inhaled.

"They lied. Most psychoactives enhance sex. In the 1800s weed was frequently recommended as an aphrodisiac. That's why it got banned. Officials were afraid it would lead to sleeping around."

"If only."

It took them several minutes to finish off the first bowl, and a second one Josh filled. Neither boy touched the other while they smoked. They contented themselves with staring, feasting their eyes on one another, keeping their cocks swollen and eager. The anticipation was almost painful.

"Come on," Josh said at last. He led Taylor over to the bed and stretched out, pulling the swimmer down next to him. Their naked pricktips brushed one another, and they shivered.

"Make love to me, please," Taylor begged. Suddenly he looked uncertain, more so than he ever had when merely discussing his sexuality.

"We'll go slow," Josh promised. "I want you to savor every minute of this. And I want to enjoy you, too. One day at a time."

Taylor kissed him again. "You taste like weed. That's hot."

"Ever smoked during sex before?"