The Knight

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A scifi adventure into the realm of time travel.
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The Knight, from the novel ‘War of the Walkers’

A slow, steady alarm could be heard throughout the complex and the red flashing lights sensors warned every person that the jump team was ready to report to the laboratory sub station immediately.

The scramble was chaotic. Meals were deserted, sleep was interrupted, and conversations ceased without proper ending as staff quickly piled into the waiting express elevators. Twenty-six floors below, the team leader awaited his staff.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come. We have exactly twenty-four hours to get all the necessary information into the computers and finalize all last minute technical adjustments on our travel equipment. Let’s get cracking folks, time’s wasting away!” Magnus led his people like a shepherd leads his sheep. The little sermon he gave motivated his staff and they quickly dispersed to act out on their assigned duties.

After the final hours passed, the work was complete and three men stood equipped and ready for the first time travel jump in history.

“Pesto, Josef, are you ready?”

“Yes Magnus. I’m ready.” Replied Pesto, the tallest of the three.

“So am I. Let’s do it.” Replied Josef, the brainiac.

The monitors were activated, and soon where the three men stood, now only empty space remained.

The three men reappeared in an open field. Looking around them, they could see several hills surrounding the vale that they were in. The earth was still damp with the early morning dew. The air itself was chilly and they could see their breath in front of them.

Suddenly, hoots and howlers could be heard over the horizon as the ground beneath them began to shudder.

“It’s a stampede!” yelled Josef.

“I don’t think so. It would appear that we have translocated in between two very large armies of knights. Look over that hill!” exclaimed Pesto.

Over the east hill, a large force of mounted horsemen crested the hill, charging vigorously toward the vale in which the scientists stood. They were followed by a large number of running knights, swords swaying through the air.

The west hill soon responded to the charge, as more horsemen and knights crept out from over the hill. Several of the mounted knights charged forth with lances drawn out before them, wanting nothing more but to dismount the oncoming wave of attackers.

“I think we should find some safe area, and quick.” Said Magnus looking back at his assistants.

Both Josef and Pesto had already left his rear and were heading straight for an opening in the gigantic rock face to the south of the battlefield. Magnus quickly joined them in their desperate attempt to escape the clash of forces between the two armies. They narrowly managed to find refuge and avoided being trampled by the massive hooves of the war-horses.

The two opposing armies collided. The sound of swords striking armor and the cries of pain echoed through the vale. Those sounds exploded inside the tiny cave where the scientists sought refuge. It was damp and moldy inside that cave, yet it was safe, far away from the battle below.

“Are you sure we arrived at the right time? It seems to me that we could have picked a better time to come.” Asked Pesto covering his ears, trying to blot out the deafening sounds outside.

“It appears to be so. My Portable says we’re right on time.” Replied Professor Magnus, checking the small watch type equipment. The small computer screen blinked green with the year 1000 in bright red.

“It also stipulates that the man we search is the second in command of the east army. Their leader will be defeated and he will have no choice but to take command of the troops. Now, the only problem is, how do we find him in all this mess?” continued Magnus.

“On my Portable, it notes that he will be leading the charge against the retreating west knights, and take them into custody.” Answered Josef.

“Then all we have to do is wait for the leader to die, and see who takes over from there.”

“That’s exactly right Pesto. Now shut up and pay attention to the battle. Watch for any forces retreating, the larger, the better.” Replied Magnus in an irritated voice.

They watched the ensuing battle just outside the tiny cave entrance. The clashing of steel on steel was indeed deafening. Glistening swords cut through their targets with ease and heavy maces crashed down on some of the helmeted soldiers, knocking them from their mounts. Arrows flew across the battlefield, littering it with bloody bodies, twitching in agony.

As predicted, the leader of the east army faltered in his saddle, his right arm raised above his head, waiting to deliver a crushing blow with his elevated sword to the whimpering knight at his feet. He suddenly toppled forward with an arrow protruding from the back of his neck and another one between his shoulder blades, wedged into the chain mail he wore.

Seeing his commander fall from his mount to his death, the knight on his left flank veered his horse around to see the retreating archers make their way through the death filled plains. Calling out to the others, the knight attracted the attention of a large, barbarian looking man.

The barbarian howled in anguish at the demise of the commander that he swore to serve. Picking up a carelessly dropped broad axe, he sliced a nearby tree in two at the trunk in one swift blow. The tree toppled over and he sliced at it once more, leaving the branched behind, scattered loosely around.

Mounting his stallion, he leveled the tree before him, turning the stump into a large makeshift lance and charged the mounted west knights protecting their archers. One by one, they fell from their mounts, opening a large passage for the attacking east army. Several others surrounded the retreating cowards and soon they found that they could go no further.

The first knight appeared before the cowering west archers and bellowed in his deep, rich voice.

“Halt! Halt, in the honor of the Great King of the East, King Aldreg.”

Surrounded, the west army of knights dropped their weapons and surrendered to the barbarian before them.

“You are condemned to death by hanging. Your crime; treason and desertion of the King. Our King has sent us forth to settle your judgement and enforce His sentence. Any further attempts to flee are futile, for you are few and feeble. Now drop to your knees and beg for our forgiveness or meet your death upon our swords. Death by hanging can always be changed, but the sword is immediate. We shall return all of you to see His Majesty and He will determine your fate.”

The three scientists looked at each other in pure amazement.

“I think we have found Sir D. Anger. He looks like he would definitely be a very good prospect. The question is, will he decide to, or even consider leaving his command to return with us?” asked Magnus.

“How about we wait until nightfall Magnus? This way we can creep into his camp and get him out to talk to him.”

“That wouldn’t work Pesto. There is bound to be guards all around that campsite tonight. We are talking about an entire army who has just captured renegades. I don’t think they want any surprise visits or a return charge from the surviving west knights. We wouldn’t be able to even get within thirty yards of the encampment before being spotted.” Replied Josef.

“I have the solution. Let’s jump into the camp and take him back out with us. We could translocate him back to the cave with us and talk to him there.”

“An excellent idea Professor Magnus, with only one catch. How do we anticipate his exact location?”

“We’ll have to take our chances Josef. If we don’t appear near him, we jump back here and try until we find him.”

As they prepared for their experiment, Pesto suggested something neither of them had thought of. He suggested splitting up the jump team, improving their chances in finding the knight in a smaller amount of time. The other two men agreed to the idea, and set forth to make the necessary adjustments to their equipment.

Fishing out their tools from their hip pouches, they all set to work on their Portables. Magnus finished first and inspected the work of his assistants. The repairs complete, Josef, Pesto and Magnus synchronized their watches.

“Let’s all report here every five minutes. This way there won’t be any unnecessary jumps out there. This way, we will know when Anger is found. Ready? Then let’s do it!” explained the professor.

They exited the cave carefully and walked slowly toward the knights’ encampment. When they estimated that they were a little close for comfort, they moved back a bit and simultaneously pressed and activated their Portables.

Several attempts were made that night, but the young assistant Pesto was the one who finally found the knight among the sleeping others. Attaching a Jump Jack on Anger’s wrist, he translocated both himself and the knight back to the cave.

“What do you think you are doing? Where am I and what have you done with my troops?” questioned the startled knight once back at the cave.

“Do not worry. We mean no harm to you or your men. We are from the future and seek your help." Replied Magnus trying to settle the shaken knight.

“The future?!? I, Sir D. Anger, First Knight to the King of the East, King Aldreg, do not believe in such profane idiocy. How could you, mere men, have come from the future? I must admit that indeed the trio before men do appear strange and unfamiliar, but you may only be from a far away land, yet uncharted by our scribes. You do not appear to be sorcerers or mages; therefore, proof is what I seek from you. The future, yes indeed, blasphemy!!!”

“It is a long an complicated experiment. Let’s light a fire and explain it all to you in more detail.”

Pesto extracted a lighter from his pocket and lit a small fire in the middle of the cave floor. Once the fire started crackling, they all sat down and discussed the events leading up to this encounter.

After a few hours, Anger still appeared quite confused, but listened intently to their story. Magnus concluded the description of the experiment and looked straight at Sir D. Anger.

“And our problem is one that may affect the entire world. We have a very large battle on the verge of happening. We are looking for some good men and women to help us prevent the possible destruction of the world. Our question to you sir knight, are you willing to join us in our battle versus the evil forces threatening to destroy us?”

“How am I to know or believe that you sir are not the evil in which you talk so easily about? It is not to my knowledge that attempting to join a team of futuristic men who claim their world, our world, is on the verge of destruction, is in the best of mine or any other mere men. It is beyond my lifetime, therefore sirs, why should I concern myself of the risk that I would be subjecting myself and my family in joining with you? Excuse me if I am mistaken, but you may be the reason for your own demise in the world of which you are speaking of.”

“Let me test your sense of good judgement then. Why would we venture forth to summon you Sir Knight, when we know you would only join us to crush evil forces? If we were indeed the evil that you speak of, would your soul not see that from the beginning and crush us where we stand? We would not be here talking to you, if we had not been pure of heart. After all, evil seeks only the dark forces to do its bidding, does it not?” asked Josef.

“Well met sir Josef. I can see that you are well verse in the tongue of truth and honesty. Indeed, you may be correct, but if I may, I wish to reflect on what you have brought forth to me. Insight into this dilemma will come from inside. I must confer with my troops prior to departure, if I choose to leave among you. I shall return shortly and inform you of my decision. Be well.”

Several hours later, he rejoined the team.

“Sirs, I have made my decision. I shall accept your offer, but I must insist on bringing my lieutenant along with me. His name is Tristian Lancelace. Possibly his name would have appeared on that list of yours. If it is not, an oversight must have been committed, yet it may not be entirely your fault. I must have him at my side. He is good, loyal and a very solid man. He would be an invaluable man to have in your party.”

Magnus looked over to his assistants, and they both nodded in agreement.

“Very well, it would appear that we are all in agreement. Please make the necessary arrangements that you must make. We shall leave upon your return. And thank you Sir D. Anger.” He replied.

“I shall meet with my men and will return before the next night fall. Until then, be well my friends.”

The dark knight exited the cave and carefully made his way through the broken pass leading down to the vale below and his sleeping troops. Once at the bottom, he proceeded to the center of the camp, and began the search for his lieutenant. He soon found him, mere meters away from where Anger himself had been sleeping earlier.

The large man slept with his sword crossed over his chest. He wore a brown tunic, stained with rust and blood from the many battles they had fought side by side. His red hair lay around his head, and his beard and moustache were still wet from the ale he had consumed prior to his fitful slumber.

Sir D. Anger quietly approached the husky man and woke him.

“Tristian come with me. Bring what you need for travel and accompany me to the edge of the encampment.” He said softly.

Tristian looked at his commander and comrade in a stupefied stare.

“No questions right now, just follow my orders.”

Tristian wiped the sleep from his shaggy head and gathered his chain mail and sword. Carefully lifting his armor into the backpack and sheathing his weapon, he walked behind Anger.

“Where are we traveling to sir?” he asked.

“Shh! Let’s not wake the other soldiers. Just follow me to the clearing.”

Both men crossed the ranks of sleeping knights until they found themselves in front of the horses, picketed to the nearby trees at the edge of the forest.

“We must not wake anyone. We have a very important quest before us Tristian and I cannot explain it in detail to a simple soldier. That is why I chose you to accompany me on this quest. I known you for quite some time and I know that you are an intelligent and loyal friend. You shall serve and fight by my side, as it has always been, yet some things are hard to explain, even comprehend. I need your word of honor that you will be there in my time of need.”

“Sir D. Anger, I shall and will follow your command wherever it may lead me. The hounds of hell may be snapping their menacing teeth in our faces, and I will charge for thee. You can have my word of honor as a soldier and a friend.”

“Very well then. We shall venture forth through the pass before us and enter the cave above. There we will find three men. These men do not look like knights that we have encountered before. They say that they are from the future.”

“The future?!? Ha, blasphemy, I say! Sir Anger, how may you possibly believe in this arrogant idea?”

“I, myself, thought in the same manner as you do Tristian, but our god commanded it to be so, therefore, I must believe in what they speak. If they speak that their world will cease to exist if we do not attempt to come to their aid, then I must believe them. I do not have all the knowledge as of this moment, but I am sure that these strangers will be very capable in filling us in the obscure nature of their plans.”

“And you assure me that our god has fully convinced you that this is what we must do?” Tristian asked skeptically

“Yes Tristian. I prayed to Agosh, and he has told me that it is to be done in this manner and with haste. He also informed me that a wise decision was made as I chose to bring you along. He was a little cryptic why it is so important that you come along, but he has always been cryptic, and I do not question our god.”

“Let it be so done. Let us meet these men and come to their aid in their most pressing and urgent struggle.”

Both men gathered their belongings from their horses and fitted themselves with their armor, the shiny metal glistening in the moonlit night. Clanking through the pass, they found their way to the cave above. They made enough noise on their way that they alerted the scientists awaiting the return of the knight and his companion.

“Magnus, he’s back. And you should see the help he brought along. Do you remember the guy who chopped down that tree? Well, it’s him and he’s a big boy.” Said Pesto as he watched the two knights climbing the pass.

The professor rushed to Pesto’s side as the two advancing knights entered the cave opening. Magnus’ neck was stretched as he attempted to look at the tall husky man before him.

“Is everything well Sir knights?” he asked.

“It is sir Magnus. This is Sir Tristian Lancelace, my first lieutenant and my childhood companion. These, my friend, are sir Magnus, sir Pesto and sir Josef. These men are the men that are in dire need of our aid. Please be kind Tristian.” He said, turning to the small giant at his side.

“Pleased to meet thee. I hope that we may aid you in your quest in the forces of good over evil. I shall take the same dedication to this venture as I would any other, for good must always triumph over the forces of the dark side. Let us go forth and squelch this pestilence doth which you speak.”

“I like this guy!” whispered Pesto, nudging Josef in the ribs.

The five men discussed what was awaiting the knights in the future. Having settled any questions that the two armored men might have had, the professor handed them two Portables to strap around their wrists. He helped them put the instruments on, and showed them how to activate them.

“Are we ready to return with our first team members?” asked Josef.

“I think so. Sir D. Anger, are your knights aware of your departure?” asked a concerned Magnus.

“My knights will awake to a find a parchment stating of our departure. It will be one of religious following; therefore, no questions will arise from this sudden decision. It will not entirely be a lie, as I have spoken with our god and he told me to follow you. The quest is not fully detailed, for fear of them not completely understanding the true nature of our journey. Knights take orders well, but they do not have the greatest intellect sometimes. I have left command of the army to my second in command. He is a good, solid man, and will do provide excellent leadership in returning the troops and prisoners back to our King.”

“Alright then, let’s do it!” exclaimed Magnus.

The five men looked at one another, pressed their Portables and soon the cave was once again empty.

To Be Continued…

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