The Long Road to Ruin Ch. 30


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"Bastian says you do and that you'll say anything to have your way."

"He's wrong. Believe me."

"You lie, Shiloh. Bastian told me of his plans for Vico. I know he wants you to lure him out and destroy him utterly. I know you have nearly done it before. It surprised me when Vico himself told me about that. He said you nearly did him in, if it weren't for the one that sustains his power," Shanna leaned in toward Shiloh, who nodded an affirmation.

"It was the dark god he worships who saved his sorry ass. He beat the living hell out of me afterwards when I came back for more," Shiloh explained as she dropped a hand upon her sister's shoulder. "It wasn't pleasant, but what happened after that was worth it. I seem to forget that he is the author of all my misery. He brutally ripped away my innocence. I should hate him as much if not more than the Dhorn who ripped away my happiness and my perfect little life. It's funny, though. Our father had just days before the Dhorn came told me he had found a prospective husband for me. Someone he was sure I would be happy with. Someone in his late twenties that had ties to royalty as well. It seemed all too perfect. I'll never know who he was speaking of. That knowledge died with him."

"Why does Bastian want Vico dead? And why didn't you tell me this before you brought to his altar? I wouldn't have agreed. It makes the task he gave me difficult. Deep down, I want no other man."

"Though Vico is mortal man, he is a powerful blackguard, one linked to a dark god as well. Vico and his patron are a threat to everything Bastian desires. It leads me to believe that Vico's patron is even stronger, evermore evil and devious than Bastian and he wishes not to tangle with that higher power." Her stab in the dark couldn't have been closer to the heart of the matter. It surprised her that Bastian was being utterly silent in the matter. He normally was ready and waiting to interject his two gold pieces worth.

"Bastian wants me to seduce the paladin, to corrupt his purpose here. I have little doubt that I can do it. I believe I have him where I want him and am anticipating making my move as soon as he awakes for his shift. But my heart doesn't feel into it. I worry that he will know and not allow us to finish things. Once I have him hooked, I can do with him as I wish. And what I wish is to separate him from his lover."

Shanna's determination took Shiloh aback. She knew what expectations would come to play with this mission. Do away with the annoying paladin, convert the priestess, and use the chalice to hold a bloody sacrifice in Bastian's name. "While you are working on him, I'll be focusing on her. Bastian desires a high priestess and I've vowed to give him one. We should work together to make this a reality. Continue our roles, playing them to perfection. We'll work to separate the two and keep them apart. Bastian tells me there is another altar a level below this one and he wants me to lead her to it where he will take over. She'll convert. I have faith."

Shanna hugged her sister tightly. "As do I! We'll be good once this is over and I have Vico back. I'm sure Rhys will like that."

"Yes, the Gods are in their heavens and all is right with the world, at least, mostly." Shiloh nodded. "It's Christano's watch next followed by yours again. Make a move on him then. One he won't be able to refuse."

Shanna's smile turned devious before she climbed off the bed and headed to her bedroll. She planned to rest a few minutes before she put her plan into motion.


Shanna softly nudged Christano awake, coaxing him from the bedroll he shared with Myra. She smiled as she noticed he only wore a loose tunic and a pair of trim fitting trousers that rode low on his hips. She drank in the sight of him, her eyes flicking up and down his body. She devoured him and found that he reciprocated her action.

"We're alone now," she whispered as she took hold of his hand and directed him to the other side of the brazier. "Gives me the chance to do this."

She looped her arms around his neck and pressed herself against him. She raised herself up on the tips of her toes and planted a soft whispering kiss on his lips, brushing them against his. His strong arms surrounded her, locking around her waist and lifting her toes from her ground. She gasped in surprise against his mouth. "Is this what you want, little one?"

"Yes, I've dreamed about it ever since I first saw you."

He slammed his mouth down on hers, possessively taking all she had to offer. Then his focus changed. His tongue traced her lips, drawing first her upper then her bottom lip into his mouth to suck. Leisurely, tasting her like she was a part and parcel of a scrumptious repast. Slipping her hands from their resting place at the back of his neck, she brought them up to cup his face, marveling at the chiseled angles of his cheeks and jaw. Light stubble grated her palm as she slid her fingers back to bury them in his silky hair, forcing him into a deeper kiss. She greedily sucked his tongue in, playing with it as she brought her other hand down to splay on his chest. Those long fingers of his slid around her waist to dig into her ass, smashing her against him even tighter.

"Dreams do come true then," he softly replied. "We'll have time together, little one. You'll see. Best we focus on the mission at hand, but there is much for you to think about. I want you to consider taking Myra's place. Though I love her dearly, she is not as open and as comfortable with her body and my requirements of her. Perhaps it is her strict upbringing in the church. I believe you'll suit my needs in that aspect better so than she. I want you to think about it and if it's something you want, I expect you to come to me and give yourself to me next time we rest. Is that too much to ask?"

She shook her head. "No. I'll think about it, though, I think you know my answer."

"Then you know what you have to do. Get some rest, little one. You'll need it."


Shanna woke Shiloh up at the end of her watch. She hugged her tightly, beaming at her accomplishment. "I've set the bait. He thinks I'm all his."

Shiloh's smile widened. "Good job. Is Bastian pleased?"

"Very much so."

"Good. Let's wake them then."


After a short stop for breakfast, Myra directed Shiloh to the cages where the stone encased women cowered in abject fear. "Be ready for anything that happens. We don't know how long they've been like this." Myra cautioned before she took a deep breath. Her chanting began softly then got louder as the words flowed from her lips. The incantation wound its way around her then worked its way out as if rippling in concentric rings. It extended to the first petrified victim, settling upon the female's very skin. The rocky grey appearance diminished as the pale white gleamed in the fire light that flickered from within the nearby brazier.

A scream rent the air of the room as hands lashed out in panic. The terrified woman pressed herself against the bars of the cage with wide eyes and an open gaping mouth.

The magic extended to the second female, eliciting a similar reaction from her. The two reached for each other through the bars, their hands just barely connecting with each other. Tears flowed down their faces. Shiloh wasn't sure if they were tears of joy or tears of grief, but they moved her in a way she hadn't anticipated.

She reached out to the female in the closest cage, lightly touching her shoulder. A squeak of fright came from her mouth, her eyes as big and round as the moon. Tears glittered like jewels upon her cheeks. She soothed her gently, her voice crooning words of comfort.

The frightened expression slowly ebbed away, replaced by apprehension. The woman still trembled slightly, remaining twisted against the bars with her hand still clutched other woman's.

"No one is here to hurt you. Come out and be free of that cage," Myra spoke up, "We're here to help you."

After much patience and coaxing, Myra managed to draw both females out their cages. They huddled close to each other for comfort. Shiloh picked up the robes she found in the bureau and draped them over their naked flesh. She noticed the faint remnants of old scars, recognizing them as whip lashes. The ones who'd imprisoned them had abused these two.

"We won't hurt you. We're here to free you." Myra reinforced softly as she swiftly conjured a calming incantation, allowing it to settle its aura of peace over them. She hoped it would act as a balm for their spirits. "What are your names? Are you in this place willingly?"

Shiloh's eyes flick over them as the taller, darker haired one attempted to clear her throat. She licked her lips and opened her mouth. "Me name Gisele. She be Nyema, me sister. Bad men took from home."

"We'll see that you find your way home. We'll not hurt you like the bad men did. I am a cleric of the Sun Lord. And this is Christano, a Paladin in the service of the Sun Lord."

Gisele eyed them both warily while Nyema huddled into her sister's side. "Bad men say service to church."

"Do we look like those bad men?" Myra asked before invoking another incantation that settled upon them like a blanket of happiness.

"No, not ye. He." Gisele murmured softly. "Eyes like stone."

Christano leaned into Myra and whispered into her ear. "We won't be able to take them to safety if they fear men. The boat is full of them."

"We'll think of something, even if it is magically putting them to sleep until we've reached the monastery. I believe that will be the best place for them. We should see to their well being for now. That means leaving them in this room until we've found the chalice. We can collect them on our way back up through."

"Your idea has merit, my love. I'll have to reward you for such brilliance." His grin turned wickedly lascivious as his hand snaked around to gently rub her bottom. He leaned in to steal a kiss, but his eyes flashed past her to Shanna. With a wink, he took what he wished before moving away from her. "We should move on now. And return to the hole. We need to find a way down to the grave area. Do what you must for them in the meantime."

Myra nodded, turning to Shiloh. "We should see what rations we have and make sure they have ample food and water. I can conjure a decent repast to feed us while we are on the hunt for the chalice."

"We'll need a rope to get down that hole." Christano spoke up.

"Shiloh has one." Shanna offered, "Let me get it for you."

Myra's expression darkened as she watched Shanna. She softly muttered something beneath her breath as she and Shiloh pulled out pouches of oilskin wrapped food rations and a few skins of water. Then Shiloh added a bottle of wine to the pile. "Take that, too. I have another."

An eyebrow cocked. "Alcohol isn't what they need," Myra cautioned.

"No, but it may help relax them."

"Are we ready, ladies?" Christano asked as he walked to the door, rope in hand, with Shanna lingering at his side. Myra's scowl deepened but she held her tongue. Leaving the room and the two girls behind, Shiloh jammed the lock with a pick and took point, leading them back to the hallway they found the hole in. Shiloh took note of a large post near one of the walls that she hadn't noticed before. It was almost too obvious why it was there. She chuckled softly under her breath. She could see Bastian's hand at work here.

"Let's tie the rope to that post and head down." Shiloh instructed. "This is obviously the way we need to go."

Christano tied the rope off and dropped it down the hole, careful not to allow it to catch on the jagged edges of the floor. "Now, who's going down first?"

"Not me," Shanna protested as she stepped behind Christano. "It's dark down there and I'm afraid."

"I think I should go first and scout. Myra, follow me with the torch. Shanna, follow her and Christano, bring up the rear. That way if anything is nasty down there, you can help pull us up." Shiloh issued the orders quickly. Christano frowned at her darkly but nodded nonetheless.

Shiloh grabbed hold of the rope and eased herself down in the narrow confines of the hole in the floor. "There's not much room in here. The walls of the shaft are oddly smooth though. No hand or foots holds. Christano, you'll have to remove your armor and lower it down before you make your way down."

He nodded and held onto the rope, watching her descend into darkness. Shiloh smiled to herself and touched thoughts with Bastian. "Do your thing, my Lord."

She heard his throaty chuckle in her head and began to notice unraveling of the rope. She descended to the bottom, some twenty feet from the floor above. The dark room around her looked rather large. The decaying remnants of a wooden ladder rested at her feet.

"All clear," she called upwards. "Myra, bring the light."


With a soft kiss and tender embrace, Myra stepped away from Christano and took hold of the rope. She eased herself down within the tight passageway, shimmying down the rope. As she reached halfway, she noticed the rope strands coming apart and quickened her descent, but it was not quick enough.

With a loud snap, it burst, plunging her downwards.


Christano yanked the rope up as he felt the weight on it lessen and heard the snap and Myra's cry of distress. He called her name, bellowing it down the hole until he heard her voice floating back up to him.

"I'm alright, Christano dear." Shiloh mimicked Myra's voice, calmly reassuring him.


Shiloh gripped hold of Myra, "Not a word." Her blade pressed against the cleric's jugular menacingly. "You're coming with me. My Lord is interested in you."

Myra turned her head, catching sight of Shiloh's glowing eyes. She hissed as Shiloh's hand covered her mouth.

"I'd hate to have to damage you now. He wouldn't like that. Come quietly, my sweet and have no worries about your precious Christano. Shanna will take good care of him." Shiloh pulled her away from where she stood, following her senses.


"MYRA!" Christano screamed again when all went silent. "MYRA!"

Shanna stepped between him and the hole. "She'll be fine. She's with Shiloh. We should go back to that room near the glowing door. I have a feeling that Shiloh will try to find a way to open that. She told me she was going to last night."

"No, I'm going down there." He countered, pushing her aside and sitting on the edge of the hole.

"You can't go down there and leave me up here alone. I'd go back to that room where those girls are, but Shiloh fixed the lock so no one can get in or out. I'm defenseless and helpless. Please don't leave me. You are a paladin. You are sworn to defend the weak. Stay with me." Shanna pleaded as tears began to course down her dirty cheeks. Then she cuddled against his chest, wrapping her arms around his waist.

He had the feeling he was being manipulated and the two sisters had some plan in motion and he knew in order to get to the bottom of it, he had to play along. "Very well, little one. Let's go back to that other room where there was a place to rest. We'll keep the door open and listen for them. I'll lead the way."

Shanna grinned wickedly and clutched his arm. "You won't regret this one bit. You'll see."


To be continued...

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alyssacouslandalyssacouslandover 13 years ago

This chapter was genius! I loved it! :D

bulltlrbulltlrover 14 years ago

Read all chapters in two days...... waiting to see what the outcome will be!

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