The Long Road to Ruin Ch. 37-39


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"Is there anywhere else that you know of this vault could be located? This whole room screams setup, Shiloh."

"It can't be a setup. My father and his advisors were never that clever." Shiloh shot a thoughtful look at him and tried to recall the many conversations she had overheard of her father and his advisors. Most of the time the things they talked about bored her to tears, including long mind numbing discussions of ability and betterment taxes and who to go to war against. One thing stood out in her mind, though, and she smiled at Essex as the phrase spoken in her father's voice echoed in her head. "Royalty stands to face fire without fear," she repeated to Essex. "It's not a trap. It's a clue. It's meant to deter thieves, not royalty. I just happen to be both."

Essex grinned at her. "Depress the pressure plate again. Let's see what happens."

"Perhaps you should stay out of the way of the blast then," she chuckled and moved to the flagstone, which served as a pressure plate.

He moved into a dark corridor and watched from just outside the doorway. His eyes followed Shiloh's every move as she pressed her foot to the plate, feeling it give. Just like the previous time, several pea sized balls of flame shot from the tiny valves in the wall. Shiloh stood still letting the illusion engulf her. She felt no real heat. Once the illusion had dissipated, she scanned the room a second time, allowing her eyes to touch every inch of wall that surrounded her.

She smiled as she realized she'd been looking in the wrong place all along. "I see it," she stated in low voice. She had to contain her excitement. The sound of the explosions had been enough noise without adding her voice to it. Essex joined her at the opposite wall in which she'd been searching. Watching in awe as the floor retracted, revealing a stone staircase. Another memory came to mind and she repeated the words aloud. "Fear not the dark, for it is a path to the light."

"Shall we?" Essex motioned to the stairs and watched as she went ahead of him. Shiloh could make out vague shapes of cobwebs that choked the ceiling over their head. Whispery fronds hung low, brushing against the tops of their hands as they descended nearly one hundred feet. Shiloh shivered against the cold dampness.

At the bottom of the stairway, a short brightly lit corridor intersected with another passageway that ran east to west, at both ends stood a door. One painted red while the other pure gold. Shiloh made her way over to the red one and examined it thoroughly. A lacquered red handle in the shape of a bony hand protruded from the middle of the door, though no keyhole could be found.

At the opposite end of the corridor, Essex searched the golden door. He took note of the dragon caricature with its gaping maw and bared teeth in the middle of the door, opposite of the bony hand. "Shiloh," he called out. "Didn't you say a guardian was placed in this vault for all time? These busts upon the doors may be a clue to which one holds the treasure."

Shiloh left the red lacquered door behind and headed toward Essex. She examined it carefully, noting a keyhole in the center of the dragon's gaping maw. "It's not this one. My father never mentioned a key. Plus there's no way he'd keep a dragon locked in here for all time."

"Just how much do you know about dragons?"

Shiloh shrugged, "Not much. I've read tales of fire breathing dragons and stolen princesses, but that's bound to be make-believe." She returned to the red door and carefully tugged on the bony hand, but the door didn't budge. She sighed and tapped her foot. There had to be a way to get this open. She examined the hand, feeling each and every bony finger, and over its palm. "I think I found something," she called out while depressing the middle of the palm. A small hidden circular compartment opened, revealing two keys, one red and the other gold. Shiloh frowned as she palmed both keys. "I guess we try the keys."

She returned to the golden door and slipped the gold key into the keyhole. To her dismay, it didn't turn. Removing it, she placed the red one in the lock and felt it click as she turned it. Cautiously she cracked the door open wide enough to peek in. The room was empty save a golden pedestal. "I'm going in," she turned back to Essex. "I want to see if there is anything on that pedestal."

"Why don't you let me do that?" He suggested, realizing how dangerous it could be.

Shiloh cocked an eyebrow at him. "Or we could both go?"

"No, let me. You're much too important," he replied and leaned in to give her a kiss. "Plus, it's the chivalrous thing to do."

She smiled and nodded, "Alright," Then watched as he sneaked into the room and searched it carefully before zeroing in on the pedestal. Essex ran his hands over the smooth top, feeling for any depressions in the surface. Then his hands moved to the column, checking the sides and beneath the raised top. On the backside he located a button then cautiously depressed it. The ground around him shook slightly as the golden pedestal he searched lowered itself into the floor and a red pedestal rose into view. Resting upon the red one was a large heavily faceted red jewel. His eyes gleamed at the sight of it. Before he reached for it, he searched the surface and sides for signs of a trap, but found nothing besides an identical button hidden on the underside of the pedestal's top.

Quickly he snatched the gem and pressed the button. A circular portion of the floor rotated a half circuit while the two pedestals rose and lowered themselves. When the floor came to a stop it left him facing the rear of the room where a pair of golden thrones now sat. The air shimmered, revealing two ghostly figures sitting upon magnificent edifice.

"Who enters my demesne?" The ghostly male figure rose from his throne and stepped forth.

Shiloh quickly rushed forth, joining Essex near the pedestals. "I am Shiloh Cheval Aurelius, daughter of King Rolan III and crown princess of Betancuria." She curtseyed before the apparition.

"And what is it you seek, Princess Shiloh?"

Shiloh thought hard for a brief moment. She knew the wrong answer could spell doom for them. "I seek to reclaim what is my birthright. My kingdom has been conquered and my father murdered. I must make sure my family's treasures are protected from the invaders that have taken over my kingdom."

"Only royalty stands to face fire without fear," The ghost recited as he looked her over then glanced at the female who gracefully sat beside him. "Our flesh and blood stands before us, my forever love. She is a vision, just as you."

The female rose from where she sat upon the throne and glided to Shiloh, circling her slowly. Then she spoke, her voice soft and ethereal. "The gem is the key to the vault, but a test must be passed in order to claim the treasure. Fear not the fire, for you shall stand in its glory."

Shiloh dropped to one knee, kneeling before the King and Queen of Old. "I shall show no fear and I shall reap its glory. The Aurelius legacy must be protected. Someday I shall reclaim what is mine."

The Queen, who Shiloh remembered to be a great adventuress before she settled into her role as Betancuria's premier monarch, touched Shiloh's shoulder with her ghostly scepter. "Warrior princess, you have the heart and soul of a great champion. I hereby deem you worthy of the title Lady Knight and Protector of Betancuria; Rise, Lady Shiloh Cheval Aurelius, to seek your destiny."

Shiloh rose, curtseying before the King and Queen. "I'm honored to do my duty for Betancuria. I will reclaim our kingdom."

The apparitions disappeared, leaving behind an eerie cold mist. Shiloh shivered against it before backing out of the room. She pulled the door shut behind her and locked it, stowing the key inside of her boot. "You favor the Queen in looks," Essex spoke up as they headed back toward the red door.

Shiloh smiled, "That was my great, great, great grandmother I believe and yes, the resemblance is quite uncanny, the gem, please."

Essex grinned. "Leave it to a woman to want the shiny thing," he quipped as he held it in his palm. Shiloh reached for it and he quickly snatched his hand back, keeping the gem just out of reach. She gave him an exasperated look and snorted her displeasure. After a few more seconds of teasing her, he presented it to her. "The price of the gem is a kiss."

She cocked an eyebrow at him before she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed herself against him. "You drive a hard bargain," she chuckled as his lips hovered above hers. The sensuous kiss that followed sent heat rushing through her body. She moaned softly as she pulled away. "You make it hard to focus on the task at hand."

Essex flashed a sexy grin at her, "Distracting you is always so pleasurable, though."

Shiloh pulled away and grabbed the gem from his proffered hand and placed it within the bony hand, which had rotated the opposite direction. The gem gave off a brilliant glow just before the door swung open, exposing a large empty room. Her brow furrowed as she stepped inside and scanned the interior. A gold walkway ran down the middle while alternating channels of fire and water filled the rest of the room. Shiloh leaned over slightly, viewing the depth of the pits. They were shallow enough for her to stand in. She avoided the golden pathway, knowing it was too simple then leapt into one of the channels that held flame. Her skin tingled as she moved through the fire, hopping from one channel to the next. She avoided the ones that held water, believing the fire was the key to succeeding. When she reached the last channel, she hopped upon the golden platform and stood within the circle of red marble embedded in the floor. Flame engulfed her, shooting up from the floor and down from the ceiling.

When it dissipated, the door before her swung open and the flames within the channels receded. She called to Essex and together they entered the room beyond the door. Much to her dismay and surprise, the room stood nearly empty. No mounds of gold beckoned her nor were there many priceless treasures. She approached a pair of ivory pedestals upon which sat faded purple silk pillows. Nestled upon each of the pillows were what Shiloh suspected to be the original crown jewels. The simple silver bands were magnificently crafted and held a single brilliant fire opal in the center. Shiloh lifted the smaller crown which had belonged to the Queen then placed it upon her head. She turned Essex and picked up the solid royal scepter the Queen had touched her with and posed.

"You favor her greatly," he repeated and directed her to another pedestal. This one held a finely wrought sword with the Aurelius crest emblazoned on the pommel.

"This is the sword my family used for knighting." She then moved to a pair of armor stands and inspected the highly polished, exquisitely wrought, suits of armor that rested upon them. "This has to be their ceremonial armor."

"Come over here," Essex beckoned, motioning for her to join him. He stood before several cloth draped portraits. One by one he removed the covers, revealing the paintings below. The first few were of the First and Second Royal Families, including separate portraits of the Kings and Queens who had preceded her parents. The final one caused Shiloh to gasp and Essex to make a soft groaning noise. It was a nude painting done of the first Queen, the one whose ghostly form had knighted Shiloh in the previous chamber. The resemblance was even uncanny then Essex pulled Shiloh into his arms. "You should pose for me like that." He nuzzled her, his lips feathering over her neck and up to her lips.

Shiloh accepted the kiss, indulging in his ministrations, before she pulled away and studied the image painted on the canvas. The Queen, Fionavar by name, suggestively rested upon a bench, she wore a look of satisfaction upon her beautiful face.

"I would dearly love to see you like that," he whispered, stroking her flesh.

Shiloh laughed huskily, desire filled her being. "I think that can be arranged," she murmured then slipped into his embrace. "Let's go. There's nothing here that I would feel comfortable removing. These precious heirlooms will remain here guarded for all time by King Rolan I and Queen Fionavar."

She led him out, fearing not the fire. They reached the cellar room then made sure the trap door was concealed before making their way out of the castle and back to the sewers. "We'll have to tell Nathan what we discovered," she mentioned as she headed in the direction of the Bear Pit. "Then we can have some fun."

Essex leveled a pensive look in her direction. "Nathan can wait a while. We should talk first, Shiloh."

She cocked an eyebrow at him, noting his tone and the expression on his face. "About?"

He motioned for her to follow him, leading her out of the sewers. He took her back to his apartment and closed then locked the door. A serious expression crossed his face. "I realized something a while ago. You're the real deal. You're royalty, heir to a throne."

"No, I'm not, not anymore," she shook her head and sent him a near pleading look. "I know what you're going to say."

"Do you really? I'm not sure you do. I can't give you the relationship you deserve. I'm not the type to settle down. What I can offer you is pleasure, any time we're together. No attachments other than the passion we'll share. Is that acceptable?"

A slow smile crossed Shiloh's face and she allowed an audible sigh to slip past her lips. "Yes, as long as I can have you whenever I want."

He returned her smile and embraced her, cradling her body against his. He kissed her temple and held her close for a few moments. "Perhaps now we should report what we discovered to Nathan before we find other pursuits to distract ourselves with."

She grinned widely, "That would be a good idea. Shall we?"


Day slipped into evening. The rain poured steadily, drumming a staccato beat onto the cobblestone street. Shiloh had since parted ways with Essex after reporting their findings to Master Nathan. She thought wistfully of their pleasurable rendezvous and the deal they had brokered. No strings attached but a spoken pact to get together when possible. It suited her; she really didn't want to be tied to any one man at the moment. Vico's possessiveness had left scars upon her, and Rhys... his goodness had started to irk her. She longed to taint it and turn it to something dark and vile. He would never forgive her for that and she couldn't bear the burden on her soul. She knew in her heart that Rhys was indeed too good for her.

Shiloh drew her cloak around her tight and pushed her chaotic thoughts away. She had a mission to focus on. From the south ward of the city she headed down into the sewers, traversing them until she reached the western part of the city. She cautiously climbed up the stairs then raised the grate, slipping out once sure no one had seen her. She could hear the slap of footfall on the cobblestones and muffled voices in the distance. She knew there would be a patrol nearby.

Minding her business, she casually strolled along Princess Boulevard. She took notice of the large building to her left. It had once served as a headquarters for her father's military leaders. General Galley's offices had been there. She wondered what if anything the Dhorn used it for. It looked so dark and forlorn despite the large banner draped across it and the odd smell of... roast beef? It didn't make sense to her. She sent a mental flare towards Bastian with her question, but he was silent. Shiloh knew she had disobeyed him, that he wasn't happy with her. Great, she smirked inwardly. He's giving me the cold shoulder.

Shiloh turned her thoughts to the task at hand. She needed to begin her search for the young noble Simon. She found the thought of meeting a member of the Dhorn nobility intriguing and wondered sadly what might have been if her father hadn't decided to go to war against his closest ally. He had often spoken of presenting her to Dhorn society as a way to strengthen relations with them. The possibility would have been interesting for her. She would have learned of their culture. That knowledge would have been beneficial to her.

During her education, she had learned much about the surrounding city-states and countries. Due to their strict society, she had never had the chance to meet any of their nobility before the war. Getting an introduction into their social castes was often done by extensive diplomatic relations. It wasn't an easy process. Her father had often bemused over the possibility of marrying her into Dhorn nobility, thus strengthening his ties to the larger country. Their society was well known for their strict morals and disciplined warriors. The freedoms she had long enjoyed were practically unknown to Dhorn women. Shiloh knew it was not a life she would want to live or would willingly abide. If only her father hadn't started a war he had no hope of winning, she mused.

Continuing her stroll, she rounded the Administration Building and smirked about how easy it had been to break in and out of. She felt a small twinge of guilt and wondered how Shander now fared. She had liked Shander. With a small shake of her head, she pushed him from her mind and glanced over at the arena. A smile crossed her face at the large 'Closed' sign that blocked its entrance. Pride surged through her. She, Vico and a couple others had been responsible for that. Stealing their gold had been the icing on the cake.

Ahead of her were the Western gates, flanked and guarded by a half dozen fierce looking soldiers. The hard faced men were not the run of the mill. They bore wicked looking weapons with serrated blades and carried themselves with an aura that screamed, "Fuck with me, you die, no questions asked." They reminded her of Vico.

Aaggghh, she mentally scolded herself. Get that asshole out of your head. She gave herself a good mental shake then looked to her left. Two pennant signs sat in front of their respective businesses, Rodor's Shop and Tald's Tavern. Tald's was the place she was looking for. Jacia's informants had gathered word that Simon occasionally frequented this place, which made it the perfect place to begin.

She pushed open the door then stepped inside. A small gasp slipped from her lips at the number of red and black armored soldiers packed into the small room. She gulped somewhat nervously. Please don't let any of them recognize me, she murmured softly.

Shiloh removed her cloak then hung it on a peg in the wall. She tousled her hair and looked down at the red and gold armor she wore. Would it seem too overt, she pondered and shook her head. It would have to do. It was too late now, especially since she became aware that several of the men had noticed her presence. Ignoring their blatant stares and the near blatant disgust, Shiloh donned the cloak then made her way through the crowd. She carefully eyed each of the men she passed, figuring she would be able to distinguish a noble from a soldier by the way he carried himself.

Then she smiled as her eyes swept over a familiar face. She remembered the dark haired soldier who accosted her during her 5th lesson. Perhaps he could be some use to her after all. Shiloh squeezed her way to the crowd, making her way over to him. She knew she had to approach him just right or else find herself arrested by any one of the soldiers here for bawdy behavior.

Shiloh stopped a few feet from him, standing alone in the crowd a few moments. She watched the soldier who had called himself Jero intently, observing his every breath, his every move, and each spoken word. She listened closely, eyeing him and his blond haired companion, as they talked about the boorish environment they were in and how the blond man longed for the civility of home. She smirked to herself. He had to be a noble. His haughty manner screamed self-importance. This was a man who was used to giving orders and having them immediately carried out. Perhaps someone she could have met and married had her father not waged war. She found herself admiring him thoroughly. He certainly was handsome and also carried himself well.
