The Lost Boy Ch. 17


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But aside from him, the trio of classmates, Cassiel, Peter and Ronnie all exchanged totally dumbfounded looks with one another. Four friends, split down the middle and on opposite sides of the field.

This was going to be fun to discuss at school on Monday.

Agrat looked between her peers and the Alpha of the Den Mother's. Helle. She knew who this Urul was from the old days, and knew she kept her word. So it was either now or never. And judging by the determined look Cassiel and Sana offered her, she assumed that there would be no turning herself over to them. And her grip tightened on the pommel of her blade.

There was a light. A bouncing beam of light from behind Agrat, followed by the sound of an engine running, and tires scrabbling along the ground.

Her heart rate quickened as she sensed his aura approaching, and she whirled around to look.

The original plan now seeming to not be lost. A way to subjugate the Urul without bloodshed, without risking her own life or the lives of others. A way out within her grasp because he was finally here.


"I'm going to have to decline your offer Helle, but I'll counter it with my own." The raven haired Fallen said, looking back over her shoulder into the herd of Urul. "Single combat!"

"HA!" The pack leader laughed aloud, "Absolutely not, everyone knows even a weak little angel like the cutie you've got there is stronger than a handful of us." She gestured between Cassiel and her pack. Earning a few offended looks from her gang, "Oh deal with it it's true."

"I don't mean single combat against a divine, nor against myself." Her crude sword suddenly dematerialized into matter and shadowed mist. "You may choose your finest Urul as your champion Helle, and I will choose a demon as my own as well."

That caused Helle to tilt her head, Agrat didn't have higher power demons at her beckon call as far as she was aware. So would she present a Succubus warrior to fight? Was she really that desperate?

"Hmm." She pondered it for a moment, but then shrugged. If this caused less bloodshed than all-out war she was up for it. She turned about to face her pack, "Well ladies, what do you think? Do I have a champion?" She barely managed to finish that sentence as Erica suddenly lurched forward.

"I will pack Mistress!" She quickly knelt before her and bowed her head, "Please give me the chance to show the strength of the Den Mother's. Allow me to be the one to break a demon for our pack."

Helle knew Erica was one of the leaders of their strike forces, so she took one look at her and shrugged. "Alright sure." Seeming to be very relaxed and amused by this whole display.

Liline's police cruiser ground to a halt in the field, with Liline herself, Sin, Melody, and Ian jumping out of it as it stopped. Slamming their doors shut and Ian dashing off heading to the center, making a B line straight for the Vampires and Agrat while his two lady friends followed closely behind him.

"Agrat!" Ian shouted as he closed the distance.

"Thank God for you Ian. Please forgive me for throwing you under the bus...again." Agrat thought before whirling around once more and sweeping down onto one knee as Ian made it to her.

"My Lord!" She shouted, kowtowing to the young teenage boy who just arrived here. A universal 'what?' could be heard from the surrounding Urul and Gilkur as this happened. Literally everyone seeming to be flabbergasted by this sudden arrival. "Shakar'i! My Master, true ruler of champion, who will face the Urul's own champion in combat tonight."

Ian stared at the groveling form of the avian angel before him. "Ummm...what?"

"AHAHAHAHA! WHAAAAT? Are you kidding me?" The Alpha burst out in a fit of laughter. Surely this had to be a trick of some kind. A cacophony of more female laughter came from the crowd of Werewolves. Some believing this to be a joke and others just downright confused.

Agrat still kept her head bowed but smiled at how much Helle was underestimating Ian. Just like she hoped.

Ian looked up at the laughing tall blonde woman a few dozen yards ahead of him, then back down to Agrat. "Really? This is what you needed me for?"

"Fine, fine!" Helle said waving her hand, "Go ahead Erica, show them how Urul's work. But!" She paused and looked over to Ian again, their eyes meeting for a second from the distance. She scanned him over and sniffed the air. She could smell a delightful sweetness to him, feeling a tingle shudder through her on contact with her senses. "Hmm...definitely let him live. I want him when this is over. I need a cute fuck puppet."

Sin approached the still kneeling Agrat, angrily stomping up the whole way. Liline practically mimed the same furious march, "Are you fucking shitting me Agrat! Are you shitting me!" Sin yelled. Her voice arching to a high vocal range.

"I should really kill you, I should fucking beat your ass for putting his life in danger AGAIN!" Liline screamed but received no reaction from Agrat.

"You two calm down, relax. I know what's going to happen here." Melody spoke up from behind.

"And what is that?" Sin yelled.

Melody raised her hands defensively, "He'll be fine, honestly it's the Urul I'm worried about."

"Do you actually think we're going to let this happen?" Liline asked her. To which Melody nodded in the direction beside them.

"Well I think he does." The two women then turned to see Ian already walking into the center of the field, not afraid or deterred at all by their obvious apprehension. "Oh please Ian don't kill them. Please don't go down that path."

"What!? Ian wait!" Liline shouted only to have her hand grabbed by Melody.

"Don't! Don't go in there! They've already made the agreement! You rush in you'll make everything worse!" Melody knew that the terms were sealed since Agrat offered the deal and Helle agreed to them, both champions were on the approach. If anyone interfered now the terms would be violated and there would be nothing stopping a complete battle.

Erica looked Ian up and down, immediately recognizing him from the high school. She thought he smelt pretty good then but now, something was different about him. He wore a plain long sleeve shirt and jeans and calmly walked towards her. She could smell that same familiar scent that radiated from the demons around here so she figured he had to be one. But the last time she saw him, he was defending the honor of that school girl her and a few others were trying to fuck.

Why would a demon give a shit about that? This boy just radiated good kid vibes, even now in his calm approach. The look on his face seemed confused, a little nervous, and anything but dangerous. She could tell this boy wasn't a killer. And she wasn't looking forward to beating him up. Of course she's always happy to fuck a pretty young man senseless, consent optional, but this wasn't a rough fuck in the woods. Peoples lives were at stake.

Just what was the Fallen angel trying to pull here?

"Alright kid. You ready to...throw down?" She joked, clearly off her game from this but still swung her arms about, flexing and unflexing, preparing to start swinging. "I'll make you a deal baby, you throw in the towel right here and nobody gets harmed alright? You just surrender, we get Agrat and we take over. Hell, maybe you and me could even party a little after our pack master plays with you a bit. Don't worry I hear nothing but good things from the boys she's fucked." She laughed.

' sure about this?' Ian thought to himself. Looking back at his mother's and Melody. The latter of which holding back the two and quieting them down. It was this moment that Ian felt very...vulnerable. Like he was truly alone in the field being watched by hundreds of eyes. And his family wasn't coming to help him.

They were standing down, but he reassured himself that it wasn't because they wanted to. And besides, they wouldn't abandon him. They never did before, so they wouldn't now.

''s going to be fine.' The voice told him, 'You've handled worse. It's time to show them all what you are.'

He inhaled through his nose and exhaled out his mouth. Allowing the voice to carry him forward. It was what compelled him to approach to begin with, so he trusted it this far. Might as well not give up on it now.

'Now break this doggie bitch.'

"Okay, if you're sure." Erica said upon Ian not responding to her offer of surrendering. And quickly went in for a grapple. Planning on wrestling him down in a hugging tackle and putting him in a sleeper hold. This would both knock him out without hurting him and give her a chance to feel him up a bit. But as she reached forward, he dodged to the side, her grab missing him by several inches. "Ouu! You're quick, but not quick enou-" She tried to grab him again, moving faster this time. But like it was like she had déjà vu. Ian avoided her a second time, moving far faster than she was.

Ian watched her movements closely but it felt like somehow, she was moving in slow motion. As her hand reached out to grab him, he stepped to the side. Easily avoiding it, "How?" The world around him seemed to slow down whenever he needed to dodge her, was that actually happening? Or was he just moving so fast that everything was perceived as slower?

"Get him Erica!" A random Wolf shouted from the crowd.

Agrat watched, silently Cheerleading for Ian in her head from behind.

Erica rolled her neck cracking it, "Alright boy, so you've got moves. But no more games." She flexed her fingers and went in for a charge. This time throwing her entire body into it ready to tackle him.

Ian moved in a blur, practically phasing to the side dodging her rush and spinning to face her again.

Helle saw this and leaned forward watching. Now suddenly very interested.

'Fuck her up. Show her who the bitch really is.'

Ian's eyes began to glow their light blue.

The she wolf leapt backward onto her haunches and glared daggers at Ian. "Alright...alright..." Then moved into another dash forward, claws out and teeth bared, she reached for his face as fast as she could move.

He caught her wrist.

Erica threw all of her strength into that rush, and he held her there now, with what looked like little to no effort at all. Even Ian himself looked surprised.

'You're stronger than them...'

His head tilted to the side looking over her as she struggled to free her arm, then swung his fist up into Erica's ribcage. A cacophonous 'BOOM' resounded around as it sounded like she was hit with the strength of a titan. A shockwave billowed out beneath the fighters, a gust of wind carrying pebbles and rocks along with it and scattering them out to the sides.

"GAAUGHHH!" Erica cried out from the hit which took her completely off her feet, she felt her ribs snap. The crowd of Urul and Vampires gasped.

'You're faster than them...'

Ian felt power surging through him. His breathing was beginning to pick up, like an adrenaline rush was coursing through his veins. His aura rising and growing in intensity, but something was...different about it. Liline and the girls could see it from across the field, it wasn't blue like it always was. The shine to him was gone and his eyes...what was wrong with his eyes...

Erica lashed out, swinging her claws in a flurry of angry swings. Ian casually stepping just out of reach of every swipe. She was trying her hardest just to land a blow but couldn't get a hand on him.

Liline and Sin watched, utterly shocked at the show of raw power Ian was revealing. His aura growing darker...and darker.

Melody was chewing her fingernails off, "Please Ian..."

'You're smarter than them...'

Ian smirked and stopped evading her, wanting to laugh as the Were-girl was running short of breath. Sweat pouring from her forehead, he decided not to dodge her next hit. Giving her one free shot.

Which she gladly took, again darting forward angrily and shrieking loudly as she threw her claws at him. Slicing along the side of his shoulder and across his face, raking open four long gashes.

His eyes went entirely red. Dark crimson blood red, like Sin's, only darker and the sigil on his forehead blazed.

"AAAAAHHHH!" Erica screamed as her shoulder was forcibly ripped open, blood erupting from the gashes that bore several inches into her body. Tearing open the side of her face as well. A welter of crimson fluid poured from her and collected in a puddle on the ground as Ian's flesh knit itself back together like nothing even happened.

'You're better than them...they are nothing...'

His body began to vibrate, his aura becoming pitch black around him and his fists clenched tightly. Many of the Urul suddenly started to crumble, and numerous voices in the crowd started to cry out.

"What is that?"

"Aaaah! My Head!"

The Werewolves clutched at their heads, the frequency of his power seeming to only register to their wolfish ears. Many of them dropping to their knees, crying and reeling in pain. Helle stood strong, but her body trembled as well. She may be stronger than her pack, but that didn't mean she couldn't feel it.

"Oh my God." Liline said watching.

Peter, Feles, Ronnie, Cassiel, all were watching.

He stood in the center, lording over Erica, and the army of Urul crumbling one by one before him.

'They are...NOTHING'

Ian reared his leg back, looking down on the Urul. She was hunched over at the perfect angle.


The shadowy energy coalescing into his right leg.


His vision tunneled and he launched an energy rippling kick out at Erica.



He felt a chest cavity cracking and going concave. Ribs shattering. His eyes immediately blinked back to normal as he saw the wavy red locks of hair falling back.


The boy collapsed backward on top of an unconscious Erica, unmoving.

Ian froze, his energy fizzling to a low point before dissipating. "F..Feles..." He spoke. Looking down at the huge impact point he made. The skin was broken and blood dripped down his chest staining the black tank top he wore and dribbled out onto the ground.

His chest was slowly rising and falling, he was breathing. Still alive, but unconscious.

The crowd were in stunned silence seeing the event unfold. At the last second, the Neko darted out into the field, throwing himself in front of Erica and taking the blow to the chest. Surely had that hit Erica from that angle, it would've beheaded her.

Suddenly Urul began calling out from the crowd, "Cheat! You cheat!"

Different voices rounded on the smirking Agrat in fury. Ian's eyes blinked back to normal and he looked around him, seeing the women recovering and shouting from all sides.


"He is of the first born!"

"We saw it! You cheat!"

The only one among the Urul who was not angry, was the Alpha, Helle. Who smiled and clapped at the display.

She actually laughed, "Oh wow! that was impressive! And a delight to watch. Buuuuut...I have to agree with my pack Agrat. He is the son of the first-"

Agrat cut her off, "This is his mother." Her arm pointed to Sin, "He is the son of Maholoth, and therefore he is of demon blood. All is fair here." Helle paused and acknowledged the tanned skin Succubus who looked like she did not want to be in the spotlight right now. "Besides, the Neko rushed to the aid of your Urul, so doesn't that mean one of your own interfered?" She said, her snarky smile growing in size. "So, the fight was lost, twice disgraced on your part."

Helle shook her head, "What the cat did? I do not see as disgrace. He'll be rewarded for his effort under my rule. pack will oblige and honor the agreement."

"WHAT!?" Many of the wolfs roared and spat in rage.

But one glowing yellow eyed look from their pack Mistress silenced them. "However...if we bend the will only him." She pointed at Ian. Still standing in the center of the field, watching as wolves came forward to tend to Erica and Feles.

Agrat blinked, "What?" She asked.

"Well you did say he was your true master, didn't you?" Helle returned with a smirk of her own. The Fallen's head twitched almost in an angry spasm. She didn't think about that until now and had to choke back a squawk of frustration with herself. In the heat of the moment she spouted a few praises towards Ian in order to ramp up his importance and make it more convincing. And now she seemed to be facing the consequences of her own words. But, she did suppose she was still alive, and that was better than the alternative. "But I warn you, this war is not yet over Fallen." Helle said and snapped her fingers.

The Urul than began coming forward. Slowly, and most angrily. Many of them letting out harsh words and barks in Agrats direction, only a few sent Ian some aggravated glares. But they showed that despite being quite the rowdy species, they took care of one another and gathered up their injured sister and her lover to begin departing.

"Feles!" Ian called out, but only earned several growls and more angry stares from the wolf pack. Until Helle crossed by him.

"He'll be okay young one. We take care of our own." And proceeded on. Leaving with the rest of her pack. But as she walked away she reached into her jacket pocket to pull out a cell phone, clicking through her contacts and putting the device to her ear. "Hey, it's me. Yes, tonight definitely went...interestingly...No, this isn't over yet. I think it's time we stopped beating around the bush sis...yes...we need him, call Fenr."

Ian fell to his knees and watched them walk away. His eyes still on the tiny glimmer of red coming from Feles's hair. His eyes catching a hint of his own reflection in the small puddle of Feles's blood on the ground. And in a silent broken whisper, he said his name one more time, "Feles..."


A.N. Ultimate sadness?

Lol, let me preface this by saying I know that looked bad but Feles is alive! However his and Ian's relationship miiiiight be a little strained now.

But I hope you guys liked the chapter, I know we've been getting more story in these later chapters and not as much smuttiness, but don't worry, the lewdness will return in full force with the coming chapters! Thank you for your patience as always :)

Review and let me know what you think comes next!

Next Chapter: In Bed With The Enemy

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Joann69Joann69over 4 years ago
Fucking incredible

Love the sex but omg the incredible power of Ian

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
This story is incredible

Damiendeath20 I can honestly say this story has me hooked like a fish on a line. I started reading the story like 4 days ago and I'm already at the latest chapter. I will be honest that the chapter that Ian lost his memory and stuff threw me off and I didn't like it that much but I read on and I have to say I really like the direction this story is headed in. The smut is awesome, like really top notch and the story itself is absolutely incredible. I sound like a fanboy lol. But I will end with this... Come hell or high water I don't care how long it takes (for you to write the chapters) or how many chapters it takes (and believe me I'm not complaining about the amount of chapters, hell keep writing them) one way or another I want closure in the story ending. Don't drop off the face of the earth without finishing what's been started here. I have too much invested in this story for that to happen. I want to read a lot more of this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
More werewolf cock

Would love to see another scene with the sweaty biker werewolfs breeding some boy butts, maybe a rough gangbang <3

TLB1981TLB1981over 5 years ago

Instead of fighting they should find common ground.

Futalover32Futalover32over 5 years ago
Wow....ummmm AWESOME but....

I’m a little bit confused as how Ian lost his mind right there but I’m pretty sure everything will be explained in the later chapters as too what happened that led him to walk into the field in the first place. Other than that confusion though, OMFG I FELT LIKE I WAS READING A BATTLE SHONEN MANGA TOWARDS THE END IAN IS SO AWESOME FUCKING ULTRA INSTICNT WITH REGEN ON THAT ASS.

Prediction: “Fenr” is one of the other sons. Seeing them be descripted as extremely masculine though and resembling the father surprised me though, in my head I was thinking that Ian’s father would be just as feminine as he is but EXTREMELY beautiful with cool powers.

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