The Mountain Cabin


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"Hey I think that's it!" Marie called from Travis' arms. The sudden exclamation startled him and he nearly dropped her.

"Yeah this is it." Debbie confirmed. They started off down the new path.

The streambed was like strolling in the park compared to the trail they had just abandoned. The canopy overhead was broken enough to let the silvery light of the full moon shine though, dappling their faces and the path in a moving camouflage of shadow. They continued on silently for nearly an hour, following the path as it dove, turned and twisted ever downward.

They were coming around a sharp bend with Derek and Chris in the lead when they stopped short. Travis walked right into Derek's back causing Marie to scream in pain.

"What the fuck you stoppin' for D?"

"See for yourself." He pointed off to the right, deeper into the woods. About one hundred yards into the trees was the unmistakable form of a cabin. A worn foot path left the stream bed and arrowed straight for the hulking black shadow.

"Anybody live in there?" Travis called back to Debbie.

"Live in where?"

"The cabin."

"What cabin? I've never seen a cabin out here." Debbie had moved to the front of the column along with Jeff and followed Travis' outstretched hand. "I don't know. Like I said I've never seen that here before."

"Maybe they have a phone." Marie said. The hopefulness in her voice was clear.

"Let's check it out." Chris suggested, starting off along the foot path without waiting for a response. The others followed him.

As the path took them closer to the cabin, the forest seemed grow darker, more dense. Gnarled oaks towered above them, blocking out the moon light. The sound of the living forest fell away. Those constant noises that your mind simply ignores after so long: the croak of a frog, the far off hoot of an owl, the rustle of the trees. It was utterly and eerily silent as the approached the darkened cabin. The little group fanned out at the end of the path, each wanting to get their own look.

The cabin it's self seemed to crouch in a ring of long dead trees, leaning toward them as if daring them to come closer. In the beam of Jeff's light the walls were the no-color of ancient bone dust, split and cracking boards haphazardly nailed to the frame of the structure. A rusty tin roof sloped to a leaning, uneven peak topped with a cast iron weather vane. Although the breeze had completely vanished, the vane still turned, caught in some unseen and unfelt current above them. Flickering orange light was visible through the single window facing them.

"Hello?" Chris called. His voice was loud and obnoxious in the silence. "Anybody home?"

The front door of the cabin swung slowly open on rusty, creaking hinges. For the first time Jeff noticed how hot it had gotten.

"Hello?" Chris called again, sounding unsure of himself. Still no answer.

Suddenly the wind picked up, blowing hard and frigid against their backs, causing the trees to sigh and the cabin to moan and creak like an old invalid. The orange light in the window winked out leaving the cabin in utter blackness.

"Gimme the light Jeff," Chris demanded. "I'm going to go take a look."

"Chris no!" Megan nearly screamed, but he was already moving toward the crazily slanted porch following the white beam of the flashlight. After a moment's hesitation Jeff followed him with the others hot on his heels.

"Hellooooooo!" Chris stuck his head through the open doorway. "I think it's abandoned." He went in and everyone held their breath, not knowing what to expect. After a few moments the white glare of the flashlight was replaced by the dimmer, more unsteady flicker of candle light.

"Come on in its safe!" Chris called. He was standing in the middle of a clean, small but functional room housing a wash basin, a wood stove, a table and 4 chairs and a threadbare old couch with a hideaway bed. The interior of the cabin was such a contrast to the exterior that Jeff refused to believe that one contained the other.

"I don't think anyone lives here." Chris stated.

"What about the candle we say through the window?" Debbie reminded him. "Someone had to light it."

"What candle? I looked in there, it's a just little bedroom but I checked and there's no candle in there at all."

"No phone though?" Marie sounded crushed. Chris shook his head.

"At least it has a fire place, and it looked like there was some wood stacked over on the side." Travis pointed out. "We could stay here until morning and then someone could go get help."

Everyone agreed. Jeff had reservations about it, but held his tongue. The weather was turning bad outside, the wind picking up a low, moaning whine and causing the dead trees to scrape their skeletal branches against the roof of the cabin. The temperature inside was already dropping.

"I'll get some wood." Jeff said to no one in particular.

"I'll give you a hand." Debbie followed him through the open door.

"I don't like this." Debbie's voice was flat and emotionless as they made their way to the side of the house. A ragged green army tarp was pegged over a lumpy pile next to one leaning wall.

"Neither do I." Jeff pulled the hand cut wooden pegs from the ground and folded the tarp back. "What the fuck!" he screamed, jumping back and knocking Debbie to the ground. The top of the wood pile was teeming with snakes, their bodies coiled around one another in a twisting, writhing mess of shared heat. And angry rattling sound started to build from the mass of reptiles and Jeff realized for the first time that nearly all of them were rattlesnakes. As this dawned on him a huge Timber rattlesnake reared its head and hissed at him. It was easily the biggest snake Jeff had ever seen, nearly five feet long and as thick as his wrist. Others were now rattling and hissing at them as well. Suddenly the huge snake stuck at Jeff, only falling short by inches. He scrambled back with a scream and pulled Debbie to her feet, dragging her behind him back around the cabin.

They burst through the door and collapsed in a heap, breathing heavily.

"What's wrong?" Megan almost shrieked.

"Snakes!" Debbie was bawling. "Hundreds of them all over the wood pile! Rattlesnakes! One tried to bite Jeff."

"Let's go." Derek and Travis looked at each other. They were through the door before anyone could stop them. Two minutes later they were back, each with an arm load of wood.

"Are you fucking stupid?" Derek accused. "You really scared the girls. There's no snakes out there."

"What do you mean?" Debbie pleaded.

"I mean what I said; there are no snakes out there."

"Bullshit we both saw them," Jeff defended. "You think we were making it up?"

Travis was busy laying logs in the fire place and said nothing, but Jeff saw him shift his eyes briefly to the door then back again.

"What did you see?" Travis didn't answer. "What did you see Travis?" Jeff was starting to get heated.

"Nothing! There was nothing out there but wood." Again that shift of the eyes toward the open door. Jeff was about to ask again when Debbie put her hand on his chest.

"Let it go for now," she whispered.

"I know what we saw." Jeff sat down in one of the rickety wooden chair with his back to the small but functional table and brooded. Outside the wind went on howling, the trees went on scratching. The fire was beginning to crackle and everyone edged closer to the warmth radiating out of the stone mouth. What little conversation there was died out. Everyone simply sat and stared at the flickering flames.

Time drug on.

Megan was asleep on the couch with Michelle curled up to her side. Marie, her broken leg swollen to the size of an inner tube, was staring dreamily at the fire. Jeff caught himself dozing. In the back of his mind, some thought tugged at his consciousness. He tried to focus his tired mind on it. Something inside the cabin had changed.

The center of the room seemed lighter, and the air seemed to be filled with floating, ethereal particles of light. He saw Debbie look up and knew that she was noticing it to. Despite the fire, raging thanks to Travis' constant fueling, Jeff was freezing.

"Does it look brighter in here to anyone?" The word had no more parted his lips when there was a blinding flash in the center of the room, and frigid, icy air blasted his face. He heard a scream and saw Chris fly past his peripheral vision and crash into the woodstove with his neck at a sickening, ninety degree angle.

Standing in the center of the room was a woman, or what looked like a woman. She was surrounded by twisting, blue-white light that made Jeff's eyes water. A gossamer gown, thin and light as the breeze it's self, billowed around her nude figure. The skin beneath it was as pale as fresh snow, and he realized that he could see Megan sitting on the couch through this woman. She scanned the room, cool green eyes washing over each of them. She looked at Derek and seemed to dismiss him with her eyes. A second later he was flying through the air, landing face first into the fire place. His scream pierced the silence as the flames billowed up around him, engulfing him, rending his body to a pile of ash in less than a second. The smell of burning hair and charred flesh was horrendous, filling the room instantly.

Travis bolted for the door which had blow open with the force of her appearance. He button hooked around her and made it halfway there. A black streak crossed Jeff's vision, nothing more than a dark blur and a faint whistle. The wrought iron fire poker he had been using to stoke the flames buried it's self in his back to the hilt. He made one lurching, staggering step toward the door and turned, blood bubbling and gurgling from his gaping mouth. The poker extended two feet from his mangled chest with the bloody, beating mass of his heart skewered on the end of it. Travis collapsed in front of the door like a sack of potatoes.

Michelle and Marie were hysterical, clawing at one another, crying, screaming. The woman looked at them, two-thirds of the infamous Carter triplets, with a mixture of pity and mild annoyance.

"Such a shame to waste two as beautiful as you." Her voice seemed to be made of a hundred overlapping voices, seeming to come from everywhere and nowhere; Jeff heard it with his ears and in the middle of his head, and felt her words vibrate his very bones. She made a dismissive gesture with her hand, much like flicking a wandering bug off of your arm, and Michelle and Marie simply winked out of existence leaving their clothes in small heaps on the couch.

Now there were only three. The woman scanned them all, her form solidifying until she was wholly there and Jeff could no longer see through her. Her skin was pale like fresh cream and without visible blemish. Voluptuous curves called to him from beneath her gossamer wrap. Her breasts, high, firm and round, seemed to beg for the touch of his hands. The pink nipples at their peak were standing tall and erect. Her copper hair flowed down her back in big wavy curls, nearly brushing the swell of her ass.

Somewhere in the back of his brain neurons fired and a single word floated up to his conscious mind: Succubus. He pondered that word as he stared slack jawed at the radiant beauty surveying the remnants of their party with green eyes that seemed to dance and sparkle with their own interior light. She locked eyes with Jeff and rational thought was driven away. His body responded to her beauty as any man would: his cock was an iron bar pinned to his thigh by his jeans, throbbing in concert with the beating of his heart, his mouth watered with lusty anticipation. Then her eyes were gone, moving on to Debbie who still sat cross-legged on the floor. As her eyes wandered over her, Jeff watched as Debbie shuddered. Her cheeks were flushed with color. A thin line of drool escaped her hanging mouth.

She shifted her gaze to Megan seated on the end of the couch next to the piles of clothes that had once been her sisters. Megan met her gaze with cool defiance at first. They stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity until finally Megan dropped her eyes. Her face was an alarming shade of red and she was trembling all over.

The woman spoke again. "Wonderful. The three of you will make a fine treat. Come ladies." She turned and advanced on Jeff, with Megan and Debbie rising to follow her. She stood in front of him and Jeff let his eyes wander over her supple body, from the cleft of her vagina with its dusting of fiery red hair, over the curve of her stomach to the soft swell of her breasts, up the slender neck to rest on her amazing green eyes again. His body shook once, violently, and the leg of his jeans instantly darkened at the end of the thick bulge there with the orgasm he hadn't known he was going to have.

The woman dropped to her knees and beckoned for Megan and Debbie to do the same. Her hands ran up his thighs, over the hot log of his cock, squeezing the bulge of his balls at the crotch. She snapped her fingers and his clothes were ripped from his body in a flash. The force of his disrobement seemed to have taken Debbie and Megan's clothes too he noticed with some pleasure. His manhood stood firmly at attention, swaying back and forth slightly. The veined shaft glistened with his cum, still leaking weakly from the tip, in the dancing fire light.

"Such a fine specimen," she said. The girls sighed in admiration as she took his cock into her hands, dragging them up the length of his shaft. They came away sticky with his seed.

"The nectar of all life." She held out her hands to Megan and Debbie on either side of her. "Taste of him and know the Giver." Jeff watched closely as Debbie and Megan each leaned in and lapped at her outstretched hand. "Drink from the spout of life." She directed. The girls immediately obeyed, leaning in and snaking their tongues around the shaft of his penis. Jeff loosed a long, low sigh has they worked their way up, hot wet tongues overlapping, sliding around. When they reached the swollen head Megan and Debbie kissed, keeping it between their hungry mouths.

"Excellent." The woman ran her hands down their backs, over their outthrust asses and between their slightly parted thighs. She brought her hands up glistening wetly with their juices. "The sweet honey of womanhood." She held her hands out for Jeff to taste and he greedily slurped her hands clean. She dropped one hand to her own crotch, spreading her plump lips and wetting her fingers with her own fluids. This she offered to Jeff with a crooked smile. "The ambrosia of desire."

His tongue touched her hand and taste exploded in his mouth. It was a taste like no other, similar to Debbie and Megan, but far more intense. The tangy sweetness attacked his senses, flooding his mouth with saliva. His cock grew harder still and fresh globs of semen slipped from the tip to cascade over the tongues working their way back down his shaft.

The woman pulled Debbie and Megan back, wrapping her arms around them and pulling them close, kissing each deeply.

"You shall have him first." She nodded at Megan. She seemed to swell with pride at being chosen as first. She stood and straddled Jeff's splayed legs, grabbing his swollen member and guiding it into her sopping wet hole. She took him into her in a single fast motion, burying his cock to the hilt. Her big, perky breasts swayed just inches from his face as she began to ride him. Warm hands caressed and kneaded his balls, moving up to the exposed shaft of his cock as Megan lifted herself before plunging back down.

Suddenly Jeff's head wall pulled back, knocking his skull on the table top. A moment later a plump, pink pussy trimmed in fire was thrust onto his face. The smell of her was intoxicating, a sweet, dark musk. Her clit poked through its hood, hard and fat like a tiny pink cock. His face was drenched in sticky wetness as his tongue went to work, driving into her hot furnace. He burrowed it deep inside of her, painting her silky walls with it, sliding along the thick lips and over the bud of her clit. He could feel the Succubus trembling. He reached up and grabbed her ass, pulling her down, eating her dripping pussy in frenzy.

"Drink from my cup and know true desire," she moaned as she rode his face, grinding herself against him.

Megan was moaning loudly, bouncing up and down like a bull rider at a rodeo. Debbie was on her knees directly behind her, spreading her toned ass cheeks and tonguing the tight, puckered opening there. Her tongue circled around and around, closing in and then sliding down to lap at her pussy lips stretched around Jeff's fat cock.

"Oh god I'm going to cum!" She screamed. Her body shuddered and Jeff felt hot wetness wash over his cock and out of their union, coating his balls. His body tensed and he suddenly exploded, shooting cum deep inside of Megan who had collapsed against his bare chest, shaking uncontrollably.

The woman sat up and looked over her shoulder and fixed her gaze on Debbie. "Now is the time of your deflowering."

Megan climbed off of his lap and sat next to him on the floor with her legs curled beneath her, a smile of utter satisfaction on her face. Debbie stood in front of Jeff, who had lifted his head to look at her. In the unsteady light of the fire place she looked radiant. Her hair was as black as night and straight as a pin, and fell to just below the strong lone of her jaw, framing her face in ebony silk. The soft swell of her breasts, each a little more than a handful, rose and fell with her deep respirations. She mounted his lap while staring into his eyes, hands splayed on his bare chest. A hand gripped his slick shaft, and he watched Megan guide him to her opening. His head touched her slit, so warm and wet and inviting, causing her breath to catch in her chest. Then he was sinking into her. The silk walls of her pussy caressed his engorged member as they stretched to accommodate him. There was a moment of resistance, and Debbie whimpered in pain, and then he was sliding into her again. Finally she rested on his lap, leaning forward with her head resting on his shoulder.

"Good." The succubus noted before lowering her dripping sex back onto Jeff's face.

After some time, Jeff had no idea how long, Debbie began to tentatively slide up and down on his cock. He felt hands on his legs, and knew that Megan was down there somewhere. A tongue slid across his balls. Megan sucked on into her mouth, turning it over and over with her tongue. Debbie slid up and he popped free of her pussy. His distended cock was quickly gobbled by a hungry mouth, and then he was back inside of Debbie. She was really riding him now, her arousal outweighing any discomfort she might have felt. Megan was busily sucking and squeezing his balls, stopping to slap Debbie ass every so often.

"Oh Jeff fuck me," she moaned, "fuckmefuckmefuckme..." she trailed off into a low moan that built to a wail. Her body shook as her orgasm ripped through her and she collapsed against him, spent and out of breath. Jeff continued to pump his cock into her, too close to his own climax to stop. Finally he felt that familiar tightening in his loins, and his cock erupted for the third time, filling Debbie's trembling pussy until it was over flowing with his cum.

Just as suddenly as is had appeared, the pussy grinding against his face was gone. The woman was standing behind Debbie, stroking her hair.

"Very good dear. Now it is time for him to know true ecstasy." Debbie obediently climbed off of him. The woman turned and sat on Jeff's lap with her back to him and his throbbing cock sticking between her thighs. He could feel the heat radiating off of her body in waves. A strong hand wrapped around his shaft he was suddenly enveloped by liquid fire. The walls of her pussy seemed to be made of thousands of tiny mouths, each sucking, biting and licking at the intrusion of his cock into her. She took his length easily, grinding against his pelvis as he bottomed out.