The Psychiatrist Ch. 03: The Next Day

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Rob has to tell Holly what happened to her at Lou's Tavern.
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Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/10/2019
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Chapter Three


We hadn't gotten home from Lou's Tavern until 3:00am and by the time I helped Holly get cleaned up it was closer to 3:30 when we finally made it to bed. Holly was out like a light but I tossed and turned a bit before being able to drift off to La La Land. I woke up around 10:00am and snuck out of bed trying my best not to disturb Holly. I slipped on some shorts and a polo shirt before heading to the kitchen.

Soon the smell of fresh brewed coffee was in the air so I sat down at the kitchen table with my first cup of the day pondering how to start the conversation that Holly and I needed to have about what had happened the previous night. If she had no recollection of the things that took place, should I tell her? That was a tough question and one that I didn't really have the answer to. I did decide to have five one-hundred dollar bills on the table when she came into the room; maybe that would brighten her mood. But how do I start the conversation? What should I say?

We had already planned that our 10 year-old daughter Jenny would be on a two-night sleepover with Grandma and Grandpa so we had the whole day to ourselves to work this out. I got to thinking; maybe we shouldn't talk until after dinner but I quickly realized that I was just trying to postpone the inevitable. No, we needed to talk this morning.

Holly came down around 11:00 in her sexy summer robe that just came mid-thigh and her bright red flip flops since it looked to be a very bright sunny day. "Good morning precious", I said to her and she responded, "Good morning my handsome man." I was thinking, so far so good. She gave me a tighter and longer than normal hug. That's when she saw the $500 on the table. "Did Jim tell you about the bet I won when he gave you this money last night?"

"Yes." I told her, "In fact Chuck had already told me about it before I was even able to talk with Jim. So, this cash is for you to spend any way you wish; my little gambling chick." She smiled at me but there was a troubled look in her eyes which were puffy and red. I could tell she had recently been crying. "Didn't you sleep well?" I asked.

"I slept like a log, I must have been exhausted!"

I chuckled at what she didn't know about her activities the previous night and said, "I'll bet you were exhausted and I was hoping you would get a chance to sleep in". I said all this as I was getting her a cup of coffee just the way she likes it.

Then she said, "I actually woke when I heard you leave the room about an hour ago but have been lying in bed trying to figure out what happened last night and I can't remember much. I do vaguely remember that when we got home you were helping me into the bathtub and I remember how much love and tenderness you were showing me. The sensation of having a wonderful man wash my hair while I was totally like putty in his hands was amazing! You really are undoubtedly the best husband in the world, you know that, don't you?"

I jokingly responded by telling her, "That certainly is true and I don't want you to ever forget it. It's interesting that you were trying to figure out about last night, did you have any more memories of what happened after I was called away for that fire emergency?" That's when I saw a very troubled expression cross her face and her fore-head even wrinkled up a bit with excess worry. "What is it honey?" I asked, "What seems to be the matter?"

She looked straight into my eyes as she took a good sip of her coffee and asked me, "When we finally got into bed we were both naked which I love so much with my handsome man, but I can't remember something and it troubles me to ask because I don't want you to ever think that our love making sessions aren't memorable, but did we make love last night before we went to sleep?"

Wondering where this was going, I simply said; "No, we didn't, you were pretty tuckered out and you were asleep pretty much as soon as your head hit the pillow."

Now her worried expression deepened and she asked one other question; "Did we wake up in the middle of the night and have sex?"

"No, but why do you ask?"

With that she put her head down burying her face on her arms and cried like a baby for a full two or three minutes. This certainly isn't the way I was hoping the conversation would start out, but here we were. I reached across the table and rested my hands on the shoulders of my bride and said, "What is it honey? Why are you so upset?"

She moved her head from her arms and glanced into my eyes then buried her face on her arms again saying: "Oh Rob, I've ruined our marriage. I've been unfaithful to you and I don't know if you can ever forgive me. I didn't mean to do anything like that and I can't even remember doing it but I know that I cheated on you."

Oh, my god, I thought. She's remembered something of last night and now I need to somehow act like what happened was somehow excusable. How am I going to do that? I decided to probe her memory a little: "Is it because of your vague notion that you might have kissed Chuck last night?"

"No, No, No! I wish that were all but I'm afraid it is much more serious than that, I think I may have had sex with someone and I don't even know who. Maybe it was Lou, maybe it was Chuck or maybe even that psychiatrist friend of Chuck named Jim. I don't know who or what or when but I know something dreadful happened and now I'm afraid of losing you and screwing up our wonderful family."

"There, there", I comforted her. "Just know that I love you dearly and nothing is going to change that. Please just tell me what's bothering you." With that, I again reached across the table and this time took both her hands in mine. I could tell she needed a moment to get her thoughts together so I said; "Let me go refresh our cups of coffee and I'll be right back."

I spent more time than necessary fiddling around while getting the coffee and wiping the kitchen counter. I was away from her for no more than two or three minutes but it gave her a chance to dry her tears and catch her breath. As I came back to the table, I put our cups down and sat once again across from her grabbing both of her hands in mine I asked. "What is it honey? Tell me what's gotten you so bothered. You said yourself that you can't remember having sex with anyone, why are you so sure you did?"

With that, she began to tell her tale of woe: "This morning as I was lying in bed trying to figure out what happened last night I was still bothered by the vague recollection of kissing Chuck but couldn't actually see myself doing it, or even wanting to for that matter. Then about fifteen minutes after waking up I realized that I had horrible morning breath. My mouth felt like I had been licking ashes out of an ash tray or had eaten rotten onions or something like that. Then when I swallowed; you know how you sometimes swallow your own spit? Well when I swallowed my throat was very raw and sore, but not sore like when you have a cold, it was more like rough and raw feeling. As I was wondering why I felt like that I suddenly got a picture of Victor in my mind. You remember Victor, the bouncer at Lou's tavern?"

"Yes, I remember Victor, I think everyone around the tavern simply calls him Vic."

"Yes, that's the guy, but I don't know why I was even thinking of him in conjunction with my sore throat. Well anyway I decided to get up and brush my teeth which I did and as is so often the case the running water in the sink made me feel like I had to pee. So, I sat on the toilet to pee but instead of coming out in a steady stream as it normally does, it just sort of gushed out splattering everywhere in the toilet bowl. I thought that was strange but that wasn't all; there was a burning sensation as I peed as if my vagina was rough and raw. But the worst thing was after I finished peeing I still had stuff dripping out of my vagina. It felt sort of like it feels when I'm having my period but I knew this wasn't even close to that time of the month."

She tearfully went on, "It seemed like I had to sit there four or five minutes while stuff just drained out. When I got up I looked in the bowl and honey, I don't know any other way to tell you this, but it was men's sperm that had drained out of me! That's why I was desperately hoping that you and I made love last night before we went to sleep but since you say we didn't, that sperm must have come from someone else. Oh honey, I've ruined our faithful marriage! I've transgressed our marriage vows! I've had sex with another man and now I'm afraid that I've broken up our wonderful family!"

She had the look of terror in her eyes as if she was about to be attacked by a rabid dog. "Rob, I don't know how you could ever forgive me and for sure I don't know how I am ever going to be able to forgive myself. Since going to the bathroom I've spent the last half hour in bed wondering how in the world I am ever going to tell this horrible news to you and how I will ever be able to live with what I've done. All I could do was picture my dad giving you my purity ring at our wedding ceremony as a pledge that I saved myself for you and only you. Now I've ruined everything!!"

OK, she knows that someone fucked her last night. Now how am I going to proceed from here? How am I going to break the news to her? Should I just tell her about one of the guys who screwed her and leave it at that? I knew that she was starting to have at least some vague memories like Jim had told me some people do when they come out of hypnosis. If I choose to tell her about one of the guys, what would happen later if she started being suspicious that it was really one of the other ones? It was a quick decision but I decided that I needed to tell her the whole truth of what happened the night before. But where do I start? How do I go about it? How can I let her know that I still love her? Then I got what I later discovered turned out to be a very good idea.

I picked up the zippered bank bag of cash that Lou had set in my lap last night. "Honey, you've seen the $500 here on the table but you need to know something about your bet. What exactly did you wager?"

Holly looked at me and said, "Well I was kind of drunk but as I recall the psychiatrist and I were having a bit of a dispute about hypnosis. He said he used it regularly in his practice and I told him that I didn't believe in it. So, he bet that he could put me under hypnosis and cause me to act like a sex crazed woman and if he couldn't, he would give me $500. That's why he gave this money to you to pass on to me. He lost the bet so he owed me the $500."

As she said this she was fingering the five bills on the table, then she went on. "I was completely confident he couldn't successfully hypnotize me so I asked him what he would win if he was successful. He said if he won then he and all the guys in the bar would get to play with a sex crazed woman. Rob, I knew I was a bit tipsy but I also was confident that it was a safe bet because there is just no way that I would ever act like a slut, so I just said; 'You're on'. Now I clearly see the $500 here on the table so I know that I must have won the bet!"

Now was my time to start the story of what happened last night at Lou's Tavern: I picked up the pouch of money and emptied its contents on the table. Holly's eyes were big as saucers and she said; "My gawd Rob, where did you get all that money?"

That was the opening I was hoping for so I said; "Honey, you didn't win the bet, I'm afraid you lost." She was stunned by my comment and briefly I could see her mind racing over just what the ramifications of losing would be.

"But if I lost, I don't understand why you have all this money."

"Let me explain what happened". Then I told her everything from the time I left for the fire emergency and on to the time that Jim was explaining the three different commands she would receive and how she was to respond. She remembered the whole conversation that had taken place while they were sitting on the bar stools before the actual hypnosis took place.

"But sweetie, I remember him telling me how I would respond to some simple commands accompanied by some strange touching like squeezing my ear or pinching my earlobes or grabbing my finger but they all seemed so bazar. I just thought this guy has some strange fetish for women's ears and this was his excuse to touch me there."

I continued, "Do you remember him trying to hypnotize you?"

"Yes, I remember him taking a little pen light from his blazer pocket and shining it in my eyes. It all seemed so silly, so I just went along with it, all the time thinking that this is the easiest $500 shopping spree I have ever earned."

"Well, do you remember what happened after he used the flashlight?"

Holly looked into my eyes and simply said; "No. That's when everything becomes a blur. I really can't remember anything else except like I said, I think I might have kissed Chuck right after that. OH, MY GOD! DON'T TELL ME THAT I ACTUALLY BECAME A SEX CRAZED WOMAN!!"

She was yelling her question at me and I knew I had to keep calm and truthful in my response: "Honey, I wish I could tell you something otherwise but yes, that's exactly what you became. Not only did you become a sex crazed woman but you had sex with all six guys that were in Lou's Tavern at the time of your bet."

Tears of grief formed in her eyes as she said. "OH NO! OH NO! OH NO! Please say this is a big prank and you're just making this up!"

"No honey, it's not a prank, it really did happen, but it wasn't all your fault. You were manipulated by a master of manipulation. I'm afraid the doctor got the better of you. In fact, he got the best of you and so did the other five guys who were in the tavern last night."

Again, Holly buried her face in her outstretched arms on the table and cried; "Oh no. Oh no. What have I done?" After what seemed like about ten minutes of her sobbing and repeating those same words: 'Oh no'; 'Oh no'; she finally looked up at me and with a terrified expression on her face asked; "Where did all of this happen? Was I just fucking guys out in the open in the middle of Lou's Tavern?"

"No honey, at least they had the decency of moving the action into Lou's office where you were able to use a proper bed for the show that you put on." As soon as I said it I realized that I had used the wrong words by framing it into the context of her putting on a show.

She immediately started weeping again and saying; "Oh Rob, you must think I'm a horrible slut!"

"No Holly, I know you are a loving, tender, even somewhat conservative wife who loves her husband. It wasn't really you who did those things in Lou's office, it was a person who was under hypnosis. That's why you can't remember what happened. Jim didn't really let you wake up and come to your senses until you had satisfied all six guys and in doing so you paid off your debt."

"Rob, Rob, Rob, how could I have allowed something so dirty to happen? I'm so sorry! Can you ever forgive me?" Then she got a flash of remembrance spread across her face; "Wait a minute. Wait a minute! When I woke up, you were standing right in front of me. How long had you been there? Hopefully you didn't see me do any of those disgusting things! Please tell me you didn't!"

What could I say? I had to tell her the truth lest her memory might return and she find out that I was holding back. I told her how I had walked into the empty tavern and heard noises coming from the back room. I told the story of when I walked into the room she was sitting on Lou's cock and then everything went blank because someone had knocked me out with a blow to the back of my head.

I let her know that when I woke up I was gagged and tied in a chair with no way to stop what was happening. I went on to explain that by the time I woke up Jim was doing her doggy style and Chuck was kneeling at my side.

"Oh sweetie" she cried. "I'm so ashamed that you had to see such horrible things!" This time she is the one who grabbed my hands across the table and we wept together for several minutes. When I was finally able to speak again I went on to explain how Chuck filled me in on the whole thing while the rest of the guys went into the bar for a drink.

I also let her know how peaceful and relaxed she looked lying on the bed after hearing the "RELAX" command. "Honestly Holly, it wasn't the real you. It was as if you were a robot following commands. But at the same time, I would be remiss if I didn't tell you that you truly were enjoying the sex. Your body was responding to all the stimulus from each of the guys.

I told her that the rest of the guys were in the bar having a drink while Chuck was kneeling at the side of my chair explaining the whole thing to me. And how the worst part was that there were two younger guys who were in the bar that none of us knew who hadn't had their turn with her yet. I told her that Chuck in compassion removed the gag from around my head and how I tried to speak to her but since she was still under hypnosis she couldn't really hear me.

I also explained that when the guys came back into the room, Jim tried to explain a few things to me. "I hated him Holly! If I hadn't been tied up I would have beaten the shit out of him right then and there. As it was, I had to watch those two younger guys fuck you, but worst of all, I had to watch as you were enjoying every minute of it."

"Oh Rob, you know that the only man I have ever wanted to make love to is you! I'm so very sorry that you had to see me act the part of a whore and a slut but please, please, PLEASE! Please know that you're the one I love. I don't know who that woman was you had to watch but it wasn't really me! She sobbed again and I realized that I had gone over the top and shouldn't have put it the way I did. I needed to calm down myself and get some control back before going on, but I didn't know what to say or how to proceed.

Fortunately, Holly provided the way out of my dilemma when she asked: "But I still don't understand where all this money came from." That was the way to continue so I shared with her how Jim had put her into the RELAX mode and then taken all the guys, including Chuck into the bar for some sort of discussion. They came back in and Jim explained that they had all decided how rotten the whole situation was and how it had gotten way out of hand.

I told her how the flirting that had gone on while I was still in the tavern before the emergency call and the flirting that continued after I left had given Chuck and Jim the idea that we were perhaps into some kinky lifestyle that allowed for sharing and extra marital affairs.

Holly looked especially saddened and said: "Oh Rob, I'm so sorry, I didn't think I was flirting that much but I guess perhaps I was a bit drunk."

"Well, that's why they didn't think it was such a travesty to make the bet about you being a sex crazed woman. But then when I told Chuck and he told Jim that up until last night, I had been the only man who you had ever been with they all felt very remorseful and ashamed of themselves. Together they all decided that they were guilty and needed to pay something in the way of atonement."

Holly's eyes lit with fire and she asked; "Do you mean to tell me that I was paid for sex? What do they think I am, some kind of prostitute!?" I assured her that her response was the same as mine last night when they put the money in front of me. In fact, I had spit out nearly the same venomous words she did. But they explained that it wasn't intended to be pay for services rendered but it was the only way they could think of to let us know that this was going to cost them something near and dear to their heart.

Essentially, they were putting their money where their mouth was and they were pleading their case by telling me how hard it was going to be for months to come trying to explain to their wives why they had each spent $1,000 at Lou's Tavern. Chuck in fact knew that Liz was going to give him hell for a long time over this unexpected expense since they couldn't in any way shape or form afford it. "So, my dear, it's not just $500, but in front of you is a pile of money that adds up to $6,000!"