The Road Trip Ch. 02

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TJ leaves Emma with Sam, but for how long!
5.9k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/29/2019
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The Road Trip (Part two)

It had been a week since Emma and I met and we had spent every moment of that week together. During the day we traveled and visited various tourist sites as well as a few buildings on my list of unusual architectural projects. At night we made love until we were exhausted. I had never tried so many sexual positions before, Emma seemed to have the Karma Sutra memorized and she had an insatiable energy that only seemed to wain once she had orgasmed half a dozen times.

Every morning I would go for a run to try and stretch out my sore muscles ... not that I was complaining about how they got sore.

It was now Friday and we were heading back to the city so Emma could meet her friend Sam at the airport. We’d talked that morning and decided that I would drop Emma off at the terminal and she and Sam would start their world trip. It was pretty clear that both of us wanted more time together but we also knew that Emma’s relationship with Sam was important. Having not seen each other for over a year they needed time to reconnect.

I pulled up in front of the terminal at 2pm that afternoon. We had already been to a nearby hotel and booked a room for the girls for the night. Emma assumed Sam would have some jet lag to get over after her ten-hour flight from London.

Sitting in silence for a couple of minutes neither of us wanted to say goodbye. Finally a parking warden came over and spoke through my open window.

“You can’t park here sir. This area is for drop-offs and pick-ups only.”

“Be gone in a minute, just dropping off.” I replied with a nod.

I got out of my seat and went back into the camper, Emma followed. Opening up the side door we stepped out with Emma’s backpack. Dex sat in the open door and looked up at Emma with sad eyes. They had become firm friends over the last week.

“Oh don’t be like that boy,” Emma frowned at the border collie and gave him a scratch behind the ear. “I’m going to miss you too.”

“Well, I guess this is it.” I said with more than a hint of sadness in my voice.

Emma reached out and we hugged, holding the embrace for a long time before stepping apart.

“We’ll see each other again.” Emma said smiling half-heartedly.

“I hope so.” I smiled back.

“TJ, I wish we could ...”

“I know, I do to.” I interrupted. “But you go and have a good time with Sam. See the world, enjoy yourselves. I’ll check your blog to make sure you’re doing OK.”

“I’ll read yours as well. Just to make sure your unusual house search is living up to its name.”

We embraced again before Emma picked up her pack and headed for the nearest entrance door. She turned before going in and blew me a kiss. I smiled and pretended to catch it.

The parking attendant started towards me again but I caught his eye and acknowledged I was leaving before he had to say anything.

I drove out of the airport and headed back north. I felt miserable and my eyes were damp with tears. I’d only cried twice in my life that I could remember ... both over members of the fairer sex. The first time was a result of my crush on eleven-year-old Julie Simpson in sixth grade. A week after pledging our love to one another she told me she was dumping me for Toby Bolt, a skinny freckly seventh grade kid. Evidently his family had a beach house and Julie had been invited to go and spent vacation there. I cried myself to sleep that night believing the whole world was against me. I’d thought at the time that I would never feel so broken hearted again and vowed never to trust another girl in my life.... I was very wrong on both those counts.

Years later I fell in love with Kelly, and that’s when I realized what true love really was. We shared ten years of great marriage together and when she passed in the accident I realized what a truly broken heart really was. I had cried for a long time after I woke from my coma to find out she was no longer going to be at my side. Naturally over time my physical wounds had healed but the emotional wounds took far longer, in fact they were still present four years later. I had believed I would never love again. However this last week with Emma had me wanting to believe again.

I drove aimlessly north not thinking about where I was going. Finally I pulled the truck into a road-side layby and sat staring out the window. Dex, sensing my despair, laid his head on my lap in a comforting way.

“What are we doing boy?” I said sighing, patting him gently on the head.

Eventually I made my way back into the camper and pulled down the bed. I lay back against the pillow and stared at the ceiling. My thoughts were all over the place. I pulled out the drawer beside the bed ... reaching in I found what I was looking for ... a picture of Kelly. It had been taken at friend’s beach wedding, Kelly was wearing a white summer dress and was smiling at the camera. We had been together for nine years when the picture was taken ... she looked just as beautiful as she had when we first started going out. I closed my eyes and remembered when we first met ... I smiled as I thought about it.

I had known Kelly since high school, and even though we had a number of classes together we had not spoken more than a dozen times in over four years of school. She was the girl that every guy wanted to date but no one did ... that’s because everyone thought she was gay. Kelly was best friends with Andie Jacobson, and Andie made no secret of the fact that she was a lesbian. As a result of them being together all the time the assumption was Kelly was lesbian too ... although she never confirmed or denied it. The fact that she never dated seemed to seal her fate and so guys stayed away. Of course like all the other randy high school guys I’d wondered what it would’ve been like to get it on with Kelly but like the others I never thought of actually asking her out.

That all changed on my first week of college. I’d gone to a community college in a town about 100 miles from home. My Mom was a solo parent and we didn’t have money for a fancy college, and I had to get a part-time job to make ends meet. As far as I knew nobody from my graduating class had chosen the same school. After a week I was feeling pretty alone, so I went to a local student hangout called ‘The Plague’ for a coffee. I was hoping to meet some of my classmates. The place was very busy and the only spare seat was at a small table in the corner. I could see the back of a blond headed girl sitting at the table alone ... I approached and asked if I could sit down. The blonde was Kelly.

“Hey Kelly, mind if I sit here?”

“TJ! What are you doing here?” Kelly asked with wide eyed surprise.

“I could ask you the same thing?” I replied smiling.

“I’m studying here, taking courses to become a radiologist. What about you?”

“I want to be a draftsman and they have a good course here for that.” I said sitting down.

“It’s really nice to see someone I know.” Kelly said smiling.

“Yeah, I know how you feel.”

We got to talking and before we knew it an hour had passed. A waitress asked us if we had finished our drinks ... her voice implied that it was time for us to vacate a needed table. We left and made our way back to the campus. On the way Kelly asked if I wanted to go out to the movies sometime. I was a bit confused and it must have showed in my reaction.

“I’m not gay TJ.”

“Oh ... I thought you and Andie ...”

“Andie is my best friend but that’s all.”

“So, you’ve never been gay?” I asked still a little confused.

“Well, I can’t say I haven’t done a little experimenting ... with Andie around it was hard to not to. But I’m into guys more.” she shrugged and smiled.

“OK.” I was a bit shocked at her openness. “Why didn’t you date in high school? I mean almost every guy there had the hots for you.”

“In the beginning I didn’t want to get involved with all that dating stuff, so when the rumors about Andie and me started I just let people believe it ... it kept the guys away. By the time I was ready to date most of the good guys were in relationships, so I just decided to keep up the pretence rather than go out with boys I didn’t like.”

“Fair enough.” I kind of understood what she was saying. Thinking back to my dating life in high school ... I hadn’t been exactly successful. Mostly short-term relationships that ended with me still a virgin.

“So were you one of them?” Kelly asked interrupting my thoughts.

“One what?”

“One of the guys who had the hots for me? she asked rather teasingly.

I blushed. “Ahh ... well ... yeah, I was.”

“You know if you had asked me out I might have said yes.”

“I thought you said all the guys you liked were taken?”

“Maybe not all of them.” She teased again. “But I wasn’t going to ask.”

“You just asked me now.” I said raising my eyebrows.

“Times change.” She retorted and grinned.

“OK.” Was all I could think of to say.

Kelly laughed and took my arm as we continued walking.

“So, I suppose now I have to up my game,” she sighed. “To make sure you were justified in having the hots for me,” she added jokingly.

“Yeah, I guess you will.” I quipped back trying to sound like I was the experienced man about town. I’m 100% sure I didn’t pull it off. I decided my best move would be to just shut up and enjoy the walk with a beautiful girl.

Over the next few months we started dating regularly and things got hot and heavy as we managed time alone in either her room or mine. Finally one night it happened. Kelly asked me to stay over as her roommate was going away for the weekend. We were both quite nervous but in the end hormones took over and the result was pretty good sex. I seemed to do most the things right, and when I didn’t Kelly would move my hand or head to the right places. She had a magnificent body and her skin was tanned except for bikini lines, which in my opinion made her look even more sexy. Her breasts where perky and she had slightly puffy nipples that were wonderful to suck on. Her stomach was flat and toned and her light brown pubes were the perfect shape, trimmed nicely for her summer bikini. I couldn’t get enough of her pussy, it’s smell, taste, texture, the way it contracted and leaked a clear juice on orgasm. I spent a lot of time down between Kelly’s legs and she seemed very appreciative ... to the point of having to burrow her head in a pillow to shield the neighborhood from her cries of ecstasy. Her ministrations on me were way above my own expectations as well. Masturbating is one thing and like most guys I was quite adept at bringing myself to a good climatic cum shot ... but Kelly’s mouth gave my cock a whole new experience in pleasure. What that girl could do with her tongue could win an academy award.

We couldn’t get enough of each other and although we found our roommates were a joy to be around when there was a social gathering or a football game, they were definitely a problem when it came to privacy. So after six months in college accommodation we bit the bullet and rented a small one-bedroom apartment above the garage of an elderly lady I did some yard work for. Three years later we graduated and got married ... life had been near perfect. When things got a little hard or stressful Kelly would always say ‘Just turn the page and move on’. That became our motto and it worked a charm. We were happy.

Lying on the bed in the camper fourteen years later I thought of that motto. The only problem was how did it apply to me now. Did turning the page mean Emma was on the new page. Fuck! Sometimes I just wish things were simple.

I took a quick cold shower to help clear my mind ... it didn’t work, so I decided to turn out the light and try and get some sleep. I had placed the picture of Kelly, face up on the bedside cabinet. As I went to get into bed a slight gust of wind blew through the open window, the breeze somehow lifted the picture and flipped it over ... at that very moment I swear I heard Kelly say, ‘time to just turn the page and move on’. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up as I turned around expecting to see Kelly. Of course she wasn’t there ... but in some way she was.


I said her name not as a question asking if she was there but more as a confirmation to myself that she had answered my dilemma. I smiled ... it was time to be somewhere else ... with someone else. Time to believe again!

I started up the truck and headed back to the city.

Earlier that day Emma had gone into the airport with mixed feelings. On one hand she didn’t want TJ to go ... on the other hand she couldn’t wait to spend time with Sam.

“Damn it!” she said loudly. Attracting looks from passers-by. Turning around she looked out the door and saw the camper pull away from the curb and drive away. Sitting on a nearby bench-seat tears welled up in her eyes.

“Are you alright dear?”

Emma looked up to see a concerned elderly woman sitting beside her. For a brief moment she thought it was her grandmother.

“Ah ... yeah I’m fine. Thank you. Someone just left and it was hard to say goodbye.”

“Well I’m afraid that’s airports for you. Either you’re sad to see someone go or happy to see someone arrive ... I’m sorry that you seem to be in the first category.” The lady put her hand on Emma’s shoulder a gave a reassuring squeeze.

“I do have a friend arriving so I hope to be in the other category soon.” Emma said with a slight smile as she wiped her moist eyes.

“Well I’m glad for that. It’s a shame to see a pretty young thing like you upset.” The lady handed Emma a tissue and smiled. “I’m waiting for my daughter and grandchild, they always put a smile on my face. Now tell me who’s going to be putting a smile on yours.”

They chatted while they waited together. Emma was happy to talk about her arriving friend.

Sam was one of the first to exit from immigration and when she appeared Emma rushed over and they embraced. They hugged for a long time and finally as they parted they laughed and headed for the door. Emma looked at the elderly woman still waiting and smiled as they passed.

It took fifteen minutes on a shuttle to get to the hotel. They went straight to the room as Emma already had the key card. Sitting on the bed they talked non-stop for over three hours catching up on family happenings and careers.

It was late when they realized they were both hungry. Not wanting to go out to eat they ordered room service.

While they waited Sam got a wicked look on her face and smiled at Emma.

“Remember New Year’s Eve at the Falcon Hotel. The room service surprise.”

“Sam! No. You aren’t thinking of doing that again.” Emma exclaimed.

“Come on. For old time sake.” Sam encouraged and smiled again.

“What if it’s a woman?”

“All the better as far as I’m concerned!”

“No, we can’t ... can we.” Emma giggled.

In answer Sam started to take off her clothes. She dropped each item on the floor between the beds, making a show of it like a stripper would.

“Come on Em, I’m not doing this alone.” Sam clicked her fingers at Emma. “Chop, chop!”

Emma sighed and stood. She slowly started to remove her t-shirt.

“To slow!” Sam exclaimed as she dived over the bed and grabbed Emma’s jean shorts and pulled them down, reaching quickly back up to remove her friends little red thong.

“All right! I’ll do the rest. Thank you!” Emma admonished as she stepped out of the shorts and thong before removing her bra.

They stood naked staring at the door.

“Are you sure about this?” Emma said nervously looking across at Sam.

“I think so. Why? Do you want to back out, because ...”

They both jumped as the heard the knock on the door.

“To late now.” Sam said and they both giggled.

Emma took a deep breath before opening the door.

“Room service.” A guy in his late teens said standing in the doorway. He was holding a tray containing their order. His friendly smile was replaced with an open mouth stare as he saw two naked women in front of him.

‘I’ll take that.” Sam said casually and reached out for the tray.

The attendant released the tray to her without saying a word. He continued to stare as Sam turned and walked back into the room, swaying her hips provocatively.

“Do I need to sign anything?” Emma asked politely.

“Ah ... wa ... what ... sorry?” He stuttered and changed his focus to Emma.

“Do I need to sign anything?” she repeated smiling.

“Ah ... yeah ... yeah.”

The attendant held out a small clip board with the receipt attached. Emma stood still in front of him still smiling as Sam came back to the door with her purse. They all stood frozen for a few awkward seconds.

“Do you have a pen?” Emma broke the silence.

“A what?”

“A pen?”

“Ah ... yeah ... sorry.” He said and blushed in embarrassment.

The next sequence of events could have been straight out of a comedy. In haste to retrieve the pen from his pocket, it slipped out of his hand ... he lunged forward to grab it out of the air ... he was unsuccessful ... the pen fell to the floor ... however his hand continued forward, landing smack on Emma’s right breast.

All three of them froze again. Emma finally made eye contact with the attendant.

“Consider that your tip,” she said and winked.

The young man’s face was now a very flushed. He withdrew his hand quickly and stooped to retrieve the pen from the floor. Sam leaned over Emma’s shoulder and took the pen. She signed the receipt and handed it back.

“Thanks.” Sam said smiling, her hand casually cupped Emma’s breast as it draped over her shoulder.

The attendant looked like he might faint as his face got even redder.

Emma winked at him again before closing the door slowly.

The two girls stood behind the door for a few seconds before bursting out into a fit of giggles as they went back into the room.

“Oh God, I miss the old days when we were young, daring and stupid.” Sam remarked as they sat beside each other on the bed.

“Hey, it wasn’t that long ago, and were not that old.” Emma retorted. “Good grief we’re only twenty-four!”

“I know but It just seems like ages since we were together at college.”

Sam took Emma’s hand in hers and gave it a squeeze.

They ate their toasted sandwiches and opened a small bottle of wine from the mini bar. Soon they’d emptied two bottles along with a half dozen small bottles of whiskey and gin.

“I think I’m slightly drunk.” Emma finally said and lay back on the bed with a contented sigh.

Sam looked down at her best friend’s naked body and smiled ... she slowly closed the gap between them and kissed Emma full on the lips. The kiss was quickly returned and they embraced. Sam opened her mouth and her tongue pressed against Emma’s lips ... lips that parted to allow Sam’s soft warm flesh to explore her friends mouth. Soon both girls were moaning as the kisses became more passionate and both tongues were working overtime’

“Shit, I didn’t know how much I missed this!” Sam declared.

“Me too.” Emma managed say between breaths.

The girls had been on and off lovers during college and although they both dated and fucked guys they’d always had time for each other. Falling back on the bed they kissed deeply again. Sam who was on top ran her hand down between Emma’s legs, brushing across her pussy before inserting a finger.

“Oh, fuck! I’ve really missed that.” Emma squealed and thrust her hips upwards.

“If I remember correctly you liked this better.” Sam said seductively as she slid down the bed and let her tongue brush across Emma’s clitoris.

“Aww yeah ... good memory.” Emma squealed with delight. She was soon writhing on the bed unable to control her movements and knew she wouldn’t last long. Sure enough her body suddenly gave way as waves of pleasure shot through her whole body. The tongue and fingers didn’t stop and the waves crashed again, and again, and again.

Finally Sam came up for air and she slid back up the bed. Emma’s body was slick from sweat, and her breathing was ragged as she regained control.